Chapters [197-198]

Chapter 197. He Was an Ambitious Youth


Watching the overwhelming number of whizzing wind blades, Lu Ze grinned.

Ha, naive!

He was a handsome youth who can use wind god art. This level of wind god art… cough, well, it was a little stronger than him.

But! He was a man who possessed four god arts!

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and all the wind blades flickered. Their power instantly dropped. Then, he used his fire god art to form a fire barrier, blocking the wind blades out.

Then, a huge blue figure appeared next to Lu Ze. Lu Ze glanced at it. It was a feline beast with blue fur.

Lu Ze had seen this kind of beast before. Their furs were usually black or yellow while their powers had only reached core martial state. This was clearly a beast that devoured a god art shard.

It was clearly a big cat, but it roared like a tiger.

Its sharp claws slapped down toward Lu Ze's head. With four mobile cannon stands shooting out wind blades, Lu Ze felt some pressure.

This blue cat was a boss indeed!

He had to take this seriously.

Lu Ze used his wind god art to the fullest extent. The four whirlwinds paused for a moment. Their rotational speed slowed down, and the wind blades that shot at him were also much weaker.

Then, he used all his power and disappeared from the spot. He dodged the attack of the blue cat and appeared next to a whirlwind. Wind and fire surrounded his right fist as he smashed the whirlwind.


The whirlwind exploded. Wind blades and fire waves shot in all directions, sweeping the nearby grass. This also made the other three whirlwinds unstable.

At this moment, a terrifying explosion occurred in the distance.

Lightning and spirit force surged. The shockwave can be felt even on his side.



Lu Ze: "…"

Oh my! Wasn't it just a god art shard? Why do plenty of bosses need to fight over it then?

Lu Ze felt another two chis appear. They couldn't compare with the blue bird boss, but clearly, they were some aperture opening state beasts that had devoured god art shards.

A sharp chi once again came at his back. Lu Ze raised a brow.

This big cat was really annoying.

At this moment, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He had an interesting idea.

He used his hand to block the wind blades and then used the force to fly backward. At the same time, he used it as an opportunity to punch the big cat.

The big cat originally planned to fight for the god art shard after fending off Lu Ze.

But, when it sensed Lu Ze's attack again, its temper couldn't handle it anymore. It roared and charged at Lu Ze.

Those three whirlwinds didn't follow. They slowly dissipated after the big cat left.

Lu Ze raised his lips. He blocked the attacks while flying to a location where the two big bosses were fighting.

Wouldn't it be more fun if we were all together?

Soon, Lu Ze led the big blue cat near the other two bosses.

Only then did Lu Ze see what the other two bosses looked like. One was a black scaled leopard, who was flashing with lightning, and the other was an anaconda with grey mist.

The two beasts were attacking each other while inching towards the birthplace of the blue bird boss.

Clearly, they both wanted the god art that would be left behind.

When they saw Lu Ze bring a roaring big cat over, they fought while watching the two vigilantly.

The two had sensed them when Lu Ze fought the big cat, but they were quite far before.

So, the beasts wanted to go into that area first and get the treasure.

However, these two beasts ran over to them.

At this moment, the big cat spewed out a few meters long flashing wind blades at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze grinned.

He dodged the wind blades and used his wind god art to change the direction of the wind blade a little. It sliced toward the anaconda.


Grey mist surged, and the anaconda slapped the wind blade with its tail.


Grey and green lights flashed while the anaconda was shocked for a moment.

How could the leopard miss such an opportunity? It flashed with lightning as it spat out a thick lightning pillar.

It shot lightning toward the anaconda rapidly, creating a purple arc in the air.

The anaconda was immobilized due to the attack of the wind blades. It could only roar again as its grey color turned into a defense barrier. It attempted to block the incoming lightning pillar.


The barrier shattered. Only a trace of lightning pillar struck its body, blasting a bloody hole on its body.

The lightning flickered as it numbed the anaconda's body. Blood kept flowing out.


