Chapters [105-106]

Chapter 105. Thus, Merlin Felt Heart Ache


In the training grounds, the lighting was sufficient to illuminate the surroundings.

Lu Ze and Merlin stood facing each other. Lu Li and Alice were watching the two from the side.

The most powerful force of the human race was the four divines. Their power was cosmic system state which was above star state. Star state was the strongest below the four divines.

One could imagine how strong Merlin was.

With such a powerful being teaching him, even Lu Ze felt very excited.

Merlin stood with his hands behind his back. He sensed Alice's look of admiration and felt proud. As a father, he was indeed the idol of admiration for his daughter!

Hmph. Lu Ze was far from this!

He smiled with the temperament of a grandmaster and slowly said, "Ze, it's only been a few days since the graduation trial, but there is spirit force circling the surface of your body. I believe you've broken through to spirit martial state. Therefore, your power should be about abstruse martial state level three or level four, right?"

Lu Ze heard this and scratched his head awkwardly.

According to his own estimates, his power should be beyond that.

After all, his martial arts seemed to be jumping a bit fast. Other people went step by step, but currently, he seemed to have reached mortal evolution state?

Plus, even at mortal evolution state, there seemed to be a gradual expansion of spirit force from aperture opening state to change the mortal body into a spirit body. It seemed that he was already a spirit body…

What should he do?

Looking at how Merlin's face was full of confidence, Lu Ze wondered if he should say this.

If he said it and embarrassed Merlin, would he get beaten up?

Merlin saw that Lu Ze didn't speak and thought that Lu Ze was embarrassed about being seen through. Thus, he continued to speak with confidence, "Ze, since you have already been on the martial arts website, I believe you know something about spirit martial state cultivation."

Merlin then paused and said pridefully, "But, that's the spirit martial state of ordinary people. The spirit martial state of prodigies must be stronger! You must have a solid foundation for every step of martial arts. The more the foundation, the more important it is. You did the first step very well. Your body refinements have all reached perfection, and you've even developed the martial body. You can't fall behind the next step, which is spirit martial state!"

Lu Ze: "…"

He felt that what Merlin said was completely useless to him…

What should he do? Should he say it?

Seeing how invested Merlin was, Lu Ze felt embarrassed to interrupt him….

"Ze, I don't know if you've learned about the states after spirit martial state. Spirit martial state is drawing chi into the body and storing the spirit chi in the dan tian. The higher level your body refinement, the purer you can refine spirit chi."

"Abstruse martial state is turning spirit chi into liquid. Be like water, abstruse and mysterious. Usually, if martial artists want to awaken god art, they have the greatest chance when they first breakthrough to abstruse martial state."

"Core martial state is turning spirit liquid into spirit core. You would have the potential to keep breaking through, but this is only if you have a good foundation from before and a shiny spirit core like a star."

Then, Merlin glanced at Lu Ze, who was immersed, as well as Lu Li and Alice, who were listening intently and smiled. "Aperture opening state is completely different from the previous ones! This is the most crucial representation of the importance of body refinement foundation! The higher the level of your body refinement, the more apertures you can open! Thus, the more spirit cores you can cultivate in these apertures."

"The human body has 810 apertures. If you open less than 360, then you have no hopes of reaching mortal evolution state."

"But! That's the most ordinary mortal evolution state. For young duke level prodigies, they wouldn't choose to breakthrough if they had less than 800 apertures. They can only attain near-perfection spirit body if they have more than 800 apertures, and only that would allow them to pursue star state, cosmic system state, and even stronger states."

Merlin praised, "In the current generation of young dukes, only one person opened all the apertures, and that's Nangong Jing."

Merlin looked at the three. " Since you have the support of Ze's energy, my requirement for all of you is to achieve perfect apertures!"

Merlin smiled at them and said. "What? Do you have confidence?"

At this moment, Lu Ze felt he had to speak. He was a bit worried.

Oh my!

Apertures were that complex?

Would he be over?

He didn't even know how many apertures he opened…

What if it was less than 360?

He scratched his head and said, "Um, Uncle, I seem to have some problem."

Merlin smiled slightly. "What's the problem?"

What sort of students did teachers like best?

Of course, students who asked questions!

Only then would they feel they weren't teaching air.

Lu Li and Alice also looked at Lu Ze, wondering what question he would ask.

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly and answered, "Um, I seem to be a spirit body already."

Merlin: "???"

Lu Li: "???"

Alice: "???"

The atmosphere fell silent as the three widened their eyes while looking at Lu Ze.

Moments later, Merlin asked, "What did you say? I didn't seem to hear it properly."

He definitely felt he heard wrong. What did this bastard just say?

Spirit body?

Is it a simplification of spirit martial state body?

He suddenly felt the name spirit body was problematic. Should he tell the education department to change the textbooks?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Seeing how dazed Merlin was, he said with embarrassment, "Uncle, I seem to have spirit force all over my body now. It is not stored in my dan tian or aperture."

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Merlin's mouth twitched as he looked at Lu Ze silently.

So, this guy was listening so intently before. What was he listening to?

Lu Ze spoke awkwardly, "Uncle, I'm very worried. I don't know how many apertures I had when I broke through. Would I have broken through without opening any apertures?"

He asked carefully, "Can I still be saved?"

Merlin looked at Lu Ze and suddenly covered his chest. He didn't want to talk.

