Chapters [117-118]

Chapter 117. Gifts


When the crowd walked out of the gate, Nangong Jing looked over tipsily.

However, when she saw the golden-haired Merlin, she blinked her eyes in a daze.

Then, Alice smiled and waved her hand, "Sister Jing, long time no see!"

Nangong Jing looked over and saw Alice's familiar smile and blue hair. She was suddenly excited and immediately woke up from her tipsy state.

She scratched her head with some embarrassment and nodded at Merlin and Alice. "Uncle Merlin, Alice, what are you guys doing here? Long time no see."

Merlin nodded. "It's been five years right? I didn't expect to see you here today. Jing, you haven't changed at all."

Alice smiled too. "Did Sister Jing just finish drinking?"

Nangong Jing's mouth twitched. Her awkwardness grew deeper.

As a high-level spirit chef, of course, Merlin stored quite some beautiful wine.

Before, she even tried to get Alice to steal some precious wines from Merlin, so she could taste them.

But at that time, Alice was only 11 years old, so she ran to Merlin to directly ask him.

She still remembered how Merlin looked at her after her plan failed.

Lu Wen and Fu Shuya saw that Merlin and Alice seemed to know Nangong Jing and blinked their eyes. With a smile, Lu Wen asked, "Brother Merlin, you guys know each other?"

Merlin nodded. "Our two families are very close."

The family relations at the top of the human race were usually very close. After all, their main target was for the human race to get stronger and survive better in the universe.

Although there might be some competition in resources, everyone helped each other all in all.

When the source flame of Alice backlashed, the powerful beings of several other families helped. Nangong family helped the most.

Then, Nangong Jing glanced at Lu Ze and then looked at Merlin. She pointed her finger at Lu Ze in shock. "Uncle Merlin, this kid is your disciple?"

Merlin spoke, "No, I just taught him for a few days. My disciples are Alice and Lu Li."

Merlin then pointed at Alice and Lu Li.

It was best that Lu Ze stayed as far away from him as possible.

Lu Ze: "???"

He was beaten up so many times, and now, he was just abandoned like that?

But Merlin still said, "Be careful when you guys go to the battlefield."

Even prodigies needed to go to the battlefield.

How could one grow to a real powerhouse without experiencing interstellar warfare?

Without experiencing war, how could one understand the harshness of the universe and protect the human race?

The prodigies prepared by the schools aren't for show. They need to be responsible for the future of the human race.

Therefore, people needed to serve the military after graduating the university.

Most human race prodigies chose to join the military or become adventurers to explore the vast outposts of the milky way galaxy. Some choose to join other departments.

Of course, there are some who choose to join corporations or become the protectorate of a family after military service.

But once the situation became serious for the human race, all of the powerful beings needed to enter the battlefield unconditionally.

If one died during the war, the human race had the best welfare system to look after such a person's family.

Nangong Jing nodded. "I will look after him."

On the battlefield, prodigies had no special treatment. Everything was done in terms of military merit.

Even a planetary state would have no commanding authority if he was a new recruit.

Otherwise, one mistake and countless soldiers would die.

They were students, and this was their entrance test, so it was better.

The danger was very low.

With Nangong Jing's promise, Merlin nodded.

The atmosphere fell silent. Lu Wen, Fu Shuya, Lu Li, and Alice looked at Lu Ze with some worry.

Feeling this, Lu Ze scratched his head and smiled. "I'm going. Don't worry, I will call back."

With the current technology level, quantum communication was enough to provide coverage in the entire galaxy. Some higher-level civilizations even had the method to communicate throughout the entire universe, but that wasn't something the human race could understand.

Lu Wen nodded and didn't speak.

Fu Shuya's eyes were teary. This was the first time her child was leaving alone, and it was the battlefield. No mother could feel rest assured.

She nodded and touched Lu Ze's face, "Good boy, you must stay safe."

Lu Ze nodded and grinned. "Don't worry, I promise I'll come back safe."

