Chapters [209-210]

Chapter 209. Nangong Jing's Wealth


Lu Ze felt relieved as he looked at the lifeless cat. Afterward, his body convulsed.

Right before the cat died, it managed to counterattack. Such an attack left a numbing effect.

The surface of his body was charred.

Using [Regeneration God Art], the dead skin started peeling off, and his body recovered.

The lightning cat had turned to dust now, leaving behind seven [Red Orbs] and five [Purple Orbs]. There was also a flashing [Lightning God Art Crystal Orb].

Lu Ze happily picked them up. He was lucky indeed. He encountered two Aperture Opening State beasts with [God Art]. Perhaps, there will be a third one later?

Should he go out and buy a lottery ticket?

At this moment, a shocking roar came out. The sound waves turned into a violent wind that blew the grass down.

Lu Ze turned around and saw a ten-meter tall huge black tiger staring at him from one kilometer away.

Its eyes were dark and deep.

Just standing there, its chi made Lu Ze tense up from the strong sense of danger.

Lu Ze: "…"

Before he could talk, a black light flashed, and he sunk into darkness. He opened his eyes again, and he was back in the dorm.

He looked dazedly at the ceiling.

The last time he saw the black tiger boss, it was sleeping, and it looked very cute.

It became super ferocious as soon as it woke up.

He didn't expect that passerby boss there.

He was planning to survive until he was kicked out, but in the end, he wasn't able to realize this small dream.

Lu Ze frowned and sat up.

Lin Ling said she was going to surpass him. He had to work hard.

Cultivation, cultivation!

Lu Ze closed his eyes, and the [Wind Crystal Ball] disappeared into a wind that entered Lu Ze's body.

Lu Ze used another purple ball and started cultivating.

Three hours later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes and rested for a moment before using the [Lightning Orb].

The [Lightning Orb] instantly started destroying his body.

Compared to the [Wind God Art], the [Lightning God Art] was still very weak, so he couldn't mitigate the side effects of the [Crystal Orb].

He frowned and started learning. Four hours later, Lu Ze opened his eyes.

It was already bright outside the window again. Quite some flying ships took off from the base, flying to the strategic points on the planet.

The party yesterday was over, and they were about to face a new war. Who lived and died depended on the heavens.

Lu Ze got up and went out to brush himself.

Then, he sat in the living room and waited for Ye Mu and the rest to come out.

Nangong Jing was going to send them to the HQ. Ye Mu and the others wouldn't have the guts to make Nangong Jing wait.

Indeed, they soon got out.

They had never really closed their eyes to rest since the battle. The only rest they got was when Louisa was treating them. Then, they began cultivating like crazy.

They cleaned up and gained some vitality. Then, Lu Ze got up and said, "Let's go see if Lin Ling and the others are prepared. If so, we'll message Teacher Nangong."

At this moment, Lu Ze's communicator rang. He opened it, and it was Nangong Jing.

She was asking them if they were prepared. She would drive the flying ship over immediately.

Seeing this, Ye Mu and the rest broke out in cold sweats. Good thing they didn't sleep in or their life would be over.

Lu Ze replied and then joked, "Let's go. Did you guys leave anything behind?"

Ye Mu and the others shook their heads.

Lu Ze nodded and walked out.

Perhaps, they would never come back here in their entire life.

After all, the entrance test for each year was held at a different location. The human race had so many battlefields.

They came and knocked on the girl's dorms. Soon, Lin Ling opened the door, and the four girls walked out.

Then, they saw Nangong Jing's private flying ship perched at a low altitude.

Lu Ze's communicator rang again: Use [Wind God Art] to bring them up.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "I'll bring you guys up."

Then, Lu Ze flew everyone into Nangong Jing's ship. He and Lin Ling had been here before, but this was the first time for others. They looked curiously at the layout.

Even the cold faced Xuan Yuqi said in shock, "Teacher Nangong is so wealthy. The things here are probably worth a total of a few hundred million star coins?"

Lu Ze's eyes widened. "This much?"

He burned a room before. Would that be 10 million star coins?

Lu Ze was scared. Would she ask him for compensation?

She was that wealthy? She was good looking too. Other than being a violent alcoholic, she seemed pretty good.

Seeing Lu Ze's complicated face, Nangong Jing said speechlessly, "Are you thinking about something strange again?"

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. "I'm thinking that Teacher Nangong is a really nice person!"

Nangong Jing ignored Lu Ze. She knew how shameless Lu Ze was.

She took out a bottle of the wine and sunk into the couch. "Sit wherever, we'll be there in a few hours." Then, the ship lifted off.

Lu Ze and the others looked at the shrinking base and felt complicated.

Nangong Jing grinned. "What does it feel like?"

