Chapters [189-190]

Chapter 189. Just How Many God Arts Does This Guy Have??


It was quiet on the battlefield. Clearly, the blade demon soldiers were still in disbelief. Looking at the ruins, all of them lost their voice.

It wasn't that long ago when the base was still standing there well.

In the end, all it took was a 'bang' to wipe out the entire base.

This kind of heavenly power terrified those low-level soldiers who experienced it.

It might as well haunt them for the rest of their lives.

In the sky, the blade demons' faces looked extremely bad.

The destruction of bases could be considered an ordinary spectacle, but this one was a huge loss.

This was a humiliation to blade demons.

On the 25th planet, it would cost them quite heavily to rebuild another base.

The worst thing was that there were still spirit metals that weren't dug yet. Without a base, how were they going to do things?

On the other hand, the human troops rejoiced.

Originally, it would be extremely difficult to locate the spirit metal after entering the base. However, Lu Ze just razed the base to the ground.

That way, it would make things much easier for them.

The troop morale was practically soaring!

"Go 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze! That way, our mission would be much easier!"

"Yeah, it will be easier to find a spirit metal!"

"Yeah… wait! Spirit metal?"

All of a sudden, the troops remembered something. The entire base was blown. Were the spirit metals still in there?

At this moment, another huge explosion could be heard from somewhere in the ruins.

Then, four figures flew out. It was a man and woman, as well as two blade demon warriors.

The woman suddenly disappeared in the air.

Soon after, a roar came out. "Damned humans! Give the ring back!"


A crisp sword sound rang through the battlefield.

Then, a few hundred sharp sword surges turned into a sword formation, trapping the two blade demons to prevent them from chasing after the woman who disappeared.

One against two!

The two blade demons who were trapped had red eyes as they looked murderously at the young cold man with the long sword.

"Jian Shaoning, you dare to stop the two of us by yourself? You're seeking death!!"

Their spirit light surged as they charged at Jian Shaoning.

It was originally silent above the ground. The blade demon troops who had low morale and the human troops who were dazed looked at the air.

Hearing the conversation, the blade demons had even lower morale. Meanwhile, the human troops gained higher morale.

The spirit metal was already in their hands!

Their mission was completed.

The blade demons in the air heard the roar, and their faces changed.

"Damn it, the spirit metal!!"

They turned to look at the ground.

Two blade demons wanted to break past Jian Shaoning's defenses and chase after the woman. However, they were stopped by Jian Shaoning's sword surge and sword formation that seemed to cut even space itself. They could only keep roaring as they attacked Jian Shaoning.

Although Jian Shaoning kept receiving wounds on his body, he didn't move back one step. He trapped the two blade demons in this place tightly.

Seeing this, the four top blade demons felt very bad.

The spirit metal was definitely robbed away!

Why did things become like this??

They were thinking that even if the base was destroyed, they still had their spirit metal. They didn't expect that even the spirit metal they mined was taken away.

They were robbers!!

They should protest to the higher authorities of the human race!

But now, they had to take back some things!

First, getting back the spirit metal would be difficult.

Jiao Shaoning's power was on par with those two idiots. Even if he just stopped for a while, it would be enough to block them for a period of time. The woman seemed to possess a space type of god art.

Second, the flaming tornado was the culprit. It was due to that huge explosion that the entire base was destroyed. That's what caused the current situation!

They pretty much guessed who used that fire and wind god art.

A flash of killing intent manifested in Sisiliya's eyes after remembering the details of that young human.

He was only 18, and he already had such power. He would be another tricky figure like Nangong Iron Fist in the future!

He must not be kept!

From the looks of it, that young human must have received a huge backlash from the flaming tornado.

Now was the best time to kill him!

Thinking about this, Sisiliya roared. "Warriors on the ground, find the person who created the flaming tornado. It's him. He destroyed our base! It's him that caused our spirit metal to be robbed!"

"Brave warriors of the blade demon race. Do you want revenge??"

"Now that the human received backlash from his own attack. He can't defend himself. Go kill him, and we would get something back for this war! The person who kills that person will be rewarded heavily!"

Lu Ze who was weak and bleeding: "???"

Who did he mess with?

Obviously, he didn't take the spirit metal. If they were capable, they should go after that chick who ran off with the spirit metal instead. Why abuse a noob like him?

Wasn't this over the top??

Plus, that was unintentional. He just wanted to annihilate an army.

At this time, shouldn't those blade demon bosses be trying to get the spirit metal back?

The demoralized blade demon troops heard Sisiliya's roar and remembered who was the culprit behind this.

Indeed, the power from before terrified them. However, their commander just declared that the person is currently experiencing a backlash.

If there was no backlash, shouldn't he be cleaning them up instead?

This was the perfect opportunity to get revenge!

