Chapters [127-128]

Chapter 127. Planted Neatly


As the atmosphere fell silent, Lu Ze recovered from his angry state.

Lu Ze glanced at the two blade demons who were both level 3. They were planted next to each other. Then, he shifted his gaze toward the stiff level two blade demons who were panicking and at Lin Ling whose mouth was slightly open.

With some awkwardness, he smiled at her and scratched his head. "Um, sorry… I didn't notice… You can't blame me! They cursed me first! I was forced!"

Lu Ze felt embarrassed. He wanted to let Lin Ling show off her talents, but then he acted cool.

He should be a man of his words.

He must let Lin Ling show her power today!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze smiled to her. "There are still 30 enemies remaining. I'll hold up 27, and you can deal with the remaining three. Just use brute force!"

Lin Ling: "…"

Seeing Lu Ze's smile, her 36D chest started aching.

Was this retard's brain messed up??

Hold up 27??

She actually thought this guy could only just hold them back.

Now that she thought about it, she was too naive…

Why didn't he say he was that strong?

She almost thought she was going to die.

Lu Ze looked at the grumpy Lin Ling and laughed. "Or should I deal with them all?"

Lin Ling's mouth twitched, and she answered, "Leave me three…"

After all, it didn't seem too good if she did nothing.

Lu Ze nodded and looked at the nervous blade demons.

Their battleship was heavily damaged. It would take some time to repair it before they could use it. Clearly, they didn't have that time now.

These two humans probably wouldn't let them go.

Thinking about this, they glanced amongst each other, and their eyes became fierce once again.

Being cruel and bloodthirsty were in their nature. When they had no retreat, they would attack viciously.

Seeing this, Lu Ze's eyes became cold once again.

A green light flashed in his eyes as the green wind circulated around the 27 blade demons, trapping them within. He left the three blade demons that had similar spirit force waves to Lin Ling.

The three saw they weren't trapped. They thought that Lu Ze was at his limit, so they immediately charged at Lu Ze.

All the blade demons automatically ignored Lin Ling.

Seeing this, Lin Ling darted off the ground and pierced through a blade demon. Then, she stopped the remaining three blade demons.

Lu Ze observed Lin Ling's battle while keeping watch on the 27 struggling blade demons.

He touched his chin and pondered.

A trapping method that only traps and does not kill would make it easy for someone to turn the tables. Lu Ze felt he shouldn't learn from those cute antagonists.

He should send them to the next world first.

At this moment, Lu Ze looked at the two blade demons whose heads were planted in the ground. His eyes lit up.

He had an interesting idea.

He came to the nearest blade demon with an amicable smile.

The blade demon roared at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze flew up in the air with about the same height as the blade demon.

He punched calmly. His fists carried a crystal glow which smashed onto the head of the roaring blade demon.


The blade demon could only howl before losing its life.

Then, he waved his hand, and the wind circulating around the body of the blade demon brought him to his two leaders. Subsequently, the blade demon's head was struck down.

Immediately, three blade demons were planted in the ground headfirst.

Seeing this, Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction.

Since he begun this, he would do this for all of them.

The roaring blade demons immediately fell silent.

Was this person a demon???

Was he planning to plant them all??

At this moment, Lin Ling was using her god art while fighting a heated battle with three blade demons.

Blade demons usually had stronger bodies than humans. Their spirit force cultivation level was also higher than Lin Ling. However, her god art could see the weakness in the attacks and bodies of the enemies. Thus, there was a stalemate.


At this moment, an unique howl sounded, making these three pause. The sound came from their race.

They stayed vigilant of their surroundings, and this howl made them instinctively glance in the direction.

When they saw what happened, their bodies shivered.

That terrifying man happily took a dead pal of theirs and planted him headfirst in the ground, next to their leaders.

Was this human male a demon??

However, Lin Ling wasn't distracted. She knew Lu Ze was on the side, and this retard definitely did something strange.

Although she was curious, she wasn't going to get distracted during a battle!

Immediately, the even battle tipped towards Lin Ling.


Roar~ roar~

Roar~ roar~ roar~

Every once in a while, there would be a howl. Each time the howl sounded, the three demons couldn't resist shivering. Their bodies were covered in sword marks.

Lin Ling wasn't weak. She was very good at finding opportunities.

Although the three demons only glanced once the first time, every howl charged at their mental state. This gave Lin Ling too many opportunities.

