Chapters [151-152]

Chapter 151. Growth Diary of Big Boss


Lin Ling couldn't resist bulging her eyes as she asked in shock. "Ze can cultivate a god art martial technique?"

Lu Ze: ???

He looked at the two. Everyone here was learned, only he was a noob.

He scratched his head and asked, "Senior schoolmate, what is a god art martial technique?"

Wang Wenze said with aspiration, "A god art martial technique is called divine art in some races. It's an art that can only be used through god art. It's not necessarily an attack. It has other capabilities too such as remote vision. It's said that when powerful people use it, they can watch a few galaxies away. Nothing can hide from their eyes. Every divine art was a deep level use of god art. Only truly talented prodigies would be able to learn it. It has extremely high requirements for use."

Then, he said, "It's said god art martial techniques are arts created by powerful beings in the Cosmic System State and above when they understood the law of the universe. The entire human race only has a few of these. Some were brought by sages of the human race from the outside."

Lu Ze opened his eyes. "It's that precious?"

Wang Wenze smiled, "Of course, it brings a rather huge increase in power to a martial artist. In the entire Federal University, only the most talented senior schoolmate of the fourth year can have a god art martial technique. However, they didn't come to this trial as they have other missions."

Wang Wenze smiled, "With junior schoolmate Lu Ze's talent, he can probably learn a god art martial technique in four years."

Xilin said, "I feel he can learn one in two years."

She watched Lu Ze become stronger bit by bit. That terrifying learning capability almost made her a recluse.

Wang Wenze glanced at Xilin in shock. He felt he already considered Lu Ze highly and yet Xilin thought of him even higher.

He smiled and didn't deny it. "God art martial technique costs more than a million Federal contribution points. Let's talk about it when Lu Ze can afford it."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

He only had 80,000 federal contribution points. He was in poverty.

Wang Wenze glanced at Lin Ling and them and smiled, "While there's time, I'll teach you guys a little."

These people were all his junior schoolmates. They could get a bit closer.

Although everyone was just students now, most of the elite class students would be able to reach high levels in the human race. They would pretty much see each other everywhere. Thus, a senior schoolmate helping a junior schoolmate was a tradition.

Ye Mu and the rest smiled, "Thank you, senior schoolmate."

Then, Wang Wenze smiled at Lu Ze. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, there's nothing we can teach you. If possible, you can teach them, too."

Lu Ze nodded. "No problem, I'll teach Lin Ling."

He felt great about how he suddenly became a teacher.

Then, Lu Ze looked seriously at Lin Ling. "Lin Ling, now, I'm your teacher. Call me teacher Lu."

Lin Ling's mouth twitched. Seeing Lu Ze's serious face, she gritted, "Teacher Lu!"

Lu Ze, this bastard!

She was going to remember this.

Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction. "Okay, let's begin."

Then, Lu Ze started teaching Lin Ling. Her god art was the spirit eye so Lu Ze focused on teaching her battle technique.

The night fell. Officers came and went. Every time someone new came in, they would look curiously at the group of youth.

At this moment, Wang Wenze smiled, "Let's call it a day. Perhaps there will be new missions tomorrow."

Lu Ze, who just caught Lin Ling's sword with his finger, flicked it away and stretched. "I'm hungry."

Lin Ling was very annoyed. During those few hours, she wasn't able to threaten Lu Ze even once.

She finally realized how big the difference was between her and Lu Ze.

However, this guy acted like he didn't care at all. This hurt her pride again.

Determination flashed in her eyes. She had to work harder, so she could slap his face!

Then, everyone went to eat together.

Wang Wenze and the others told them about the interesting stories of the school. This made them even more curious about the university.

A month later, their entrance test would finish, and they would enter the school officially.

After dinner, they went to their own rooms.

Lu Ze took a photo of his second lieutenant rank and then sent it to the group chat.

Lu Ze: From today onwards, I'm second lieutenant Lu Ze!

Alice: Senior schoolmate is so amazing! But… how did you get promoted so fast?

