Chapters [141-142]

Chapter 141. Second Grade Soldier and Sergeant Major


The young soldier led Lu Ze and the others to a square in the military area. A convoy with four huge military transport vehicles and an expedition vehicle was present there.

There were soldiers wearing basic black spirit powered armor. They were about to ride the vehicle.

The young soldier took Lu Ze and his companions to a youthful soldier and saluted, "2nd Lieutenant Miki, the commander has arranged a Federal University squad to conduct the mission with you."

Miki frowned, and he glanced at Lu Ze and his group.

The protection mission wasn't simple. The soldiers here have participated in many wars. They were strong and experienced.

If they were to bring a few new people with them, these people might be a hindrance at times of emergency.

Pfft, what is that old man thinking?

Increasing the difficulty for him?

But since the mission was here, Miki couldn't reject this.

He walked to Lu Ze and his group. Then, he glanced at Lu Ze with confusion. He felt this student didn't seem too right.

But Miki didn't think much and said seriously, "Since Commander Fuu Lang wants me to take you guys, then you must listen obediently! This mission isn't a game. I don't care how talented you are or what background you have. If you can't carry out the mission effectively, then don't blame me."


Although his words didn't sound nice, their mission was like this. They could only comply.

Subsequently, Lieutenant Miki said, "We will depart after ten minutes, so change into your armors."

Lu Ze and his group nodded. They took out spirit powered armors from their storage ring and changed into it.

Then, Lu Ze found that in addition to Lin Ling, Ye Mu, Ian, Xuan Yuqi, and Tianyuan Qianhua, everyone used his or her own spirit powered armor.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. Were they all wealthy?

Seeing them change, Miki glanced a bit more at Lin Ling and the others before saying, "Get on first."

Then, Lu Ze followed Miki onto the first vehicle.

Ten minutes later, the expedition team came to the square. Everyone was ready to go.

The vehicles floated in the air and left through the western city gates.

At the city gates, Miki showed his identification before the city guards opened the defense barrier.

The convoy passed through and left the base.

As soon as they left the base, a strong wind blew over. The yellow sand was everywhere. At the same time, the floating cars wobbled a little.

Moreover, the temperature inside rose a few degrees instantly.

Lu Ze looked into the distant sand and sighed. Ordinary people couldn't survive here at all.

Miki slowly said, "The most dangerous element of the 25th planet isn't the blade demon soldiers, it's the harsh environment and the terrifying beasts."

"Just be careful everyone."

Lu Ze and the others nodded.

The squad headed to the west. All that they saw was sand. The city behind them had already disappeared.

Lu Ze asked, "Commander, where is our destination?"

Miki glanced at Lu Ze's second-grade soldier badge and felt contemptuous. He answered plainly, "New recruits just need to follow orders. They have no authority to ask!"

Lu Ze: "…"

He seemed to have been looked down on.

Lu Ze was speechless. He was stronger than this guy.

How annoying!

Seeing this, Lin Ling smiled and said, "Commander, I believe I have the right to know."

Glancing at Lin Ling's rank and then her exquisite face, Miki was a little shocked.

They were all new students, but she was the only one who wasn't a new recruit. Her ranking had reached level three sergeant major.

This was a very high rank in their squad. Old soldiers couldn't be promoted even if they were strong enough if they didn't have enough military merit.

Miki was naturally shocked to see a level three sergeant major this young.

Miki's tone eased, "We're going to an oasis, two thousand kilometers west. Civilian excavators have found a copper mine there."

Lin Ling nodded and raised her brow at Lu Ze, making him speechless.

He had to hurry and get promoted. Lin Ling was more welcomed than him.

How could he take this??

Miki then said, "By the way, introduce yourselves and tell me your power, so I can make the arrangements."

With how talented Federal University new students were and how they were assigned here, they would at least be an abstruse martial state, right?

They could still be of some use.

Their squad was mostly made up of high-level spirit martial state and ordinary abstruse martial states. Only a rare few had a high level abstruse martial state. He was the only core martial state.

"You first, level three Sergeant Major."

Lin Ling smiled, "Reporting, I'm Lin Ling. Cultivation level, abstruse martial state level two."