All the eyes of the blade demons became red as they emitted terrifying killing intent.

The blade demon soldiers in Lu Ze's area, especially the reinforcement army, saw with their own eyes how Lu Ze was covered in wounds. He looked extremely weak.

Immediately, the terror in their eyes was replaced with killing intent, greed, as well as some vigilance.

After all, Lu Ze gave them too much shock before.

But, Lord Sisiliya said there was a heavy reward!

If this person was perfectly fine, they wouldn't want to go, even if the reward was doubled.

But, the situation now wasn't the same!

Since this person was heavily injured, perhaps, they had some chance?

Thus, they went around contacting the nearby soldiers while attempting to charge at the human troops that guarded Lu Ze behind them vigilantly.

Lu Ze looked at this and frowned.

His body was broken while his spirit force and mental force dried up.

He felt that he couldn't even stand properly.

At this moment, there was a rumble, and the terrifying force turned into heavy winds that blew towards Lu Ze.

Thus, Lu Ze was blown over.

Lu Ze: "…"

He was very speechless.

He needed some time to recover his mental force and then use his regeneration god art to have his body recover.

Subsequently, he would send all the red-eyed guys to heaven!!

When Lu Ze fell, a strange scent mixed with blood entered his nose.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he felt great. Lin Ling was really good!

She caught him, not bad!

Now, this would be the warm arms of a young girl, right?

Just when Lu Ze thought this, the back of his head started to hurt. It seemed that his head collided with a block of metal.

Lin Ling's voice came out. "How are you? Are you okay?"

Lu Ze replied sadly, "Other than the hardness of your breastplate that made my head hurt, everything else is fine."

Lin Ling's mouth twitched. She almost loosened her hands and dropped this bastard into the sand!

What time was it? How come he was still this cheeky??

Lu Ze laughed due to her reaction. "Don't worry, give me some time, and I can recover."

Lin Ling frowned and looked at Lu Ze. She planned to say something when she suddenly saw something inconceivable. Her eyes widened in disbelief.

At this moment, Lu Ze's cracked body was slowly repairing, and it was speeding up!

God art?!

Lin Ling didn't feel so good.

This guy had fire, wind, strength god art, and also a fourth god art?!

… Just how many god arts did this guy have??


Chapter 190. Don't Let Him Eat!


The situation on the battlefield was even more intense than before.

Above the ruins, two blade demons were attacking Jian Shaoning. Sounds that resembled lightning could be heard constantly. The aftermath of the shockwaves stirred up the winds, sweeping tens of kilometers around.

This was an intense battle between high aperture opening states.

In the high altitude, the strongest humans and blade demons were also fighting.

Although the blade demons didn't know if the woman used space transmission or stealth god art, they were aware that it would be difficult to retrieve the spirit metal back now.

All they could do was prevent these humans from going back to provide support.

They must at least get something out of the war. If they could kill a prodigy who was more threatening than Nangong Jing, then it wasn't too much of a loss.

A prodigy like this would, perhaps, have a higher value than the spirit metals.

Meanwhile, the strong human warriors wanted to return and provide support.

They stopped the blade demons before, and yet, now it was their turn to be stopped.

This turn of events was a bit quick.

Nangong Jing's face was cold. Golden rays erupted from her body as domineering fist force kept surging. It traversed through the air and attacked Sisiliya.

She was a bit nervous.

She had never expected this situation before she fought.

Originally, they just wanted to attract the attention of the strong blade demons and the main forces of the army.

The real ones who would go for the spirit metal were Jian Shaoning and that other fourth-year Federal University student with stealth god art.

These two human prodigies were also mobilized here when they received news of spirit metal. The blade demons didn't know they existed.

Those who knew of their existence were only them and the higher authorities.

Yet, Lu Ze used the environment to his advantage and unleashed a near mortal evolution state attack.

This shocked her!

She had to admit that such an attack was extremely beneficial to their plan.

She also knew that to unleash such an attack, half of Lu Ze's life was probably gone.

If the blade demon troops ganged up against him, the danger would be much higher than before.

This was lethal.

She just received a message from Uncle Merlin to take care of this kid. If something happened to him, how would she explain to Uncle Merlin?

Plus, this kid was her student. Although he was a bit cheeky, she quite liked the way he starts trouble.

After all, she liked starting trouble herself.

She didn't want anything to happen to her student who was so similar to her.

"Piss off!"

Nangong Jing burst with golden rays.

Sisiliya sneered. "Heh, Nangong Iron Fist, just watch that prodigy die here!"

Their power was similar. Just like how he was stopped by Nangong Jing before, he could also stop her!

Sisiliya's eyes flashed with hideousness.

He was very worried too previously. He wanted to put out that tornado so much, but she kept blocking him.

Now, she wants to go save someone? No way!

