Chapters [115-116]

Chapter 115. Causing Extreme Discomfort


Five pillars of flame rose up in the grassy plains. Lu Ze, who was surrounded in the middle, sweated.

It was really hot!

Red flames burned in the bottom of his eyes. Then, the five flame pillars eased up a little.

But even so, Lu Ze still frowned.

It wasn't easy trying to interfere with five red lions at the same time.

Lu Ze's eyes narrowed as a crystal color shone. A green light flashed, and thrice the power was opened, entering his strongest state in an instant.

Due to frequent use of the strength god art, the pain in his body was becoming more noticeable.

Every part was painful.

But since he was surrounded by five evils, he couldn't give up.

He would charge first!

If he couldn't beat them, then he would run!

Sensing terrifying power coming from Lu Ze's skinny body, the five lions became cautious.


The flames from the lions turned into fireballs and shot at Lu Ze.

A green light flashed, and Lu Ze instantly charged into the sky, dodging the fireball strikes.

Ten, terrifying explosion sounded behind him. When Lu Ze turned around, there was nearly a hundred-meter large crater at where he was.

Oh my!

The five fireball jutsu was this terrifying!

Quantity changes resulted in qualitative changes!

Before Lu Ze finished sighing, five flame claws struck down at him.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold. His body sunk, and he instantly appeared on the ground.

Facing these lions, who had extremely powerful long-range attacks, he might as well stay on the ground and run if he couldn't fly extremely high.

But if he did fly high…

Lu Ze couldn't resist thinking about the green wolf that was picked up like a bug by the huge golden eagle.

Erm… never mind… staying alive was more important.

If he really encountered the golden eagle, he wouldn't even be able to run.

The instant Lu Ze landed, red flames flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and the flame pillar of the lion nearest to him shook. It became unstable.

It was hard to interfere with five at once but just interfering one was clearly effective.

Lu Ze tapped on the ground as his body turned into the wind, disappearing from the spot. When he appeared again, he was at the left stomach of a red lion.

He clenched his right fist into a punch and just planned to punch out when he felt this scorching heat from his own left.

He glanced and found that the nearest lion to this one had appeared next to him. It slapped at him with a huge flame claw.

Feeling the terrifying power from the claw, Lu Ze's mouth twitched.


This teamwork was over the line.

His attack was clearly surprising, but the lions knew such tactics?

That wasn't it. He felt that the farther lions were coming over rapidly. In less than an instant, he would be surrounded again.

Lu Ze resolutely gave up attacking.

He wasn't confident he could beat this lion to submission with one punch, but the claw from the other lion was enough to heavily injure him.

If he was heavily injured, he would be surrounded and toyed.


He was a mature hunter now!

He wouldn't make such mistakes!

Lu Ze disappeared and once again broke free from their gang.

The only advantage Lu Ze had now was that he was faster than the lions.

As soon as he got away, a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as thousands of green wind blades appeared. With the press of his palm, a few hundred struck at the other four lions while the remaining thousand attacked the lion which was furthest away from the rest.

At the same time, the fire burned in Lu Ze's green light. The flame pillar of the main target became unstable.

Sensing the huge threat, the main lion roared in worry. The other four lions roared and used all their power trying to smash away the wind blades to help their trapped friend.


This was just the setup!

Lu Ze resisted the power vacuum of just using his full power explosively and burst out again.

His muscles were shaking. Blood seeped out from his body. Lu Ze was using every ounce of power he had.


His body followed the thousand wind blades and charged at the focused lion.

Crystal color burst around his body. The green light flashed around Lu Ze's right hand as he punched. The green fist force struck on the red lion.

There was the sound of bones cracking. The lion wailed as his body was carried in the air, by the huge force forming an arc, and fell heavily tens of meters away.

Lu Ze coughed. His eyes flashed with hideousness as he once again appeared next to the heavily injured lion. Vibrant green wind blade flashed, and the red lion lost its life.

