Chapters [147-148]

Chapter 147. His Path of Conquest Has Become Different


Lu Ze scratched his head in embarrassment when everyone looked at him in shock as he brought the well-behaved Babatos down from the air.

"Um, if you want to compliment me, don't overdo it… I'm very bloated right now."

Everyone's face went stiff after hearing his words, and their mouth twitched.


Originally, they almost couldn't resist complimenting Lu Ze.

But looking at this guy… they instantly don't want to anymore.

At this moment, a sharp shriek came from the air. At the same time, roars could be heard from the ground too.

Since Babatos was heavily injured and subjugated, he could no longer control these beasts.

They were happy to watch when they were trapped by Lu Ze's flame god art.

When they watched Lu Ze beat Babatos up and they gained their freedom, they chose to run immediately.

Oh my!

They couldn't mess with such a big boss.

Thus, when Lu Ze and the others looked over, the sand eagle had broken free and flown away. The three sand tigers also wanted to run away.

Lu Ze looked up and then down. His eyes flashed.

Moments later, he scratched his head and asked, "By the way, do sand tigers taste good?"

He had never tasted a sand tiger…

Seeing how eager Lu Ze was to eat, everyone's mouth twitched.

This guy was still thinking about food?!

Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze once. She then glanced at Babatos and frowned. "Don't think about eating now! Something definitely happened for the blade demon to come to the 25th planet. Let's contact the base and report this."

Miki nodded. "Indeed, let's leave first. We'll set aside the expedition first. The signal had been blocked here. Let's leave, and send a message to the base."

Lu Ze heard this and took his eyes back from the sand tigers with regret.

He could only wait until the next opportunity.

In the distance, the sand tigers suddenly felt a little chill. They growled and exploded in speed as they disappeared in the sand storm.

Everyone packed things up and started to leave the oasis.

Due to the battle between Lu Ze and Babatos, the usually active beasts in the oasis were all cowering in their homes, so they left the oasis easily.

Getting on their car, they drove back to base. At this moment, Miki gained contact with the base.

After that, Miki said, "We'll go back first. The base has sent powerful people to come and greet us."

Lu Ze and the others nodded and breathed easier.

Then, Lu Ze glanced at the disappearing oasis and then looked at Babatos. Lu Ze grinned. "You, blade demon brother. We got to know each other through a fight. Tell me, what are you guys secretly doing?"

Babatos quickly closed his eyes and sunk into silence.


He also felt a little more relieved.

At least, they had not been caught yet.

But his exposure would make the human race vigilant.

The problem occurred at his part, and he couldn't even kill himself.

He really wanted to die…

Lu Ze sighed, seeing that Babatos didn't reply despite knowing that Babatos probably wouldn't reply.

If one's head was beaten up, he might answer, right?

Humans needed to have dreams.

Lu Ze felt he was a youth with a dream.

However, his dream wasn't realized. Lu Ze felt a little disappointed.

The vehicle fell in silence.

At this moment, the sun was slowly sinking into the sea of sand. The weather was getting cooler.

The temperature difference between day and night on this planet was rather huge.

The group had been through two battles and were rather tired. They still forced themselves to be on alert.

After driving towards the base for an hour, news came from Miki's communicator.

Miki looked at it and grinned. "Our support has arrived!"

Everyone got dazed. "That quickly?"

Miki said, "Captain Fuu Lang reported this to the higher authorities. This incident is very special, and there are new students of Federal University here, so they have decided to use a spaceship to pick us up."

At this moment, a spaceship stopped before the convoy.

Soon, the doors opened, and a squad of armored warriors came out. A few captains and 1st lieutenants came out.

The convoy stopped, and the soldiers went out on guard while Lu Ze, Miki, and the others came before the officers. A youthful captain glanced across everyone before setting his gaze on Babatos.

Miki saluted to the officers. The young man with the rank of captain nodded. "Get on the spaceship first!"

Everyone went on.

