Chapters [207-208]

Chapter 207. Surpass You at Entry


Nangong Jing gasped, and she raised her brow impatiently. "You're a new student after all. It is not fair for you. After school starts, I'll give you an opportunity. You should like it."

To this kid, this half month was indeed a huge loss for him. She quite liked this kid, and due to Uncle Merlin, she would give him an opportunity when the time was right.

Sigh… she really didn't want to go there…

Nangong Jing felt tired, but she couldn't avoid going.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up.

What sort of opportunity did she mean? Lu Ze was curious.

Everyone else looked at Lu Ze with envy.

Although he lost the chance to earn military merit on the battlefield, Nangong Jing's opportunity clearly would compensate for this. It would probably even overcompensate!

Nangong Jing looked at Lin Ling and the rest. "The battlefield is no longer suitable for new students like you. You guys can also go back to HQ. There will compensation too. Your academic credit will be three times that of what you acquired."

Everyone rejoiced.

They didn't expect this. Although there would be less military merit, the academic credit would make up for it.

The battlefield was going to be more dangerous. It was pretty good to receive such rewards without the need to take risks.

Old Derry glanced at the officers and said, "It will be a huge battle. I hope everyone will take it seriously."

"Yes! General!"

Old Derry nodded with satisfaction after seeing the curiosity of everyone. Then, he smiled, "I'm no stubborn old fool. There would be a few days before the blade demons arrive. Tonight will be the celebration of the victory from last time. This is the last relaxation before the war."

"Tomorrow, lead your troops to prepare for the war!"

Everyone smiled. A celebration was necessary for a big victory.

It was a huge increase in morale and helped soldiers relieve some pressure.

Old Derry wasn't going to keep his soldiers constantly tense.

After the discussion, everyone left the meeting room.

Nangong Jing walked over and smiled. "I will escort you out tomorrow to base. You guys go pack up first."

"The war isn't finished yet. Your military merit will be awarded at the HQ. Major General Barry will deal with it."

Then, she left with the other young dukes and military officers.

Lu Ze smiled. "Since teacher Nangong said this, let's go back and pack up first. We can have an early holiday tomorrow."

Everyone smiled.

Tianyuan Qianhua said, "I wonder what our reward will be?"

Everyone was keen with anticipation too. Lin Ling smiled. "We'll know once we get to the HQ."

Thus, everyone went back to their dorms and started packing their belongings.

At night, Lu Ze and the others were notified to attend the celebratory party.

It was held in a military hall. All the high levels who went to the battle arrived. Those soldiers would celebrate with their own companies.

As for the defense of the base, it would be the new arrivals who would be responsible.

When Lu Ze and the others arrived, there were quite some people present already, including their senior schoolmates and the prodigy barrack prodigies.

As soon as Lu Ze walked in, he smelled this intense aroma, making his eyes light up.

Ahh… it was the smell of delicious food!

There were long rows of tables with all sorts of food there.

Lu Ze gulped his saliva.

He wanted to eat!

There were no special rules at the celebration. Everyone could grab whatever they wanted.

Nangong Jing was happily drinking wine right now.

She was overexcited from all the beautiful wine here.

Lu Ze charged in and grabbed a plate and began stuffing all sorts of food inside his mouth.

Seeing this, Lin Ling's mouth twitched. However, everyone felt hungry too, so they grabbed their plates and started eating.

People would come to say hi to Lu Ze from time to time.

After all, Lu Ze was strong and talented. It was good to know him.

Lu Ze felt it was troublesome, but he had to smile back with manners.

Eventually, Lu Ze ran to Nangong Jing. No one dared to come next to her.

Who wasn't worried about the female T-Rex?

Nangong Jing's face blushed from the wine. She said, "Kid, tell me, you and Uncle Merlin are familiar with each other?"

Uncle Merlin told her to take special care of Lu Ze, this wasn't like him.

Lu Ze smiled. "We're alright. I'm good friends with Alice. As for Uncle Merlin… I've been beaten up by him a few times."

When he reminisced his training before, it was full of pain, especially for his butt.

Nangong Jing wasn't too satisfied with this answer, but she didn't keep asking. "Your power is still too weak. Your control of strength isn't good enough. It's not just [Strength God Art], but also the other [God Arts]. You're just completely letting loose. When we go back to school, I will teach you properly."

Lu Ze: …

Lu Ze felt cold when he heard the word "teach" for some reason.

