Chapters [135-136]

Chapter 135. Ah, I'm about to die!


The atmosphere was quiet.

Major General Barry looked at the drunk, red-faced Nangong Jing, and smiled. "Nangong, the friend that Lin Kuang's sister talked about is your new student, right?"

These words made all the higher-ups look at the tipsy Nangong Jing.

As long as they had a good shovel, they could dig anything away.

Who didn't need prodigies?

Even if he didn't enter the prodigy barrack, they could pull him to the Xiaer military during military service.

"Burp… you will know that soon." Nangong Jing sipped her drink and laughed.

Seeing this, they looked at Luo Bingqing and then looked away.

This ice block wouldn't talk. There was no use asking.

Lin Kuang, who was worried that his sister might get hurt, had his eyes bulging right now.

Oh shit!

Is this really my sister?

My sister couldn't be this strong!

Although he approved of her talent, she grew up with great-grandpa. Her personality was wild. It was already beyond everyone's expectation when she suddenly cultivated like crazy.

However, she improved again!

Lin Kuang thought about what she said and seemed to have noticed something.

He looked at the smiling Lu Ze and raised a brow.

This kid?

He looked quite dumb, it didn't seem like it…

Lin Kuang smiled. "Okay, Lin Ling is the victor. Go down."

Lily bit her lips and stared at Lin Ling.

But she still turned and got off the stage.

A defeat was a defeat. As prodigies of the prodigy barrack, they've been taught to face failure the right way.

She glanced at Frances and saw all his attention was focused on Lin Ling. She bit her lips.

Next time…

Next time, she must win!

Meanwhile, the Federal University side cheered during Lin Ling's return, especially the new students. They cheered loudly as they were abused too hard before.

Lin Ling sat next to Lu Ze and asked, "How is it? Am I very strong?"

Seeing how prideful Lin Ling was, he remembered what Elder Lin said. He needed to keep her ego in check. "That's because I taught you well."

Lin Ling heard this and wanted to rebuke, but she realized Lu Ze was right. She turned around in annoyance.

The drill continued.

The newly raised morale of the freshmen was quickly annihilated.

Not everyone was Lin Ling.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Ze and asked, "What student number are you?"

Lu Ze sighed. "50… I'm the last."

He really wanted to finish early, so he could rest.

Lin Ling laughed.

"… piss off! The last to enter the scene is the main character!"

Then, Ye Mu and the others went up.

They all had some sort of progress, so they showed some quite nice performance.

Ian looked very weak, but he was abstruse martial state level two, and his god art was the rare mental god art. Every time he used interference, his opponent would show a brief pause.

Eventually, he achieved a hard-earned victory.

"Ze, thank you so much! If it wasn't for you, I really might lose!"

Ian wiped some blood from his mouth. His exquisite neutral face had some redness. He looked at Lu Ze with glimmering eyes.

Lu Ze was getting goosebumps from this.

Oh my god…

This guy was too similar to a girl.

Lu Ze smiled. "It's fine."

Although Ye Mu and Xavier lost, they struggled for quite a while and almost ended up with a draw.

Ye Mu held his bruised face and said, "That girl is so cruel! I just asked for her contacts, and she hit me in the face!"

Everyone looked at him speechlessly.

His opponent was a beautiful young girl. The first thing he did was recite a poem and then show his love and asked to exchange contacts.

Thus, his opponent chased after him and beat him up.

"50," Lin Kuang said plainly as he glanced at Lu Ze.

Almost all the well-performing new students were related to him. It was almost certain.

He, is that mysterious person!

"Ze beat them up! … if it's a girl be gentle."

Ye Mu yelled.

Everyone cheered for Lu Ze.

They didn't know what cultivation level Lu Ze was at, or what level his battle power was at, but it shouldn't be low.

The other practical side prodigies heard this and couldn't resist laughing.

Beat them up?

With what?

"I'm going up."

He tapped the ground, turned into a wind, and disappeared. He then quickly reappeared at the stage.

"Lu Ze, abstruse martial state level three, please enlighten me."

"I'll go."

A youth sitting at the front row wanted to go.

At this moment, Lin Kuang said, "Ayla, sit down, and let Billy go."

That youth looked at Lin Kuang with dissatisfaction and confusion.