Miki nodded and looked at Xuan Yuqi.

"Reporting, I'm Xuan Yuqi. Cultivation level is abstruse martial state level two."

Everyone said his or her cultivation level.

Perhaps Lu Ze asked a question and this made Miki have a bad impression of him, so he looked at Lu Ze last.

Should he secretly beat this guy up when he left the planet?

"Second-grade soldier, what is your cultivation level?"

Lu Ze smiled. "Reporting, I'm Lu Ze. Cultivation level, abstruse martial state level three."

Hearing this, Miki's face instantly stiffened.

His mouth twitched. "You're Lu Ze?"

Miki felt very awkward.

Although they couldn't go to the military drill, the news still came to them. Pretty much the entire Xiaer system knew the name Lu Ze.

After all, he was the new student who had beaten the strongest prodigy in the prodigy barrack.

He was just 18 and had a core martial state power.

He really didn't know Lu Ze was this second-grade soldier!

… Lu Ze's power is probably stronger than his own?

The atmosphere fell silent.

Lin Ling held in her laugh. She found Miki's expression quite interesting.

The other people wanted to laugh too.

Moments later, Miki coughed and said, "Okay, I understand your basic information. I'll make the arrangements for you."

Then, silence surrounded the car. There was only the furious howl of the wind and sand being blown into the glass.

Everyone was getting ready for any incoming threat. Lu Ze used his wind god art and mental force to survey the surrounding.

A few hours later, Lu Ze suddenly opened his eyes and said to the speaker.

"Commander, there are beasts advancing near our location!"


Chapter 142. This Beast's Name isn't too friendly


Miki heard the message and his eyes narrowed "What beast is it? How many?"

"There's a lot, quite some abstruse beasts and maybe even wild beasts."

The voice of shocked soldiers sounded from the communicator.

Miki frowned "Stop, embrace battle! Protect the expedition team with priority!"

The four large vehicles stopped and surrounded the expedition vehicle.

Then, tens of black spirit powered armour soliders got off from each transporter vehicle.

They carried spirit powered weapons on their back and held small spirit cannons.

Lu Ze and them followed Miki off and looked into the distant sky.

Winds and sand ravaged. In the sand, some tall figures gradually appeared.

Miki frowned "How can there be that many?"

Lin Ling looked and said "There isn't that many beasts?"

Miki explained "This region is 1000km from the base. Theoretically, its not a region where beasts ravage.

Soon, beasts started appearing from the sandstorm. There were a few hundred. They were tall and hideous. Roars and screams sounded non stop.

Miki said with cold eyes "Everyone watch out, suppress with fire!"

The cannons they held had abstruse martial state fire power. However, they took long times to charge and the trajectory was singular.

That instant, all sorts of scorching beams shot at the hideous beasts creating thunderous blasts.

Spirit beasts instantly died and abstruse beasts splashed blood.



The beasts roared in anger and all sorts of spirit lights flashed.

When a few hundred powerful beasts raged, the force was overwhelming. Weaker martial artists might even lose the will to resist.

However, warriors who had survived the battlefield wouldn't do that. Their faces remained calm as they continued their attacks.

The beasts resisted the energy blasts and charged over.

Gradually, the distance between the two sides were shrinking. Miki said "Melee battle!"

The cannon fires weren't as agile as martial artists attacks. Once the enemies got close, melee fights were the best.

Thus, the warriors clashed with the beasts.


The attacks stirred up the sand and air waves. Luckily the expedition car had a barrier or they would definitely be hurt.

Miki glanced at the battlefield and said to Lu Ze "You guys go too."

Lu Ze smiled "I'm already fighting."

As he spoke, green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and a wind blade sliced through the beast that was about to ambush another soldier.

It sliced the beast in half. Blood splashed o the brave soldier.

The soldier's face went pale.

Oh my, so close!

He almost died!

Luckily someone saved him!

Who was it that was so strong?

He was saved in such a chaotic situation.

Although death was unavoidable on the battlefield, Lu Ze wouldn't watch if he could save them.

At this moment, Miki smiled to Lu Ze "Sorry about before, you're a nice kid!"

