Chapters [205-206]

Chapter 205. Latest News


Lu Ze got up and walked out of his room.

He found that Ye Mu and the others were already waiting in the lobby. Clearly, they received the news too.

They seemed to be discussing something. When Lu Ze came out, Ye Mu's eyes lit up. He smiled. "Ze, do you think they will reward us today?"

Lu Ze became dazed. Nangong Jing gave them three choices. They chose the third, and the reward was based on how they performed on the battlefield.

Lu Ze's performance was unquestionable. As for Ye Mu and the others, their performances were not in any other way inadequate. In that case, their reward would be quite plenty.

The three were pretty excited about this.

With the rewards, they would be able to go buy some special resources on the martial arts site.

Those things would require a huge amount of federal contribution points.

Even Lu Ze was very hopeful too. He could consider going to the martial arts site again.

He had only been there once and bought a spirit force control experience that has a level of Mortal Evolution State. That cost him 10,000 federal contribution points…

Ever since then, he subconsciously removed this scam website out of his brain.

Too poor.

He got 80,000 federal contribution points a while ago and adding the one this time, Lu Ze felt he would be rich.

He would buy quite some good things after he got rewarded!

Thus, he smiled. "Probably? Let's go and see."

Then, they came out and knocked on Lin Ling's dorm.

After the girls came out, they all headed to the discussion room.

There were quite some people there already. After all, the intel, which the squad brought back, would affect the troop stationing.

If there were more spirit metal mine, then more forces were needed here.

As soon as Lu Ze and his group went in, Wang Wenze and Gui Yuping were waving at them.

Other than these fourth-year senior schoolmates, there was even Nigel from the prodigy barrack.

Lu Ze even saw that Jian Shaoning and the girl who could disappear were present as well.

However, he didn't know where those two came from.

They walked over, and Gui Yuping started by introducing the girl who could disappear. "Margaret, I'll introduce you to your junior schoolmates."

Then, he started talking about Lu Ze and the others.

Then, he pointed at Margaret. "Margaret Clark, 2nd in the 4th year elite class. She's a candidate for a young duke."

Lu Ze and his group became dazed. They quickly said, "Greetings, senior schoolmate Margaret."

The girl who could become invisible was this strong?

Lu Ze was shocked as he studied this senior schoolmate.

Her soft grey curled hair reached her shoulder. Her grey eyes seemed lifeless. She looked exquisite and beautiful, but she gave people a strange feeling.

Lu Ze frowned and realized what this strange feeling was.

He clearly saw her face, but as soon as he moved his eyes away, her figure became obscure from his memory.

It was as though everything was an illusion.

What was this?

An intervention of thoughts?

Other people didn't notice anything. Only Jian Shaoning raised a brow and glanced at Margaret.

Margaret smiled. "It seems junior schoolmate Lu Ze is very strong indeed. Your mental force is powerful enough to notice it."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. So, she used [God Art] on him? To test his power? He was just a noob.

He smiled. "That was senior schoolmate's [God Art]? Was it the [God Art] that made you disappear?"

"This is a secret. I'm an assassin, so how could I spill it?"

Gui Yuping quickly said, "Margaret you're not going to do something over the line to junior schoolmate Lu Ze, right?"

She was at the middle stage of the Aperture Opening State. She had opened 143 main Apertures at 22 years old, and her power was near the Peak of Aperture Opening State.

Due to her [Invisibility God Art], she feared nothing at school and liked to do all sorts of strange things.

Margaret rolled her eyes. "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. I just feel that junior schoolmate Lu Ze is very interesting."

Gui Yuping felt relieved.

At this moment, Nigel said, "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, let me introduce you to a prodigy from our prodigy barrack. This is Colonel Jian Shaoning. He's also a young duke candidate."

Jiao Shaoning had black hair and black eyes. He wasn't that handsome, but just by standing there, he emitted the will of a sword. He had this unique temperament.

Lu Ze smiled. "Hello, Colonel Jian Shaoning."

Jian Shaoning nodded. "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, you'll probably no longer be 2nd lieutenant soon. I look forward to you growing stronger, so we can battle."

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. Most of the prodigies in the prodigy barrack were battle maniacs, right?

He wondered if this was due to Lin Kuang.

Lu Ze thought of something and asked, "What did you guys find at the beast lair?"

