Chapters [137-138]

Chapter 137. That's Your Misperception


While Frances was dancing around, Lin Kuang waved his hand and a blood-red spirit force sent Frances back to the dazed group of youth in the prodigy barrack.

"He has no injuries. It's just that the speed was too fast for him to handle. He'll recover soon," Lin Kuang explained.

Then, he looked at Lu Ze and realized that he still didn't know where Lu Ze's bottom line was.

Should he find a prodigy from a year higher to test him?

As a brother, Lin Kuang felt he should get to know his sister's friend better. That didn't seem wrong, isn't it?

While Lin Kuang was looking at Lu Ze, Lu Ze suddenly felt a chill on his back.

At this moment, Nangong Jing said, "The drill should be over now Lin Kuang. You're not thinking of finding a higher year student to compete with Lu Ze, right?"

Lin Kuang's face stiffened in awkwardness, but then he quickly replied, "How can that be? With Lu Ze's current power, he should be able to easily handle the new students' missions."

The missions given to students differ based on their year. The difference in power between years was quite big.

Thus, the drill wouldn't allow students of a higher year to battle a student of a lower year.

"In that case, let's end now? It's very late. There will still be missions tomorrow," Nangong Jing said as she rubbed her hair.

Lin Kuang glanced at Lu Ze. He could only choose to give up testing this kid.

"In that case, the drill has ended."

Lin Kuang announced the decision and went back to the stand. Lu Ze went back to his seat too.

Everyone at Federal University looked excitedly as Lu Ze came back.

"Good job, Junior schoolmate Lu Ze!"

"You brought honor to the Federal University!"

Lu Ze looked at all the people cheering him on and smiled with some embarrassment.

It's not too good…

He thought he could cure his pride, but then Frances wasn't good enough. He didn't even release his second stage.

He was thinking that if wind god art couldn't beat Frances, he would use fire god art to give Frances a fiery surprise…

However, Frances only had core martial state level one power.

A bit weak.

Thinking about what Frances said to him at the start, Lu Ze wondered if Lin Ling had enmity with that guy.

He returned to his spot, and Ye Mu and others looked excitedly at him.

"Ze, you're strong! You're probably going to be famous as soon as you return to school!"

Lu Ze was stunned. He didn't feel it was enough.

That would probably not benefit him in being famous.

Ye Mu's eyes had a look of longing. "After Ze is famous, there will be many cute girls coming to find him. Since Ze has someone he likes, then these resources can be mine…"

Everyone heard this and stayed silent, giving an awkward yet polite smile.

Lu Ze looked at the guilty-looking Lin Ling and asked, "Lin Ling, do you have a conflict with Frances? Why did that guy bite me like crazy as soon as I said we were friends?"

Lin Ling got dazed. She didn't expect that Lu Ze thought there was a conflict between the two.

Her mouth twitched as she glared at Lu Ze. "You're wrong! That person fell in love with me at first sight, and you know what happened afterward. But I don't like him. You helped me beat him up this time. I'll treat you to dinner."

Lu Ze heard this, and his eyes lit up immediately. "I want a special meal!"

Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze speechlessly. "… Sure!"

Lu Ze felt great. He didn't expect beating someone up earned him a beautiful meal.

When would Frances come for him again?

At this moment, Major General Barry got up and announced the drill to be over. Then, he gave some information about the missions. He said that the military will assign missions to people based on the strength they showed today. At the same time, their performance will be recorded.

Half an hour later when everyone was nearly falling asleep, Barry finally let people off.

Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing came off the stand and came to the students.

Nangong Jing smiled. "The heavily injured students have been sent back to the dorms already. Let's go back too."

She glanced at Lu Ze. "Lu Ze did very well this time. He could beat the strongest of this year as a new student. He raised morale for the school. He is awarded 10,000 school credits."


Those senior schoolmates could not help but exclaim in shock.

Then, they looked at Lu Ze with green eyes, making Lu Ze feel vigilant.

Were these people going to eat him?

If it was a female senior schoolmate, he could barely accept it, but if it was a male senior schoolmate, this wasn't too good.

Was 10,000 school credits a lot?

"Okay, it's late now. Let's go back first." Nangong Jing smiled.

It was getting dark. Everyone walked out of the stadium and went on the vehicles back to their dorms.

Then, everyone gathered in the garden and had a barbecue to celebrate.

Even those heavily injured students couldn't resist coming up to drink after hearing the good news.

The celebration lasted late into the night.

Lu Ze was being harassed by all sorts of girls the entire night.

This made Lu Ze happy and yet speechless.

He was happy to find that his handsomeness was unstoppable.

He was speechless that he clearly said he liked someone, but it still couldn't stop others.

