Chapters [143-144]

Chapter 143. The wind is too big I can't hear


Lu Ze looked at the nearing sand eagle and then at Miki. He asked curiously "Commander, is this sand eagle very strong?"

Miki nodded "Very strong. Sand eagle is a wild beast. It has sand control god art. Its wing span is over a hundred meters. It has at least core martial state level seven power."

Miki's eyes focused as a sliver of hesitation in his eyes finally turned to harshness.

He took out a black ball from the storage ring and said "I'll stop the sand eagle. Everyone return to the base. Listen to Lu Ze's command."

Then, he turned to Lu Ze and said "Second grade soldier Lu Ze ! Your'e the strongest soldier other than me. Now, protect the expedition team and send them back! Act immediately!"

Lu Ze grinned "The wind is too big, I can't hear you."

What a joke. This guy clearly wanted to die himself. How could he leave now. it was just a large bird.

He wondered if a sand eagle tasted ncie.

Lu Ze's words dazed Miki and everyone else.

Core martial state level seven power was enough to destroy them. Yet, Lu Ze chose to resist order at this time?

Those soldiers who had some respect for him frowned.

On the battlefield, such ignorant fool died the quickest and would bring his team down with him.

It was already bad luck that they encountered the sand eagle.

However, the worst was yet to come.

Ye Mu and them frowned too. Lu Ze's talent was very respectable but saying this at this time was too ignorant.

Ian said "Ze… it's best to listen to the commander at this time."

Even Lin Ling frowned. To her, Lu Ze didn't seem like this sort of person.

"Ze, you have a way?" Lin Ling looked up and said seriously.

Lu Ze dazed. He didn't expect Lin Ling would ask him his way directly.

She trusted that he could deal with this bird that much?

She knew well.

Lu Ze smiled "It's just a big bird. Does it taste good? If it is, then we'll be having bird meat tonight.

This idiot still thought about food now.

However, everyone's face looked worse.

They knew Lu Ze's power.

At the drill, it was said he easily beat core martial state level one Frances. According to higher up estimates, Lu Ze's power would be no higher than core martial state level five.

This was already extremely high estimation.

However, this sand eagle was core martial state level seven.

Miki's face went green as he gritted his teeth "Second grade soldier Lu Ze, do you know what you're saying?"

Lu Ze smiled and said nothing.

Sometimes, it was just much more useful to let them see.

He could feel everyone's eyes but he didn't care.

No know knew his real power anyways.

If his power didn't have a huge improvement yesterday, he wasn't confident he could beat this eagle even if he used wind and fire god art.

But now, Lu Ze felt it was easy.

Green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he disappeared from the spot before everyone could react.

"Oh shit!!"

Miki cursed and charged at Lu Ze.

This bastard.

Although Lu Ze wasn't mature but he couldn't just leave him there.

To him, Lu Ze didn't even have the means to kamikaze with that eagle. He might as well let Lu Ze distract it and the two could stall while everyone else left.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed as she said "Open all defense barriers. Get ready for the battle waves!"

As a level three sergeant major, she was a high level commander here. With her order, everyone woke up and opened their barriers.

In the air, the sand eagle felt Lu Ze's approach. It clearly didn't feel much energy but its instincts made its feather stand up. The sand spun around it faster.

At the same time, countless sand gathered in the air.

Eventually, it formed countless sharp yellow feathers.


That stone piercing sound came again. It shook its wings and all the yellow feathers turned into flowing light shooting at Lu Ze.

Miki wanted to chase up to Lu Ze but found he couldn't even keep up with Lu Ze. When he saw the heavens covered in yellow fathers, his heart went cold.

It was beyond help.

Lu Ze grinned. Green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and the wind around him turned into a green shield.

All the feathers were immediately blown off their original course when they touched the light shield.

Miki and Lin Ling and them bulged their eyes.

"How was this possible??"

"Oh shit!"

"Ze's power…!"

All sorts of exclaims sounded.

Everyone's suppressed feelings felt a little better.

A sliver of hope appeared in their hearts.

Perhaps… Lu Ze could really kill this sand eagle?

The sand eagle sensed Lu Ze easily stopped its attacks and became more vigilant. It even felt a sliver of lethal threat.

It felt it didn't need to stay here and fight with its life. It was planning to leave.

Black rays flashed in its eyes and then a violent chi surged up turning its eyes red and hideous.

It shrieked at Lu Ze and charged at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze grinned and his eyes went cold.

His cells were extremely active right now. the crystal colour was completely flowing in his body. Only a sliver of crystal light seeped out. The terrifying power was almost all contained in his body.

