Chapters [193-194]

Chapter 193. Cheeky People Usually Don't Have Bad Luck


In the inner part of the blade demon base ruins, the air was extremely hot. It was akin to the temperature inside a working oven. Irregular winds continued to sweep through, stirring the air and creating heat waves.

Above the ruins were two blade demon warriors attacking a sword-wielding human youth.

Their clash sent shockwaves in all directions. Sharp spirit force and sword chi swept over the entire ruins for tens of kilometers.

In a place more than 10 kilometers away from the ruins, the lively blade demon troops all fell to the ground.

Meanwhile, the human soldiers turned to look at the black-haired youth covered in blood. Their gazes were filled with admiration and excitement.

The other blade demons, who were not far away, lost their ferocious force. Instead, they were filled with fear.

This person was a demon, right?

Just now, more than ten thousand blade demon soldiers died. If this happened a few more times, wouldn't they all die?

Instantly, their morale fell to an extremely low level.

Meanwhile, the human soldiers' morale skyrocketed. The difference was huge now.

Howls of pain could be heard, and fatalities kept occurring amongst the blade demon troops.

Several blade demons saw that demon glance over their direction with his evil eyes. All they wanted to do now is to retreat. Of course, they were no match for the human soldiers.

Lu Ze looked coldly at the terrified blade demon soldiers.

He appeared calm, but he wasn't so confident on the inside.

After all, although his injuries recovered a bit and his life wasn't on the border of death. However, his mental force, spirit force, and physical power were far from being restored fully.

If those blade demon troops all charged over lifelessly, then he might have to consume the [red orbs] like before?

He only needed to experience that joy once. Lu Ze didn't want to try again.

Thus, Lu Ze directly used his full power to send a wave of blade demons to the afterlife. Then, he kept a cool pose.

These blade demon soldiers were indeed scared.

Lu Ze coldly took a bite into the spirit fruit and used the orbs to recover.

He felt great.

However, the grades of these spirit fruits were very low. They came from the Telun system and could only supply the nutrients that the body needed.

It's said that high-level spirit items can instantly repair all your injuries. That would be similar to the higher-level version of his current regeneration god art.

Some spirit items, once used, could bring someone straight to the planetary state. Lu Ze wanted one too.

However, it was unknown whether the federation had those things. Even if they did, he wouldn't be able to afford it.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt he was very poor. His happy feeling turned into dejection.

More freed up human soldiers joined the distant battlefields, and soon, the blade demons crumbled.

Lu Ze kept recovering while supporting human soldiers.

Ye Mu and the others fought more crazily after being motivated by Lu Ze.

This was academic points and military merit.

It was a resource for them!

Their families were quite well off, but Federal University had things that they didn't have.

Of course, this change couldn't escape the eyes of the powerful beings in the air.

The blade demons even felt that losing some spirit metal for a prodigy who was worse than Nangong Jing was a good trade-off.

The feeling of greatness surged in their heart when they saw how annoyed the humans were when they were restricted from trying to save people.

They even kept attacking them to irritate humans further.

Yet, when their troops died collectively, these blade demons became dazed.

They looked at this in disbelief.

What was this?!

Why would things be like this?!

The powerful humans were stunned as well.

After all, they thought Lu Ze was probably beyond help.

Yet, Lu Ze could still make it and reap another large wave of blade demon soldiers.

Looking at the slowly disappearing smile of the blade demon prodigies, all the humans grinned.

"Hmm? How did so many demon bastards die? Did I make a mistake? Come, Gugubate, those are your soldiers. You need to take a good look."

Lin Kuang was covered in wounds and blood. However, the blood didn't drop, and instead, it was reabsorbed to his body.

At this moment, he felt the scene was ridiculous.

His opponent was looking at the ground in disbelief.

Meanwhile, the golden-haired Nangong Jing laughed. "Hahahaha, Lin Kuang is right. Sisiliya, quick. Go take a good look!"

She was so scared that Lu Ze was going to die.