Then, the captain looked at Lu Ze. "2nd-grade soldier Lu Ze, thank you for your hard work. All of you, thank you for your hard work. This captive…"

He glanced at Babatos who was covered in wounds, and his mouth twitched.

Oh my! Just what did this blade demon go through?

Why was he like this?

But he didn't ask and continued, "Due to the special nature of this, we'll send him to cryo-sleep first to prevent suicide."

Lu Ze glanced at Babatos and nodded.

Then, Lu Ze and the officers came to a cryo-sleep chamber and sent Babatos to sleep.

After that, everyone went to rest.

An hour or so later, the spaceship stopped at the space station.

At this moment, Captain Fuu Lang was already waiting at the square.

Everyone came up to him. Fuu Lang smiled as he said, "Lu Ze, Lin Ling… Ian, thank you for working hard this time. The difficulty of the mission changed. We will explain this when we make your entrance test report."

Lu Ze and the others nodded. "Thank you, Captain."

Fuu Lang shook his head. "I should be thanking you guys."

He glanced at Babatos's chamber and said, "If it wasn't for you guys, quite a lot of people would die this time. Plus, we wouldn't be able to get the first news of what happened on this planet."

"You guys must be very tired now, right? Go back and rest first. We'll gather intel first. We'll give you your military merits and awards tomorrow."

The most important thing was to understand what happened that made Babatos run over here.

Lu Ze smiled. "Okay, Captain, we'll go rest first."

Fuu Lang nodded and ordered the young soldier to accompany them to their dorms.

Lu Ze and the others followed the soldier in the car and left.

At this moment, Ye Mu stretched and smiled. "I did quite a lot this time. I would probably get at least a corporal promotion?"

Tianyuan Qianhua sneered, "It's clearly all Ze's effort. You are acting up now."

Ye Mu's mouth twitched. "I know my effort can't compare with Ze, but when the first wave of beasts attacked, I killed eight abstruse beasts. It's definitely more than you guys!"

The cold Xuan Yuqi said, "What a coincidence, I have eight too."

Ye Mu's face stiffened as he looked at Xuan Yuqi in disbelief. Then, he saluted with his fists. "I didn't expect you had such power. It could shock the heavens and surprise the gods. My respect for you is endless like the yellow river…"

Everyone looked at this in speechlessness. This guy had the same numbers of kills as her. Complimenting her was complimenting himself.

So shameless.

At this moment, Ye Mu looked at Ian and Lin Ling. "Ian, Lin Ling, how many did you guys kill?"

They were all abstruse martial state level two.

Ian spoke softly, "I killed nine."

Lin Ling smiled and said, "I killed 12."


Everyone's eyes bulged.

They were the same cultivation level, why did Lin Ling have so much more?

Lin Ling smiled. "That day at the drill, the battle tactics Ze explained to me were very effective. It's coherent with my god art. I've been thinking about it, so my combat power has improved."

Tianyuan Qianhua listened with envy.

Other people were envious too.

Everyone had a different god art. They needed to learn themselves how to best use it. Lin Ling had a very good method of use now.

At this moment, they had arrived at the dorms.

Everyone went up into their own rooms.

Lu Ze stretched and lay on his bed.

Today was indeed a bit dangerous. Luckily, he was strong enough, or things would be bad.

If he still had the power he had yesterday, they would probably need to run back to the base when they encountered the first sand eagle.

After all, his power yesterday wasn't much stronger than the sand eagle.

Lu Ze took out his phone and reported his safety in the group chat and talked with Alice and Lu Li for a while.

Half an hour later, Lu Ze put away his phone. He grinned, and his tense state of mind eased up.

He felt good.

Lu Ze looked outside, it was completely dark now.

He sat on his bed and closed his eyes.

Practice cultivation!

The 25th planet seemed a bit dangerous now. If he didn't cultivate hard, he might die.

He didn't want to die early.

He wanted to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] like usual.

However this time, Lu Ze was shocked.