Moments later, Lu Ze nodded happily at the blade demons planted in the ground. Four rows of five. It looked very orderly!

He was really a prodigy!

He pressed like for himself!

He looked at the remaining seven blade demons and showed a warm smile.

The ferocious blade demons immediately shivered looking at Lu Ze's smile. "Ying Ying Ying…"

Lu Ze: "…"

He looked at the remaining blade demons in disbelief.

Were they related to that barren earth monkey on planet Nanfeng?

Lu Ze suddenly felt a little sick in his stomach.

Meanwhile, Lin Ling was baffled. "???"

Just what did Lu Ze, that retard, do to make the blade demons make such sounds??

Lin Ling was very curious, but she had to fight.

So annoying!

The three blade demons fighting Lin Ling heard their companions make such embarrassing sound. and their hearts almost stopped.

In the distant sky, Nangong Jing stood in the air with her golden hair dancing around. Golden battle rays surged, pushing all the nearby white clouds away. She was like an invincible war goddess.

The remaining five blade demons were covered in injuries. One even lost his right hand.

They looked at the unscathed Nangong Jing in disbelief.

"How is it possible? How are you so strong??"

Nangong Jing laughed and said with great confidence, "I want to ask too. Without a planetary state, how dare you come to assassinate me?"

Nangong Jing's words made them speechless.

Nangong Jing wasn't bluffing. With her power, no one could kill her without a planetary state.

The leading blade demon said while glancing at Lu Ze and Lin Ling, "We didn't fail completely, at least, your two young prodigies… oh shit??!!"

When he saw the scene on the ground, his body shook, and black blood sprayed out.

What was going on there?

He saw 20 of his men planted in the earth headfirst. The man was standing on the side while nodding in satisfaction??

The rest of the blade demons and Nangong Jing looked over in curiosity.

Then, all sorts of exclamations could be heard.

What was going on?

Nangong Jing saw this and got dazed before laughing. "Hahahahha… how about it? Are my students very creative?"

Nangong Jing looked at the orderly planted blade demons and smiled. "How come I didn't think of such interesting arrangements? No, I must learn too!"

Then, she turned to look at the six blade demons.

The six blade demons glanced at each other. There was killing intent in their eyes.

It was impossible to kill Nangong Jing, and their space ship couldn't fly. They had to try killing the two prodigies below.

That young man was probably another Nangong Jing level once he matured.

Thinking about this, five of the demons stopped Nangong Jing while the other one flew down towards Lin Ling and Lu Ze.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Didn't I tell you? You underestimate me too much…"


The golden light beamed more intensely.

Then, her body disappeared. She appeared before the blade demon who wanted to kill Lu Ze and Lin Ling "I'm a teacher. You dare to kill my students in front of me? Die!!"

Golden fist rays pierced the heavens.

Lu Ze glanced up at Nangong Jing and then smiled at the seven blade demons. "It seems to be over soon. I'll position you guys well."

Then, he gave each one a punch.

Then, the seven blade demons flew up at the same time and was planted down.

It immediately became four rows and seven columns, with one extra.

Lu Ze looked over at Lin Ling. There were three demons there.

Feeling Lu Ze's evil eyes, the three heavily injured blade demons stiffened. Lin Ling caught her opportunity.

She held her white long sword, which turned into a white beam, bringing out three sharp sword chis that pierced into the three blade demons.

Immediately, the three blade demons died.

Seeing this, Lu Ze used his wind to bring up the three blade demons and shift them towards the formation.

Lu Ze saw the blade demons were dripping in blood and said speechlessly, "Lin Ling your technique is too low. So many wounds, it affects the aesthetics."

Lin Ling was quite happy after killing the three blade demons. Her lips were raised a little. However, when she heard Lu Ze's words, immediately, her face stiffened.

She turned to Lu Ze and rebuked, "You don't need aesthetics for killing enemies… pfft… hahahahahahaha…"

Lin Ling just finished half a sentence when she bent over with laughter.

She stared at Lu Ze with a red face. "You… can you not be so retarded??"


Chapter 128. Level Two Soldier Lu Ze


Lu Ze planted the three of the last blade demons. A total of four rows and eight columns—perfect.

He looked at this and nodded with satisfaction. Then, he looked at Lin Ling crumbling with laughter and said, "Don't you think this looks very interesting?"

Lin Ling: "…"

She didn't want to talk to this retard and rolled her eyes.