Usually, cheeky people had good luck because if they didn't, they wouldn't be able to live this long.

As for Luo Bingqing and Louisa, they breathed easy and felt great, but they maintained their composure and didn't start mocking.

They just needed to smile now.

Sisiliya's bloody eyes flashed. "This is impossible! That backlash should've rendered that kid heavily injured!"

Sisiliya had expected that his soldiers would kill that prodigy and then he would carry the body to taunt Nangong Jing.

However, things didn't go according to the script!

The blade demons' faces changed. They realized that no one below could stop the attack of this human brat!

This wasn't good! If this continued, wouldn't their entire army fall?

They thought of the two blade demon prodigies who were stopped by Jian Shaoning.

When they turned around and saw the situation there, their mouth twitched.

The two blade demon prodigies kept roaring and attacking the human prodigy.

However, the human prodigy's few hundred sword chis formed a sword formation. He was the center of the formation and sword chis came non stop. The sword chi was mainly for defense.

By the looks of this, it would take them an hour to breakthrough.

The powerful beings of the blade demon were speechless. This was the difference between enemy reinforcements and our reinforcements.

They would report back to the demon palace that these two idiots were a waste of resources.

Sisiliya and the others looked amongst each other and then said coldly, "We admit defeat this time. Stop the war!"

Nangong Jing and the others were stunned. Then, Lin Kuang laughed. "Haha… hahaha! Stop the war? You actually said that??"

Then he raised his lips. "This time, don't think about even having one of your soldiers leave this planet!"

If they did, then they would come back to fight for spirit metal once again.

If that's the case, why let them leave? They must all die!

Feeling the constant death of their troops, Sisiliya's face turned bleak as he stared deadly at Nangong Jing and the others. "You're planning to fight until the end?"


Chapter 194. Disappointed


Their base was blown up, their spirit metal was robbed, and to top it off, the prodigy brat—who was the main culprit—wasn't dead.

Every single one of these made the blade demons extremely frustrated, but they could still bear it.

However, if these few hundred thousand blade demon troops all died, then that would be too much for them to handle.

That was all the soldiers on this planet!

If it was a worthy death, then it was fine.

But, if they died being slaughtered like animals by that human brat, then all of their high-level leaders would shoulder a huge insult and might even risk losing their positions.

Then, their resources would be diminished to the extreme.

Those unlucky ones would even receive greater punishment.

Even Sisiliya couldn't handle such punishments.

If the human race didn't plan to stop now, then they would be really forced to fight until death.

Nangong Jing and the others narrowed their eyes. They looked at the haggard faces of the blade demons.

They felt a little unwilling in their hearts.

To be honest, at first, they just thought that they could complete the mission by acquiring the spirit metal.

They didn't expect that the current situation will become so good.

If this continued, perhaps, only a few powerful blade demons would be left behind.

But if they fought to that degree, they would suffer quite some losses too.

This wasn't worth it.

After all, they had a huge advantage so far. If this progressed further and some on their side died, it wouldn't be worth it.

Their only regret was that they didn't prepare for this situation. If they did, perhaps they could keep fighting.

At this moment, old Derry's eyes lit up. He pretended that he was thinking. "It's very hard for us if you want to just stop like that… look, we paid a heavy price on our side too. Let me think…"

Sisiliya: "…"

His black face turned purple after hearing this.

This old thing wanted to stall?!

Every moment stalled would mean the death of thousands of soldiers. Just how many did they have in total?

"Tell that brat to stop, or we will fight to the death!"

Sisiliya's chi rose. If more soldiers died, he wouldn't have the face to go back. He might as well fight to the death here!

With this, the other blade demon's chi also became unstable.

Space itself started to distort.

Nangong Jing and the others saw this. Their faces changed.

If these blade demons really planned to fight to the death, then even if they could survive, the people below would all be dead. They might as well stop now.

Meanwhile, on the battlefield, Lu Ze finished a spirit fruit and took out another steak.

