Chapters [103-104]

Chapter 103. The Joy of Wealthy People


The doors to the training ground were opened, the vibrant blue-haired young girl walked in.

The instant she saw Lu Ze and Lu Li, her eyes lit up, and then, she charged over at Lu Li and hugged her.

"Li, I came to find you to go to school together~"

Then, she looked at Lu Ze and waved her hand. "Good morning Senior schoolmate, Junior schoolmate reporting here~"

Lu Ze glanced at the two, and his mouth twitched.

He knew they were close, but they didn't need to hug like that in front of him?

Lu Li sighed helplessly and broke free from Alice's arm. "Alice, how come you came here?"

Alice giggled and raised her flat chest saying, "Because I've moved next to you!"

Lu Ze: "???"

Lu Li: "!!!"

The two looked dazedly at Alice.

What was this??

Moved next to their house?

Wasn't it last night??

Seeing their expressions, Alice smiled. "Father paid ten times the price to buy the house here."

Lu Ze: "!!!"

Lu Li: "!!!"

Oh my!

Ten times?!

That was inhuman!!

What wealth was this? How could they spend money like that?

Seeing Alice smile, Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Was this the joy of wealthy people??

But thinking about it, Merlin was a star level being. He was no ordinary person for sure. It was understandable that he was wealthy?

Alice looked at Lu Ze. "Didn't Senior schoolmate have an agreement with Father? I'm thinking that I can stay with Li too, so I persuaded Father to move here."

Lu Li heard this and her eyes flashed. She showed a gentle smile as she looked at Lu Ze. "Brother, what agreement is it?"

She didn't think her brother would have some ties to a star level being. The only connection would be Alice.

This would make her care.

Lu Ze smiled and said, "I just asked Uncle to help protect father, mother, and you."

Lu Li heard the words and hesitated slightly. She didn't expect the agreement was like that.

She frowned. How could a star level being agree to be a bodyguard?

Alice smiled and explained, "It's due to me, Li."

Then, Alice told her about how Lu Ze saved her.

After all, she didn't tell Lu Li before because she didn't want Lu Li to worry.

She let loose her feelings due to playing with Lu Ze for a whole day and let out what she had kept inside of her for so long to Lu Ze. She completely didn't expect that Lu Ze had a way to resolve it.

Perhaps this was fate?

Thinking about this, Alice glanced at Lu Ze.

Senior schoolmate was her savior.

Now, her state would only get better and better. She no longer needed to keep it from Lu Li.

Lu Li listened quietly with complicated eyes.

Lu Li thought that Alice was just an ordinary girl. When Alice revealed that her dad was a star level being, she had her conjectures, but she didn't expect things were like this.

She started dealing with that pressure since five. It must've been very tough.

Seeing Alice's bright smile, Lu Li felt like she definitely wouldn't be able to do it. She wouldn't be able to constantly maintain a smile like that.

She nodded. "So that's it, Brother saved you…"

What else could she say?

Alice was her only close friend. Lu Ze saved Alice. Of course, she was happy.

But, this script didn't seem to be going right?!

Alice already had a good impression of her brother. Now looking at this guy's eyes, Lu Li felt things weren't good.

How should she deal with this?

Why did this happen?

For the first time, there was someone she liked. For the first time, she had a close friend. Shouldn't the two combined result in more happiness?

Why did things become like this?

So annoying!

It's all Lu Ze's fault!!

Lu Li was very annoyed and glanced at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was a little dumbfounded. What was this look?

What did he do?

Hearing this, Alice smiled. "Yeah, Senior schoolmate saved me. It was like a dream!"

Then, she hugged Lu Li again. "Hehe~ Li and Senior schoolmate are indeed siblings. Li went into my heart, and Senior schoolmate saved my life. It's so fortunate that I met you guys."

Lu Li's eyes flashed as she smiled and said, "Alice, we're actually not blood siblings."

Hearing this, Alice couldn't react in time. "Hmm?"

Then, she opened her eyes and mouth wide open while looking at the two in shock. "Li, you guys aren't blood siblings?!"

She looked at Lu Ze. "Is that really so Senior schoolmate?"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. He pointed at himself. "Really, I was the one adopted."

Since Lu Li didn't plan to hide it, neither did he.

Lu Li ignored Alice's reaction and continued, "By the way, this guy looked at me with a strange look when I left the shower this morning. What a psycho brother."


Lu Ze felt Alice's glance became strange. His mouth twitched as he protested, "I think my glance was very innocent!"

It was clearly the fault of the rabbit pajamas.

Was it really appropriate to say this about him in front of Alice?

Lu Ze felt his image completely collapse in Alice's eyes.

Alice looked at the awkward Lu Ze and then at Lu Li, who had glimmering eyes.

The two looked at each other and noticed something different.

At this moment, Alice said, "Li, let's go first. We're going to be late for school."

Lu Li smiled and flicked her long hair while nodding, "Mhm."

Then, Alice waved her hand to Lu Ze. "Senior schoolmate, I'll cook for you tonight, bye!"

Lu Li's body froze as she smiled even more gently at Lu Ze.

Then, the two left.

Glancing at the two, Lu Ze felt that for some reason there wasn't something right. Was it a misperception?

Lu Ze didn't ponder on it more. He was anticipating the dinner tonight.

Alice was really nice!

She just said last night she would cook for him, and now, here she is today.


Chapter 104. Lu Wen Has an Idea


Lu Ze began cultivation again after Lu Li and Alice left.

After one night of revision, fusing god art was much easier. There were many times that he was on the border of success.

