Chapters [199-200]

Chapter 199. This Two-Legged Animal Is Very Evil!


After sending off the depressed big blue cat, Lu Ze returned to the location where he watched the two fight.

The big black leopard, who was a few meters tall, floated in the air while staring at its opponent, a hundred-meter long anaconda. The anaconda flew in the air like a dragon while emitting grey mist. Its body was half obscured.

Lu Ze looked at this and reminisced the time when he was still a noob hunter. Back then, he saw the lightning warhorse and grey lizard fighting.

Those were the real bosses that had lightning and regeneration god art.

The fight between the two god arts got him very excited. He even got extremely lucky and got the orbs of the red lions that he couldn't beat.

He thought about it. Was he fated to have these two god arts?

It seemed he was going to have a big harvest again.

Moreover, he didn't have lightning god art yet!

He wanted it! He watched the distant battlefield silently.

The leopard used powerful lightning pillars and lightning spears from time to time.

On the other hand, the anaconda had shocking defenses, and with regeneration god art, although it would still receive some injuries, they quickly recovered.

The two beasts fought with all their strength. The wind barrier rippled after the shockwave collided into it.

If one of the two wanted to enter the wind barrier, it would be attacked by the other. Thus, the two kept drawing the battle closer and closer to the wind barrier, wanting to go in at the same time.

Seeing this, Lu Ze frowned. If the two went inside, he wouldn't be able to see them from outside.

He didn't understand at all how the beasts devoured god art shards. If they just ate it and then left, it would be over.

This wouldn't do.

Lu Ze felt his chin and thought about it.

Moments later, the two were beginning to enter the whirlwind. Even if they fought while entering, it wouldn't take them long to go in.

At this moment, Lu Ze had a bold idea.

Although this idea might make him lose a little, it would benefit him quite a lot, if it worked.

Of course, if it failed, then he would probably have to go up and fight.

If those two bosses treated him like the blue cat, then he would probably have to run.

Every bold idea needed action to prove its plausibility. Now, let him see.

Lu Ze disappeared from his original spot. After the sounds of several breaths, Lu Ze appeared only a few hundred meters away from the wind barrier. The sharp wind blades shot in all directions. However, if they approached him, he would change its direction.

He wasn't in the same direction as the two bosses, but the distance wasn't far. They would probably notice him.

But it didn't matter, he could run.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he used wind god art to speed up the whirlwind barriers.

The two bosses were inside. If he increased the power of the whirlwind now, would they feel great inside?

Lu Ze was very curious about this.

Of course, there were side effects to this. This barrier was left behind by the blue bird after all. He was worried that if he couldn't slow it down, then he probably wouldn't be able to go in as well.

It was very easy to speed it up. He just needed to insert a wind element inside.

Soon, the sound of the whirlwind grew sharper and showed a powerful pulling force while shooting out wind blades that were several times stronger than before.

Lu Ze dodged the wind blades while speeding the whirlwind up. Even he didn't want to test the wind blades now.



The leopard and anaconda noticed the change in the whirlwind.

They also felt Lu Ze's chi and immediately roared furiously.

That two-legged animal is very evil!

He actually came back to ambush them?

The two soon made an agreement to come out of the whirlwind and take care of this two-legged animal first.

However, the pulling force kept increasing and they were greatly slowed.

More importantly, the sharp wind blades sliced at them, making them feel a strong sense of danger.

The two beasts roared again as spirit light scattered everywhere.

They blocked the wind blades while desperately trying to get out.

Lu Ze could feel the nefarious intent from the two beasts, but he didn't care. He sped the wind up to a degree that even he couldn't control.

If he could control it, the threat to the beasts would only be so-so.

At least, with the current wind blades that Lu Ze made, the beasts had to keep dodging. When such a blade sliced into the ground, ravines ended up deeply cut.

At this moment, the leopard and anaconda escaped from the whirlwind. The wind blades came after them.

They didn't have wind god art like Lu Ze. Under the pull of the wind, their speed was heavily decreased, and they couldn't dodge such wind blades at all.

Thus, the two tensed up and took the wind blades head-on while running.

If they were any slower, they felt they would be cut into pieces.


The two beasts unleashed their full power and finally charged out of the range of the strongest pulling force. The could move again, but they were still dripping with blood.

The wind blades tore open their spirit force defenses and left deep and long marks on their tough body. Blood sprayed out and was pulled inside the wind.

They floated in the air feebly while gasping for breath.