Lu Li: Lu Ze! Did you do some dangerous mission today?

Lu Ze's smile froze.

He completely forgot about this. He was promoted to second lieutenant as soon as he came. Lu Li and Alice were both very smart. They would be able to guess it quickly.

He could only say obscurely that he completed an important mission.

The group chat fell into silence.

On planet Lanjiang, Lu Li squirmed on the bed and looked at the messages on her phone with a complicated feeling.

She took out the same panda toy that Lu Ze had and looked into the moon. Her eyes were worried. "Brother, stay safe…"

She then typed, "Brother, stay safe. Don't do those missions you're not confident in. There are people worrying about you at home."

However, she wasn't able to press the send button. She deleted it and typed again.

Lu Li: Okay, but if you go do those dangerous missions again, you're dead!! (Smiley face)

She put her phone in her storage ring and touched it.

Then, she sat down and used [light orbs] to cultivate.

She would grow faster, so she could stay with him.

In Alice's room, the cute, blue-haired girl looked up at the moon with a face also full of worry.

Moments later, she showed an angelic smile and typed.

Alice: Senior schoolmate is really amazing! But you need to stay safe~ When you come back, I will cook for you~ I've learnt many new dishes lately.

Then, she put away her phone and started to flick through her dad's spirit chef diary.

She would give him a surprise when he came back.

Lu Ze looked at their messages and scratched his head. He felt he was rather safe now.

Cultivation, cultivation~ being strong was true safety.

Then, he sat down and went into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

He chose the new map. The grass plain came into his eyes again.


A gust of wind came behind him.

Green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and he disappeared. A huge, black anaconda that was tens of meters long dashed at where Lu Ze was.

Lu Ze appeared next to the anaconda. Fire light and wind flashed around him. He stepped down on the anaconda.


The terrifying power cut the anaconda in half. The wound was full of burnt marks, and there was the smell of roast meat.


Blood splashed everywhere. The immense pain made the anaconda go crazy as it attacked everywhere.

Grass and mud splashed. The earth became dented.

Green and red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. Wind and fire blades sliced the slithering head of the anaconda.

The motion stopped, and the body slowly turned to dust, leaving behind a few [light orbs].

Lu Ze glanced at it and gasped in disappointment. It was still [red and purple light orbs], no [god art orbs].

Indeed, were these beasts too weak?

The anaconda was about Core Martial State level nine, but he still instantly killed it. There was no god art.

Could it be that only Aperture Opening State beasts had god arts?

Lu Ze was disappointed.

If he went to find Aperture Opening State beasts now, did he not want to live?

If it was an early level Aperture Opening State, he could think about fighting it. It was fifty-fifty. As for higher level ones, they weren't something a noob like him could mess with.

Lu Ze shook his head and stopped thinking.

A few hours later, Lu Ze killed more Core Martial State beasts and earned quite some orbs.

There were still no [god art orbs].

Lu Ze would dodge early when he sensed dangerous chi from afar.

When he picked up the [red and purple light orbs] again, his eyes suddenly focused. He looked to the left and frowned. A very strange chi was emerging.

It wasn't strong at the start, but it rapidly became stronger.

What was this?

This was his first time encountering such a situation.

It was now at Core Martial State level seven and still wasn't stopping.

Lu Ze gritted his teeth and dashed to the left.

Although curiosity kills, it was also the motivation for progress.

In a few short seconds, this chi had reached Core Martial State level nine and still didn't stop.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Was some boss opening a smurf account or something?

Soon, Lu Ze stopped and gazed at the over 15-meter tall grass brush.

The chi had reached Aperture Opening State and still didn't stop.

He didn't dare to go forward anymore. If he went too near, it would be suicide.

Thus, Lu Ze retreated a little, cowering back and waiting for the chi to stop growing.

Another few seconds later, the chi had turned more powerful that Lu Ze couldn't even sense how strong it was anymore. This was at least high Aperture Opening State level.