In a short instant, Lu Ze burst his power relentlessly and killed another red lion.

At this moment, the other lions finally broke free from the wind blades. Seeing their pal killed, they roared ferociously and charged at Lu Ze.

Seeing this, Lu Ze felt bitter.

One limit-breaking burst already made him feel depleted.

He quickly picked up all the [light orbs] and dashed.

Find a rabbit hole first!

As soon as a Lu Ze ran a few hundred meters, a terrifying pressure rushed toward his direction.

Lu Ze's already heavily injured body spat blood from this pressure.

At this moment, a vibrant red flame landed a few hundred meters in front of Lu Ze.

Then, the flames slowly disappeared and a nearly four-meter tall, huge red lion appeared from the flames.

Its beast eyes contained flames. It had a powerful and sturdy body, as well as dense flame-like fur. There was a blood jade-like 30 centimeters horn on the top of its head. It looked very ferocious.

Looking at this lion, Lu Ze's hairs jumped up.

Countless battles have trained his senses, and they told him this lion was extremely strong!

The four ferocious lions, who chased Lu Ze, saw this red horned lion. They immediately ran to the horned lion tamely and rubbed themselves against the lion.

Lu Ze: "???"

He blinked his eyes looking at the tame lions in disbelief.

Oh shit!

Were these really the lions that tried to kill him?!

Subsequently, Lu Ze's complexion changed. He glanced at the horned lion that had a thick mane. He then shifted his eyes to the four small lions that had no mane.

Oh my! Could this be a male lion and female lionesses??

Lu Ze looked at the domineering male lion, and his mouth twitched.

Cough, it had quite the harem.

This must be the dream of countless men!

Suddenly, a bright red flame instantly ignited from his body.

Then, Lu Ze sunk into darkness.

When he regained his vision, he was in his room again.

Lu Ze was sweating, and his body was convulsing with pain.

This flame was so much stronger than the flames of the female lions. Even with his current body, he died on the spot.

This hatred, he will remember it!

Moments later, Lu Ze recovered slowly. He breathed, sat down, and began his cultivation.


Chapter 116. Kid, I'm Here


In the early morning, the chirping sounds of some unknown birds can be heard from outside the window. A warm ray of sunlight and a light breeze entered the room.

The sun shone softly on Lu Ze's handsome face, making him frown.

The spirit chi in the void was dragged into his body non-stop, eventually filling his body up. Every cell was filled with the waves of spirit force.

Then, Lu Ze opened his eyes. The green light flashed, and flames burned at the bottom of his eyes.

He slowly exhaled. His breath carried some scorching chi, as though containing some sparks.

He clenched his hands and felt the power circulating in his body. Lu Ze smiled.

He opened his hands. Flames burned on the left hand while the wind circulated on the right hand.

Then, the flames from the left hand turned into a red flowing light and fused with the wind in his right hand.

The fusion process was very natural.

Then, the flame grew bigger with the breeze of the wind. Gradually, it enveloped Lu Ze's entire hand.

The wind and the fire seemed to be entwined. They relied on each other and empowered each other.

It had been 20 days since he was burned to ash by that horned lion.

Now, Lu Ze had improved in all aspects, whether it was the body, spirit force, mental force, god art, or technique. He didn't leave anything behind.

At this moment, his combat power had reached core martial state level two.

That didn't count his explosive power when he fused wind and fire god art.

A month ago, Lu Ze's combat power was only abstruse martial state level two.

A month later, his combat power improved a whole big state!

Although Lu Ze was a spirit body now, this improvement was still a bit absurd.

The flame disintegrated, and the wind dispersed. Lu Ze got up and stretched his back.

He looked at the clear sky and raised his lips. There was some anticipation in his eyes.

Today, Nangong Jing was coming to pick him up.

He was about to head to the battlefield!

There definitely was anxiety.