Their eyes became blood-red as they stared at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze scratched his head in embarrassment.

He was embarrassed being stared at like this.

He smiled, sensing their weakened chi.

His plan worked.

Although he wouldn't be able to enter if the wind didn't slow down, there was just a god art shard and at most a divine art shard inside.

Divine art shard was useless to him now. As for god art shard, two [god art crystal ball] was better than one god art shard.

These two [god art crystal balls] were lightning god art and regeneration god art.

He didn't even have lightning god art. It would definitely be strong.

Thus, Lu Ze immediately entered his strongest state.

The two bosses were injured. He couldn't give them time to recover.

Of course, that anaconda could definitely recover.

However, using god art would use spirit force, physical and mental force. He didn't believe the anaconda could last that long after fighting for a while.



Seeing Lu Ze's attack, they roared fiercely in acknowledgment.

Lu Ze appeared next to the leopard. The power of the two beasts was similar to his. They might be a little stronger, but their strengths were quite limited.

In this situation, clearly Lu Ze was stronger.

As for stronger survivability, it would definitely be the anaconda, so he went to attack the leopard first. Then, he would take care of the anaconda slowly.

Lu Ze punched at the waist of the leopard.

The leopard roared after sensing the danger. Its whole body flashed with thunder. Then, it disappeared. Subsequently, it spat out a half meter long purple lightning ball.

The anaconda used its thick tail as a whip and attacked Lu Ze too.

Lu Ze dodged the lightning ball with wind god art and then stepped on the tail.


Lu Ze's foot clashed with the anaconda's tail.


Another sound could be heard as the lightning ball landed ten kilometers away. Purple light filled the area as the world flashed with lightning arcs. Another huge ditch appeared.

Even those who were just at the primary stage of the aperture opening state possessed an extremely great destructive power.


Chapter 200. How Does a Flying Dragon Lose?


It seemed like doomsday on the ground and sky, but for powerful beings who were at the level of Lu Ze and these two beasts, it was nothing.

Lu Ze used the repulsion force from the clash with the anaconda to chase after the black scaled leopard.

Yet due to the shock, the recovering wounds on the anaconda ruptured again. It hissed in pain.

Seeing Lu Ze charge over, the leopard roared, and then, its body turned to lightning and rushed toward Lu Ze too.

Lu Ze grinned. He was scared this leopard would run now.

If it ran, he could only chase one of them, but now, he could take both.

The two beasts were very wild, and they became frenzied after Lu Ze attacked.

Although they were weaker, there were two of them. Hence, it should be an easy kill with a two versus one situation.

Thus, the two beasts hoped Lu Ze wouldn't run.

Lu Ze clashed with the leopard once again. Shockwaves shot out in all directions.

The two split. Lu Ze charged up again. The black leopard was bleeding non-stop, but it didn't choose to dodge.

At this moment, a gray spirit ball shot at Lu Ze. The terrifying energy made Lu Ze tense and stop as he aimed his punch toward the energy ball.


Waves shot out, and violent winds blew Lu Ze's hair.

Before the shockwaves were gone, the leopard appeared behind Lu Ze and scratched toward Lu Ze's back.

Lu Ze used wind god art and appeared on the side of the leopard again.

Wind and fire shrouded his right leg as the power ripples distorted the air.


The wind and fire on his right leg turned into a scythe of death. It sliced toward the leopard's stomach.

The leopard roared and disappeared in a flash of lightning. The power from Lu Ze's leg shot out, turning into a red-green energy slash across the ground. It created a few kilometers long and deep marks.

After the leopard disappeared, Lu Ze glanced at the anaconda that was recovering while interfering with him using long-ranged attacks.

What a smart beast.

He didn't expect the two beasts to be this difficult to deal with even though they were heavily injured.

Why couldn't they be like that blue cat and just die on the spot?

With a wave of his right hand, a few meter high flaming tornado headed toward the anaconda.

He wasn't going to let it recover and interfere.

This was really unfair.

Lu Ze disappeared again and another explosion and roar occurred in the air.

Before the flaming tornado approached the anaconda, it was blasted by its spirit force ball.

In the air, Lu Ze used his full power and engaged in close combat with the leopard. He was fighting injury for injury.

After all, he had regeneration god art and would last longer than the leopard.

If he stuck close to the leopard, then even if the anaconda attacked, both of them would be attacked.

In a short few seconds, tens of clashes could be heard. The ground was completely ruined.