He grinned.

Meanwhile, Luo Bingqing, Lin Kuang, and Louisa all had a cold face.

They weren't familiar with Lu Ze, but Lu Ze was the prodigy of the human race. Although there might be competition between them in the future, they needed to stay on the same team, facing the common foreign enemies!

At this moment, of course, they weren't going to watch on the sideline.

However, their opponents were also extremely strong blade demon prodigies. They were firmly pinned in place against their wills.

On the ground, more and more blade demons moved towards Lu Ze.

Although the human soldiers were stopping them, there were too many soldiers on the battlefield. It was implausible to completely stop them.

Plus, there were spirit powered cannons firing from far away.

Xavier turned completely black as he glimmered with a metallic color. He stood before Lu Ze.

Just then, a far away blade demon troop fired a spirit powered cannon over.

The dark blue energy shot towards Xavier's spirit powered shield. Then, it blasted the shield away and slammed against Xavier, pushing him dozens of meters backward.

Xavier gasped in pain.

Carriable cannons weren't as powerful as stationary ones, but it was mobile. It could still reach destructive force a few levels above one's own state.

Xavier's body was mainly utilized for defense. Its defense was higher than Lin Ling's, and thus, it could block attacks easily.

Ye Mu, Ian, and Tianyuan Qianhua, as well as Xuan Yuqi and Jessica, all tightly surrounded Lu Ze while attacking with full power at the same time. They killed those murderous blade demon troops.

At this moment, Lu Ze finally had a sliver of power to use his regeneration god art. Although he was still weak, it wouldn't take long to recover now.

Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze's body in shock as it slowly recovered. Her voice was shaky. "This… is another god art?"

Lu Ze smiled. "Yeah, I learned a new god art these few days. It can rapidly increase the body's regeneration. It seems to be working fine?"

Lin Ling: "…"

This wasn't just fine!! She was dying of envy!

Lu Ze carefully used [red orbs] in his mental dimension as he spoke with Lin Ling.

He couldn't use those [red orbs] so boldly like before.

Before, he had no choice and needed to rapidly gain energy. He took too much energy, and he couldn't completely digest it. That was the reason why his body was collapsing.

If he didn't use regeneration god art to stay alive, he would be dead now.

Now was time for recovery, so he could only slowly use [red orbs] and digest the energy inside.

At this moment, Lu Ze's body wobbled, and he almost fell over again. Luckily, Lin Ling held him.

She looked worriedly at the pale-faced Lu Ze. "What's wrong?"

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. "I've lost too much blood."

He almost forgot that he almost turned into a human fountain.

The ground was still covered with red blood now. That was all his blood!

Other than devouring energy to use regeneration god art, he also needed to replenish the nutrients the body required.

In other words, it was time to eat!

Thus, under the dazed expression of Lin Ling, he took out an enticing golden yellow beef steak.

He couldn't care less if his hands were dirty. He just grabbed it and bit down.

An intense aroma spread on his tongue. He almost wanted to cry.

He was really pitiful today. This was the first time he was so heavily injured in reality. Only Alice's beautiful food could appease his injured soul.

It was really nice!

Lu Ze quickly ate it down. His stomach rapidly digested the steak, turning it into the nutrients his body needed. It nourished his body.

Lu Ze could feel the slow recovery of his body.

He happily took another bite.

At this moment, he looked at the dazed Lin Ling and smiled. "Do you want some? It's really nice! I have some more here."

Although Lin Ling knew this guy was trying to recover, she was still annoyed after seeing his smile.

Thus, she glared at Lu Ze and gritted her teeth. "NO! Hurry up and eat!"


Lu Ze kept eating.

Alice's food was glimmering with faint spirit light. It emitted an enticing aroma on the battlefield.

After the human and blade demon troops smelled such, they felt stunned.

What was this smell?

God art?

What god art would make a person want to eat??

At this moment, those bloody-eyed blade demons saw the pale-faced Lu Ze who was covered in blood. Despite such appearance, he ate a huge golden piece of steak with a satisfied smile. This does not seem to be good.

Blade demon troops: "???"

They even suspected that they were following the wrong script.

Why was this demon eating here??


They were clearly here to attack him??

Their dazed expression slowly turned into disbelief.

As this demon ate, his terrifying wounds kept writhing and recovering!

Its speed was super fast!

All those blade demon troops who noticed this felt cold as their bodies shivered.

Why did they dare to come?

It was because this demon was heavily injured!

Now, it seemed the injury of this demon will soon be healed!!

If this guy recovered… no, he didn't even need to completely recover… as long as he had some battle power…

Those blade demon soldiers didn't feel too good.

In turn, they roared loudly, "That demon is eating! Don't let him eat! Don't let him eat! If this continues, he will recover!"
