Chapters [149-150]

Chapter 149. Very Envious


After calming down, Lu Ze got up from the bed and stretched. Then, he walked out of his room to clean himself.

When he was finished, Lu Ze came to the living room. Immediately, another door opened, and Ian walked out of the room.

Ian's exquisite face blushed as he looked down and said softly, "Good morning, Ze."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "… morning, Ian."

He didn't know why this guy was embarrassed, but Lu Ze felt this person was really hopeless.

He needed to stay away from Ian.

Then, Ye Mu and Xavier came out of their rooms.

The three cleansed themselves, and all sat in the living room.

Ye Mu smiled sycophantically to Lu Ze. "Ze, um, do you still have more of that spirit food your junior schoolmate cooked for you?"


Lu Ze ignored their pitiful looks.

What a joke? He didn't even have enough himself!

That was his beauty food for the next few months.

If he finished up Alice's food, he would have no extra reserves.

Even he ate modestly. There was no way he was going to take it out!

Seeing Lu Ze's resoluteness, Ye Mu and Xavier could only eat other things.

Suddenly, there was the sound of knocking on the door.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and he used wind god art to open the door.

Wind god art was perfect for lazy people!

Lin Ling and her group walked in.

Lu Ze saw Lin Ling's happy smile and immediately said, "Lin Ling, if you found money, you must split it with me!"

Lin Ling's smile froze for a moment. She rolled her eyes and then said, "I had a breakthrough!"


Ye Mu heard this, and his body shook.

Lin Ling was already stronger than he is, and now that she broke through again, she would be far beyond him?

Even Xavier and Ian looked at Lin Ling in shock.

Xuan Yuqi and the others clearly knew already.

Lu Ze said calmly, "What a coincidence, I just had a breakthrough too."

Elder Lin said to keep her ego in check. He needed to be very responsible.

The atmosphere instantly fell silent.

Lin Ling's smile disappeared as she bulged her eyes, looking at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Ye Mu's pitiful voice came out, "I don't want to live! You guys are all big bosses, secretly getting strong behind my back!"

As a man who was determined to become a young duke, Ye Mu felt very pressured.

Lu Ze looked at Ye Mu speechlessly. He felt this guy completely forgot about copying Luo Bingqing's mannerisms.

Xuan Yuqi glared at Ye Mu. "Shut up! You're making me annoyed!"

Everyone else looked amicably at Ye Mu. This instantly made him stop.

They felt the same too, but Ye Mu, this bastard, still groaned.

Then, after breakfast, everyone began to work harder due to the influence of Lu Ze and Lin Ling.

They haven't received Fuu Lang's notice yet.

So, everyone started discussing martial arts, as well as their experience.

Sometimes, discussing was better than cultivating alone.

Everyone here was a prodigy and had their unique knowledge. Even Lu Ze benefited quite a lot from the discussion.

Soon, the morning went by.

After lunch, that young soldier came to them again.

Then, Lu Ze, along with the others, followed the young soldier to a discussion room.

There were more than ten people inside already. Other than the high authorities of the base, there were two men and one woman wearing military uniforms. They were young.

One man was a major, the other man and woman were captains.

Seeing the three, Lu Ze and his group were slightly stunned.

These three were their senior schoolmates. Lu Ze and the others had seen the three before.

They were all third-year students. The senior, with the rank of major, was called Wang Wenze. His battle power was about to reach aperture opening state.

The other male senior, with the rank of captain, was Andrew, and the female, with the rank of captain, was Xilin. They all had core martial state peak battle power.

Seeing Lu Ze and the others come, Wang Wenze smiled. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, you guys are here."

Lu Ze asked curiously, "Hello Senior schoolmate, why did you guys come?"

The three glanced at each other, and their mouth twitched.

This guy still asked why they came.

Of course, it was for Babatos!

During the drill, they knew that Lu Ze was very powerful, but now they realized they were too naive.

This junior schoolmate wasn't just powerful, he was scary!

They knew some things about Babatos. After all, this was a potential enemy of theirs.

However, they didn't expect this blade demon prodigy was captured alive by a junior schoolmate who hadn't even finished his entrance test yet.

Everyone was dumbfounded upon hearing this news.

They really wanted to know what this junior schoolmate fed on. Why was he this ferocious?

The atmosphere fell awkward for an instant.

Then, Wang Wenze smiled. "We took the mission to interrogate Babatos. My god art is spiritual analysis. It's good for interrogation."