After another clash, the leopard wailed as its blood splattered across the air.

The anaconda couldn't resist anymore. Although it had only recovered a bit, it charged out.

It felt it was quite strong in melee battles!

Lu Ze had quite some wounds too. Some were blood marks, and some were burnt black marks caused by lightning. However, Lu Ze didn't care.

What a joke! What sort of injuries he didn't suffer through?

He had already experienced dozens of ways to die.

He was Lu, Die Everyday, Ze!

This injury was a joke to him.

It was painful, but this level of pain couldn't even move his heart at all.

Lu Ze grinned after seeing the leopard cough out some blood. He leaned forward and attacked wave after wave, not giving it any chance to recover.

At this moment, Lu Ze felt a gust of wind rushing toward his side. He quickly tensed and left using the wind god art.

The anaconda's thick tail missed again. It hissed at Lu Ze and charged over for the second time.

"Piss off!"

Lu Ze was shrouded in wind. Fire surged, and he appeared above the head of the anaconda and stepped down.

The anaconda shot out a grey energy ball, blocking Lu Ze's foot.


The two were enveloped in red, green, and gray lights.

Then, Lu Ze charged out of the light and dashed toward the black leopard.

In terms of agility, how could the anaconda compare with a man like the wind?

The leopard clearly didn't expect Lu Ze to come out so quickly.

Its chi instantly exploded again as lightning flickered.

Just when Lu Ze thought it was going to attack first, this leopard actually flew off.

This guy wanted to run.

Lu Ze felt dazed. He didn't expect this leopard to run. It was pretty timid too?

Then, Lu Ze laughed.

It didn't choose to run before, but now, it was running.

It was this heavily injured, how could he let it escape?

Then, Lu Ze chased after it. The anaconda also chased Lu Ze.

In a few short seconds, Lu Ze appeared next to the leopard. He let out a punch.


The panting leopard saw this and greeted Lu Ze with its claw that flashed with lightning.

Then, a gray pillar shot at Lu Ze from behind him.

Lu Ze felt the terrifying chi of that pillar, but he used the wind and fire to create a barrier. The fist force didn't stop at all, however.

He was going to be tough and kill this leopard.


The three forces collided together. Flames burned in the air, and the wild winds raged. The spirit force waves were unstoppable like the tide.


A pitiful roar sounded, and the huge black figure was smashed into the ground.

Then, Lu Ze rushed over with a cold face and stepped on the struggling leopard.

There was the sound of bones cracking. The black leopard coughed out large amounts of blood, painting the ditch red.

In a short instant, it lost its life.

Before Lu Ze could relax, a gray pillar shot at him.

Lu Ze bit his lips and punched out again. The fist force and pillar clashed in mid-air, causing an explosion.

Lu Ze spat a mouthful of blood from the shockwave.

He was bleeding and wounded right now. His left arm drooped powerlessly, and his face was pale.

That clash was very painful. He almost thought he would die first.

His body was enveloped in a faint grey hue as the hideous wounds started to repair. His left arm made cracking sounds as his bones healed.

However, Lu Ze felt weak due to losing quite some blood.

Lu Ze looked at the descending anaconda. He didn't believe it was in a better state than him.

He didn't choose to dodge. He was waiting for the leopard's body to disappear.

"Piss off!"

Lu Ze flew out of the ditch and punched again. The two clashed, and both were sent back.

Lu Ze glanced and saw the [light orbs] had appeared. One of them was a [lightning crystal ball]. It looked very pretty.

He quickly went into the ditch and collected the orbs before breathing a sigh of relief.

He got the [lightning god art crystal ball].


Lu Ze threw his evil glance at the anaconda. This was the only one remaining.

Although both of them had regeneration god art, the one that anaconda had seemed stronger than his. However, its injuries were also more serious. Lu Ze felt he could last longer.

He couldn't lose!

Just when Lu Ze planned to attack, a stone piercing shriek sounded in the distant sky.


Lu Ze and the anaconda stiffened at the same time. They both planned to run.

Oh my! The boss is back! Run run!

He didn't need god arts anymore.

Before they could run, they were immersed in the flurry of wind blades.

Then, his eyes went black, and he reappeared in the dorm again.

The pain made Lu Ze shake like a fish on the chopping block.

Out of all the bosses he knew, the blue bird boss liked to bully the noobs the most.


Regeneration god art!

He could've gotten another [god art crystal ball].

He was going to remember this!
