Chapters [139-140]

Chapter 139. A Father Smacking His Son


The 25th planet was very big, at least much bigger than planet Lanjiang.

When the ship entered the atmosphere, they even saw the distant blade demon warships.

However, as long as there was a warship of the blade demon race, there will be a warship of the human race nearby.

After all, transporter ships were the main way for the human forces to send reinforcements. There would be heavy protection.

Within half an hour of entering the atmosphere, Lu Ze and his companions saw a few small-scale warship battles.

Soon, the transporter ship landed in a huge metal city surrounded by sand.

The city was a dozen kilometers away. It was covered with a light protective barrier.

The buildings in the city weren't tall, only about tens of meters. However, they were completely forged by alloy and seemed very sturdy.

The transporter ship landed in the space station. When the shuttle doors opened, the soldiers immediately turned serious.

As long as they were on this planet, even the base wasn't necessarily completely safe.

They had to stay alert at all times, or they might lose their lives.

Lu Ze and the others also became serious.

They got off and waited for verification.

After that, they would be sent to different departments.

When Lu Ze and his companions alighted, there were already soldiers waiting just for them.

The young soldier saluted and then said, "Lu Ze, welcome to our base. The commander has ordered me to take you to your dorms. Tomorrow, he will assign missions to you."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay."

Then, they followed the soldier and left the space station.

They went on a flying car and crossed the city.

Lu Ze found this base was more like a warzone city. There were quite some merchants as well, other than soldiers.

When these merchants found resources, they seemed to be required to pay some taxes before leaving.

Half an hour later, they arrived at their dorms.

It was similar to the dorms of the Xiaer system. The inside arrangements were similar too.

Then, the soldier left.

Lu Ze stretched his back. "Let's rest today. Tomorrow, we need to do missions."

Lin Ling smiled. "I didn't expect Sister Jing would let a second-grade soldier like you be the captain."

Lu Ze heard her words and smiled. "Then, if any problem arises, an old soldier like you need to give me pointers."

This was his first time on the battlefield. He didn't know a lot of things, so he didn't want to be in control of everything.

He was not only responsible for his own life but also for the lives of others.

Lin Ling was surprised for a moment. She didn't expect Lu Ze would say this. Then, she smiled and saluted, "Yes, Captain!"

Then, everyone went into their own rooms.

After that, Ye Mu seemed very interested in the base and wanted to call everyone out to play. Lu Ze wanted to cultivate for a while, so he rejected it.

In such a place, power was everything.

Ian rejected too.

Eventually, only Ye Mu and Xavier left.

Lu Ze sat on the bed. [Red orbs] in his mental dimension disappeared one by one while his cultivation level and body grew stronger.

This feeling of getting stronger mesmerized Lu Ze.

He could even see his cells becoming more lively under the nourishment of spirit force and crystal color.

A few hours later, he opened his eyes, and a red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes.

He got up and stretched.

His spirit force power seemed to have increased by a level.

Now, if he used his wind god art with full power, his power should be at core martial state level three.

If it was fire god art…

His combat power would probably be stronger than core martial state level four. Lu Ze didn't know specifically how strong it was.

But Lu Ze touched his chin.

He should be able to take on that male lion, right?

Lu Ze was excited.

He wondered what surprise that lion would give him.

He would wait until night and see.

Lu Ze looked outside. The star was nearing the horizon. The dusk light drew out long shadows.

Outside the barrier of the base, the sandstorm raged. The environment looked extremely grim.

Lu Ze took out his phone, took a photo of himself in military uniform, and sent it to his group chat.

Just when Lu Ze was chatting with Lu Li and Alice, someone knocked at his door.

Lu Ze got up and opened the door to find Lin Ling standing there.

Lu Ze felt apprehensive of Lin Ling's smile and asked nervously, "What do you want?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes, seeing how nervous Lu Ze was. "I came to eat with you. Didn't you say you were going to treat me to food?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay, come in."

Lin Ling smiled and entered the room. She sat at the side of his bed and moved the desk over.