Lu Ze showed the look of realization.

He asked, "Then, did the interrogation yield results?"

Lin Ling and the others looked at Wang Wenze curiously.

Wang Wenze said heavily, "No specific results. A restriction has been placed on Babatos regarding why he came here. If we touch that, the restriction will backlash."

Hearing this, their faces became serious.

Just the restriction itself meant a lot of things.

If the intel wasn't important enough, why would a restriction be placed?

Wang Wenze continued, "And, we did get other news. There are around five powerful beings like Babatos that came to the 25th planet. There's even a powerful being who reached aperture opening state."

Lu Ze: "…"

They were speechless.

They were just noobs!!

Couldn't they just complete the entrance test safely and leave the battlefield??

Why did it become like this?

Was there a gold mine here?

Everyone wanted to get rich??

Fuu Lang laughed bitterly, "We've already reported this back to the higher authorities. They would arrange powerful people to come here. The latest arrival would be tomorrow morning."

Clearly, Fuu Lang was very helpless with what happened on his land.

Powerful beings were limited. They were usually fighting over for higher-level resources.

Fuu Lang looked at Lu Ze and the others and smiled, "You guys have done great merit this time."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up and said hopefully, "Would my rank be promoted above 2nd level sergeant major?"

Lu Ze didn't really have much need for resources. The resources he got from the [Pocket Dunting Dimension] was enough. There was even a surplus. He wanted military rank the most right now.

He felt very annoyed each time Lin Ling wore the level three sergeant major badge in front of him.

When his rank was higher than hers, how would she be able to flaunt it in front of him?

Fuu Lang smiled. "Lu Ze's wish is very simple. Level two sergeant major is enough?"

Lu Ze smiled even brighter. "Can it be higher?"

The three senior schoolmates smiled. Eventually, Wang Wenze said, "Junior schoolmate, just capturing Babatos alive is a huge merit. After all, he's near aperture opening state. At the same time, with the intel we got this time, of course, you can go higher than level two sergeant major."

Fuu Lang smiled. "The reward this time is that Second-grade soldier Lu Ze will be promoted to 2nd lieutenant and receive 80k federal contribution points. 3rd level Sergeant Major Lin Ling will be promoted to second level sergeant major and receive 5k federal contribution points. Second-grade soldier Ian will be promoted to corporal and receive 5k federal contribution points…"

Fuu Lang announced the rewards slowly.

Ye Mu and the others reached corporal, but the awarded federal contribution points were much lower. The lowest, Jessica, only got 2000. She almost cried.

The main merit this time belonged to Lu Ze. Other people just killed some abstruse beasts.

80k federal contribution points could buy quite some martial techniques and resources. His rank also reached 2nd lieutenant.

Although it was just an honorary rank for students, the promotion speed was scary!

Even Wang Wenze and the others looked at Lu Ze with green eyes.

They were very jealous.

They thought back to their hard road to promotion and wanted to cry.

Especially Andrew and Xilin, they were third years and still only a captain.

Lu Ze saluted and accepted the new rank. He felt great. Now, Lin Ling had to call him officer.

As for federal contribution points, it was transferred to his account.

Fuu Lang smiled at Lu Ze. "Congratulations, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze."

Lu Ze smiled. "Thank you, Commander."

Then, Fuu Lang became serious again. "When the support arrives tomorrow, we need to investigate what the blade demon knows. Hence, missions may change. Rest up today everyone."

Lu Ze and the others nodded. "Yes, Commander!"

Wang Wenze smiled, "Junior schoolmate, we'll go with you. Our dorms are in the same place."

Andrew and Xilin nodded. "Yeah, Junior schoolmate, we also want to spar with you."

The three's eyes flashed.

They were rather curious about Lu Ze's combat power.

They wanted to see just how talented this junior schoolmate was.


Chapter 150. Like an Abandoned Kid


Naturally, Lu Ze didn't reject the request of the three senior schoolmates. He wanted to spar with stronger people too.

What was the saying?

If you didn't go out for a spin, you would never know how noob you were.

Lu Ze felt he was too cocky now. The senior schoolmate could let him realize he was still a noob.

Thus, the group left the meeting room and returned to their dorms.

Wang Wenze and his group didn't even organize their rooms yet and just dragged Lu Ze and the others downstairs.

There was a large training ground near the dorms for resting military officers.