He was abstruse martial state level three, and his battle power could reach abstruse martial state level seven. He felt he was enough.

Yet, Lin Kuang wanted to send Billy?

Billy was the strongest in their year other than Frances. He was abstruse martial state level five, and his battle power could reach abstruse martial state level nine!

Did they need to take Lu Ze so seriously?

He just looked a little handsome??

However, Ayla didn't dare to disobey his commander and could only sit down.

Meanwhile, the tall build Billy got up.

He was full of questions too.

That little rabbit Lu Ze already said he was abstruse martial state level three, did he need to fight?

Just in terms of cultivation level, he was two levels higher than this little rabbit.

He jumped onto the stage, and the stage shook a little.

He smiled at Lu Ze. "Billy, abstruse martial state level five. Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Um, no need. Do your best."

He needed to show some power. This concerned his entrance test.

The nervous crowd became more nervous after hearing Lu Ze tell Billy to use full force. Only Lin Ling kept a smile.

Ye Mu and others looked speechlessly at Lin Ling. "Ze's opponent is abstruse martial state level five. Aren't you worried at all?"

Lin Ling smiled. "Ze said it, didn't he? He told Billy to go full force?"

Everyone: "…"

What was this!!

Barry smiled as he watched Lu Ze. "Isn't this new student a bit too confident?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "Why is he confident? He's getting too cocky. I'll go beat him up later."

The seniors were speechless. You don't need to be that cruel to your student even if he got a little cocky?

Only Luo Bingqing's mouth twitched.

Billy's smile disappeared slowly as he overheard the conversation.

This little rabbit didn't want his gentleness?

Even Lin Kuang glanced strangely at Lu Ze.

But he guessed this kid was the mysterious person, so he didn't underestimate Lu Ze. He glanced at Billy and said, "Billy, use full force."

Hearing this, Billy looked a little stunned and then nodded. "Okay."


Lin Kuang flew into the air.

Billy and Lu Ze stood tens of meters apart. Both sides were silent.

Billy clutched his fists as all his power surged. A golden glow flashed as he grinned hideously. "My strength god art can double the power. I also have metal god art. The two combined makes the power of my punch reached abstruse martial state level nine. With this punch, you might die."

Lu Ze listened silently and nodded. With some encouragement, he said, "Go you!"

Billy reminded him? What a nice person!

Lu Ze felt he should compliment him.

Billy's smile froze. He wanted to ask Lu Ze again if he really wanted him to use full power.

But then he thought about it. Since instructor Lin Kuang said it, he would definitely save Lu Ze.

Thus, Billy hesitated no more and punched.


Abstruse martial state level nine power!

No freshmen from the Federal University can reach this level.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the stage.

Ye Mu and the others looked nervously at Lu Ze.

This punch was too powerful. If it was them, they would die.

The fist force tore through the air while turning into a golden pillar striking at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze's hair blew in the air.

He was a bit speechless…

This didn't seem…

As strong as Billy said…

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. It formed a vibrant green veil surrounding Lu Ze.

The golden fist force struck the green barrier and made a little sound. It was like a pebble that had been thrown into a lake.

There was a light ripple.

And… nothing else.

Billy: "…"

Federal University students: "…"

Practical party prodigies: "…"

Military high ranking officials: "…"

Audience: "…"

Lin Kuang: "…"

The scene was very silent and awkward.

Lu Ze looked at Billy who lost his smile and looked around at the shocked audience. He suddenly remembered what Billy said.

With this punch, you might die!

Lu Ze felt he overdid it.

This guy reminded him out of goodwill…

What if he crushed this guy's confidence?

Lu Ze blinked his eyes and went to lie on the ground, stirring up dust.

Lu Ze felt it wasn't enough, so he yelled, "Ah! I'm about to die!"

He quickly closed his eyes and pretended to be heavily injured.

He had already completed the script.

He would say his recovery was great, and he got over it with his iron will.

He can still fight another 300 rounds!

In the end, he would have had beaten Billy with a slight edge, winning the battle.

End of story!

Everyone looked at Lu Ze: "… ???"

You blocked all the fist force. Can you tell me how you got injured??


Chapter 136. Keep Acting Tough


The atmosphere was very awkward.

Everyone looked at Lu Ze who was on the ground speechlessly.