He felt a pain in his chest…

Lu Li and Alice were also nervous hearing this.

Alice pulled Merlin worriedly and said, "Father, what's the condition of Senior schoolmate? Would he be okay?"

For some reason, looking at how worried his daughter was, his heart ached even more.

This wasn't too good…

He clenched his teeth and resisted the urge to beat Lu Ze up and said, "He opened all the apertures!"


Chapter 106. The Authors of History


"Opened all the apertures?"

Lu Ze said as he got slightly stunned. His eyes widened as he looked at Merlin in disbelief.

Lu Li and Alice, on the other side, opened their eyes wide too. Surprise and joy were flashing in their eyes. They turned their heads to look at Merlin as well.

Merlin: "…"

Being stared at like this, Merlin felt his chest got heavier…

But since Alice was curious, he explained formally, "All the prodigies, who have spirit body before aperture opening state, have opened all their apertures."

He glanced at Lu Ze and continued, "In the history of the human race, there are no more than five."

Looking at how shocked they were, Merlin continued, "Nangong Jing is the same as you. She had a spirit body before reaching aperture opening state."

Merlin's mouth twitched. "But Nangong Jing had a special god art called golden battle blood. When she broke through to abstruse martial state, her battle blood boiled and forcefully broke open all the apertures turning her body into a spirit body."

Merlin praised, "The girl of Nangong family is indeed quite amazing. You either succeed or die from such methods. Such courage."

At this moment, Alice looked at Lu Ze with admiration and said, "If that's the case, Sister Jing became spirit body at abstruse martial state, but Senior schoolmate became spirit body at just spirit martial state! Senior schoolmate is so amazing!"

Lu Li's eyes flashed with pride too.

This fish-lipped Lu Ze was really strong…

But she couldn't fall behind.

She hoped she would stand by his side in the future, not behind him!

Merlin: "…"

His mouth twitched after seeing Alice's look of admiration.

He clearly told himself not to praise this kid in front of Alice!

But he was too shocked that he couldn't hold his praise back.

After all, from what the kid showed, he could be considered the most powerful prodigy in human history!

As long as this kid didn't die, he would definitely become one of the strongest pillars of the human race!

After all, the four divines had less than a thousand years left…

If a cosmic system state couldn't appear within a thousand years in the human race, then…

Thinking about this, Merlin felt immense pressure.

He was currently one of the hopes of the human race, but due to the backlash of Alice's god art, he hadn't been able to go out to venture. In addition, due to devouring Alice's source flame, his cultivation level was even regressing.

But there was nothing he could do about this.

Alice's god art was too powerful. Everyone had a sliver of hope.

But now, this sliver of hope finally germinated.

If it could bear fruit in the future, then the eminence of the human race was possible!

Merlin looked silently at Lu Ze.

This kid…

Was a hope!

But, his character was too unreliable.

This kid was laughing like a dumb kid!!

Lu Ze felt great right now.

Was he that strong?

Oh my! It would only be some time before reaching the peak of human life.

He could even marry a white pretty rich girl.

Alice and Lu Li's glance made him smile even more joyfully.

At this moment, Merlin spoke seriously, "Ze, since you have reached spirit body, then ordinary martial techniques are useless to you. You must remember, true power is power in every aspect. Body, spirit force, mental force, technique, and god art."

"Having a flawed power would lead you to be targetted. As a young duke of the human race, you must be strong in all directions, stronger than anyone you meet from another race!"

"Even for races friendly to us, you must not expose that god art that can produce energy. Otherwise, our entire human race would be in danger."

He looked at Alice and Lu Li. "You two remember this too. You must not speak of Lu Ze's god art!"

Alice and Lu Li nodded seriously. They knew the severity of things. How could they spill it?

Lu Ze nodded.

The human race was united, and they treated prodigies the best they could. With how Alice's parents and the entire hierarchy of the human race was sacrificing themselves to help Alice awaken her source flame, he revealed the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] in the form of god art.

He trusted these people who would do anything for the prosperity of the human race.

They were the authors of history.

Of course, he wasn't going to tell other races.

He was a smart guy!

Merlin nodded and smiled. "Within the race, you can give some to people you feel you can trust."

Merlin felt it was a pity. Too bad Lu Ze's power was too weak. When he becomes stronger, perhaps the energy balls would be stronger?

By then, perhaps the ancestors would have a chance of improving?

The divines of the human race had sacrificed too much for the entire human race…

All this could only wait until Lu Ze was stronger.

Lu Ze smiled. "If I have spares, I will."

But of course, he would satisfy those close to him first.

Alice and Lu Li glanced at each other with some vigilance and complexity.

The winner hadn't been decided between them. They really didn't want Lu Ze to be affiliated with other girls due to this, but this was for the greater good. They couldn't say anything about this.

This was annoying!!

Lu Li was especially annoyed. She was clearly first!

Thinking about this, Lu Li's eyes flashed as she smiled gently to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze suddenly felt chilly in his heart.

Oh my! Who was cursing him!

How could someone curse a man as handsome as him? Was there still reason in this world?!

Receiving Lu Ze's promise, Merlin smiled. "You decide this yourself. Okay, since you're a spirit body, then, I'll spar with you. After spirit body, you have to learn the most suitable combat method for you."

Merlin's smile grew amicable.

He was embarrassed, and Alice admired this guy. He had to beat this kid up.

Otherwise, he wouldn't feel satisfied!