The anaconda roared. A grey light flashed, and its wound writhed and slowly recovered.

Meanwhile, it shot a cold glance at the cat and Lu Ze.

Seeing his plan work, Lu Ze showed a joyful smile.

The anaconda had regeneration god art, the black leopard had lightning god art, and the blue cat had wind god art.

If he killed them all, it would be amazing!

Lu Ze wasn't satisfied with just the blue bird boss' god art shards. He wanted it all now!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze forgot about the fatigue from the war.

How could he want to commit suicide?

That was not him!

He was an ambitious youth.

The blue cat was furious, seeing that the anaconda seemed to have remembered it.

Thus, it stopped using ranged attacks. It charged at Lu Ze, wanting to claw Lu Ze's face.

Lu Ze punched out, and his fist clashed with the cat's claw.


Wind blades and fire waves shot out again.

Other than the anaconda and leopard, the dumb nearby animals were killed while the smarter ones went around and kept heading for the birthplace of the blue bird boss.

The seduction of the god art shard was too great. If they devoured it, they would become the same as these three aperture opening state beasts.

By then, land, food, reproduction rights. They would have everything.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and a sharp wind blade formed as it sliced toward the black scaled leopard.

Lu Ze's actions were hidden. The anaconda was injured and distraught. The leopard was counter-attacking with full force. Both of them couldn't care about the situation over here.

Thus, wind blades sliced toward the waist of that leopard.

Before the leopard could catch its breath after a clash with the anaconda, sharp wind blades clashed against its spirit force barrier.

Then, the barrier was broken, and the wind blades left a huge mark on its body.

Its scales were broken, and blood rushed out.

Black scaled leopard: "???"

The pain made it more ferocious and violent.

It roared and pushed back the anaconda that wanted to take advantage of this.

Then, it glared furiously at the big cat.

He thought this beast was an ally, but it was actually a bastard?!

When the leopard glared at it, the cat's fur shot up.

At this moment, Lu Ze grinned and used several god arts, which included strength, wind, and fire, five times.


The powerful force made the big blue cat wary. It used all of its power too.

A green light flashed, and a few meters long wind spear appeared before it. The tip was sharp and spinning. An intense wind suddenly rose within a few kilometers.


Chapter 198. This Blue Cat Seems to Be Suffering From Depression



The big cat roared, and a spear was shot out. It was heading toward Lu Ze. Lu Ze watched the spear coldly as he punched out a fist force shrouded in wind and fire.

The wind spear and fist force clashed.


The terrifying shock wave swept the surrounding few kilometers. Wind blades, fire wave, and spirit force plowed the black earth out of the ground and into the sky.

Even those beast that wanted to break open the wind barrier, which was left behind by the blue bird boss, shivered. They wondered if they should leave instead.

However, the enticement of land and reproduction rights made them stay.

The anaconda and black scaled leopard retreated a few steps away to avoid getting caught.

When the motion calmed down, Lu Ze and the cat was pushed away by the force. A space of a few hundred meters was present between them.

Lu Ze grinned and suddenly flew back.

He flew in the direction that was opposite to the birthplace of the blue bird boss. This stunned the cat, leopard, and anaconda.

From their perspective, this two-legged beast finally decided to give up.

This was great!

The happiest was the blue cat. He has been fighting with the two-legged animal. However, at this moment, that animal chose to run away, so no one can stop him now. Those weaklings ahead wouldn't be able to stop it either!

The two on the side were its opponent, right?

The blue cat happily turned around and wanted to fly toward where the blue bird was born.

At this moment, a lightning pillar and grey energy ball shot at it.

Two beasts of equal power attacked it. Its fur blew up as it flashed with blue light and disappeared.

The purple lightning and grey energy ball pierced where the blue cat was but didn't strike it.

Seeing this, the leopard and anaconda also discharged the spirit force and chased the big cat.

This beast gave them a wind blade each. They didn't forget that.

And, they planned to fight this blue cat first before fighting over the god art shard.

