Chapters [195-196]

Chapter 195. What Do You Want to Do?


The soldiers from both sides split off and the spaceships that didn't dare to land due to the fight between the powerful beings could finally land.

After all, in the Xiaer system, there were no spaceships that could stop the attacks of the likes of Nangong Jing and the others. They could only watch outside the planet. If they were too bored, they would exchange a few blows with the enemy spaceship.

A few huge black and red blade demon spaceships stopped behind the blade demon soldiers.

The blade demon soldiers started entering the ships in batches. Then, the space ship flew up. A few more similarly styled spaceships came down.

Gradually, the remaining few hundred thousand blade demon troops were all taken away.

The base was destroyed, and the soldiers here needed to leave the planet to rest. Even the mining regions that they had taken over before had to be handed over.

Without the supply from a base, it was impossible for a few mining bases to guard the caves.

After the blade demon troops left, the last ship landed behind the powerful blade demons.

Sisiliya and the others didn't enter the spaceship immediately. They trained their gazes at Lu Ze who was behind Nangong Jing. Their eyes were brimming with killing intent.

Seeing their stares, Lu Ze chose to wave at them amicably. He even showed a smile.

He really hoped their space ship would be smashed by an asteroid…

The blade demons saw that Lu Ze dared to laugh at them, and their faces became hideous.

If it wasn't for this human brat, they might not have lost here!

How dare he mock them?

If they didn't have great self-control, they would've charged over already.

Eventually, Sisiliya took a deep look at Lu Ze and went in the spaceship.

The humans saw the spaceship rapidly ascend and disappear. After moments of silence, old Derry's voice spread across the entire region. "We've won!"

Immediately, all the human troops rejoiced.

The cheers shook away the sand.

This was the victory of the human race!!

The beautiful journalist also smiled excitedly. "Victory! We won!!"

The audience watching on war site also rejoiced.

Although they weren't there at the battlefield, tension occupied their spirits as they watched the entire thing.

It was a good thing no accidents occurred.

Their prayer was useful!

The journalist smiled. "This is a big victory! The headquarter base of the blade demons on the 25th planet is destroyed. For a long time, they will have no right to compete with us. At the same time, the missions of our warriors are complete."

Then, her smile receded. "Later, the war site will publish the casualty list for this war."

There were sacrifices in every war. Such was necessary and couldn't be avoided.

While focusing on the eastern front due to Lu Ze, it appeared that the casualties were minor. However, in reality, the casualties wouldn't be minor at all.

After every war, the casualty list would be published. One was to ensure that the families knew about the situation, and the other was to prevent a situation where the relatives of those martyrs would fail to receive the appropriate death benefits.

The reaction of the families of those soldiers differed. Some rejoiced that their family was safe while others prayed that their family would be safe.

In Lu Ze's home, Lu Wen and the others closed the broadcast and relaxed.

Fu Shuya wiped her eye and felt relieved. "My good boy is fine…"

Lu Li and Alice felt powerless. They were too nervous before.

On the battlefield, old Derry watched the soldiers rejoice and cry. He didn't disturb them.

Moments later, he continued. "Bring your dead fellows. We'll return to base first."

As soon as he said this, the soldiers fell silent, and they brought the bodies of their dead pals and boarded the ship.

Lu Ze felt complicated.

Death accompanied all those on the battlefield. Even their survival wasn't guaranteed. There was still a risk of dying.

Lu Ze wanted to go on the spaceship with the soldiers but was stopped by Nangong Jing.

Nangong Jing pulled Lu Ze in front of her and analyzed his body carefully.

After finding that he only seemed a little weak and had some minor injuries, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She promised Uncle Merlin. She felt assured that Lu Ze was fine.

This kid accomplished such an amazing feat this time. This made her proud too. She was about to be this kid's teacher!

Nangong Jing was very excited, and she patted Lu Ze's shoulder and grinned. "Not bad kid. Your merit is very big this time. Your teacher is proud of you!"

Lu Ze felt his shoulder was slapped by a T-Rex. His body shook with the pats, and his shoulder became numb.

He was speechless.

Luckily, it was him. If it was Lin Ling, she would be flattened with the pat.

At this moment, his spirit powered armor made a cracking sound. Under Nangong Jing's pats, it finally crumbled, showing Lu Ze's bloody body.

There was still an article of black clothing on him.

The wind blew over, and the several pieces of black cloth on his body swayed a little.


The atmosphere became very awkward.

Lu Ze: "…"

He wanted to eat a spirit fruit to calm himself down.

Oh my! What breed was this T-Rex??

The powerful beings, Lin Ling and the other squad members, as well as some soldiers, looked over.

Their eyes were very penetrating.

Lu Ze felt he was getting goosebumps.