Lu Ze and the others were helplessly dragged here by the three excited senior schoolmates.

There were ten stages here, and each stage was a few hundred meters long and wide. There were a few people fighting on the stages already. There were also people watching and cheering.

The scene was on fire. When Lu Ze and the others entered, they felt their blood boiled.

Wang Wenze smiled. "Each district has such training ground. Many people would come to play when they took breaks. Some people would have small bets and things."

Xilin smiled. "I remember a few days ago, Andrew betted with a prodigy from the prodigy barrack. He seemed to have lost 50k federal contribution points?"

Andrew's face went red. "Who knew Xi Zhong, that bastard, had a breakthrough without saying a thing?! His heart is dark!"

Xilin snorted. "Pfft… would you say it if it was you?"


Andrew was speechless. He wasn't going to reject free money.

Was 50k federal contribution points a small gamble?

Oh my!

Lu Ze realized that he was so poor he could only play a small gamble once.

Indeed… gambling was harmful to health. He must not do it!

As for Lin Ling and the others, they couldn't even afford a small gamble.

Wang Wenze smiled. "Okay, stop roasting Andrew. Let's play."

Xilin and Andrew's eyes lit up.

Their combat power was similar to Babatos. They were also core martial state peak. If they fought with their life, they could fight with those who just entered aperture opening state.

They were extremely curious about Lu Ze who could capture Babatos, an equivalent of them.

Xilin threw a seductive glance at Lu Ze. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, let's spar first?"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "Sure!"

Xilin tapped on the ground and disappeared. The next instant, she appeared on the stage.

Lu Ze followed on and stood on the opposite side of her.

Everyone else watched with anticipation.

People would be able to realize their own mistakes by watching the battles of others. This was especially the case for battles between prodigies.

Xilin formed fists and said, "Junior schoolmate, I'm going to attack."

Then, she kicked the stage.


A shocking sound came. A shallow ditch was created on the extremely tough ground.

Xilin charged at Lu Ze.

Feeling the powerful spirit force from Xilin, Lu Ze flashed with crystal color. Five times the strength god art was activated. Full powered wind god art activated.

Although Xilin didn't use any god art, her spirit force cultivation level was much higher than his.

The chi wave formed by Xilin arriving next to Lu Ze blew his hair up. Her small fists clenched with barbaric chi, which made Lu Ze feel scared.

Oh my!

This senior schoolmate is probably the same type as that alcoholic.

She loved smashing people with her fists?

Lu Ze opened his hands, and green wind flowed as he blocked her fists.

Terrifying power exploded from her fists. It tore open Lu Ze's wind god art and clashed with his palm.


It was the clash of raw power. Chi wave spread in all directions. Thunderous sounds filled the entire training grounds, making those audiences and the officers fighting look over.

Let me see which gods were fighting?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. His hands hurt.

He was right!

Her fists were very tough!

She was the same type as Nangong Jing.

If he didn't use fire god art, it felt like he couldn't win.

Xilin charged at Lu Ze again.

Lu Ze thought about the battle experience he learned at the drill and started using it.

The two flashed around on the stages, clashing. Thunderous sounds came nonstop.

Lin Ling and the others were protected by Xilin's spirit force.

Xilin said in shock, "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze's wind and strength god art are much stronger than when he was at the drill."

Andrew nodded in disbelief. "Although Xilin hasn't used god art yet, this power is at core martial state level eight."

They were all there when Lu Ze fought Frances. Lu Ze at the time couldn't compare with the current him at all.

But the problem was, it has only been a few days??

In a short few days, Lu Ze's strength and wind god art improved this much?

They felt like they were living in a dream.

They weren't the strongest in the third year, but they were rather excellent.

It was alright that they were surpassed by the top prodigies of the second year, but never have they thought they would be surpassed by a new student who hadn't even finished registering.

This junior schoolmate was too scary.

Lin Ling and the others watched without blinking, trying to learn what they could.

Almost everyone worked hard in cultivation after seeing Lu Ze.

They were prodigies admired by thousands of peers. Now that Lu Ze far surpassed them, they weren't satisfied.

Lin Ling almost watched Lu Ze grow up and watched him get farther and farther ahead. Her pride wouldn't take it.

Her talent was hopeless, but she felt she could save the situation through ten times hard work?

The audience's eyes bulged.

"Oh my, who are these two?"

"Even us, 1st lieutenants, can't compare with such power. They're so young too. Why did they come to our planet?"


