Chapters [187-188]

Chapter 187. Silent Battlefield


The [red and purple orbs] were constantly disappearing from Lu Ze's head. He didn't care whether his body could handle it. Instead, he focused on using large amounts of orbs to recover.

The powerful energy flowed through his cells, slowly tearing them up. Inevitably, pain spread through his entire body. He furrowed his brows.

This was very painful!

He bit his lips and resisted the pain while simultaneously devouring the energy with all his strength and controlling the flaming tornado.

This was the first time that he realized dying several times had its benefits.

Even though it was a painful experience that he couldn't even breathe, his mental force remained intact. It was able to keep the balance between the fire and wind god arts.


With the support of the [red and purple energy orbs] to his mental force, Lu Ze found that, perhaps, he could last a little longer?

This almost sadistic method of devouring energy made his cultivation level and mental force improve rapidly.

He was cultivating faster than before.

It was very painful, but he was happy.

However, the situation on this battlefield wasn't suitable for him to get too cocky.

The flaming tornado was nearly 4000 meters tall now.

The huge flames spun rapidly while the vibrant red flames distorted the air heavily.

This tornado was more than 10 kilometers away from the battlefield, but the temperature on the battlefield was even hotter than before.

Everywhere the tornado went, the sand became crystallized.

Seeing this, the commander of the blade demon race felt despair. He could feel the pulling force from the tornado. Although it couldn't immobilize him yet, he didn't choose to retreat.

The alloy of the base started to vibrate when the tornado got near. If the flames went into the base, then the base would be over.

The power of the soldiers inside had only reached spirit martial state and abstruse martial state while the number of core martial states were few.

Quite some soldiers who couldn't grab onto something were pulled inside the whirlwind.

They released their spirit force in the air, trying to save themselves.

However, under the incineration of the fire god art, their spirit force shield quivered and disappeared.

Then, these blade demon soldiers were burned to ashes. Their spirit powered armors were pulled into the whirlwind and begun spinning rapidly. They slowly twisted under the high temperature.

The commander of the base saw this, and he glanced at the human battlefield.

There was a young human there. Due to him, this war might fail!

As a blade demon warrior, he would give his all to his race!


He floated in the air and suddenly roared. Black-red spirit light flashed vigorously around him as terrifying chi spread across. Even the pulling force of the flaming tornado was pushed away.

Lu Ze noticed this, of course.

This guy wanted to self-destruct?

Oh shit! He was a coward before. Why did he act so tough now!?

Stay a coward!

This is making things harder for me!

If this guy self-destructed, his power would be near the middle stage of aperture opening state.

Although it wasn't comparable to the power of the tornado that was near the mortal evolution state, Lu Ze was having a very hard time controlling the balance between the wind and fire god arts.

If the tornado was affected by such destruction and the balance was broken, the flaming tornado would explode. Although only a part of the base would be damaged, it wouldn't be fun!

Thinking about this, red and green lights flashed in Lu Ze's eyes.

His face was pale, but his eyes were sharp.

All of them were giving it all they've got. How could he not join in?

The blade demon commander's chi reached its limit. He then charged at the flaming tornado.

The flames, which could instantly melt abstruse martial state blade demons, caused a fluctuation in his spirit force barrier a little. He flew into the tornado in a stream of red and black.

The scene fell silent for a while, and there was suddenly a thunderous sound inside the tornado.

In that instant, the speed of the tornado slowed by nearly a third.

Flames kept surging and wind blades shot out non-stop. It had reached the battlefield and injured some troops.

Lu Ze's face changed. His eyes flashed with hideousness as he roared. "Stabilize!"

All his powers exploded like a volcano.

A few hundred meters away, Lin Ling and the others felt the heaviness in their chest. Some weaker soldiers felt like they were facing a cosmic beast. They were scared.

[Light orbs] kept getting used. Lu Ze didn't even have time to digest the power coming into him as they vibrated in his body.

Blood seeped out of his body. His spirit powered armor started to crack under this immense power, revealing his bloodied body.

Lu Ze couldn't feel his surroundings at all. His mind stayed conscious under the effects of the [purple orb]. All his attention was focused on the tornado, remaining steadfast in maintaining the balance.

The only good thing was that under such high pressure, his stagnant wind and fire god arts started to improve slowly.

But, Lu Ze was in so much pain that he couldn't even laugh.

The battlefield remained silent. The battle in the skies stopped and so did the battle on the ground.

Everyone looked at the unstable flaming tornado.

It looked like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time. In fact, it was bordering eruption.

In the atmosphere level just before space, Nangong Jing, Luo Bingqing, Lin Kuang, and Louisa, as well as Sisiliya, and the four blade demon prodigies stopped fighting.

The four blade demons were covered in wounds.

Nangong Jing's left gauntlet cracked, and blood was seeping out of it. Clearly, her arm was broken, but her face and eyes remained sharp and domineering.