He was curious if there were more spirit metal there.

Even Lin Ling and the rest looked curiously at Jian Shaoning.

He smiled. "You will soon know. General Derry will soon be making new arrangements."

Margaret suddenly thought of something and added, "Perhaps, junior schoolmate Lu Ze will get the chance to go on a mission with Gui Yuping and the others. As for junior schoolmate Lin Ling and the rest, they'll probably be going to a safer place?"

After all, it won't be like the battlefield anymore.

If the blade demons appeared again, it would be more dangerous.

At this moment, Old Derry, Nangong Jing, and the high-level officials walked out.

Seeing this, everyone sat down.

Old Derry smiled and spoke slowly, "The squad searching the beast lair is back. They've brought back good news. Other than the spirit metal mine that the blade demons discovered, there's a second one. It has fewer reserves than the one that the blade demons found, but it will be sufficient for us, enough to cover a long period of time."

Everyone couldn't resist widening their eyes with such a statement. There was actually a second spirit metal mine!

The blade demons suffered a huge blow this time!

Even Lu Ze and Lin Ling were shocked. They had been in there for so long and only discovered one.

Old Derry spoke again, "The spirit metal mine must be secured. I will now be assigning missions!"

Those military officers already had their own soldiers to lead while the elite class of Federal University and students from prodigy barracks were like special forces. A mission would be assigned to them based on their power.

Although the blade demon's base was destroyed, they weren't going to give up the resources on this planet like this.

They needed to prepare better defenses.

Old Derry glanced at the new students and smiled. "This time, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze has done huge accomplishments. All the new students have performed exceptionally well. This time, your mission…"

At this moment, Old Derry's communicator rang.

He frowned. This was connected to high-level military officers. They usually wouldn't communicate through this.

He opened it and looked inside. When he saw it, the expression on his face changed, and he glanced strangely at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze became dazed. Why was he staring at him like that?

Old Derry spoke after some silence. "I've just received news that the blade demon armies are mobilizing their forces. In three to five days, they will be back on the 25th planet."

Everyone became stunned. "That quickly?"

Old Derry nodded. "It involves a spirit metal mine after all. This time, they're sending quite some troops. The war might be more intense than before. I hope you will all be prepared."

Those military officers agreed.

Old Derry nodded and then looked strangely at Lu Ze. "There's another news, it's about 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze."


Chapter 206. Three Assassination List


Hearing this, everyone looked strangely at Lu Ze. What Lu Ze did in this war was outstanding, and even the Federal Times made a report about him. Everyone was curious about what the news was.

Old Derry said, "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze is on the White Blade Assassination List."

Hearing this, the officers, Margaret, and the others looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Even Nangong Jing and the rest raised a brow in shock.

Only noobs like Lu Ze and Lin Ling, who didn't know what the White Blade Assassination List was, didn't know how to react.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "What is the White Blade Assassination List?"

Nangong Jing explained, "White Blade Assassination List, Blood Blade Assassination List, and Black Blade Assassination List are the three assassination lists of the blade demon race. They are created to eliminate the people who pose a great threat to their race."

"White Blade Assassination List usually targets prodigies who were at the middle stage of Aperture Opening State and above or young duke candidate level. The Blood Blade Assassination List targets young duke level prodigies while Black Blade Assassination List targets prodigies at the Planetary State and above."

Nangong Jing grinned. "You're not even at Aperture Opening State yet, and you're already on the White Blade Assassination List. It seems Sisiliya really hates you. Hehe."

Lu Ze: "…"

Seeing how Nangong Jing was laughing, Lu Ze didn't feel so good.

This alcoholic was still laughing?!

Seeing how pitiful and helpless he was, she could still laugh!

Margaret glanced strangely at Jian Shaoning before patting the lifeless Lu Ze. "I understand you, really, I can."

Lu Ze turned around to look at Margaret, feeling touched.

Margaret smiled. "I'm ranked 3284th on the White Blade Assassination List. How is it? I'll protect you!"

Lu Ze: "???"

Was it something joyful to be assassinated?

Jian Shaoning smiled. "It is not a big deal to become a part of the assassination list. Inside the Federation, at most, only Mortal Evolution State blade demons would be able to get in. Even if they're inside the federal domain, it's very dangerous, and they're easily exposed. They would usually choose to hunt a greater target. Just be careful on the battlefield, and don't get caught by a Planetary State. Then, you're pretty much fine."