Lu Ze grinned "I was even thinking of beating you up before I left. Now, it doesn't seem necessary. Thank you for your compliment commander!"

Miki …

This guy was that insidious? He was almost beaten up?

So close…

Lin Ling smiled "then I'm going in too."

She flashed in white light and charged into the battlefield. She passed by a ferocious beast. Her long sword sliced and the beast fell to the ground.

Ye Mu smiled "I'm the man to become a young duke. This battlefield is all too easy!"

Sword will spurted as he turned into a sword light shooting towards a ferocious beast. Then, all sorts powerful sword chi exploded piercing the beast into a beehive.

Xavier laughed "Then I'll be going in too."

Then, his body turned to a black metal look. With each stride, the earth shook. He grabbed the tail of a ten meter long abstruse beast and smashed it onto the gorund.

The beast struggled while wailing.

Lu Ze dazed. Black titan fighting monster?

If this was during the Earth era, no special effects were needed and it would be a huge blockbuster.

Ian smiled meekly "I'll just support here."

Then, purple light flashed in his eyes. a roaring beast suddenly stopped and then slapped the head of another snake like beast next to it dazing the beast.

What is this?

Why hit him?

Didn't they agree on beating these two legged people?

Then, the beast slapped down again and the two beasts started fighting each other.

Lu Ze dazed "Ian? You hypnotised that beast? That beast is abstruse beast middle stage. Your god art is that strong?"

Ian scratched his head shyly "The mental force of abstruse beast are much lower than other intelligent beings. I just slighty interfered with its mind making it think that sand snake to be a soldier."

Lu Ze: "… I envy you."

Mental force was really scary. It was completely toying with enemies!

He really wanted such a god art…

Meanwhile, green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he sliced another beast in half.

Ian watched this and looked at Lu Ze unhappily "Don't kid me Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze looked at Ian and his mouth twitched. Lu Ze said seriously "… Ian, you need to remember you're a guy! You need to be angry like one!!"

Why was this guy like a girl even when he was angry?!

Ian blushed and looked down in embarrassment.

Lu Ze: …

This guy was beyond help.

He had decided to stay away from Ian.

Xuan Yuqi and them also joined the battlefield.

Miki didn't join the battlefield. Although the beasts out numbered the soldiers but with Lu Ze here, his wind blades harvested the beasts like the scythe of doom.

Those invisible wind blades made Miki shiver.

This youth was too scary.

One man army!

Even those expedition members looked at Lu Ze in shock.

"… Was that youth Lu Ze, the one who was so famous now?"

"He's indeed a terrifying prodigy. It's the luck of the human race to have such a prodigy."

The battle lasted half an hour. A few hundred beasts fell to the ground and their blood tainted the sand red. Pungent smell of blood was everywhere.

The soldiers looked amongst each other and found that not a single soldier died.

"We, have a complete victory, over this many beasts?"

"… It seems so."

"Since when were we this strong??"

"Are we some unknown prodigy?"

Miki was cringing to death from hearing this. At least bluff after Lu Ze was gone.

Lu Ze was still here and you guys are bluffing like this.

Nevertheless, Miki breathed easy. It was best that no one died.

And, there didn't seem to be wild beasts?

He had been on alert for wild beasts. After all, he was one of the only two core martial state powers.

In that case, he could rest up.

At this moment, a rock piercing call sounded.


Those spirit martial state soldiers howled in pain as blood dripped down their ears.

Everyone looked into the sky.

A huge figure that covered the sun appeared.

It was a huge eagle like beast whose wings stretched more than a hundred meters. It was completely yellow and had a shrouds of yellow sand covering it. Each time it stretched its wings, it turned into yellow light and disappeared quickly before appearing again.

The terrifying pressure made the soldiers abstruse martial state primary stage and below unable to breathe.

Even Miki's face went bad "This… sand eagle! Why is it here??"

Lu Ze dazed: ??

Sand eagle??

It was called sand eagle??

Lu Ze felt this beast's name wasn't too friendly.

Lu Ze felt pity.

TL note: sand eagle in Chinese has another meaning – retard.