Lu Li flicked her long hair and said, "Lu Ze."

Lu Ze looked over with confusion. "Hmm?"

Her eyes flashed as she looked away with embarrassment. She then took out a cute doll.

The doll was round like a ball. It was black and white and looked quite cute.

Lu Ze looked at the familiar shape, and his mouth twitched.

Oh my!

It was a panda!

Lu Ze glanced at Lu Li with a strange look. "This is?"

Lu Li blushed from Lu Ze's gaze before eventually saying with annoyance, "Apparently, this is the national treasure of a country called China during the Earth era. It can bring good luck. Don't you think it's cute?"

This was her most treasured doll. What was his look?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Sensing Lu Li's annoyance, he quickly nodded. "It's cute, very cute!"

He just didn't expect a girl like Lu Li would like dolls.

Lu Li handed the panda doll over and looked up at Lu Ze. "I hope this can bring you good luck."

Seeing her genuine look, Lu Ze took it and nodded. "I will look after it."

Lu Li nodded and spoke very softly, "Mhm, have a safe trip brother."

"Mhm, don't worry."

Then, Alice took out a blue storage ring and gave it to Lu Ze. She smiled and said, "Senior schoolmate, this is my gift!"

Lu Ze: "???"

Was she that wealthy??

Giving storage rings?

And, giving a ring felt strange.

It wasn't just Lu Ze. Everyone else looked strangely at Alice.

Merlin especially, his face changed.

He felt his precious daughter was getting further and further away from him.

Alice smiled. "Senior schoolmate likes good food. It's my spirit food. You can take it out and eat."

Hearing this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. Feeling touched, he looked at Alice as he took the storage ring. "Thank you, Alice!"

Indeed, Alice was very caring!

Seeing how touched Lu Ze was when he heard spirit food, everyone was speechless.

Even Nangong Jing was speechless.

From the broadcast during the graduation trial, she knew this kid was a foodie. She just didn't expect it to be this absurd.

Lu Ze smiled. "I'm going then."

Everything was packed. Lu Ze also gave all the energy balls of the rabbits and green wolves to Lu Li and Alice. It was enough for quite a while. The next time he came back would be a few months later. He would bring them more [light orbs].

Everyone nodded and stopped talking.

Then, Lu Ze looked at Nangong Jing who stood there waiting with her hands in her pockets. "Ms. Nangong, let's go. Where's the flying ship?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "You can fly, right? Keep up."

Then, a gleam of golden light flashed across her body, and she flew up.

Lu Ze also flew up with her.

Seeing the two leave, everyone fell silent for a while before going back to their own things.


Chapter 118. Don't Act Too Cocky and You Can Live Long


Lu Ze flew in the sky with Nangong Jing for about 2 kilometers high and passed through the thick layer of clouds. Then, he saw a space ship stationed in the air.

It was more than 50 meters long and shaped like a water drop. It was completely dark and had complicated golden prints inscribed on it. It seemed very luxurious.

Nangong Jing took Lu Ze to the space ship, and the doors opened itself. Then, Nangong Jing said, "Come in."

Lu Ze nodded and followed.

As soon as he did, Lu Ze looked around with curiosity.

A private spaceship. This was similar to a top luxury car back on the Earth era.

Nangong Jing saw this and grinned with a bit of pride. "What do you think? Not bad, right? My private spaceship? The attack and defense systems can reach planetary state. Its speed is very high too. From here to the Shar system battlefield, we're going to only take six days."

Lu Ze didn't know how far the battlefield was, but just the attack and defense systems reaching planetary state scared him a bit.

This was a private space ship, not a warship.

Nangong Jing kept introducing as she took Lu Ze down the corridor.

At the end of the hallway, a door opened, revealing a 100 square meter room. It was decorated like a living room. There was a couch, as well as a tea table, screen, bar, and gaming console.

As a young duke, she was secretly playing games?

At this moment, there was already someone sitting on the couch. She was playing a popular galactic warfare game. She seemed quite excited right now.