When he opened his eyes, he found he wasn't in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. He was in some dark unknown space.

There were two fist-sized light rings floating before him. There were scenes in each ring.

The scene in the first ring was very familiar. Lu Ze saw those cute white rabbits and green wolves.

The other ring had some living beings too. Lu Ze had only seen one type. It was the black scaled leopards he encountered when he ran out of the white rabbit area.

Lu Ze looked at the two rings with shock.

Did this mean he could choose where he entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

Was the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] evolving?

Or was it something else?

Just what was this [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

Lu Ze thought about how he killed that male lion last night.

That male lion was definitely the strongest beast there.

Would this new ring have such an animal?

If he killed it, would a new ring appear?

Lu Ze made a bold guess, but he would need to verify it.

Lu Ze smiled. This felt like a game—level after level.

However, death was too painful inside. It affected user experience.

This must be given a bad review!

Lu Ze used his mental force to touch the other ring.

His eyes went dark. When he could see again, he was in the grass plain.

This time, his path of conquest was different!


Chapter 148. Heavy Beating From the Boss


In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

It was still another grassy plain even though he entered through another light circle. Lu Ze had run here before.

However, as soon as he came here, he was beaten up by those few black scaled leopards.

But now, everything was different!

Lu Ze rarely had a match in the core martial state. He could barely fight those who just reached aperture opening state.

He was very strong!

He looked around. This region of grass plain had taller grass than the previous one. The grass was taller than three meters. There were the incessant roars of beasts and battles. The air was full of ferocity and battle will.

Lu Ze heard the distant beast roar. He fell silent for a moment and took a deep breath. "Ah, I smell it, the smell of prey…"

Then, Lu Ze scratched his head in embarrassment.

This was the 34th line he wanted to say the most when he was still retarded.

No one was in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], so why not let himself loose.

Then, Lu Ze opened his wind god art and mental force with full power and looked around vigilantly.

Lu—Mature Hunter—Ze was online!

At this moment, Lu Ze looked to the right.

There was the rustling sound of grass.

Then, five three-meter tall, black scaled leopards appeared. They had a hideous horn and whip-like tail.

They gazed at Lu Ze with their black eyes showing a familiar look.

It was the look of hunger.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Did these guys think he was tasty??

They were even drooling!

Lu Ze couldn't tolerate this. If possible, he wanted to eat them. However, all the animals he killed here turned to dust.


They lowered their bodies slightly and lunged at Lu Ze. Their bodies turned into a black stream.

Lu Ze raised his lips.

He was no longer the original him!

The power of these leopards was only core martial state. To him, it was too weak!

A red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and instantly, five vibrant red flames ignited in the air, surrounding the leopards.


The scorching flames twisted the air. The leopards flashed with black spirit light but couldn't resist Lu Ze's flames at all.

In a short while, an intense aroma of meat perfused in the air making Lu Ze drool.

Oh my!

Were all the beasts here this tasty?

Lu Ze looked at the five leopards slowly turning to dust. His eyes were full of sadness.

The cooked meat flew away.

All that was left behind were [light orbs].

Each leopard left two to three even darker [red orbs], as well as a deeper [purple orb].

They had nothing else.

Not every organism in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] would leave behind [god art crystal balls].

The little rabbits didn't have them.

However, Lu Ze grinned, feeling the intense power contained in the [red orbs].

With stronger [red orbs], his spirit force cultivation progress would go much faster.

With his current body, he could definitely use this energy.

He collected the 5 [purple orbs] and 12 [red orbs], and once again, he continued the path of hunting.

He went through the grass vigilantly.

Although Lu Ze felt he was very strong, he knew there were many that were stronger than him.

At least, that lightning warhorse and the grey lizard were stronger than him.

He went around for more than ten minutes before finding new prey.

This prey was a sheep-like beast with a pair of sharp horns and smooth fur. There were more than ten of them, and they were over three meters tall.