At this moment, a howl could be heard in the air. A blade demon was killed with one punch from Nangong Jing and fell from the air. Upon hitting the ground, a ditch was created.

Then, three more howls were heard. Subsequently, three more figures fell.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked up. Nangong Jing, who was shining with golden light, was chasing the two remaining blade demons.

Their black spirit light flickered as though they were about to be annihilated at any time.

At this moment, a white flying ship stopped in the air.

The two blade demons saw this and immediately flew toward it.

If they robbed this ship, perhaps they could save themselves.

At this moment, the shuttle opened, and a man with white long hair that reached his shoulders but was extremely handsome looking came out. His face was slightly cold, and he wore white long robes.

Seeing the two blade demons, his blue eyes flashed. Then, the air froze, quickly trapping the two blade demons who did not have the time to slow down.

Following such, two blade demon ice statues fell from the sky. As the statues hit the ground, they were immediately smashed into pieces.

This person is so strong!

He's the same level as the violent girl!

"Hmm, it's him?" Lin Ling's eyes widened as she looked at the white-haired man in shock.

Lu Ze asked in confusion, "Lin Ling, who is he?"

This man was so handsome, barely as handsome as him.

Lin Ling smiled. "He, is said to be the dream of billions of young girls in the federation. Some people say he's the most handsome man in the federation, Ice Qing Young Duke, Luo Bingqing."

"What? Do you feel he's more handsome than you?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched, and he smiled pridefully. "What a joke! At most, he's on par with me."

There was, at most, someone as handsome as him in this world.

More handsome than him? That doesn't exist!

So in that case, he was actually the most handsome in the federation?

He suddenly felt great.

"Shameless." Lin Ling rolled her eyes.

Nangong Jing saw this and said with discontent, "Old Luo, you shattered those two. How am I going to plant them??"

Luo Bingqing: "…?"

His cold face flashed with a sliver of confusion as he looked at Nangong Jing.

Plant what?

Did he hear it incorrectly?

Seeing this, Nangong Jing shook her head speechlessly and said, "Never mind, let's go down first."

Then, she flew towards Lu Ze and Lin Ling. Luo Bingqing followed indifferently.

The two landed, and Nangong Jing's golden colors receded. Her hair, pupil, brows, and eyelashes became black once again.

Her dominant temperament receded too, and she turned back to that lanky alcoholic.

She stretched her back and said, "That was a really satisfying fight."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

She was indeed a violent maniac!

He couldn't mess with her!

Then, Nangong Jing looked at the neatly planted blade demon and laughed. She patted Lu Ze's shoulder. "You're my student indeed! Very creative!"

Then, Nangong Jing's eyes flashed with excitement. "Oh yeah, there's four more here! Quickly plant them together!"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he smiled. "Sure!"

She knew very well.

Lu Ze found he might have misunderstood her.

Although she was violent, alcoholic, and lanky, perhaps she was a good girl!

Then, Lu Ze used wind god art to move the four level five blade demon and plant them again.

Four rows and nine columns, 36 blade demons, neat and tidy.

Lu Ze and Nangong Jing looked at this and nodded in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Luo Bingqing was already a bit dazed when he saw this.

Now, his mouth twitched, and he looked at Lu Ze strangely.

This man's brain seemed different compared to ordinary people?

Then, Luo Bingqing said calmly, "Nangong, these two are students of the elite class?"

Nangong Jing patted her head. "Lu Ze, Lin Ling, let me introduce you."

She pointed at Luo Bingqing. "This is Luo Bingqing, a young duke too. Although he's cold faced, he's quite a nice guy. He's also an honorary lecturer of the elite class."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling quickly nodded. "Hello, Teacher Luo."

Nangong Jing said to Luo Bingqing, "Old Luo, these two are Lu Ze and Lin Ling. Lin Ling is Lin Kuang's little sister, Lu Ze is… a retard and a foodie. They're both quite talented."

Lu Ze: "???"


How did this violent woman introduce him?

Retard plus foodie??

He could accept being a foodie but calling him a retard was the biggest undermining in human history!

He was clearly very smart?

And he just thought she was a nice girl.

He was too naive.

Lu Ze opened his mouth, planning to rebuke. "I feel…"


Before Lu Ze even finished, he saw Nangong Jing rubbing her fists and smiling at him.

"… I feel Teacher Nangong is very right!"