Just how retarded was this guy?

Barry's mouth twitched, and he looked at the dazed Nangong Jing. "Major General Nangong, your student is quite interesting."

Nangong Jing's pretty face stiffened as she roared, "Bastard, I'll count to five. If you keep lying on the ground, I'll let you lie on the bed for a month!!"

Lu Ze, who was going to pretend that he was slowly recovering from an injury, heard this and stiffened.


As soon as Nangong Jing counted to one, Lu Ze got up.

He smiled awkwardly at Nangong Jing. "Um… my injuries have recovered."

Everyone: "…"

Who doesn't know that you never got injured?

Billy's face went green and red. He said coldly, "Are you insulting me?"

Lu Ze was stunned and scratched his head. "Uhh… I just feel you're a good person. That blow to your mind was a bit too big, so I wanted to cooperate with you."

Lu Ze glanced at Billy with confusion. He then asked, "… Didn't I act very well?"

Lu Ze felt his show was quite nice.

Billy: "…"

He held his chest.

This guy was acting with him just to thank him?

He was so angry, but he couldn't show his anger!

Ye Mu and the others held their forehead and asked Lin Ling, "… Is this guy always like this?"

Lin Ling: "…"

She was so tired, and she didn't want to talk.

She should consider ending her friendship with Lu Ze.

Billy said coldly, "If you're not insulting me, then use your full power!"

He finally realized how strong Lu Ze was now.

No wonder instructor Lin Kuang told him to use full power. Yet, he actually felt he could kill Lu Ze with one punch. He was too cocky.

Lu Ze was so strong that he saw no hopes of winning.

At this moment, Lin Kuang said, "Lu Ze won this drill, Billy go down."

Billy was dazed. His eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, but he still nodded.

After all, he used a full-powered strike, and it couldn't even get near Lu Ze. He didn't have the right to fight.

Lu Ze froze for a moment. He didn't expect this.

Didn't they need to keep fighting?

Did he know he was friends with Lin Ling, so he made things easy for him?

This felt good.

At this moment, Lin Kuang's voice sounded again, "The purpose of the drill is to understand the power of each student. The difference between Lu Ze and Billy was a bit big. Now, Frances will come up."

The cold faced Frances instantly appeared on the stage.

Lu Ze: "…"

He felt a little disappointed. He thought he had a backdoor.

It was just switching an opponent.

Looking at Frances with the dense killing chi, his eyes flashed.

At this moment, Frances said coldly, "You're very close to Lin Ling?"

He was very unhappy after seeing Lu Ze and Lin Ling talking and smiling.

Lu Ze was surprised. This person knew Lin Ling?

She never told him.

Were they friends?

He said, "We're okay? We're friends."

Frances' eyes flashed, and he said nothing.

Lu Ze looked dazedly at Frances.

What did this mean?

Just say it directly if you got something to say. These glances were very annoying.

Was this person Lin Ling's enemy?

Lin Kuang glanced strangely at Frances and then at Lu Ze before smiling. "Begin."

As soon as Lin Kuang left the stage, a huge sword appeared in Frances' hand. Immediately, he was enveloped by a black and red spirit light as he charged at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze frowned. What was he trying to do with all this killing chi?

Lu Ze lifted his right hand and a crystal color flashed. The green wind turned into an armor of wind and covered his palm.

The huge sword brought a tidal wave of black and red spirit light as it sliced down.

Lu Ze calmly grabbed the huge sword.


The hand and huge sword clashed. Terrifying sound waves swept. Green and black-red spirit light covered the entire stage. The remaining waves made those weaker audiences unable to breathe.

When the motion calmed down, the scene at the stage made everyone bulge their eyes.

Lu Ze's right hand was covered with the wind armor. It was flashing with a crystal color as it grabbed Frances' huge sword.

Frances' face was hideous, but Lu Ze was calm.

"Oh shit!"

Ye Mu couldn't even keep his cold persona anymore.

That was Frances!

Abstruse martial state level five, three god arts, and a core martial state battle power prodigy!

Yet, such an attack was easily stopped by Lu Ze?

"Ze is so strong!" Ian looked nervously at Lu Ze.

Even Frances widened his eyes and couldn't say anything.

The new students also bulged their eyes at Lu Ze.