Then, he thought of something and looked at Nangong Jing curiously. "By the way Teacher Nangong, what is the opportunity you were talking about?"

Nangong Jing glared at Lu Ze. "Don't ask what you shouldn't. You will know when the time is right. You won't be losing out."

Then, she curled her lips. "If it wasn't due to Uncle Merlin, I wouldn't take you there."

This made Lu Ze even more curious, but he couldn't force her to say it.

At this moment, Lin Ling walked over with a plate.

Lu Ze glanced at her plate, it was full of meat. There were no vegetables nor spirit fruit.

She smiled at Nangong Jing. "Sister Jing, I want to apply for a leave."

Lu Ze opened his eyes wide. "Apply for a leave?"

What was she doing this for during an entrance test?

Nangong Jing was a little surprised too. Then, she asked, "Reason?"

Then, Nangong Jing seemed to have thought of something. She gave Lin Ling a complicated look and asked, "You've thought it through?"

Lin Ling showed a complicated smile. "We'll talk about that later."

Nangong Jing nodded. "Aren't you going to tell your brother?"

Lin Ling looked hesitant for a moment, but then, she shook her head. "Never mind, he will know."

"Heh, if you tell him now, he would probably feel much better and perform much better in the war? You're really not going to tell him?" Nangong Jing smirked.

Lin Ling's face stiffened, and then, she rolled her eyes. "Sister Jing, you're really mean."

Nangong Jing smiled. "Some things aren't appropriate for me to say, but it's good you can see through it."

Then, she drank some more.

She rubbed Lin Ling's head. "I approve of the leave."

Lin Ling's eyes lit up as she giggled. "Thank you, Sister Jing."

Lu Ze felt dazed, and he looked strangely at the two.

"Lin Ling, what are you guys talking about?"

Lin Ling raised a brow and smiled. "When we start school, my power will definitely surpass you."

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked at Lin Ling in disbelief. Since when was she this arrogant? Even he didn't dare to be this arrogant.

Nangong Jing grinned. "It might really be possible. Lin Ling you need to work hard."

Lu Ze: "???"

He felt Nangong Jing's smile was evil. Even she felt it was possible?

This seemed to be a problem. He became worried.


Chapter 208. New Milestone


"So, what are you guys talking about?"

Lu Ze looked at the two with a puzzled expression.

Lin Ling smiled. "I'll tell you after school starts."

Lu Ze: "…"

Both of these guys loved to leave people hanging.

This was no different from a ReadNovelFull author abruptly stopping the updates?

If this was back during the Earth era, blades would be mailed to them!

Lin Ling's eyes flashed, and she hesitated. She turned to Lin Kuang, who was surrounded by a few beautiful female officers, and said something to him. Then, the two left the area.

Lu Ze looked at the two curiously and smiled at Nangong Jing. "Um, the embodiment of beauty and wisdom, Teacher Nangong, are you going to tell me something?"

If Lin Ling really surpassed him, he will be crushed. He needed to understand the enemy better now.

Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze's sycophant smile and wobbled her wine bottle. "Do you have good wine? Those that can knock out a Planetary State."

Lu Ze: "…"

"Sorry for disturbing you, goodbye."

The wine that can do that is itself a treasure, okay?

Where would he get that from?

He was Lu Poverty Ze.

Lu Ze gave up trying to acquire intel from Nangong Jing.

Regardless, he would work hard. What would happen eventually was up to fate.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze started enjoying the food again.

Due to the ensuing war, the celebration didn't last until daylight. It stopped deep into the night.

Lu Ze and the others went back to the dorms. On the way, Lu Ze looked at the bored Lin Ling curiously but eventually asked nothing.

Now, Lu Ze had a new goal.

He couldn't be surpassed by Lin Ling. Thinking about this, Lu Ze sat down and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

He felt his handsome face. Mhm, he was definitely going to have good luck today.

Lu Ze confidently chose a direction to go.

A day later, Lu Ze killed more than a hundred Core Martial State beasts but still didn't encounter an Aperture Opening State with [God Art].

Was he actually unlucky today?

At this moment, a roar sounded from his right. Lu Ze's eyes lit up.

He found it!

He rapidly flew toward the right.

Soon, Lu Ze felt quite some chi before him. One was very strong, reaching Aperture Opening State level while the others were all Core Martial States.

Lu Ze grinned. It seemed that powerful chi belongs to a beast with [God Art].

However, it was much weaker than the three beasts he encountered last time. It had just reached Aperture Opening State and thus possessed no threat to Lu Ze.