Thus in the end, Lu Ze could only use Lin Ling as the shield.

He was her shield before. Now, it was her turn.

Lin Ling immediately felt envious looks from other girls. This made her feel quite bitter.

Would she be ostracized?

This retard was setting her up.

This wasn't blocking a bullet. This was blocking an army.

Later on, the celebration was finished.

Lu Ze and his roommates went back to their doom. They quickly went to their rooms after cleaning themselves.

Lu Ze stretched his back and took out his phone to recount the day in the group chat.

He happily typed: So many senior schoolmates like me. Did I get more handsome?

Lu Li: Cold smile.

Alice: Senior schoolmate, this is your misperception.

Lu Ze: …

This conversation couldn't continue.

Lu Ze put away his phone helplessly and closed his eyes to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].


Chapter 138. Mission Assignment


Early the next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes.

It was another night of learning fire god art and cultivation with [red orbs]. Lu Ze's fire god art, spirit force cultivation, and body were all improving steadily.

Lu Ze sat in the living room and soon, Ian, Xavier, and Ye Mu came out one after another.

The four went out to the yard.

Today was the day when the military would assign missions to them. In the following month, they were going to leave their current base and enter the planets of the Xiaer system to perform missions.

Xiaer was a solar system with 33 planets. Most of such planets had more practical resources. As a consequence, these planets had frequent small-scale wars between the human race and the blade demon race over these resources.

Quite some students were in the yard already.

Some of the students who were heavily injured needed some time to recover for a while longer before heading off.

Lu Ze glanced around. He saw Lin Ling and her roommates come out, so he walked over along with his group.

Lin Ling saw Lu Ze come over. Her mouth twitched, and she looked away unhappily.

Last night, this guy made her miserable by setting her up!

Lu Ze saw her expression, so he asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

"What do you think? Last night you were having fun eating, and I had to deal with all those senior schoolmates by myself!" Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze heard her words and smiled awkwardly. "How about I treat you to Alice's food?"

He had no choice. Those senior schoolmates didn't give up. He couldn't beat them up either.

In such a situation, only Lin Ling could help.

She did work quite hard. Thus, he would reward her with a meal.

"…" Lin Ling looked speechlessly at Lu Ze.

This guy… Does he only have food in his mind!?

Her heart was aching!

At this moment, Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing arrived. Everyone became quiet after seeing the two.

Nangong Jing surveyed the crown and smiled. "In the following month, everyone will be a soldier of the federal military. I've collected your military uniform and basic spirit powered armor."

Then, Nangong Jing waved her hands, and a pile of boxes appeared, landing accurately in front of everyone.

Lu Ze looked at his box. On it, "first-year 50, Lu Ze" was written.

Lu Ze happily took the box. He saw an outfit similar to the military uniforms of the prodigies yesterday. They seemed very cool. On the other hand, the spirit powered armor was a pain in his heart.

He was looked down on a few days ago by the blade demons for not having it.

Now, he had one too.

Most new students were very excited as not everyone could afford a spirit powered armor.

Although the armor was only very basic, it was still a very good thing for them.

Of course, there were wealthy students who didn't react, such as Lin Ling.

Seeing everyone take the box, Nangong Jing said, "Okay, now we will assign missions to you."

The task was directly determined by the military last night. It was up to Nangong Jing to announce it.

Fourth-year students mostly went to support planets that had heated battles. Some of the third-year students were going too. A portion of them went to help build a new base at a new resource point.

Second-year and first-year students mostly went to guard existing bases.

The difference was that first-year students went to planets with fewer resources. Thus, both sides had fewer forces there, making it safer.

There were also missions assigned to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. At present, Nangong Jing turned to look at those excited new students.

She said slowly, "For most of you, this is your first time coming to the battlefield. Your missions are very easy, but despite so, there are new students who die every year. It's pretty much only new students who die in the entrance test as they don't take the battlefield seriously."

Nangong Jing's voice was magnetic and yet serious.

Seeing the hopeful smiles disappear from the new students' faces, she continued, "Of course, as long as you're careful, the problem wouldn't be huge. And, it's the best opportunity for new students to earn school credits. You don't need me to say what to do specifically, right?"

Since Nangong Jing said this, the new students changed their mentalities.

Nangong Jing nodded happily. Then, she looked at Lu Ze. "Lu Ze you're the strongest, so you've been assigned to 25th planet. The strongest power there is core martial state. Do you have any objections?"

With a smile, Lu Ze nodded. "No objections."

If the strongest power there was just core martial state, he would be fine if he was careful.

Nangong Jing heard him and nodded in satisfaction. "There are three excavation bases on the planet. You will be responsible for guarding the bases. Of course, you might be sent to protect search teams to help find other resource points. Your specific mission will be appointed by the commander of the base there."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay."