After using that strange strand of energy yesterday, Lu Ze's body was much stronger.

His eyes flashed, strength god art.

Five times increase!

Even now, five times increase wasn't at the limit of his body. However, Lu Ze was still lacking on learning.

Lu Ze was just standing in the air and the sand storm seemed to have stopped becoming very quiet.

Miki who was planning to help saw this and his body froze.

For some reason, he felt Lu Ze was very scary now.

He instinctively felt it wasn't smart to get close.

Miki almost couldn't believe it.

This kid, was only 18! How could he be this strong???

The sand eagle felt Lu Ze's power. Its beast eyes flashed and its yellow spirit force bursted out.

It used full power immediately.

Lu Ze gritted his teeth. Just strength god art alone wasn't enough!

Green light flashed. He used wind god art at full power too!!

The power of a god art was related to one's learnings but it was also related to one's body, mental force and spirit force.

Now that Lu Ze's mental force and body improved greatly, so did his use of wind god art.

The wind turned into a layer of armour as Lu Ze clenched his right fist.


A distant thud sounded like the strike of an ancient war drum. The air wave swept the nearby sand.

Miki retreated drastically.

He couldn't help in the battle anymore.

But he didn't need to use his life to trade the sand eagle's life.

Everyone on the ground was extremely silent as they watched the bright green figure.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed.

This guy became this strong. How could she catch up?!

Ye Mu and them looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.


The sand eagle was sometimes awake sometimes immersed in bloodlust.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold as he punched.


The green fist force with spinning whirlwind struck towards the sand eagle.

Green and yellow clashed in the air.


The sky was covered in green and yellow colour. Sand and wind as well as spirit force spread in all directions.

Miki appeared before the convoy and shook the remaining force away with his spirit force.

Then, everyone looked up.

Lu Ze didn't stop after that strike.

He turned into a gust of wind and appeared next to the sand eagle who was still struggling to block his fist force.

Lu Ze punched again on its huge head.


A wail sounded as the terrifying sound of bones cracking came above the sand eagle's head. Blood splashed. The sand eagle struggled a few times before losing life force.

Its huge body fell from the sky.

It created another sandstorm while its blood tainted the surrounding red.

Miki, Lin Ling and all the soldiers looked dazily at the lifeless body.

Two punches, killed a core martial state level seven sand eagle.

This was too shocking…


Chapter 144. Just How Far Ahead Of Us Do You Want To Be?


In one desert of 25th planet, the wind blew furiously.

Everyone looked up at the figure flashing with green light that can't be covered even be the sand and was lost in thought.

This temperament…

He was just 18 and killed core martial state level seven sand eagle with just two punches.

This power was truly terrifying.

At this moment, Lu Ze landed slowly from the sky next to the sand eagle. He looked at it and touched his chin as though in contemplation.

Just when everyone was curious, Lu Ze grabbed one wing and smiled.

Then, Lu Ze dragged the eagle by this wing towards the vehicles.

Lu Ze ran as he spoke "Everyone, let's have this sand eagle today? How about it? Is it tasty?"

Everyone: …

What is this?!!

They thought this guy found something and that's why he was thinking.

Keep that temperament of yours!!

Everyone held their chest.

This guy changed styles so fast that they couldn't react.

These soldiers felt Lu Ze's great image collapsing.

Miki, Ye Mu and them completely couldn't relate this guy who was laughing like a stupid kid with the prodigy who killed the sand eagle in two punches.

Only Lin Ling who knew about Lu Ze's unreliable character was prepared for this.

But despite this, Lin Ling felt it was uneasy to breathe. This guy was too angering!

He was clearly just a little bit handsome before. Why didn't he keep it!

Lu Ze dragged the eagle to everyone and saw their strange face. He thought they were worried that the eagle wasn't dead yet so he smiled "Don't worry, I killed this sand eagle."

Then, Lu Ze looked at Miki "Um, 2nd lieutenant, the vehicles have stopped. Do you think we can eat first?"

He pointed at the sand eagle "Is this tasty?"

Miki: ….

Seeing Lu Ze's ravenous eyes, Miki's mouth twitched as he said "Okay, rest here for now."

The soldiers were indeed tired from that battle.

Then he said "… I've never had sand eagle meat. I don't know if it's tasty."

Oh my!

Even he wanted to try it after Lu Ze said it.

Lu Ze heard this and his eyes lit up. He glanced at Lin Ling "Lin Ling can you cook?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes "I'm not a spirit chef. I can't cook as well as your little junior schoolmate. Don't blame me if it doesn't taste good!"