His injuries had pretty much recovered. His power wasn't fully recovered yet, but he could still unleash a power within the primary stage of aperture opening state.

No blade demon could stop him on this battlefield!

Lu Ze felt he was so invincible that he forgot his own name.

A green light flashed in his eyes, and the wind blew past the battlefield, helping the human troops attack the blade demon soldiers.

He killed the powerful blade demons and left the weaker ones for the nearby soldiers to get military merits.

After all, it didn't really matter to him if he had this little military merit.

He felt that with all he did this time, it would not be a problem to get promoted to the rank of 1st lieutenant.

Remembering how he was just a second-grade soldier when he first woke up, Lu Ze was quite excited to almost reach the rank of 1st lieutenant.

Lin Ling saw Lu Ze had recovered, and thus, she charged up to fight an abstruse martial state level nine like Ye Mu and the others.

More and more blade demon soldiers lost their lives and fell to the ground.

Those who were watching the broadcast couldn't resist rejoicing.

If this continued, it wouldn't take long for the eastern front to kill all the blade demon soldiers.

With a victory at one battlefront, it was only a matter of time to attain victory at the other fronts.

The freed up soldiers would join the battle of other fronts.

The comments section blew up again.

"Go 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze!"

"2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze would probably be appointed as a young duke after this war, right?"

"In terms of power, he's still a little off, right? But, this all depends on what the higher authorities think."

"It doesn't matter what other people say, I think handsome brother Lu Ze is very strong. I'm his fan now."

Young dukes need to have mortal evolution state power. Lu Ze's current power isn't there yet. But with what he did in this war, there is a chance to be appointed as a young duke.

Young duke wasn't just a title. If you become a young duke, you would receive overflowing resources from the entire federation.

This meant that the federation was truly preparing you as the future pillar of humanity. Almost every high-level federal official was once a young duke.

Young duke level prodigies might not appear in every year, even for the elite class of Federal University. One can understand just how hard it is.

Lu Ze was very talented, but he was too young and not strong enough. Although he gained huge military merit, it's uncertain if he would become a young duke.

At this moment, a cold voice came out. "All blade demon soldiers stop!"

Another joyful voice could be heard. "All human soldiers stop. We've won this war!!"

Those blade demon troops immediately chose to stop upon hearing this.

The human soldiers who were besieging the blade demon troops became dazed. Their eyes harbored killing intent and some confusion. They looked around, and all they saw were blade demon troops.

Then, their confusion turned to excitement. "We… won?"

They seemed to be asking themselves and their fellow soldiers. Gradually they smiled and roared. "We won… we won!!"

Most of their armors were cracked, and their bodies were covered in blood—both belonging to them and blade demons.

Most were due to protecting 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze.

They didn't regret this at all. Without 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, they would've died, perhaps, in the first wave.

And, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze left them quite some military merit.

The troops from the other battlefields also roared. "We won!!"

They were excited but felt things weren't fair.

Why didn't they have a powerful prodigy? The casualties weren't low, unlike in the eastern front.

They were envious.

Lu Ze, Lin Ling, and the others heard this. They felt dazed for a moment too before becoming excited.

The victory was hard-earned.

Lu Ze felt uncomfortable. He was constantly on the border of death. He didn't know at all that their side had two powerful beings who would sneak into the blade demon base.

He didn't even think about that before. He just wanted to blow up the base and therefore, the traps set for them wouldn't work.

But now it was all over.

The powerful beings of the humans and blade demons descended from the air and looked at both sides vigilantly.

The humans chose to land next to Lu Ze. They knew the blade demons would definitely try to finish Lu Ze if they had the slightest chance.

Sisiliya and the others eventually chose not to attack.

Under everyone's gaze, the soldiers of both sides took the bodies of their fellow soldiers and went towards their bosses.

Lu Ze felt it was a pity that the blade demon bodies were taken back.

In order to conserve power, he didn't plant them upside down. He was planning to plant them neatly upside down after the war was over.

He was disappointed.