He felt so embarrassed with so many people looking at him.

He took out a set of clothes from his storage ring expressionlessly and put it on. Then, he looked at the stunned Nangong Jing who still had her hand out.

Nangong Jing seemed a little embarrassed too. She scratched her head. "Ah, hahaha… this spirit powered armor is too unstable. You can get a new one. I'll introduce you to a forging master. He will make one for you."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. His spirit powered armor was already about to break. Did she not have any clue whether her claw would crush the armor entirely?

At this moment, Lin Kuang whistled. "Kid, your physique is quite good?"

Lu Ze immediately looked vigilantly at Lin Kuang.

What did this guy want to do?

He showed an awkward yet polite smile. He didn't know how to reply.

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Brother, what do you want to do?"

Lin Kuang's smile stiffened. He laughed awkwardly. "I'm just messing with this kid."

Then, his eyes lit up. "By the way, Lu Ze, how about you come to prodigy barrack? Just from your military merit and performance, you should be coming over! Only here can you show your excellence!"

Nangong Jing's black eyes immediately flashed with golden light again. "Lin Kuang, do you want to fight?"

Even Luo Bingqing, who rarely spoke, said something. "The academy is fine too."

Lin Kuang was planning to argue with Nangong Jing, but when Luo Bingqing said this, he immediately glanced at Luo Bingqing unhappily. "Wow, you ice block. When we ask you to talk you don't talk, but now you are talking."

"Just speaking the truth," Luo Bingqing said plainly.

Meanwhile, Louisa came up to him and smiled. She spoke gently, "Lu Ze, the prodigy barrack is actually not bad, do you want to consider it?"

Lu Ze looked at this pretty girl with a warm smile. His face was embarrassed. Just when he was about to reply, Nangong Jing pulled Louisa to the side.

Her eyes were wide open as she looked at Louisa in disbelief.

"I didn't think you were like this, Louisa. Do you want to steal my student?! Intolerable!"

Louisa smiled. "Does your left hand still need treatment?"

Nangong Jing's mouth twitched. "Cough, um, yes."

Louisa nodded with a smile. "I'll treat you once we get back."

Nangong Jing opened her mouth but eventually said nothing.

It was only now that Lu Ze realized Nangong Jing's left hand was drooping.

His eyes flashed with shock. Was there such a powerful being amongst the blade demons who could break Nangong Jing's arm?

He knew very clearly how strong Nangong Jing was. She was ranked at the very top even amongst young dukes.

Then, he realized that it wasn't just Nangong Jing. Even Luo Bingqing's, Lin Kuang's and Louisa's chi seemed weak compared to before.

Clearly, they had a heated battle.

He looked around at the other powerful beings. They pretty much all had injuries, and some had broken hands.

Even if they recover this part of the body with technology, they would need to cultivate that part again. They would need some time before recovering their battle power completely.

At this moment, all the troops went into the space ship. Old Derry smiled. "Okay let's talk about 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze after we get back to the base. Let's go back first."

Everyone nodded. They were tired after that battle. What they need right now is rest.

Everyone got on the spaceship, and the spaceship took off towards the base.


Chapter 196. How Dare They Go For His Waist!?


Returning to base, Old Derry asked the soldiers to strengthen the defense. He then began to organize the logistics in order to conduct casualty reports and deal with the bodies.

The troops were arranged to receive treatment.

Nangong Jing and the powerful bunch were heavily injured as well. Thus, they were sent to receive treatment too.

Inside the base, the post-battle activities were on full swing.

After the victory, everyone was filled with energy with what they had accomplished.

Soon, it got dark.

Lu Ze went back to the dorm alone.

Lin Ling and the rest sustained some injuries on the battlefield, especially Xavier. Thus, Louisa kept them to recover with Nangong Jing and the others.

Lu Ze just used too much energy. Thus, he went back first to rest.

His eyes were full of fatigue. He took a shower and cleaned the blood from his body before lying on the bed.

This time, he was going to sleep for an entire day and night!

Lu Ze had made up his mind.

He just wanted to rest well. He was so tired.

Lu Ze closed his eyes, and his consciousness sunk into darkness.

At this time, a light breeze blew past, and the smell of grass mixed with soil entered his nostrils.

He slowly opened his eyes. The sky was clear blue, and the warm sunlight shone on his face. However, he didn't feel any warmth at all.

His face became sullen. At this moment, he didn't feel well.

He had almost forgotten that he would enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] every night…

Lu Ze wanted to cry.

After his excruciating experience on the battlefield, all he wanted to do was sleep. However, rather than getting the opportunity to rest, he was sent to the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] instead, to get beaten up by big bosses?

Lu Ze became speechless.

Hmm… that horned warhorse used lightning god art to kill. That might be a painful death.