It was going through the heavens!

So envious.

This way of getting strong by laying down was too admirable!

At this moment, the chi finally stopped growing stronger. Lu Ze held his breath as he watched the brush.


It was a dry but powerful chirp. It seemed like it was the first time that the mouth made a sound.

Moments later, there was a terrifying chirp that could pierce stones.


Lu Ze gazed in disbelief.

The grass spread aside like a wave, revealing the beautiful and elegant creature inside.

It was a huge bird completely covered in blue. It has two blue wings and a long, elegant neck. Its plumage looked smooth, and there was wind spinning around it.

Lu Ze had seen this before.

When the socialists mosquitos struck yesterday, such a bird had flown above his head.

It really was a boss!

Should he write the growth diary of a boss??

From the moment it appeared up to now, this kind of chi had only lasted a little more than ten seconds!!

So, big bosses come about this easily??


Chapter 152. Listen to My Explanation, Boss



The huge, blue bird chirped again, and the sound waves pressed down the huge grass.

It stood up on its claws and was over 10 meters tall.

As it got up, the bird's pressure became even stronger, making Lu Ze's heart beat slower.

It wobbled a few steps forward like a chick that had just hatched from an egg.

Immediately, its steps became steady and elegant.

It chirped happily and jumped around in the grass.

Then, it stopped and looked up into the sky with its blue eyes.

Moments later, the bird slowly expanded its pair of blue wings.

It was tens of meters long after expansion, and the wind spun even faster around it.

Lu Ze instantly felt that all the wind elements acted like kids finding their mothers and scurried to the bird. He finally felt the feeling of abandonment Andrew had.

It wasn't good.

Lu Ze wanted to cry.

With this, it chirped again and started to flap its two wings.

Wind spread in all directions, except the grass it was at. Quite some grass was blown into the air.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched as he crawled onto the ground. He stuck his hand deep inside the earth.

As a young duke candidate and a wind god art user, it would be a joke if he was blown away.

After flapping a few times, the bird seemed to have gotten familiar with its wings. It chirped again and then flapped, soaring into the air.

Wind followed it, and with a casual flap, it disappeared from the spot and appeared a few kilometers away. With another flap, Lu Ze could only see a small, blue dot.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed.

He stayed prone for a few more minutes. Seeing the bird didn't come back, he got up.

He looked at where the bird appeared.

This chi appeared so suddenly and grew stronger so rapidly.

Lu Ze was very curious about the treasures that were here.

At this moment, quite some powerful chi emerged around him.

There were large, black-scaled leopards and anacondas. They ranked from low Core Martial State to Core Martial State peak. They all charged toward the direction of the blue bird.

Their bloody eyes contained desire. They attacked each other as they charged toward where the blue bird appeared.

Roars were thunderous and the battle spread out. The scene was chaotic.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. He was more certain that there was something in here for sure.

Otherwise, why would the beasts charge up like that?

At this moment, a Core Martial State peak stage leopard scratched at Lu Ze's face.

Surging black spirit force formed a huge black claw.

Lu Ze disappeared and then reappeared above the leopard's head.

Lu Ze palmed down on its head.


The leopard's head was immediately pressed down on the earth, while the legs fumbled.

Lu Ze saw that there were other beasts nearing. He ignored this leopard and charged deeper into the grass.

Perhaps due to the blue bird, the wind element here was abnormally active. Using wind god art at full power, Lu Ze instantly surpassed huge beasts and dashed into the brush.

In the depths, there was a region surrounded by whirlwinds. Terrifying wind blades shot in all directions. Even Lu Ze felt it was dangerous.

He frowned as he used wind god art to change the direction of the wind blades while he pressed forward.

Wind blades sliced past him.

Quite some beasts arrived behind him. They roared in the wake of the whirlwind, wanting to charge ahead.

Those unlucky beasts were sliced into pieces, and blood splashed everywhere.

However, they seemed to have lost their brains and kept charging inside.