Lu Ze felt wonderful.

This was pretty much picking up a [God Art Crystal Ball] from the ground.

Lu Ze happily approached the group and looked at them through the openings in the grass.

It was a small lawn with grass, which only reached ankle height. There were more than a hundred black scaled leopards. Standing at the very front was one black scaled leopard. A green wind was swirling around its body.

He was like a king looking down on his citizens.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. This leopard probably devoured a [Wind God Art Shard] and now became the leader of this pack of black scaled leopards?

This beast was too cocky. Even he didn't dare to make sounds here, and this black scaled leopard acted this cockily?

Was it not scared of being caught for lunch by a boss?

He had seen too many of that.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. All his power surged.

He would finish this battle quickly.

The black scaled leopard was very happy. It just rose above the rest and expanded his domain. He had all the food and reproduction rights he wanted.

At this moment, a powerful chi surged. The black scaled leopard froze for a moment and looked at his left in terror.

It roared in terror and wanted to flee, leaving behind his domain.

Lu Ze became dazed upon seeing this. He didn't expect this.

Then, he grinned and chased after it.

The land shook, and a huge ditch appeared. The already scared pack of black scaled leopard immediately fled.

Lu Ze turned into a beam of light and appeared above the head of the fleeing black scaled leopard.

His right palm pressed down on its head.


The black scaled leopard was immediately rammed against the soil. Its four legs waved around in the air.

Lu Ze frowned. This scene seemed familiar.

When he first encountered the birth of a blue bird boss, he leaned on a black scaled leopard like this.

He didn't kill it at that time, but this time was different.

A red light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and the black scaled leopard immediately lit up in flames.

Soon, there was the smell of meat.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up as he had an interesting idea.

He sliced off the leg with a wind blade and tried to see if he could bite it before it disappeared.

But as soon as his hands touched the leg, the leg turned to dust.

Lu Ze: "…"

He felt this [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was acting against him. The beast looked so appetizing. Why couldn't he eat it?!

Soon the black scaled leopard turned to dust, leaving behind six [Red Orbs], four [Purple Orbs], and one [Wind God Art Orb].

Lu Ze then looked around at the scurrying black scaled leopards. They seem to be frightened. Why not send them off?

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as countless wind blades appeared, instantly annihilating the remaining black scaled leopards.

After collecting a large wave of [Red Orbs], Lu Ze was off to hunting again.

Time flowed past quickly. It was already the third day.

Lu Ze just realized that he had stayed in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] for three days.

This was probably because his cultivation level had reached Abstruse Martial State?

This was a new milestone!

He made up his mind to stay for the entire duration before leaving.

However, at this moment, Lu Ze suddenly crawled down.

Two huge blue birds flew past in the air, almost blowing Lu Ze out.

After the blue birds flew off, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

He was a mature hunter who could attack or defend.

He had seen more than ten waves of big bosses these past few days, but he safely dodged them all.

People would eventually mature!

At this moment, Lu Ze's eyes lit up again as he dashed to the left.

He saw an Aperture Opening State feline beast. It was completely purple, and lightning sparks were crackling on its surface.

This cat looked around everywhere. This was a beast slightly weaker than him, but it was approaching five apertures?

Finish it quickly!

He used all his power and instantly appeared next to the beast.


He punched its stomach. Green and red fist forces sliced through the air. The power was shocking.


The lightning cat sensed the danger and turned into a lightning spark as it tried to dodge.

However, it was a little slower than Lu Ze.

Lu Ze followed after it.

He grabbed the fur on its neck. The cat roared, and its lightning sparks shot at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze grinned and didn't dodge.

Although his [Lightning God Art] was weak, he had quite the resistance to [Lightning God Art]. With his Powerful Body and [Regeneration God Art], he could take the attack head-on.

Then, Lu Ze clenched his right fist. Fire and wind entwined. Power surged.



In two huge bangs, Lu Ze's fist landed on the cat, and the lightning also struck Lu Ze.


The cat made a hideous meow as Lu Ze's terrifying fist force penetrated its defenses. Lu Ze's [God Art] and spirit force went inside its body, destroying its internals.

Its violent chi weakened. It struggled while coughing blood.

When its lightning struck Lu Ze, most of its power was mitigated by the wind and fire barrier. The remaining lightning only shook Lu Ze a little, making him feel numb.

Lu Ze's face was cold. He waved his fist again.




Three punches and the cat lost its life force.