It was almost as though she was in her own room.

Lu Ze moved the chair over and took out Alice's food. Immediately, the food's aroma spread everywhere. Lin Ling's eyes lit up a little more.

As they were eating, Lu Ze suddenly remembered something and asked, "Lin Ling, is there anything we need to watch out for on the battlefield?"

Lin Ling thought about it and answered, "There are too many things. Our cultivation levels are still weak, so many high technology weapons are quite damaging to us. There's also the environment of the planet, as well as the natives here."

Then, Lin Ling started to give some examples. Lu Ze listened intently.

What Lu Ze experienced was just a trial. It was just martial arts.

On the battlefield, it wasn't just martial arts, but also high tech weapons, as well as special products of other civilizations such as formation, magic scrolls, curses, and stuff.

On the battlefield, the end goal was to kill the enemy.

It didn't matter what means you used.

Lu Ze learned, and Lin Ling taught. Soon, it was dark.

The sound of an opening door could be heard. Ye Mu and his companion were back.

After dinner, Lin Ling smiled with satisfaction and waved her hands to Lu Ze before leaving.

Lu Ze packed things up and sat on his bed again. He proceeded to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Lu Ze came before the fire tree.

The beautiful and dominating male lion was sitting under the fire tree, enjoying the massage of the flames.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold.

Hunting mode activated.

He was going to truly mature into a cold and merciless hunter.

Crystal color flashed around his body. His body turned crystal, and then, vibrant red flames burned while the green wind slowly wrapped around the flames.

The red flames and green wind fused together. Following such, the flames flowed faster and also became stronger.

Eventually, the light receded, and a terrifying power was contained in Lu Ze's body.

Four times the strength god art, wind god art, fire god art, crystal body, and spirit force.

Lu Ze clutched his hand and felt the entire world was in his hands.

Oh my!

During the drill, his opponents were too weak. Lu Ze didn't use his full power.

At this moment, he truly used his full power.

This terrifying power awoke the lion.

Its body tensed, and its violent flaming eyes glared at Lu Ze.


It crouched, and the blood jade-like horn emitted a red light.

Without hesitation, a hot red beam of light, tens of centimeters thick, shot out toward Lu Ze.

In every place it passed, the air became twisted, and the grass was instantly turned to ash.

A terrifying heat!

Lu Ze raised his lips as the red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. Then, the initial hot red beam of light showed signs of collapsing.

Lu Ze used his fire god art with full power to interfere with the lion's fire god art.


Sensing this, the lion roared and forced the pillar to stabilize.

However, more than half the power was already reduced.

Lu Ze reached out his hand and slapped down.


A red light flashed, and fire waves spread through the plains, turning hundreds of meters of land into burnt grounds.

When the red light dissipated, Lu Ze stood on the spot without moving.

The beam of light just now was destroyed by him.

Lu Ze grinned and waved with his hand. "Come!"

A few days ago, I was chased around by you.

Today, I will smack you like how a father smacks his son!!


The red lion wasn't dumb. It sensed Lu Ze's provocation and roared furiously. Its entire body suddenly rose up in flames.

Then, it dashed towards Lu Ze in red flowing light.

Lu Ze grinned and charged over too.


Red-green fist force shook away the air and smashed towards the lion.

The male lion formed a huge spirit force flaw on its front claw and slapped towards the fist force.


The fist and claw clashed.

A range of thousands of kilometers was enveloped in the scorching heat, sharp wind blades, as well as terrifying spirit force. The place was covered in ditches.


Again, terrifying waves exploded.

Only the fighting sounds of the two could be heard. Everything else faded into the background.

Red lions cowered on the ground, shivering. The green wolves had already been long gone. Those cute rabbits emitted tasty aromas after being lit up by fire sparks.

Within ten minutes, countless clashes sounded. Their battlefield extended out from the fire tree. Everywhere they went, burnt grounds formed and animals cowered in fear.


It was another clash, and Lu Ze blocked the sharp claw with his left hand.

