Chapters [129-130]

Chapter 129. It Must Be Due to the Wrong Way of Opening the Door


After hearing Nangong Jing's explanation, Lu Ze realized something.

No wonder Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing were both major generals. They were young dukes who have reached mortal evolution state. Certainly, they must have quite some military merit. It was no wonder they had such an honorary title.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up and he said, "Doesn't that mean if I have military merit, I can get promoted quickly?"

Lin Ling still dared to be on top of him?

Pfft, naive!

Nangong Jing nodded, "Mhm."

The base was enormous, and there were all sorts of autopilot vehicles on the road. Other than a few rare places, you could get to most places with your identity card. There weren't just soldiers in the base, there were also mine owners, merchants, and other professions.

So, there were also entertainment facilities. During their holiday, soldiers could also go there too.

A few hours later, the three came to a yard. There were two five-story high aluminum buildings.

Nangong Jing said, "This is the dorms of the elite class of Federal University. Other than some fourth-year students on some missions, all the four-year levels of elite students are here. This year, the entrance test of the Federal University is on Xiaer system. It's not in the same solar system as the Emperor Capital Academy. This is great."

Otherwise, she would have to see that fox demon. It would be really troublesome.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling glanced at each other. Both smiled and did not speak. Clearly, they knew what Nangong Jing thought.

Then, Nangong Jing pointed to the dormitory on the left. "This is the female dorms, and the right is the male dorms."

She looked at Lu Ze and said, "Lu Ze, your room is probably 204. We won't come over."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay."

Then, Lu Ze bid Nangong Jing and Lin Ling farewell and headed to the male dorms.

The entire building seemed very quiet right now. Lu Ze was confused. Did they all go out?

He came to the second floor, and looked at the door sign, and then found 204.

He took out his card and touched the sensor.


The door was unlocked, and Lu Ze opened the door.

The moment Lu Ze stepped in and looked up, he froze on the spot.

The room seemed to be a living room. There were a simple couch and table. Everything looked very simple, but that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that in the living room, there was a figure, who was only wearing pants, with his back towards him.

Feeling the movement, the figure turned around.

Faint purple short hair, big and purple eyes, soft and delicate side face. There was a slightly pink color to the person's exquisite face. The person had a very white back and thin hands. This person didn't look like a guy.

Lu Ze: "???"

The two glanced at each other, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

After a while, Lu Ze silently closed the door under the gaze of these big purple eyes.

He looked at the number plate again and rubbed his face, taking a deep breath.

It must be because he opened the door in the wrong manner!

This is the male dorms, right?

Since his card could open this door, it should be right, yeah?

Nangong Jing, wouldn't trick him… right?

That half-naked girl with purple hair must be a hallucination, right?

Lu Ze rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath before opening the door again.

Thus, Lu Ze met those big purple eyes again.

Lu Ze: ???

Oh shit!

Why is the illusion still there??

Not right…

Why were there girls in the male dorms??

Lu Ze's mouth twitched, and he apologized, "Sorry, I think I'm in the wrong room!"

Lu Ze quickly closed the door again.

He looked up at the room number again.

After checking he was right, Lu Ze was dazed.

Did he go to the wrong room or was that girl in the wrong room?

At this moment, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He had a bold guess.

Usually, when the main character entered the academy, the one sharing the room with him is a cute girl dressed up as a guy.

She would definitely be white, pretty, and rich!

Lu Ze felt since he was this handsome, he was usually the main character.

Was his spring finally here??

Lu Ze was a little excited.

He planned to open the door and greet the girl inside like a gentleman to create a good impression.

At this moment, two voices came from the corridor.

"Brother, are you 204 as well?"

"Brother, are you really 204 as well?"

Lu Ze turned around. One of them was over 2 meters tall and had a square face, robust build, and slightly darker skin. He looked very honest.

The other one wore white robes and had long white hair. He was very handsome, just a little bit below him. His face was calm, but his mouth carried a playful grin.

Lu Ze looked at this person and got dazed. Did he see this style somewhere before?

But he still nodded. "Hello, I'm from 204, but there seems to be a problem inside?"

He thought of the girl inside and then looked at these two who seemed to be his roommates. He was dumbfounded.

Wait, it was four people per room?

Was he still the main character or not??

At this moment, that purple-haired girl came out wearing clothes.

He looked at the three and eventually at Lu Ze before smiling and speaking in a neutral tone. "I'm not a girl. Don't misunderstand, and look at my throat!"

His explanation was very fluent. Clearly, this was done frequently.

Lu Ze: "???"

Lu Ze didn't feel so good.