They were eating the grass, but when they sensed Lu Ze's chi, they immediately looked up vigilantly.

Then, under Lu Ze's speechless gaze, they bared their sharp teeth and charged at Lu Ze with red eyes.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold. Fire god art surged, instantly roasting the whole sheep.

Once again, with sadness, Lu Ze watched the lambs turn to dust, leaving behind [red and purple light orbs].

They had similar or even lower power than black leopards, but their powers were also core martial state.

Collecting the orbs, Lu Ze headed off once again.

A few hours later, Lu Ze hunted more beasts. Their powers were all core martial state.

Lu Ze was confused.

Were the beasts here that weak?

Was he invincible here?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze put his hands behind him and looked up at the sky at a 45-degree angle. Hi6s eyes had deep melancholy as he sighed, "Invincibility is such loneliness…"

This was the 5th line he wanted to say the most. Lu Ze felt it suited the situation perfectly.

Just at this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

Lu Ze: "?"

Wasn't it a day right now?

Why did the lights suddenly turn off?

Why were there vibrations?

He turned to look at the sun.

Then, his face no longer had the expression of 'invincibility is such loneliness.'

Dark clouds with a few hundred-kilometer range covered the sky and were flying towards him at extreme speed.

Lu Ze glanced at it and realized this wasn't a dark cloud.

It was a group of creatures resembling mosquitos that were four meters long. They covered the sun. Lu Ze couldn't even count them.

Lu Ze ran without hesitation.

Oh my!

What type of mosquitoes are these?

If that needle came down, he would be over!!



Countless beasts chose to run too. The tall grass wavered non stop. Even the ground was shaking. Some powerful beasts charged into the sky.

Lu Ze saw a huge green bird that had a wingspan of over a hundred meters and a green wind swirling on its body. He also saw lightning horned warhorse that was over ten meters tall. In addition, he saw grey lizards that were tens of meters long. He saw countless powerful beasts.

They all turned into a flowing light and disappeared into the distance.

Even such terrifying beasts were fleeing in the wake of the mosquito sea.

Lu Ze's face was red.

He wasn't invincible at all!!

The dark cloud was like a catastrophe. Everywhere it passed, beasts howled hideously.

But the howl only lasted for an instant and stopped.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Before he could feel sad for them, his eyes went dark.

He felt he was sucked dry.

Then, he opened his eyes again, and he was in his dorm.

Lu Ze was completely dazed.

It was his first time feeling that his entire body was drained.

He died peacefully.

Thus, Lu Ze didn't feel much pain.

That was probably the only merit.

On the first day of going to a higher level map, he had taken a heavy beating from the big boss.

Power in numbers.

Socialist mosquitos were this terrifying!

Lu Ze sighed and focused his attention on the [red orbs].

He wanted to increase his spirit force cultivation the most. That was his weakness.

He used a [red orb].

Immediately, a fierce power that was on a completely different level flowed in his body.

But his body could completely handle this power!

This power split into two and started nourishing his body while helping with spirit force cultivation.

The physical body didn't improve rapidly from this power, but his spirit force cultivation did.

Spirit chi was drawn into Lu Ze's body nonstop. It flowed in his cells, making them shine.

An hour later, he finished using a [red orb]. Lu Ze didn't stop at all. He used a second one.

I love cultivation. Cultivation makes me happy!

Time flowed by rapidly. The sky went orange and then dark and then blue.

When the sun first rose, Lu Ze opened his eyes. his dark eyes were flashing like crystal.

He felt the immense spirit force in his body and smiled.

The level of his spirit force cultivation probably increased that night.

The higher level [red orbs] weren't the same at all.


Lu Ze felt the fire god art secrets emitted by the waving flame in his mental dimension. His eyes flashed.

He didn't even need to cultivate fire god art, and the secrets of it would be flowing in his brain. His fire god art was getting stronger.

The reward for beating that lion was huge!

With how the flame was being consumed, it should last half a month?

By then, his fire god art would be very strong!