Lu Ze smiled "Definitely not, you will at least cook better than me."

The timid Jessica said "Um, I can help."

Then, Xuan Yuqi and Yuantian QIanhua also smiled "We can help too."

Then, everyone started handling the meat while the girls started making spices for the meat.

The wing was over a hundred meters but most of it was feathers. The meat wasn't enough for all the soldiers.

Lu Ze had decided that if it was tasty, he would share some with everyone and have more of the leftover. If it was bad, he would eat less.

The vehicles pushed out the defense barrier to block the sand. Everyone sat down and the sand eagle was roasted ready.

Lu Ze took the meat Lin Ling passed over and bit down. Immediately, the intense flavour and texture bloomed in his mouth. He closed his eyes in satisfaction.

Lin Ling wasn't a spirit chef but her cooking wasn't bad?

Mhm, he was going to have more!

Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze and smiled "How is it?"

"It's good!"

Lin Ling smiled and started eating herself.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed as he looked at Miki "Commander, do you often come across such beasts when you leave the city?"

If there was often such beasts, this planet would need high level core martial state martial artists to lead the team.

Miki said slowly "This is my first time encountering such strong beast. Powerful beasts have their own domain. There shouldn't be such wild beast in this region."

"But although I haven't come across migrations but some people in the base have. Those unlucky squads would be entirely annihilated but such chances are very small."

Everyone: …

Oh my!

Was this planet this dangerous??

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. This was too unlucky.

Luckily his power was strong and because he had the fight with the sand eagle, he had a clearer knowledge of his power.

If he used fire god art or the fusion of wind and fire, at least he could show off in core martial state.

"However, I've already notified Captain Fuu Lang of this incident. If something else occurs on the way, we'll ask for assistance."

Lu Ze and them nodded.

The military power of the base was limited. One accident wasn't adequate for the base to send powerful beings over.

They had their own missions.

Ye Mu smiled "Ze is that strong, I feel our mission isn't hard to finish."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they nodded.

The bold Yuantian Qianhua smiled at Lu Ze "Ze, just how strong is your battle power?"

Lu Ze smiled "About core martial state level nine?"

If he used fire god art he could reached core martial state level nine power.

Hearing this, everyone went stiff as they clasped their heart.

Ye Mu's voice was shaky "We're clearly the same age. Why are you that much stronger than us? Just how far ahead of us do you want to be?"

Lu Ze was an entire state higher than them!

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

Lin Ling's eyes flashed. It seemed her improvement wasn't big enough!

She needed to work harder.

Miki felt extremely bad. Lu Ze was this much younger than him and yet his power was that much stronger than his…

Prodigies really left no way out for others.

After everyone was rested up, they once began driving off.

They had driven half way. In just a few more hours, they could arrive.

They didn't encounter other accidents on the way. There was the occasional beasts but they were low level abstruse beasts.

A few hours later, the speaker said "Commander, we're almost at our destination!"

Everyone looked out. there seemed to be a huge patch of shade in the sandstorm. As they got closer, the sade cleared up.

It was a huge oasis. There was full of tall trees inside the oasis. It decorated the sand like a green gemstone.

Miki said "Get close carefully!"

Then, the convoy slowed down and neared the oasis.

Lu Ze asked "Commander, are there powerful beasts inside the oasis?"

Miki nodded seriously "According to the finder of this resource point, there should be low level core martial state beast inside."

He looked at Lu Ze and said "It shouldn't be considered strong."

After all, this guy could kill core martial state level seven with two punches.

The convoy stopped outside the oasis. Everyone got off the car and watched.

There was constant beast roars inside and they could even hear fights.

It seemed the beasts inside were quite naughty.

The soldiers naturally kept the expedition squad in the middle.

Miki said "I'll pave the way ahead. Lu Ze stay at the rear. Everyone stay on high alert and keep quiet. Let's go!"

Then, everyone pushed forward.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling and them stayed at the rear. He kept his wind god art open and scanned out his mental force.

The surveyor took out his detection devices and started scanning.

An hour later, they were deep into the oasis.

They encountered quite some beasts on the way. They were pretty much all abstruse beasts. There was also a low level wild beast.

However, before it could even howl, its huge head was sliced off by Lu Ze's wind blade.

Just when they passed a small hill, the surveyor suddenly said "Stop! There's a reaction!"

Everyone felt excited.

Miki said "Quickly finish the surveying. If there's enough resources we can call teams over to excavate."