That lizard and black tiger boss used claws to slap people. That would be painful too.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze realized that only the blue bird boss had a rather good attitude towards a prey?

It was just one wind blade. That seemed to be the best choice.

Should he go find the blue bird boss and seek death?

He just needed to close his eyes, and he would be able to leave the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and enjoy a good sleep!

At this moment, he suddenly felt a burst of chi appear. It was slowly becoming stronger.

Lu Ze: "!!!"

Oho! This feeling… it's the chi of a newly-born boss!

Lu Ze was immediately energetic. He didn't even want to die now.

How could he pass up the opportunity of a newly born boss??

Lu Ze felt he grew stronger due to the recent battle!

Uncle Merlin told him that there were 810 apertures in the human body. 360 of them were the main apertures. If you opened up these, you will have the chance to reach the mortal evolution state.

Every 120 apertures were divided into the following: primary stage, middle stage, and tertiary stage. If you opened more than 360 apertures, then your aperture level would be beyond those three levels. It would be considered the peak stage.

Uncle Merlin also provided that every young duke had opened more than 800 apertures when they broke through. Only this would give them the perfect spirit body. Their future would then be boundless.

Lu Ze wasn't the same. Before reaching the aperture opening state, he was already a spirit body, and it was a perfect one.

The alcoholic girl was the same.

Lu Ze's spirit force cultivation level was only at abstruse martial state level five, but his combat power rose mainly through his body and god art.

His current power should be around an aperture opening state who opened around five to six apertures?

This was still extremely weak compared to others who had reached aperture opening state. However, a few days ago, his power had only just reached the aperture opening state. Having this power in just a matter of a few days was very amazing!

This newly born boss wasn't even at aperture opening state yet. If he fought this boss head-on, Lu Ze felt he would become invincible.

But, there was a problem.

He didn't know what type of boss was being born. However, from the terrifying wind barrier that the blue bird had, newly born bosses probably had the same protection measures.

If that was the case, he would have to hide and pick up the leftover god art shards.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze rapidly moved towards the chi of the big boss.

Soon, Lu Ze was near the place.

At this time, the wind element became active again. The green grass kept waving.

He was indeed a wind-like man. He was that fated to be with the blue bird boss?

Three times in a row, he managed to encounter newly born blue bird bosses.

But, why did the blue bird boss kept getting born?

Was there no need for the other bosses to be born?

Or were they born in different ways?

Lu Ze didn't understand.

Since there was a newly born blue bird boss, then he would take all the god art and divine art rune shards!

Being alive was really good!

Soon, a green light flashed and the ten-meter tall grass was blown down. A powerful chi swept across, silencing the surrounding.

Lu Ze felt the violent chi, which the boss could not control yet due to being a newborn. He didn't dare to move at all.

Even when it was first born, a boss was still a boss. Lu Ze still didn't understand how strong it was despite getting stronger himself.

Lu Ze felt disappointed. Were there no weaker bosses?

He thought that the black tiger was quite weak, but it was actually stronger than the blue bird.

If things went down like this, when would he be able to kill these bosses?

Lu Ze felt uncomfortable.

He could only sustain his life by killing core martial state beasts.

Watching the blue bird walk and stretch its neck, Lu Ze thought how good it would be if he could catch this blue bird as a pet.

It was very good looking at least.

Other than some extreme species, most species of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] were extremely good looking.

If he could catch this blue bird as a pet, he would be invincible on the grass plain.

The blue bird chirped, and it started flying for the first time in its life.

Eyeing the boss off, the surrounding beasts howled. They immediately charged towards where the boss was born.

Lu Ze looked at the chaotic beast tide and gasped. Don't even try!

Only a powerful person deserved the treasure left behind by the blue bird boss!

That's right, it was him!

Lu Ze flew towards the birthing grounds, but at this moment, a sharp wind blade appeared next to Lu Ze, slicing toward his waist.


Sensing the danger, Lu Ze immediately used all his god art and accessed full power mode.

He punched the wind blade.


A terrifying sound erupted. Sharp wind blades and heatwaves spread out. A large number of innocent beasts were sliced by the wind. Some of them got roasted.

Lu Ze stopped mid-air with a cold face.

Who was this bastard that dared to attack his waist?!

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. He scanned around with his mental force.

At this moment, Lu Ze felt a blue figure appear next to him.


Suddenly, four small whirlwinds appeared next to Lu Ze. It rotated rapidly, making sharp howling sounds.

Thousands of small wind blades shot out from the whirlwind in all directions.

The beasts within a few hundred-meter range were sliced by a large number of wind blades. They wailed as they fell to the ground. Their blood painted the nearby grass red.

Lu Ze who was surrounded by the four whirlwinds naturally received extra attention.