Blood splashed all the way, turning the brush red.

Lu Ze glanced behind and guided the wind blades to where the beasts were gathered.

Thus, more beasts howled.

Lu Ze smiled. They were going to die anyway, he might as well send them off.

Gradually, as he went deeper, the wind blades became more concentrated. Lu Ze sweated, too.

He used all his power to use wind god art as he pressed on arduously.

He couldn't remember how many steps he had made. These sharp winds blowing past had cut many wounds on him. Blood trickled down.

The immense pain made his mouth twitch, but he didn't stop.

His head ached due to the exhaustion of his mental force.

Lu Ze felt he could barely stand.

The weak spirit force he had—compared to his body and mental forces—were all consumed.

He could no longer hear the roars of the beasts. Even the sound of the wind blades couldn't reach his brain.

Gradually, there were less wind blades, and the strong wind calmed.

He looked around with difficulty.

This was a space with a 100-square meter area. Wind was spinning outside, but it was calm inside.

There were a few huge egg shells in the middle. The egg shell was like a [blue crystal].

In the middle of the eggshells was a slowly spinning blue wind and a broken blue rune that was glowing.

The wind emitted the secrets of wind god art.

However, that broken rune was something Lu Ze had never seen.

The blue wind and broken rune was growing dimmer and about to disappear.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed.

He had a bold guess.

Did the organisms in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] need to be born?

He had never seen young rabbits in the rabbit caves. He thought they appeared out of thin air. He thought that all organisms appeared like this.

Now, that didn't seem to be the case?

At least that blue bird seemed to have been born from the egg shell.

The blue wind and rune seemed different compared to the [wind god art crystal balls]. There seemed to be things left behind upon the birth of the blue bird.

Lu Ze moved his injured body to the wind and broken rune.

He tried putting them in his mental dimension but found he couldn't do so.

He couldn't take it if they weren't little orbs?

The blue bird boss didn't seem to be coming back, and it was very safe here. If he stayed here to learn, no one would object, right?

Lu Ze looked around. There was no one but him. Thus, he sat down.

Lu Ze chose to devour the wind god art secrets first.

He had never seen the broken rune before and didn't know what it was. It was already broken; and if the things he learned from it was broken too, then it wasn't worth it. He might as well learn wind god art secrets first.

Lu Ze closed his eyes.

Indeed, the secrets contained here were much more profound than the ones the green wolves had. Even with a weak strand, Lu Ze felt it was hard learning it.

He couldn't use [purple orbs] in here to increase his learning capabilities; but after using so many, his learning capabilities already increased significantly.

A few hours later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes.

His lips raised like crazy. His wind god art improved.

He grew stronger again. This wasn't too good.

He moved his body excitedly. Immediately, the pain made his mouth twitch.

He was this happy from the leftovers of a big boss's birth. Lu Ze felt he had no right to be proud.

Lu Ze recovered his mentality and proceeded to look at the broken rune.

Due to spending a few hours, quite some lines seemed to have disappeared. Only two simple lines remained. Even the blue light was weaker.

Lu Ze grabbed the rune without hesitation and tried to send his mental force in.

Immediately, the rune turned into a blue light and shot into Lu Ze's forehead. Incomplete information was released in his brain.

Compared to wind god art secrets, these information were even harder to understand. Lu Ze was confused.

But of course, this was also due to their fragmentation.

A few hours later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes. He had a strange face.

Before he could think, he suddenly felt a shadow cover the sun.

Lu Ze: ?

Was it dark?

Lu Ze looked up and then felt dazed.

The blue bird boss he thought wouldn't come back was standing before him with cold eyes.

The gaze from the boss made Lu Ze feel death.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched as he spoke awkwardly, "Um, listen to my explanation…"

Perhaps, if he was genuine, then the boss would let him go?

They usually wouldn't go hard on noobs, right?

Before he finished thinking, he was surrounded by countless wind blades.

Lu Ze's eyes went dark in huge pain. When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his dorm.