Lu Ze looked at the short hair and rather gender-neutral exquisite face. It was Lin Ling, whom he hadn't seen for a month.

Seeing how excited she was playing games, Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Why were these people all playing games??

This was not okay?

At least, bring him one!

At this moment, Lin Ling seemed to have heard the door. She pressed the pause button and looked over.

When she saw Nangong Jing and Lu Ze, her bright eyes lit up as she smiled. "Lu Ze, long time no see!"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "Indeed."

Then, he walked in with Nangong Jing.

Nangong Jing took out a bottle of wine from the bar and turned on autopilot before putting her jacket down, revealing a black tight jumper. Then, she threw herself on the couch.

She snuggled and found a comfortable spot before filling her mouth with wine. Gulping down, she gasped in satisfaction.

Her actions were so smooth that she seemed like a single old man who came home from work.

Lin Ling was clearly used to this. She smiled at Lu Ze. "Lu Ze, have you been cultivating a lot? Let's spar in the virtual reality?"

Lu Ze was slightly surprised. "There's a virtual reality pod here?"

At this moment, the slightly red face Nangong Jing said with pride, "Of course! I spent a lot of effort decorating the Golden Whirl. How can it not have something like virtual reality?"

Then, she smiled. "By the way, last time, I seemed to have told you to reach some state? Abstruse martial state level eight, right?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Oh my, so she was planning this back then.

At that time, she said high level abstruse martial state. Level seven and above were considered high level, but right now, she just said abstruse martial state level eight?

She planned this already!

Luckily, he was very strong right now. He had reached core martial state level two. Otherwise, he would really be a bit worried.

Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze and smiled with evil intent.

This guy spoke the title of Iron Fist Duke in front of all those people. He's probably ready to get beaten up, right?

She immediately jumped up and said with anticipation, "Let's go to the virtual reality room. I'm going to check your cultivation progress."

Lin Ling also got up. "Let's go. I also want to spar with you."

She was very prideful. Although she lost to Lu Ze last time, it didn't mean she admitted defeat. She had improved a lot during this period.

Although she probably was still no match for Lu Ze, the difference wouldn't be as huge as last time.

Since two girls invited him to spar, he wasn't going to retreat as he was a man.

It was just sparring.

Lu Ze didn't mind.

The three came to a small room on the side. There were four virtual reality pods inside.

They entered one of them separately and went into an established training ground.

It was a vast space of several kilometers. The three appeared simultaneously.

Nangong Jing grinned at Lu Ze. "Come, don't be scared. I'll be gentle."

Lu Ze: "…"

Just looking at her eyes, Lu Ze knew that he would be hanged and whipped.

Lu Ze scratched his head and smiled. "Teacher Nangong, you said you wanted to test if my power reached abstruse martial state level eight, right? Then, you must set a rule, right? Otherwise, I'm going to get beaten up by you for a long time?"

After hearing him, Nangong Jing was a little surprised. She felt quite satisfied in her heart.

This kid knew well.

He already knew he couldn't escape getting beaten up.

She nodded. "Okay, in that case, I'll use abstruse martial state level eight power. How about it?"

Hearing this, Lu Ze's smile grew very amicable. "Teacher Nangong is really a fair and nice teacher."

Under the same grade of power, even Merlin, a star state being, couldn't take advantage of Lu Ze, much less Nangong Jing?

Seeing the smile on Lu Ze's face, Lin Ling's eyes flashed.

Then, she looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Did this guy improve more than her?

Nangong Jing called again impatiently. "I agreed. Can we begin?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Come."

Then, crystal color flashed around his body while green wind circulated around him.

He just used abstruse martial state level eight power too.

He was scared that he acted too cocky and made Nangong Jing annoyed. Then, she would use full power to give him a beating.

This had happened many times the past month while he sparred with Merlin.

From all those beatings, he learned a life lesson.

Don't act too cocky, and one can live long!