In another clash, the two separated.

Lu Ze glanced at the shocked Xilin and waved his hand.

His hands were numb.

He used a [purple orb] to fuse all the battle experience he learned at the drill. He could fight even better now.

Xilin's heart was full of shock.

In terms of absolute power, Lu Ze couldn't compare with her.

However, his battle experience was rising at a terrifying speed. He dealt with her attacks so well that eventually, she didn't even know how to attack anymore.

What was this?

Why was his progress this terrifying?

She felt she was losing her confidence.

Moments later, Xilin smiled. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, from the power you just showed, you wouldn't be able to capture Babatos alive. Senior schoolmate is going to use full power now, don't hold back."

She really wanted to know where his limit was now.

Although she usually didn't want to use her god art, she couldn't resist it now.

Lu Ze nodded. "Don't worry Senior schoolmate, I won't hold back."

Xilin smiled and then her body cracked. Her skinny figure bloated. Huge lumps of muscles grew. Accompanied by her exquisite face, the scene changed.

Lu Ze looked dazedly at the bulky man figure of Xilin, which was in contrast with her beautiful face. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Oh my god…

Iron barbie??

A cute girl like senior schoolmate turning into this was quite scary.

The quality of the military uniform was great. Although Xilin was twice as big, the uniform still managed its form.

Xilin scratched her head. "My god art is barren god body. It's a powerful body god art, but I haven't learned it well yet, so this would occur when I transform. When I learn it better, this wouldn't happen."

That's why she didn't want to use her god art. Before she fully mastered it, it was too ugly.

Lu Ze smiled. "Senior schoolmate's transformation is… very strong."

Her god art was clearly very powerful. The vibrational power of her body alone was shaking the air.

She had the same chi as when Babatos used full power.

A red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. Since she wanted to use full power, he would accompany her.


Suddenly, Andrew was dazed.

Wang Wenze asked, "What's wrong?"

Andrew's mouth twitched, and he said bitterly, "Maybe, I sensed wrongly."

Wang Wenze: "???"

Xilin stomped on the stage, and the alloy stage cracked under her feet.

Her chi exploded like a volcano.

Lu Ze was surrounded in vibrant red flames and green wind. He ignored her ancient barbaric chi as he clenched his fist. Fire and wind entwined. A terrifying fist was being charged.

Lu Ze punched.


The red-green fist force slammed toward Xilin. The air became scorching hot. The fist force made breathing difficult.

Luckily, the officers here weren't weak. Otherwise, just that force was enough to crush low-level martial artists.

Too powerful!

Xilin gritted her teeth and used her full power. She punched with both fists, releasing terrifying fist force.


The audience felt great pressure. Those weaker ones almost got injured.

Lin Ling and the others were the weakest, but they were protected by Wang Wenze so they were in a better state than the others.

After the light dissipated, Xilin put away her god art. She wiped some blood from her mouth and threw a seductive glance at Lu Ze. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze is quite a gentleman for being soft with me? I've lost, you're really strong."

At the last minute, Lu Ze took back some of his god art and didn't make her look bad.

He was a really good junior schoolmate.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched after thinking about how she was a bulky man before.

Lu Ze smiled at Andrew. "Senior schoolmate Andrew, let's have a spar too?"

He hoped he would learn something different from Andrew.

However, Andrew looked dazedly at Lu Ze as though he was looking at a ghost.


Xilin frowned. She had quite a good impression of this junior schoolmate.

Why was this guy looking at junior schoolmate like that?

Andrew came back to his senses, and his mouth twitched, "… nothing, I just wanted to be quiet."

Then, Xilin and Wang Wenze froze slightly. They knew that Andrew had fire god art too. Seeing him like this, the two glanced at each other and said, "Andrew, what's wrong? You don't want to spar with Junior schoolmate?"

Andrew's body stiffened as he said lifelessly, "I don't really want to. Lu Ze's fire god art is far superior to mine. When he used that fire god art, fire elements completely ignored me!"

Andrew looked like an abandoned child now.

Seeing this, Lu Ze felt awkward but also had a strange look.

He was very innocent. He didn't want to crush Andrew like this.

Wang Wenze smiled. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze is very proficient in three god arts. This is talent. Andrew, don't mind it. Junior schoolmate isn't our enemy."

"With your current level of god art, perhaps you can cultivate god art martial technique."

"God art martial technique?"