Everyone's eyes flashed and didn't know how to express it.

Nangong Jing sighed. "Remember this place."

Everyone nodded silently.

Lu Ze smiled. "If you're free, you can take us back here to play."

Nangong Jing: "…"

Did this guy plan to have a holiday on the battlefield?

She glared at Lu Ze. "I'm remembering this."

Lu Ze didn't reply and just sat down on the couch. Everyone else started resting.

Nangong Jing's ship's speed was very fast, and its attack and defense reached the planetary level. There was probably no danger traveling through the Xiaer system.

Three hours later, they arrived back on the artificial planet.

Nangong Jing said, "Your dorms are still located at the same place when we first came. There are soldiers outside who will take you there. You can walk around here, but you should work hard on cultivation."

Lu Ze and the rest nodded. He felt she finally seemed like a teacher now.

The door opened and Lu Ze smiled to her. "Be careful, don't die."

Nangong Jing grinned as golden light flickered in her eyes. "Are you talking to me? I'm Nangong Jing!" Her tone was dominant as usual.

Lu Ze smiled and saluted. "I wish General Nangong the greatest fortune!"

Nangong Jing joked, "You finally seem a bit like a soldier."

She waved her hand. "Then, hurry up and leave. Soldiers need to be fast. I need to go back and prepare."

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Okay, we're going then."

Lin Ling blinked her eyes. "Careful Sister Jing."

Then, Lu Ze took everyone off the ship with the wind.

Nangong Jing eyed them off. She grinned with some softness. "These guys…"

Soon, her face became cold again. The flying ship dashed into the horizon.

Lu Ze and the others went to the checkpoint. The two soldiers from before were still the ones stationed at the place. When they saw Lu Ze, they quickly saluted. "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze nodded. "At ease!"

He felt great. The last time he came, he just registered and was a 2nd level soldier, but now, his rank was 2nd lieutenant.

Lu Ze felt he got promoted really fast.


Chapter 210. War and Reward


The young soldier looked at Lu Ze with admiration and nervousness. He saluted. "Greetings, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "Okay, lead the way."

Lin Ling said, "I already have my own arrangements. I won't go to the dorms with you guys."

Lu Ze became dazed and remembered that she asked for a leave. Thus, he questioned, "Do you have a flying ship to take you?"

Lin Ling nodded. "There will be people picking me up soon."

Lu Ze nodded and then said, "What about your military reward?"

If he had to take it for her, he would charge processing fees!

Lin Ling's eyes moved and shifted to stare at Lu Ze. "Yo? You care about me that much? Could it be…"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Could it be what? Regardless, you must have some misunderstanding."

Lin Ling narrowed her eyes and gave a look that she had seen through him. "Are you scared of getting beaten up by me, so you came to suck up to me now?"

"… Piss off!"

She hadn't even won yet, and she was this cocky! He must not let her win!

Seeing this, Lin Ling laughed. "Sister Jing will do it for me, don't worry."

Then, everyone looked at Lin Ling strangely. "What happened?"

They didn't know that Lin Ling applied for a leave.

Lin Ling smiled. "I have some things, so I need to leave the battlefield early. We'll meet at school."

Ye Mu and the others nodded with some comprehension.

Lu Ze said, "Then, we're going. Be careful."

"I know, are you a mother?"


Lu Ze didn't want to talk to her anymore. He left with the young soldier.

Seeing Lu Ze's back, Lin Ling's eyes flashed. "Next time, I'm going to win!"

Lu Ze and the rest followed the young soldier to a floating car. It drove all the way to the dormitory.

Tianyuan Qianhua asked curiously, "Ze, did Lin Ling tell you what she was going to do?"

Xuan Yuqi and Jessica looked over curiously too.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "I want to know too, but I'm still in the dark."

Ye Mu's eyes flashed. "Lin Ling said she was going to beat you up? Could it be…"

Everyone glanced at each other.

Lu Ze: ….

These guys must've thought wrong.

He said speechlessly, "It's not what you think."

Everyone: "Oh~"

Lu Ze: "…"

Back at the dorms, the soldier said, "Major General Barry is very busy with the deployment for the war. He will contact you for your rewards when the deployment is finished."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay, thank you."

The soldier scratched his head and looked at Lu Ze with embarrassment. "Um… 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, can I get an autograph?"

Lu Ze became dazed and didn't react quickly enough.

Then, his eyes widened as he looked at this young soldier in disbelief while pointing to himself. "You're saying you want me to give you an autograph?"

Ye Mu and the others looked at this young soldier with wide eyes too.

Their force was so strong that the soldier started shaking. He looked up timidly. "Is it too troublesome 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze?"

Lu Ze quickly shook his head. "No, what are you on about, where do I sign?!"

Oh my god!!