This person was really a man??

Why did he look like a girl?

The other two glanced at each other and had this look of reminiscence.

Then, the white-haired man spoke, "Don't mind it, Ian looks likes this. When we came here yesterday, we thought he was a girl too."

The honest man scratched his head and said, "Yeah, Ye Mu was very excited and wanted to ask for Ian's contact details. Ian's face was scared twisted."

Ye Mu's face stiffened, and then, he looked at the honest man. "Fuck! Xavier, I still need to save face. You can't tell this to others!"

Xavier was slightly surprised after hearing Ye Mu. He then nodded. "Oh, okay."

Ian's face was red.

Lu Ze looked at this, and his mouth twitched.

Oh my!

He could bend someone!

Even Ye Mu and Xavier looked away awkwardly when Ian blushed.

Then, the four went back inside.

The entrance was the living room, and there were four small single rooms and a bath.

Ian was planning to shower and since Xavier and Ye Mu weren't here, he took off his clothes in the living room. Yet, Lu Ze just happened to come in.

The four sat on the couch.

The other three were here yesterday, so they already got to know each other. Now that Lu Ze came, they had to reintroduce themselves.

Ye Mu said calmly, " I am Ye Mu. My god art is prenatal sword body. I will definitely be a young duke in the future. So, I've already thought of my title, Amorous Young Duke!"

"By the way, my idol is Young Duke Bingqing. I will become the future dream of billions of young girls."

Then, Ye Mu's indifference disappeared. He started laughing.

His laughter was indescribable.

Lu Ze was speechless.

He finally realized why this style seemed familiar. It was very similar to teacher Luo, but his face was slightly uglier.

As for Xavier and Ian, they clearly knew about this and nodded speechlessly.

Then, Xavier said, "I'm Xavier Lorrens. My god art is dark ray body. I can take hits. If there's a fight, I can be at the front."

Ian glanced at Lu Ze and said with embarrassment, "I'm Ian Harrison. My god art is mental interference. I hope we can get along well in the future."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

He felt he should stay away from this guy. He was a straight male.

But mental force god art was quite rare.

It was Lu Ze's turn. He smiled and said, "I'm Lu Ze. My god art is… wind god art and strength god art, please take care of me."

The three looked at Lu Ze in shock. "Dual god art??"


Chapter 130. Chain of Martial Artists' Contempt


Lu Ze looked at the three people. He was puzzled, so he asked, "Isn't this normal? Teacher Nangong has at least two god art."

According to what he knew, Nangong Jing had strength god art when she was only 12 years old. Now, she had golden battle blood. That was at least two god art.


Ye Mu's voice was shaky, his eyes were a little green.

Ian shrugged his neck and said, "You're talking about teacher Nangong Jing. She's a young duke…"

Even Xavier nodded. "Usually, those who had two god arts with a good level of mastery of the god arts weren't bad. They had a 90% chance of reaching the young duke level. That means, Lu Ze, you have more chance of becoming a young duke than Ye Mu."

Young dukes didn't necessarily have many god arts, but those who did were usually young dukes.

Xavier's words pierced deeply into Ye Mu's heart.

Ye Mu said with despair, "According to what I know, out of all the students in all the year levels of the elite class, there are no more than five people who have two or more god art. In our first year, you seem to be the only one."

After all, Federal University was one of the best universities in the federation. There clearly wouldn't be more people with dual god arts in the Emperor Capital Academy. Other schools might not even have one.

Lu Ze heard this and was stunned for a moment. He was compared with the strongest batch of people in the young generation like Nangong Jing. Of course, he felt it was normal.

Ordinary people don't even have a god art. Those who had a god art could pretty much all enter the elite class of the Federal University as long as their cultivation talent wasn't too bad.

Lu Ze felt great as he smiled. "Ahahah, so I'm that strong?"

The three: "…"

This was adding salt to wounds.

Then, Ian smiled. "In that case, Lu Ze should be able to shine brightly in the military drill tomorrow."

Lu Ze was surprised. "Military drill?"

Nangong Jing didn't tell him about this.

Ian explained, "Because the military doesn't know much about our combat power, they need to confirm our power before they assign us missions. Otherwise, if they assign tasks beyond our capabilities, it might cause mass injuries and death."

Ye Mo also added, "Another reason is due to the frequent conflict between the practical party and the academic party."

"Practical party? Academic party?"

Lu Ze realized that he really was a noob and knew nothing.

The three glanced at Lu Ze speechlessly, and then, Ian explained, "Other than the university, the military also has a prodigy barracks. They're different from us. They did not graduate to perform military service. They start here. They grow in slaughtering enemies, so they always feel that we who come from academies are soft and are insufficient in real battles."