Lin Ling: "…"

Luo Bingqing: "…"

Lin Ling was used to Lu Ze being shameless. She just threw a contemptuous glance.

But Luo Bingqing was dazed for quite a while before nodding. "Lu Ze, Lin Ling, hello."

Then, Nangong Jing looked at Luo Bingqing in confusion. "Old Luo, how come you're here?"

Luo Bingqing said plainly, "At the base, the energy detector radar detected your spirit force wave, as well as the blade demons'. Consequently, they sent me over."

Nangong Jing nodded and then laughed. "It's fine with me here. Let's go to the base first."

Luo Bingqing nodded.

Then, Luo Bingqing went on his private ship. Meanwhile, Nangong Jing, Lu Ze, and Lin Ling went on Nangong Jing's private ship again.

The two ships flew toward Xiaer system.

Half a day later, the two ships neared the base.

The base was a man-made planet outside the Xiaer system. Battleships traversed and excavation mining resource ships flew in and out. It was very prosperous.

The two ships stopped at a space station, and then Lu Ze and Lin Ling followed Nangong Jing off the ship.

Nangong Jing put her flying ship in her storage ring and met up with Luo Bingqing.

When the guards saw the two, they immediately saluted to the two with reverence, "Major General Nangong and Luo, welcome back!"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He looked at Nangong Jing, Luo Bingqing, and even Lin Ling who acted as though this was very normal. He was embarrassed.

Oh shit!

That violent young girl was a major general? These soldiers seemed to admire her a lot?

Nangong Jing nodded to the soldier and said, "Register this kid."

She pointed at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze blinked his eyes and looked at Lin Ling in confusion. "Doesn't Lin Ling need to be registered?"

Lin Ling smiled. "My military identity has long been registered since a month ago. I've also gained quite some military merit. I'm an honorary level three Sergeant Major! You need to call me Officer, level two Soldier Lu Ze!"

Lin Ling's eyes flashed with excitement.

Lu Ze, this retard, had to call her Officer?

This was quite exciting.

She finally won for once.

Lu Ze heard this and glanced at Nangong Jing. He asked dryly, "Is this for real?"

Nangong Jing nodded. "Yes, level two Soldier Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze: "…"

Bullshit… he had to call Lin Ling Officer??

So annoying!

He followed the guard lifelessly to register.

The process was very simple—record the DNA and confirm the identity.

Then, Lu Ze got a military identity card showing his title, level two Soldier Lu Ze.

It was very simple.

According to the person, all those who registered for the first time were level two Soldiers. When they had enough military merit and their cultivation level fulfilled the requirement, then they could be promoted.

As for the military ranking system, Lu Ze asked about it too. The Federal Marshals have a star state cultivation level while the admirals and lieutenant generals have planetary state. Major general and brigadiers are mortal evolution state. Field grade officers are aperture opening state. Company-grade officers are core martial state. Then, level one, two, and three sergeant majors are abstruse martial state. Staff sergeant, sergeant, and corporals are spirit martial state. Advanced soldiers, level one soldiers, and level two soldiers are martial warrior state.

Mhm, Lu Ze was the newb level two soldier.

Of course, the cultivation level here was just the state. There would be differences in battle power. There are cases of low-level martial artists becoming higher-level officers.

Lu Ze returned to the terminal after the registration.

Nangong Jing and Lin Ling were still waiting for him, but that cold teacher Luo was gone.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Let's go, old Luo went to report back. I'll take you to the dorms of the elite class. Our dorms are different from the official soldier dorms, so we're not with them. To be specific, we're more like special forces."

Lin Ling smiled. "Lu Ze, Lu Ze, quickly show your dog tag!"

Lu Ze: "…"

He turned around.

Lin Ling took out her card and passed it to Lu Ze, showing off, "Look at mine, it is a level three Sergeant Major!"

Lu Ze glanced at it. It was a silver star with Lin Ling's name.

His mouth twitched and he said, "So what if you have a higher rank, you can't beat me."

Lin Ling smiled. "Beating a higher officer will bring you to military court!"

At this moment, Nangong Jing coughed. "The Major General is here."

Lu Ze just remembered she was a major general.

He asked in confusion, "Teacher Nangong, you're already a major general. Why are you still a teacher?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "I'm just an honorary major general. I don't have the authority to mobilize troops except in special times. Every person who reaches mortal evolution state and has enough military merit will become an honorary major general."