I have fans!!

Seeing this, the soldier's eyes lit up, and he quickly took out a pen and book to Lu Ze.

Although he didn't know why there were still pen and books in this era, Lu Ze took it and carefully signed his name.

This soldier took it excitedly. Lu Ze was very touched.

He actually gave out an autograph!

He grew up!

The soldier showed an excited smile. "Thank you, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze!"

Then, he bid everyone goodbye and left.

Lu Ze coughed and collected his smile while looking calmly at Ye Mu and the rest.

"Cough, stay calm, it's just a fan, it's just an autograph."

Ye Mu and the others: "…."

Xuan Yuqi said plainly, "Boring."

Then, she opened the female dorms. "Hurry up and cultivate, or you're going to get beaten up by Lin Ling."

Lu Ze stiffened and quickly recovered from his cocky state.

He quickly said, "Okay, although there are no wars now, we still need to cultivate hard. Teacher Nangong said this too. Go back and start cultivating."

Ye Mu and the rest nodded but still looked strangely at Lu Ze.

Everyone went back to their rooms.

Lu Ze put down his things and started cultivating on the bed.

He used a [Wind and Lightning God Art Orb] yesterday. There was a huge improvement on his [Lightning God Art], but his [Wind God Art] didn't have much progress.

It was still day time and Lu Ze couldn't go in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] to get more [God Art Orbs], so he chose to use [Red Orbs] to improve his body and spirit force cultivation.

Lu Ze found that the [Red Orbs] of the Aperture Opening State beasts, which had different levels, had slightly different [Red Orbs].

The five aperture ones were weaker than the six aperture ones.

But it didn't affect Lu Ze much now.

[Red Orbs] disappeared from his mental dimension. Half of the energy nourished his body while the other half drew in the spirit chi from the outside to improve his spirit force cultivation.

Time flew past, and it was midday, five days later.

Everyone was in the living room watching the screen.

It was the live broadcast about the war on the 25th planet.

Yesterday, the blade demon army finally finished rallying and came to the 25th planet.

Ever since then, the 25th planet had been under the state of war.

Today, the war finally began.

The blade demons didn't know about the second spirit metal mine, so the number of troops they sent was as expected. They also lacked a supply point on the ground, so they were quite restricted in the war.

Despite so, the war was still very intense.

Lu Ze and the others saw blood and fire everywhere on the screen. Energy beams dashed through the air, and flying ships exploded.

The Mortal Evolution States were locked in intense battles. The regional weather on the planet was changing. The entire land cracked and shook.

Mortal Evolution States could annihilate the entire human civilization if they were back in the Earth era. No one could stop them.

There were multiple camera angles, and you could see the native beasts running.

Seeing this, Lu Ze slapped his leg and called out, "I forgot something very important!"

Ye Mu asked, "What is it?"

"I forgot to catch some native beasts to taste. That sand eagle tasted so nice. The others shouldn't be too bad.

Ye Mu and the others: "…"

It was best not to talk to him. They turned to look at the screen.

The human side had the advantage, and the blade demons had tried to send an elite team to ambush the mine, but they were stopped by Jian Shaoning and the others.

At the same time, in another region that the blade demons didn't know, the humans were happily digging away.

From the looks of it, the human advantage was obvious. Although Nangong Jing and the rest might get injured, staying alive wasn't hard.

However, their battle was too terrifying, and the journalist couldn't capture anything specific. They couldn't learn anything from it.

There were interesting comments.

"Why don't I see 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze? Isn't that beautiful journalist his fan?"

"I want to see too. I didn't get to see the last war, but I saw that clip on the Federal Times. That foodie clip got me good!"

"Hahaha, me too, I'll vote for Foodie Young Duke!"




Lu Ze looked at the screen lifelessly.

Ye My laughed. "Foodie Young Duke, this sounds good?"

Xavier laughed. "Ze, what name do you want? I'll vote one for you?"

Lu Ze: "…"

Xavier had nice intentions, but what could one vote do?

Ian pulled Lu Ze's sleeve and said, "How about you type it in the comments?"

Lu Ze's back went cold after seeing Ian's shy look. "Ian, you need to remember. You're a guy."

Ian pulled his hand back in embarrassment. "Oh… oh oh."

Lu Ze: "…"

He gave up. This guy was beyond help.

Xuan Yuqi said, "Give up, if you say it, they'll happily choose this one."

Tianyuan Qianhua laughed. "Foodie Young Duke is pretty good?

Lu Ze glared at her.

The shy Jessica said softly, "Qianhua stop playing with him. He's very pitiful already."

Lu Ze: "…."

He felt very sad.

At this moment, his communicator rang.

Lu Ze looked at this and instantly said excitedly, "They're going to give us the military reward!"