Blood seeped out of Luo Bingqing's mouth. His face was extremely pale, and his chi was weaker than before.

Lin Kuang was the worst. His blood-red spirit powered armor was cracked, and his body was covered in wounds. Some were deep to the bone.

However, his face had a bloodthirsty smile. His chi was evidently weak, but he was still very strong.

Only Louisa was unscathed, but her face was pale, and her chi was a bit weaker.

The four humans and four blade demons looked sharply at the flaming tornado.

Seeing the tornado spew out flames and wind blades, Sisiliya grinned. "It's unstable, hahahaha! Unstable!! Almost! Hahaha! Nangong Iron Fist, it seems we still won. Hahahahahaha!!"

The other three blade demons grinned. They thought they were really going to lose, but at the last moment, they manage to stop it!

Sisiliya grinned. "Good job, Commander Kukuerte! I'm going to report his merits to the demon palace!"

The other three nodded. This was stopped all due to commander Kukuerte's self-destruction.

Not every demon had the courage to self destruct.

Nangong Jing's chi rushed again when she was called Nangong Iron Fist. She wanted to beat someone up.

But, she knew now wasn't the time.

She stared closely at the whirlwind and said to herself, 'Kid, if it blows up, I'm going to train you really well when we get back!'

Luo Bingqing, Lin Kuang, and Louisa also stared at the tornado closely, ignoring the laughter of the blade demons.

Everyone was staring closely at the tornado.

Two screens were split. One was on the unstable tornado, and the other was on the pale-faced, bloody Lu Ze.

Everyone hoped he could stabilize the tornado.

Lu Wen and Merlin looked at this scene with serious faces.

Fu Shuya's eyes were red due to seeing Lu Ze's wounds.

Lu Li clutched her panda plushie tightly as she bit her lips and said nothing.

Alice was the same. She clasped her white hands tightly and prayed for Lu Ze.

At this moment, silence surrounded the battlefield.


Chapter 188. Wind, Fire, and Ruins


All the human and blade demon soldiers stared at the flaming tornado that was constantly spewing flames and wind blades.

Other than the howling wind and roaring flames, all other sounds seemed to have disappeared.

Lu Ze kept relying on the [red and purple light orbs] to sustain his already injured body. Subsequently, he absorbed the energy necessary to supplement his power.

In the tornado, the wind and fire elements that were supposed to be like two close friends weren't too close anymore. Thus, Lu Ze needed to repair their relationship with all his might.

During this process, Lu Ze gained a better understanding of the two friends.

As a result, his wind and fire god arts kept getting stronger.

Due to using excessive [red orbs], cracks appeared on Lu Ze's body. His blood kept rushing out, turning him into a human fountain.

Coupled with the wind and fire god arts, Lu Ze utilized his regeneration god art as well to stay alive.

He felt lucky. If he didn't have regeneration god art, could he still survive right now?

He didn't have the time to repair his body at present. He just needed to stay alive. Lu Ze would only take the time to happily recover after blowing up the base.

Everyone was just waiting for the flaming tornado to explode.

If it exploded, they would begin laughing.

Meanwhile, the human soldiers frowned and prayed that the tornado wouldn't explode.

However, what everyone didn't expect was that in just a few short seconds, that tornado calmed down.

As the tornado shifted forward. The spewing stopped.

The tornado sped up once again.

The blade demon soldiers couldn't resist widening their eyes, especially the four blade demon prodigies.

At this moment, their bloody eyes flashed as they opened their mouths slightly while watching the tornado slowly recover.

After a moment of silence, Sisiliya roared. "Impossible!"

Then, he released his power, wanting to charge down.

3 seconds!

He just needed 3 seconds to turn the tables!

But, Nangong Jing clearly wasn't going to let Sisiliya leave here.

Nangong Jing laughed. "Ha~ You can keep watching. Watch the victory that belongs to the human race!"

Suddenly, a heavy thud could be heard. The huge flaming tornado plowed past the blade demon base, over that few hundred-meter tall wall.

The originally sturdy alloy city wall became weak like a paper under the tornado with a level of mortal evolution state.

The sharp wind blades tore the alloy wall into pieces, and the pieces were melted into a liquid state before they flew out.

The tornado shifted into the base arrogantly like this.

The sturdy internal structures were also converted into water.

No one in the entire base could stop this near mortal evolution state tornado.

It reached deeper and deeper into the base.

One kilometer, three kilometers, five kilometers…

Lu Ze frowned tightly.

His mental force had almost reached its limit. This was after he increased his mental force just now.

The tornado had penetrated nearly 10 kilometers into the base and more than 20 kilometers from the battlefield.

This was more than the 10 kilometers he expected, but he was now at his limit.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold as he took back the mental force he used to stabilize the tornado.

Immediately, the tornado became unstable.

Flames surged and wind blades flew around.

This time, it was only the blade demon base that was damaged.

As the momentum brought it a few kilometers more into the base, this tornado, which had risen to nearly five kilometers, emitted red and green colors.