In a short while, three shocking roars came from the birthplace of the blue bird. At the same time, mourning wails coming from several beasts could also be heard.

Quite some beasts flocked away in terror, but after reaching the outskirts, they didn't leave immediately. They stayed there, gazing greedily at the direction of the birthplace of the bluebird.

They hoped there would be some chance for them.

At this moment, a light wind blew, and all the waiting animals fell to the ground.

Their bodies slowly turned to dust and were blown into the air.

Only a bunch of [red and purple orbs] remained on the ground.

Lu Ze flew back from a distance secretly and happily collected the orbs.

Then, he looked up at the terrifying battle scene and narrowed his eyes.

He was going to let the bosses fight first, and, then he would join.

For now, he would just watch the show.

He could see the anaconda and leopard chasing the blue cat.

Because the wind element was very active here, the blue cat could barely hold out a few strikes from the two beasts.

But soon, the cat was struck in the back by lightning. Its soft blue fur turned black, and there was a huge hole. Blood trickled out.


Lu Ze saw this from afar and grinned. He felt great, seeing the cat howl in pain.

At the same time, another [grey spirit force orb] struck at it.

It bore the intense pain and dodged the spirit force light with full power.

He felt very wronged. Even if they were to fight, shouldn't it be a battle royale?

Why did they just focus on it?

When the two charged up again, the blue cat finally got scared. It roared with dissatisfaction and left.

If this continued, it would really die.

Seeing this, the two didn't plan to chase. In their limited knowledge, there was no such thing as pretending to lose and then coming back.

Finally, the two glared at each other.

They roared and started attacking each other again while moving toward the wind barrier.

Although they had no wind god art, the wind barrier had limited effects on them.

Lu Ze secretly hid in the bush in the distance and watched.

When he saw the blue cat leave, he immediately chased after it.

Because it was injured and no beast was chasing it, the cat didn't fly fast. Lu Ze caught up to it very quickly.

It was covered in injuries and flew weakly ahead. It seemed quite disappointed.

Lu Ze followed until it was far enough from the blue bird boss' birthplace to avoid being noticed by the other two. Then, he smiled.

This cat seems to be suffering from depression. Why not send it to the afterlife?

He used his full power and accessed all his god art. Then, Lu Ze dashed off the ground.


A thunderous explosion occurred, and a huge shallow ditch appeared.

Lu Ze instantly appeared next to the blue cat.

Wind and fire shrouded his fist. Everywhere the fist force went the air distorted.

The blue cat sensed a lethal threat, and its fur exploded.


It had tasted this attack before, but it was no longer at its prime.

A blue light flashed and 12 vibrant wind blades appeared next to it. They sliced toward the fist force.


12 consecutive explosions could be heard. The nearby land was plowed once again.

Lu Ze was a little shocked that his fist force was blocked.

He had used full power before. He thought this cat couldn't handle it anymore.

Yet, its desire to live was this strong.

Regardless, Lu Ze wasn't going to let it live.

The cat's chi was even weaker. The huge hole on its back started oozing massive amounts of blood.

Lu Ze once again appeared above the cat and punched toward the hole on its back.

Lu Ze felt he was more like an antagonist now. The cat looked very cute, but he abused it like this.

However, Lu Ze didn't stop at all.

"Roar!!" The cat roared, but this roar sounded weak.

Just when it planned to attack again, Lu Ze's fist force already penetrated its spirit force defense. Wind, fire, and spirit force surged into its body.

The cat was smashed into the ground heavily, creating a deep ditch.

Inside, the cat lost its life and started to turn to dust.

Lu Ze looked away and saw the two bosses were still fighting. He felt relieved. It wouldn't be good if he was caught.

As for now…

Lu Ze landed in the ditch and saw the floating [blue crystal ball] and grinned.

[Wind god art crystal ball] collected!

It also had [red and purple orbs] that had an aperture opening state level.

These were good.

Lu Ze happily collected these things and then cast his evil glance to the birthplace of the blue bird boss.