Lu Ze was suddenly dazed.

Chain of contempt?

Lu Ze asked in confusion, "But what does the drill have to do with the two parties?"

Ian blinked and said, "The drill is the competition between the elite class and the prodigy barracks. There would be one annually. It's quite competitive."

Xavier added, "It's said a prodigy, who is just 18 years old, came this time. He had awoken three god arts, and his cultivation level is abstruse martial state level five. It's said his combat power might've reached core martial state. He's killed countless enemies on the battlefield, and his military title is 1st lieutenant."

The three fell silent here.

18 years old, the same age as them. Three god arts, abstruse martial state with a level five cultivation, and core martial state combat power. Such prodigy made it hard for them to breathe.

Too strong.

Even in the elite class, the cultivation level of the first years was only a high spirit martial state or low abstruse martial state. Most students only had one god art. Some didn't even have one.

This new person was quite terrifying.

Lu Ze scratched his head.

That person seemed quite strong.

Lu Ze wanted to compete.

He felt he was getting a bit cocky. Someone needed to poke him a bit.

Then, the four left and came to the entertainment facilities to eat.

In the meantime, Ye Mu kept staring at pretty girls.

The horny wolf-like gaze made Lu Ze and Ian quite embarrassed as they pretended not to know him. Only Xavier smiled and didn't mind.

The group ate and chatted.

Nangong Jing, Lu Ze, and Lin Ling were the latest to arrive, so today was the last break.

They would gather tomorrow morning and listen to the instructions of the teachers and officers, so they could conduct the drill in the afternoon.

Although it was competitive, it was just the fire of youth. The higher-ups loved seeing young people compete.

It's said that quite some military high levels will be coming to watch.

All three of them took this drill seriously. Ian's face was bursting red.

Lu Ze saw this, and his mouth twitched as he looked away.

This person didn't feel too right.

After dinner, they returned to the dorms and saw the other new students.

They didn't know each other well, so they just greeted each other.

It was night time when they went back to their rooms.

The room only had one table and chair, as well as a single bed.

Lu Ze laid on the bed and took out his phone. There were too many unread messages. Most of them were from Alice and Lu Li. Some were from his parents, as well as Merlin who was asking how he was.

He only saw these now.

Lu Ze reported to his parents and Merlin that he was safe and then looked at the tens of notifications from Lu Li and Alice.

This many?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Just how worried were they for him?

He wasn't a kid anymore.

And… seeing this many messages, it was troublesome to reply.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. He thought of an easy way.

He made a group and added Lu Li and Alice.

The name was 'Lu Ze's Wartime Broadcast.'

Lu Ze: "Li, Alice I've arrived at the battlefield. I'm safe."

Then, he told them about Ian and his three roommates.

As Lu Ze was happily typing, it was already 10 p.m. on planet Lanjiang. Lu Li and Alice just finished training and returned to their rooms.

Hearing their phones, the two young girls in different rooms immediately took out their phones and looked at it hopefully.

Lu Li's mouth twitched when she saw Lu Ze's group and the name of the members. She angrily threw the phone on the bed.

A few seconds later, she bit her lips and picked up her phone.

When Alice saw the group, she was a little surprised. She bit her lips. Her complexion was a bit strange as she looked at the content.

When they saw what Lu Ze said, they couldn't resist laughing.

A girl-like guy?

A big dumb guy?

And a flirty boy?

Lu Li: "Brother, don't be influenced by that Ye Mu."

Alice: "Senior schoolmate, don't learn from that Ye Mu."

Lu Ze saw this and scratched his head before replying, "I'm an honest person! I would definitely not!"

Then, the three talked about the military drill.

Ten minutes later, Lu Li replied, "Brother, you're starting tomorrow. Have a good rest, be careful on the battlefield."

Alice also replied, "Mhm, Li is right, good luck Senior schoolmate! If you have the time, tell us you're safe."

Lu Ze: "Okay!"

He put his phone away and stretched his back before sitting down happily and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Just when he closed his eyes, Lu Ze opened his eyes again. At the same time, his body shook with rhythm.

He touched the flame, and it felt too satisfying.

Moments later, the pain dissipated.

He found that perhaps he felt too much pain. The pain wasn't as unbearable as before.

At least, he could still think.

Lu Ze breathed slowly. He felt in just a few days, he would be able to kill that male lion.

Now, he should work on cultivation for the drill tomorrow.

Lu Ze closed his eyes slowly and studied the new secrets to the flame god art.