It was like the sound of doomsday that rang through thousands of miles.

Scorching flames and sharp wind blades flooded the blade demon base.

The tall structures amidst the torrent of fire were like children's building blocks that would topple over with just a light touch.

The pieces were blown up in the air and sliced down even more before getting melted.

The entire world was covered in red and green. This was the last scene people saw.

Wind and fire bringing Armageddon.

The range of the tornado's blast spread out more than dozens of kilometers and even reached the battlefield.

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes. Red and green lights flashed in his eyes as he used his last remaining power to draw the wind blades and fire waves away.

At least, the human soldiers were protected!

The green and red lights flashed for a long while.

When the light disappeared, all that the humans and blade demons saw was a huge ditch with a range of nearly 10 kilometers, as well as the remaining half of the blade demon base ruins.

There was not a complete building above the ruins. Only broken walls and melted metals could be found everywhere.

The temperature was extremely high that the air was distorted. Small whirlwinds were spinning non-stop, as if cleaning the battlefield.

All the soldiers inside the base were gone. Clearly, they were vaporized in the explosion.

All the means they had prepared for the human troops were a joke now.

The audience watching the war site saw this huge ditch and the ruins. They became speechless.

At this moment, the professional and beautiful journalist reacted first.

She stared intensely at Lu Ze and said excitedly, "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze destroyed the entire blade demon base all by himself! Victory is at hand for this war! Oh my god! 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, who is only 18 years old, is this powerful. He indeed deserves the title of a young duke!"

The beautiful journalist let out her emotions like a fangirl as she looked at Lu Ze without blinking.

A comment appeared.

"Hahahahaha! Senior schoolmate Lu Ze is invincible! I'm senior schoolmate Lu Ze's junior schoolmate. I'm senior schoolmate Lu Ze's junior schoolmate!!"

"Me too! I'm a junior schoolmate too!"



Then, everyone reacted. Joyful sounds came from all over the federation.

Instantly, the screen was covered with comments.

"Appoint him as young duke! Strongly insist to appoint 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze as young duke!"

"18 years old, annihilated the city!!"

"He's even stronger than Iron Fist Young Duke. I remember Iron Fist Young Duke was 19 when she annihilated a city?"

"So was City Charming Young Duke?"

"By the way, what should 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze's title be? Wind-Fire Young Duke?"

"Flaming Tornado Young Duke?"

"Upside-Down Planting Young Duke?"

"… Are you the devil?"

"I'm not the devil!"

"… Did you guys forget that the war isn't over yet…"


Meanwhile, Merlin slapped his thigh and got up suddenly. "Good! Lu Ze did very well this time!"

With the spirit mine and the blade demons losing their base, it was a huge advantage for the humans!

As long as there was no big wave, the spirit metal mine was pretty much theirs.

Then, his mouth twitched.

Oh my! He was too excited. His own leg almost felt numb from his vigorous slapping…

Lu Wen grinned. "Hehe, this is my son. This is my son."

Lu Wen couldn't resist commenting on the war net. "This is my son."

Immediately, he was criticized.

"You're my son too! You're so shameless."

Thus, Lu Wen's face was green.

He didn't say anything wrong.

This was his son.

Fu Shuya didn't look at the explosion scene. She stared closely at Lu Ze's screen.

Lu Ze's spirit powered armor was cracked. Blood kept flowing out. He seems heavily injured. Her eyes were red because of such a scene.

Yet, Lu Wen was fighting with people in chat about whether Lu Ze was his son. She was furious.

Meanwhile, Lu Li and Alice breathed easy. Their tense bodies relaxed. They just realized their backs were drenched.

They knew more about martial artists than Fu Shuya. The hardest stage was over. He would be fine.

Lu Li saw Fu Shuya's eyes were red. "Don't worry Mom, Brother is fine now. His wounds can be cured."


Fu Shuya's eyes lit up as she looked at Lu Li.

Lu Li smiled. "Brother has a great physical condition. He will be fine."

Alice smiled too. "Don't worry Aunty, Senior schoolmate has passed the hardest time. He will be fine now."

At this moment, Merlin and Lu Wen reacted. Merlin nodded. "Don't worry, Lu Ze's body is very strong. This level of injury wouldn't be hard for him."

Then, he looked into the screen. He couldn't help but sigh after observing how quickly Lu Ze improved.

Although he used external force, Lu Ze's attack had approached the mortal evolution state!

Other than his talent, it was also due to how he didn't fear death.

When Lu Ze cultivated, Lu Ze didn't complain about getting beaten up.

Merlin even felt this kid had no nerves.

However, every time he looked at Lu Ze ending up in that state, he didn't feel sympathetic at all. Instead, he wanted to laugh.

Lu Wen smiled too. "He's a man. It's fine if he receives some injuries… pff…"

Before he finished his words, his head was pressed into the couch by the furious Fu Shuya.