Then, Nangong Jing looked at Ye Mu, Xavier, and Ian, as well as Lin Ling and her roommates. She said, "Lin Ling, you guys should follow Lu Ze. The new student squad of the 25th planet will be you eight. Lu Ze is the captain."

After hearing the words, Lin Ling was stunned before nodding. "Okay."

Ye Mu and the others glanced at each other, showing excited smiles. The new students threw glances of envy at them.

Who didn't know that Lu Ze was the strongest?

Even if they did nothing, their entrance test scores wouldn't be low.

Then, Nangong Jing assigned missions to others. After finishing, she announced, "Okay, go to the space station."

Then, everyone left the dorms and boarded the flying cars to the space station.

Lu Ze turned to look at the space. There were many flying ships driving around like metal fishes in the dark sea.

The students split off by year level. Lu Ze and the others were led by troops to the transporter ship for the 25th planet.

The ship was over three hundred meters long. It was completely black and made of alloy.

When the eight entered the ship, there were already several people inside. They were all soldiers heading to the 25th planet.

Lu Ze glanced at the soldiers. They were of different ages. Some were younger than them while the others were already middle-aged.

Everyone was wearing their uniform and chatting.

They were of different ranks, but at least, now everyone was getting along very well.

After all, no one knew if they could get back.

After seeing the eight people come in with casual uniforms, everyone couldn't resist looking over. A little curiosity and a mix of fear were present in their eyes.

Those who could come in wearing casuals at this time were probably the huge prodigies of the Federal University.

To them, these prodigies were on a completely different level, whether it was in terms of power, future, or fate.

Lu Ze and others felt a slight change in the atmosphere. They glanced amongst each other and said nothing.

At this moment, the troop leader saluted them. "Just find a seat to sit down. The transporter ship is about to head off."

Lu Ze nodded and saluted back. "Thank you."

The soldier left. Lu Ze, along with his group, swept their eyes around and found a place to sit.

Those soldiers, who were bluffing, clearly became more reserved after they sat.

After all, it would be too embarrassing to bluff in front of these prodigies.

Lu Ze and his companions glanced at each other speechlessly.

They weren't demons.

They were good youths!

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he patted a not so old looking soldier. "Hello, I want to ask if there's a changing room here…"

The soldier looked nervously at Lu Ze and pointed at the corridor. "If you go there, there's a bathroom. You can change clothes inside there. Female soldiers have their own change room…"

Lu Ze smiled. "Thank you."

Then, Lu Ze turned to look at everyone and said, "Let's go change into our uniforms? It's not too appropriate to wear casuals like this."

Lin Ling and the others nodded in return. "Mhm."

Subsequently, they went to change their clothes.

As soon as they left, the soldiers started whispering amongst themselves.

"These are the prodigies of Federal University?"

"Probably? I heard there's a super prodigy this year. He beat the strongest prodigy in the prodigy barracks."

"Really? That's insane."

"Of course, I heard my instructor say it. He was only 18, but he had core martial state power… my god…"

"I can't compare. I can't compare at all"

"It's said that prodigy seems to have been assigned to our planet?"


The people glanced at each other, and then, one of them asked, "Then… which one is it?"

The elite class was already enough for them to handle. If there was such a level of prodigy coming over, they felt they couldn't take it.

At this moment, Lu Ze and his group came out.

Lu Ze saw Lin Ling's military uniform, and his eyes lit up.

He must admit that military uniforms suited her. A fluttering short hair, a delicate and exquisite face, coupled with a slim figure.

Lin Ling saw Lu Ze's look. She smiled and joked, "Oh, you're looking at me like that? That's not like you Lu Ze."

Lu Ze rebuked, "I just looked at you for an extra one moment, and you're already happy? If I stare at you non-stop, what would happen?"

Lin Ling was at a loss for words.

When they crossed the corridor, they heard the people discuss Lu Ze.

Everyone looked strangely at the embarrassed Lu Ze.

Lin Ling jabbed Lu Ze's waist. "Ze, these people are complimenting you? Are you happy?"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. He didn't want to speak anymore.

When they came out of the corridor, the soldiers stopped talking again.

When they saw the military uniform, the soldiers couldn't resist looking at them. This uniform gave off a sense of intimacy to the soldiers.

They weren't as nervous as before, and Lu Ze started chatting with the soldiers near him.

Seeing they weren't so hard to communicate with, the soldiers once again began bluffing—from killing cosmic beasts to hunting alien spies.

A few hours later, a yellow planet with only a few small green patches appeared.

This was the 25th planet. It was pretty much all made up of sand.