However, even that border still meant failure.

In one morning of cultivation, Lu Ze had accumulated quite some experience of failure. He casually had some breakfast and then went back to his room to keep practicing.

After more than two hours, the cultivation finished. Lu Ze used the wind crystal ball from the huge green wolf he killed last night to keep learning wind god art.

Then, he began to use faint [red orbs] to cultivate his body and spirit force.

Time passed rapidly during cultivation and gradually, it was already night time.

Lu Ze felt the crystal color in his body as well as the surging spirit force and smiled.

He was improving every day. He loved this sort of life.

It was very good.

He got down from the bed and stretched his back before looking outside.

The golden sunlight was nearly devoured by the darkness of night.

Lu Ze scratched his head. He seemed to have cultivated too much today. Did they have dinner already?

He really wanted to eat Alice's dishes!

He got out and went downstairs. Lu Ze found in surprise that Merlin was chatting with Lu Wen on the couch.

"Brother Merlin, let me tell you, Li has been sensible from a young age. Her grades are really good. I never really worried about her!"

"Brother Lu Wen, let me tell you, my Alice is very considerate of me. She learned all my cooking wholeheartedly. She's so nice that I'm embarrassed~"

"Haha, Alice is so pretty. As a dad, I'm always worried too many people would like her."

"Haha, Alice is so cute, there seems to be a lot of people liking her at school already."

Lu Ze watched as these two kept complimenting their daughters…


He even wanted to laugh.

How old were they? Can't they be more mature??

They were comparing daughters!

But he didn't expect Alice's dad would get along with his dad so well. They were both daughter control freaks.

He looked at the direction of the kitchen. The door was closed. It seemed Mum and Alice were inside. He wondered if Alice was there.

He glanced at the two on the couch, and his mouth twitched. He rejected sitting next to them. He was cringing to death from how they were complimenting their daughters.

At this moment, Merlin looked at Lu Ze and said with a smile, "Ze, you finished cultivation?"

Merlin looked quite favorably on Lu Ze. His talent and character were great. He was also hardworking.

Of course, there was no negotiation regarding Alice!

Lu Wen didn't notice Lu Ze at first. He turned around and smiled. "Come, Ze, sit over."

He didn't expect his son to be this familiar with a star level being. This made him quite proud.

Seeing the two call him, Lu Ze could only walk over.

He smiled at Merlin. "Uncle, thank you for using such effort."

With Merlin next door, he felt completely safe about the safety of his family.

Merlin smiled. "It's nothing. You don't need to worry about your home now and can focus on cultivation. The human race needs young prodigies like you."

At this moment, Lu Wen looked at Lu Ze and then Merlin. His eyes flashed. He had a great idea.

He applauded. "Brother Merlin, Alice is a really nice kid. She's understanding, good looking, and a good cook."

Merlin's eyes immediately lit up as he glanced at Lu Wen with satisfaction.

Oh ho

You finally know how good my daughter is?

You have some eyes~

Merlin felt great and proud.

However, just at this moment, Lu Wen said, "Brother Merlin, my Ze is pretty good too right? I'm not bluffing. He's talented, handsome, and hardworking. He has no bad habits and has huge potential. Although I can't compare with you, Brother Merlin, don't you reckon he can try being with Alice?"

He could rest assured if Lu Ze was with Alice. He quite liked Alice too.

He was a prodigy indeed!

Lu Ze: "???"

He didn't dare to believe this. His dad went to such extremes to find him a girlfriend??

Merlin: "!!!"

Oh shit!

No wonder Lu Wen suddenly changed. There was a plot!!

He was originally planning to eat at home tonight, but Alice said she wanted to cook for Lu Ze, this kid. That's why he came!

How could he agree to such things?

Is he dreaming!

He smiled and said, "Brother Lu Wen, Alice is still too young. Wait a hundred years before talking about such things."

Then, he said comfortingly, "Brother Lu Wen, Ze's talent is outstanding. You don't need to worry about him finding a girlfriend."

Lu Wen's mouth twitched. Who was worried about him not finding a girlfriend?!

He just felt if this continued, his baby girl would be robbed away!

But since Merlin had no such intention, he couldn't force it. Although Merlin was much more amicable than imagined, the difference between them was still there.

He needed to plot this slowly!

The three chatted casually and soon, the kitchen doors opened. An intense aroma wafted in the air. It made Lu Ze's eyes light up.

Fu Shuya, Lu Li, and Alice came out bringing shining food.

Fu Shuya glanced at the three on the couch and called, "Come eat."

After dinner, Merlin looked at Lu Ze. "Ze, come with me to the training ground. There's one month before you go to the battlefield. During this one month, I will come morning and night to teach you. That way you can protect yourself."

After all, Lu Ze is connected to Alice's safety.

Then, he glanced at Alice and Lu Li. "You two come too. Since Alice's god art backlash is resolved, you can begin cultivation. Li has Ze's supply of energy. All your potentials are huge. I will teach you cultivation."

Alice heard this and her face blossomed with happiness. "I can finally cultivate!"

Due to the backlash of the source flame god art, her cultivation had stayed at martial warrior level one. Now, she could finally cultivate!

She was going to be stronger and pay back all those who sacrificed for her.

And, many spirit foods required a high cultivation level to cook. That way, she could cook even tastier food for Senior schoolmate!

Thinking about how greedy Lu Ze would be over her food, Alice smiled even more.

Lu Li's eyes flashed with excitement. She was going to work hard with the guidance of a star level being.

That way, she wouldn't be too far from her brother, right?