He punched with his right hand onto the soft belly of the lion, but a red whip flashed in the air and struck Lu Ze's waist.

The man and lion both flew back, spitting blood in the air.

There was a sound of bones cracking.

The man and lion fell to the ground and didn't get up for a long while.


Lu Ze coughed, and his mouth twitched.

So painful…

His ribs were definitely pretty much broken. He wondered if his spine was broken too.

His entire body was in pain.

Lu Ze gritted his teeth and a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as the wind circulated around him.

Then, his body was lifted up as he flew towards the spasming lion.

Lu Ze came above the wailing lion.

Sensing Lu Ze's approach, the lion roared and wanted to attack.

Lu Ze lifted his right hand with difficulty and sliced down with a green wind blade.

The lion's spirit light was cut open. Its huge head was severed as blood splashed.

Then, a huge head fell down.


Chapter 140. Crushed


After using all his power to maximize his god art again, Lu Ze's body ached. He coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood, and even his vision was blurring.

But Lu Ze watched the lion turn to ash and smiled.

He finally killed this lion.

From today onwards, he was a true, cold, ruthless, and mature hunter!

The ashes were blown away by the wind. Following such, [light orbs] were left behind.

There were 12 [red orbs] that emitted even brighter light than the red lions.

There were also 12 brighter [purple orbs].

Furthermore, there was also a vibrant fiery [red crystal orb] that seemed to be filled with life.

Lastly, there was a hazy [white orb] that Lu Ze had never seen. Perhaps, this wasn't even considered an orb. It was just a strand of energy. Its shape kept changing; sometimes it turned into [light orbs] and sometimes into strands.

Lu Ze's eyes were getting blurrier. He didn't think too much and collected all the [light orbs] first.

Afterward, he struggled to move toward the fire tree. He then proceeded to touch the flame.

This time, Lu Ze wasn't just burned to dust by the flame. Instead, it turned into a red light and entered Lu Ze's mental dimension.

After doing all this, Lu Ze's eyes darkened. When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his dorm.

He took a few deep breaths to ease his pains.

Then, excitement flashed in his eyes.

His current harvest was richer than before.

There was even energy that Lu Ze had never seen before!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He went into his mental dimension and observed.

At this moment, there was a small flame and a strange strand of energy other than the orbs.

The flame was waving and burning in the space. Lu Ze felt that he was constantly learning about fire god art in his brain.

That strand of energy only seemed distorted. Nothing else was special about it.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed as he sat down again. His mental force touched the energy, and he chose to digest this energy.

As soon as it entered his body, Lu Ze's body shivered. His face changed.

This felt quite good!

It was as if a small soft hand was massaging every inch of his muscle.

Lu Ze closed his eyes in comfort. He could clearly sense his body being filled with life force.

Even his mental force was growing stronger.

Although it was just one strand of energy, it gave Lu Ze the feeling of the vast oceans. It washed Lu Ze's body incessantly.

Lu Ze felt a fundamental change about him. This sliver of change was extremely profound.

Lu Ze didn't think much. His state now was too good. He was more enlightened than when he used faint [purple orbs].

Lu Ze quickly used the [fire crystal ball] from the male lion.

The small flame kept emitting god art runes. The fire god art of the male lion flowed through his body. The addition of the strand of strange energy improved his perception further.

Lu Ze felt his fire god art seemed to be accelerating extremely fast.

The next morning, sunlight shone through the window onto Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked like an ordinary person right now. Not a strand of energy was seeping out from him.

Lu Ze slowly opened his crystal and dark eyes. They seemed to be containing starlight.

He clutched his fist, and a heavy sound came from his palm. Ripples spread across. It was like a breeze blowing through the small space of the dormitory.

At the same time, Lu Ze scanned the area with his mental force. Previously, he could only use the combination of wind god art and his mental force to sense his surroundings, but now, his mental force alone could sense movements within a radius of one kilometer.

His mental force increased like crazy!

There was not a sliver of pain in his brain, just coolness.