Lu Ze didn't feel Jian Shaoning was comforting him.

Even if an Aperture Opening State at the middle stage level came, his life would be over.

Lu Ze felt he was in quite some danger.

Jian Shaoning said, "By the way, I'm on the White Blade Assassination List too, ranked 3288th."

Jian Shaoning seemed prideful as though being on there was something amazing.

Lu Ze didn't want to say anything anymore. He just wanted some peace.

Lin Ling and the others exchanged glances among each other and didn't know what to say.

Nangong Jing laughed. "Those on the assassination list are prodigies that are perceived as great threats to the blade demons. This includes military merit and talent—for example, prodigy martial artist, prodigy commander, or others. Usually, those higher on the White Blade Assassination List are considered greater threats to the blade demon race and are more useful to the human race."

"The human race also has a list that targets blade demons. It is called Demon Hunting List. You'll know about it in the future."

Lu Ze realized something. No wonder Margaret and Jian Shaoning were prideful. Did blade demons use this list to judge their talents and merits?

Was it a trend to be on the white blade assassination list for young prodigies?

They probably all wanted to get on there.

Should he be happy himself?

Then, Nangong Jing frowned. "But Lu Ze you're different. Your combat power is too weak. Other prodigies have protection measures for assassinations, but you…"

"If any blade demons on the middle stage of Aperture Opening State appeared, you probably won't be able to get away, right?

Lu Ze's body stiffened. She was right. His real combat power was far from the prodigies like Margaret. If someone came to assassinate him, it was really easy for him to die.

She looked at old Derry. "Old Derry, what is Lu Ze's rank?"

Old Derry's face became even stranger. "3280."


Everyone was shocked again, especially Margaret and Jian Shaoning.

Lu Ze only went to one battle, and his rank was higher than theirs??

They thought Lu Ze would rank between 4000 to 5000!

Margaret's face went red as she just bragged about this to Lu Ze.

She looked at Lu Ze. "This isn't right! Why is junior schoolmate Lu Ze's rank higher than mine?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "This does seem normal, considering all that he did and how he's only 18."

Nangong Jing was surprised herself too. She had only taken this kid over from planet Lan Jiang for how many days?

And he did all this. Could he settle for a while?

Everyone understood after Nangong Jing explained.

After all, a base meant tens of thousands of soldiers, and the fees for building a base, as well as the resources they lost during this period, and the spirit metal mine.

It's said that two Aperture Opening States died in Lu Ze's hands too.

Yet, this guy was only 18!

Lu Ze's heart skipped a beat after hearing his rank.

Oh god, he was done for!

He was ranked higher than senior schoolmate Margaret. If someone came to assassinate him, it would be at least her level.

Her power was at the Tertiary State of Aperture Opening State now!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt cold. This wasn't too good.

While Lu Ze was distressed, Old Derry also frowned.

He was planning to send Lu Ze into Gui Yuping's team to do missions.

But now, it didn't seem suitable at all.

It was even more impractical to send Lu Ze to do missions with Margaret and the others.

Old Derry found this to be troublesome and so did Nangong Jing.

She promised Uncle Merlin she would take care of this kid, but he ended up on the White Blade Assassination List the first time he went to battle.

When the blade demon army arrived, she wouldn't be able to do much.

Nangong Jing's eyes flashed and she slowly said, "Kid, there's half a month until the entrance test finishes, but you have finished early. It's too dangerous for you to join the battle. You can go back to the HQ."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Then, what about my upcoming military merit?"

It was going to be a huge battle. Lu Ze wanted more federal contribution points!

That was money! Lu Ze's heart ached.

Seeing this, Nangong Jing clenched her fists and showed a warm smile to Lu Ze. "I think there's something wrong with your brain. I'll help you fix it."

Did this kid not know about the situation he was in?

Did he value money over his own life?

Seeing this, Lu Ze shivered and cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He shook his head. "I think my brain suddenly works now. I don't need to trouble Teacher Nangong. You still need to fight a war. You should rest well."

Everyone: "…"

Everyone looked strangely at Lu Ze. They finally knew the other side of Lu Ze.