That was the battlefield. There would be bodies everywhere. Lives meant nothing, and if one weren't strong enough, it would be a place of no return.

But Lu Ze still had some anticipation.

According to what Merlin said, he could become a second lieutenant with his current power as long as he had the military merit to back it up.

Of course, being a student, he would only have a position with no authority.

According to Merlin, students usually went to regions that weren't too intense. Usually, there wouldn't be planetary states.

Plus, he was just a new uni student, his missions would definitely be rather easy. With his power, it should be pretty easy to stay alive if he stayed cautious.

Lu Ze went to the bathroom, cleaned himself, and proceeded downstairs.

Downstairs, Lu Wen, Fu Shuya, and Lu Li were already waiting for him.

The food was ready on the table. Fu Shuya looked at him in a complicated manner. "Good boy, you've really made up your mind?"

Fu Shuya and Lu Wen knew that Lu Ze was going to the battlefield, wherein there was always death. Fu Shuya was worried.

But her boy had grown up. He made his own decision, and she decided to respect that.

Lu Ze grinned. "Mhm, don't worry, Mother. Your son is a man who can come and go as he pleases in the insectoids tide. The small battlefield is nothing."

Lu Wen sneered, "Although I heard your power is quite strong, don't get cocky. The fastest to die on the battlefield are those ignorant new recruits like you—"

Before Lu Wen even finished, Fu Shuya instantly subjugated him, "My good boy is leaving, can't you say something nice??"

Lu Wen's mouth twitched. He was clearly reminding Lu Ze.

Could he be blamed?

Seeing his dad feeling wronged, Lu Ze felt happy.

His dad always had a thing against him. Now, karma got him.

But, he nodded genuinely towards his dad's teachings. "I know. I will be careful."

Seeing Lu Ze nod, Lu Wen breathed easy. Although he didn't show it, it didn't mean he wasn't worried.

Lu Li also looked worriedly at him. "Lu Ze, you must be careful."

Lu Ze hesitated slowly and looked at Lu Li. He smiled and nodded, "Mhm, don't worry."

"Okay, have your breakfast. Your teacher is coming in the morning right? See if you have left anything behind. Pack your things, don't let your teacher wait."

Fu Shuya said as everyone began eating.

After breakfast, Fu Shuya started checking Lu Ze's belongings.

Half an hour later, Fu Shuya nodded happily after ensuring nothing was left behind.

At this moment, Merlin and Alice came in.

Alice came to Lu Ze and smiled. "Senior schoolmate, the battlefield is dangerous. You must be careful."

With a smile, Lu Ze replied, "Don't worry."

Merlin said, "Kid, as long as you don't get too cocky on the battlefield, you'll be fine with your power."

Lu Ze nodded and looked seriously at Merlin. "Thank you for your teaching, Uncle."

Without Merlin's teaching, he would never progress that fast.

Seeing how serious Lu Ze was, Merlin was stunned.

He didn't expect that the unreliable Lu Ze still had a serious side to him. Then, he nodded and smiled, "You're a prodigy of the human race. I should teach you. Plus…"

Merlin didn't say it, but the rest of them knew, except Lu Wen and Fu Shuya.

The two were too weak. It was no good letting them know.

Merlin looked at Lu Ze. "Don't weaken the honor of the human race at the battlefield!"

Lu Ze grinned. "Don't worry, I'll give those aliens an eye-opener."

Merlin nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, Lu Ze's phone rung. Lu Ze took it out and saw it was a message from 'Iron Fist Judgement': "Kid, I'm here."

Lu Ze was surprised and looked around but found no ship landing in the yard. At this moment, a figure jumped down from the sky into the yard.

Seeing this, everyone came to the yard.

It was Nangong Jing.

She had the same exquisite face from the video call. A slightly raised eyebrow, tall figure, long black hair, and brown casuals with an ordinary pair of jeans.

She still looked a little tipsy.