This meant that his physical body could perfectly handle his increased mental force.

That meant, his body also improved a lot…

And, his fire god art seemed to have skyrocketed too…

Oh my!

He didn't even know how strong he was anymore.

Not too good…

He was going to get even more prideful.

Lu Ze felt he was almost in the state: 'If the heavens defy me, I shall annihilate the heaven.'

… should he find an opportunity to have a fight with the alcoholic?

No… he must not commit suicide!!

He took a few deep breaths and calmed down his mood.

He got up and found that Ye Mu, Xavier, and Ian were all waiting in the living room.

The instant they saw Lu Ze, they showed a confused look. They stared at Lu Ze so intently that Lu Ze was embarrassed.

At this moment, Ye Mu asked shakily, "… Ze, don't tell me you got stronger again?"

Lu Ze scratched his head. "A bit stronger, it's not much."

The three breathed a sigh of relief. They were really scared that Lu Ze had another breakthrough.

If that was so, they would be crushed to death.

After cleaning themselves, they left the dorms and came knocking on the female dorms.

Lin Ling soon opened the door. She froze the moment she saw Lu Ze.

Her crystal eyes glared at Lu Ze while the expression on her face kept changing.

Eventually, Lin Ling silently closed the door, leaving the three outside.

Meanwhile, the others saw Lin Ling close the door lifelessly and asked worriedly, "What happened Lin Ling?"

Lin Ling's mouth twitched and she smiled. "Nothing, I'm in a complicated mood right now. I want to have some peace."

Before, she could see some things about Lu Ze, but now, even when she used her spirit eye god art with full power, all she saw was a mist. That mist contained power that made her tremble.

That guy… it was just one night. Why did he become so much stronger?!!

How could she catch up to him like this!

Lin Ling wanted to cry. Beating Lu Ze was her goal.

Now, this goal seemed even further than before.


At this moment, the knocking sound came again. Lu Ze's voice could be heard, "Lin Ling, what happened?"

Lin Ling opened the door again and glared at Lu Ze. "Nothing."

Lu Ze was confused. He could only conclude that it was her time of the month.

Lu Ze still decided to care for her.

Thus, he smiled at her. "Remember to drink warm water."

Lin Ling: "???"

Then, Lu Ze walked inside the female dorms.

The eight people chatted about some tactics and soon, that young soldier from yesterday came over.

Thus, they followed him to the military quarters. After some serious security checks, they were brought to the office of the head commander.

Inside sat a stern-faced, middle-aged man. He was the commander of the base, Fuu Lang.

The 25th planet wasn't so rich in resources, so it didn't need a lot of manpower. Fuu Lang was just a core martial state level nine captain.

Fuu Lang glanced at them and said, "Second-grade soldier Lu Ze."

Lu Ze went up and saluted, "Yes!"

Fuu Lang was expressionless, but he was shocked inside.

He actually felt threatened by this youth?

What a joke. He was a core martial state level nine!

How young was this person??


Even if he was the most talented, he was still just a new student!

He actually felt some threat.

He was a little dazed.

The atmosphere fell silent. Just when Lu Ze felt that the commander had something against him, the commander came back to his senses.

His cold voice grew a little soft as he said, "You're students of Federal University. You're different from other soldiers, so during your time on this planet, I will be directly responsible for you."

Fuu Lang didn't really want to care about these Federal University soldiers. Prodigies were prideful and didn't really listen. They didn't understand the dangers of war.

But since the Federal University entrance test was at the Xiaer system, they had to manage this.

However, Fuu Lang didn't expect Lu Ze to be this strong. This made him feel a little better.

The stronger one was, the fewer the dangers. He didn't need to mind too much.

Fuu Lang said, "Since it's your first time at the battlefield, your first mission is to stay with other armies and gather experience."

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes!"

If he could work with old soldiers, it would be very good.

Fuu Lang glanced at the mission panel and eventually stopped at one.

He said slowly, "Perfect, I have an expedition team going to research a new resource point, you guys can go with the protection army."

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes!"