"… Who is this student?"

"He seems to be called Lu Ze!"

"Go Lu Ze!"

"Invincible Lu Ze!"

"The little rabbits of practical side, do you see it? Is our boss strong?"

Even the old students widened their eyes. All of them had been through at least two drills. They had really never seen someone in the new students reach this level.

That pretty girl who asked Lu Ze if he had a girlfriend stared at him. "Junior schoolmate is so amazing! I want to dig him away…"

The other senior schoolmates who were taught by Lu Ze were also shocked. "Lu Ze's battle power is so terrifying. His insight is amazing too."

The eyes of Lin Ling's roommate shined as she looked at Lu Ze. Tianyuan Qianhua whispered to Lin Ling, "Lin Ling, your boyfriend is so strong."

So envious.

Lin Ling was a bit surprised. "Lu Ze isn't my boyfriend."


The three looked dazedly at Lin Ling.

Weren't the two very close?

Tianyuan Qianhua immediately said excitedly, "Since he isn't yours, then I won't be polite!"

Lin Ling smiled. "Did you hear it? He has someone he likes."

The three just remembered that a senior schoolmate had already sacrificed on that path.

The three glanced at each other and gave up their thoughts.

The practical party didn't even have the mood to talk shit.

Frances was publicly recognized as the one to succeed instructor Lin Kuang in the future and become a young duke.

Yet, someone could take his hit so easily??

How is that possible??

Barry's eyes widened. "Using abstruse martial state low level spirit force cultivation level to reach core martial state level one or even level two battle power. Lu Ze's wind god art is so strong. It has even turned to an armor. And, his body and mental cultivation definitely won't be weak. Otherwise, he can't use such powerful wind god art with just his spirit force."

He looked at Nangong Jing. "Major General Nangong, your student is quite amazing."

Nangong Jing grinned. "This kid is far from it."

The high ranking military officials held their chest.

The teacher and student were the same.

Cross-level battle and cross-state battle were completely different okay??

Lu Ze crossed an entire state to fight, and you're still not happy??

What else do you want?

Frances looked at Lu Ze in disbelief. "How can you be this strong? I have three god arts, and my power can only reach core martial state level one. Why are you so strong?"

This wasn't right??

Didn't they say the more god arts you have, the stronger you are?

At least now, Lu Ze only used wind god art?

Or perhaps he had strength god art?

Lu Ze just glanced at him plainly.

He was a little angry with how ferocious this guy was.

He didn't want to talk. He would beat him up first.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. Green wind circulated onto Frances.

Seeing this, Frances gritted his teeth and used full power. His veins on his hands burst as he wanted to pull his sword back.

However, a terrifying power wave spread. The new students below the stage frowned. Even the aftermath made them feel uncomfortable.

One could imagine how terrifying Frances was.

Sensing that Frances wanting to pull his sword away, Lu Ze clutched even tighter. The wind slowly wrapped around the sword, and the sword was stuck in Lu Ze's hand.

Feeling he couldn't pull his sword back, Frances gritted his teeth and chose to retreat.

However, it was too late. The wind caught onto Frances. It spun rapidly, trapping Frances inside.

The wind spun faster and faster. In just a few seconds, its diameter was more than five meters. Even the new students had to resist with all their strength to avoid the pulling force.

Seeing this, Lin Kuang used a faint red veil to enclose the stage.

Only then did the new students breathe easy.

Then, they heard a terrifying howl.


The howl sounded shaky.

The audience looked at each other.

There wouldn't be death, right?

The higher levels had a strange look but didn't intervene.

Then, a figure kept spinning as it rose into the sky. It turned into a black circle in the end for spinning too fast.

Before hearing the howls, Lin Kuang was shocked due to Lu Ze's god art. His mouth twitched. He then said, "Lu Ze won. Lu Ze take away your god art."

Lu Ze smiled and took his wind god art away.

Without the binding force of the wind, Frances was flung into the blood veil due to the centrifugal force.

The howl stopped, and Frances slid down from the veil.

Frances' leg was shaky. He gritted his teeth and tried to stand up, but it was like he was drunk. He was shaking left and right like he was dancing.

Everyone looked at the wobbly Frances and felt some pity.

Lu Ze felt great. Keep acting tough, how do you like it now?
