Chapters [211-212]

Chapter 211. Extremely Abundant Reward


Ye Mu quickly asked, "Really? Do we go now?"

Everyone looked hopefully at Lu Ze.

They had waited for so long!

With this reward, they could buy quite some things on the martial arts net, and then their powers would increase!

Lu Ze nodded. "There will be someone to take us there immediately."

He was very excited too. After the reward, he would be wealthy too!

He would be able to buy whatever he wanted!

Soon, someone knocked on the door, and Lu Ze found that young soldier from last time waiting at the door.

He saluted to Lu Ze and the rest. "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, Major General Barry asked me to take you guys over."

Lu Ze nodded. "Thank you."

Then, they followed the soldier to a tall building in the HQ. They took the elevator to reach the top floor.

Then, they were led before an office, and the young soldier knocked on the door.

"Come in."

An authoritative voice could be heard. The soldier opened the door and signaled to Lu Ze and the others to go in.

Lu Ze and the rest went in and found there were only three people in the office. A middle-aged man sat behind the desk facing the front door.

He wore a military uniform, and his badge showed one golden long sword and a star. It was Major General Barry.

On the two sides were two smaller desks that had two younger officers doing work.

They all looked up when Lu Ze and the others came in.

Lu Ze and his companions saluted. "Reporting in!"

Major General Barry's face eased a little and smiled. "General Nangong got a good student. The Xiaer system military was able to get this spirit metal mine all because of you, 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze."

Lu Ze answered, "I was just lucky."

Barry smiled. "Since you have earned merits, then there will be a reward. I will be announcing your military reward."

Lu Ze and the others looked hopefully at Barry.

Barry said slowly, "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze."


"You made the greatest contribution to the spirit metal mine incident. The rewards are as follows: 500k federal contribution points…"

Just the first reward made Lu Ze widen his eyes.

Oh my god!

500k federal contribution points!

Last time, he did quite well at the graduation trial, and he only received 10k federal contribution points.

Adding the 80k from before, he would have 580k federal contribution points now!

He instantly became rich!

Ye Mu and the others heard this figure and couldn't breathe. They all looked at Lu Ze in shock.

They were very envious!

Barry smiled and continued, "Military rank promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!"

Lu Ze was planning to laugh, but he just realized the announcement was still going on.

Hold it in!

Lu Ze laughed inside like a happy kid. In just more than ten days, he started from 2nd-grade soldier and ended up becoming a lieutenant colonel.

He skipped so many ranks. It was an unprecedented speed.

Barry: "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, you're the fastest to reach Lieutenant Colonel in the Federation's history."

"Do you know why it took so long for your rewards to be decided? It's because you rose to Lieutenant Colonel so fast that you've startled the Marshal."

"Originally, your rank should be Major, but there was news that you reached the White Blade Assassination List, so your eventual rank became Lieutenant Colonel."

Lu Ze blinked his eyes. "Even the Marshal was startled?"

Major General Barry smiled. "Yes, even General Nangong only reached Lieutenant Colonel in the second year. What do you think?"

Lu Ze gasped. He knew how strong Nangong Jing was, and yet, he was faster than her?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt quite happy. He was indeed a prodigy.

But this was because he was lucky and encountered the spirit metal mine incident.

The two officers on the side were looking at Lu Ze like he was a monster.

They've been in the military for a few decades and had never seen a 2nd-grade soldier reach Lieutenant Colonel in two weeks.

Of course, this was also due to Lu Ze's rank only being honorary and not having real power.

If it was real power positions, then this would take time.

Despite this, it was already terrifying enough. If news got out, Lu Ze's name would erupt in the Federation although he was already famous enough.

Although Ye Mu and the others were expecting something, they were still shocked upon hearing this.

Then, Barry continued, "At the same time, the higher levels of the federation have given Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze a level three honorary badge."

Then, Lu Ze's eyes widened, and Ye Mu and the rest stopped breathing once again. They didn't know what to say at all.

The reward was too huge!

Even Lu Ze didn't expect this.

It was already very lucky that he got a level five honorary badge.

Now, he was given level three.

Level four was skipped.

Barry smiled. "There are also different benefits to different honorary badge level. The most direct one is that the higher level you are, the more precious martial technique, divine art, and treasure you can see. You will know when you go back and check."

Lu Ze didn't find many things that were useful on the martial arts site before. So this was the reason?

Of course, the more precious things were, the lesser the supply. They would supply it to those who contributed greatly to the Federation first.

Lu Ze became very excited. He had 580k federal contribution points now, so he could buy whatever he wanted!

Barry's eyes flashed. He knew what Lu Ze thought and didn't say anything else. Then, he smiled. "These are all the rewards from the military HQ."

Lu Ze felt stunned. "Rewards from the military HQ?"

Are there private ones too?

Barry smiled. "You're smart indeed. That's right, now there will be a reward given from the Xiaer military."

"There are two spirit metal mines. The one discovered by the blade demons isn't in optimal excavation situation, but the other one transported back nearly 2 tonnes in just these five days. The entire mine probably has a worth of tens of tonnes. More than half of this is due to Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze. So, we will be giving Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze 150 kg of spirit metal."

After hearing this, Lu Ze became dazed.

Up until now, he still didn't know much about the exact value of spirit metal, but he was only rewarded 1.5 kg when he became a student of the elite class of Federal University!

150 kg should not probably have a lesser value than 500k federal contribution points!

Wasn't this too much to give for an ordinary system military?

Seeing Lu Ze's hesitation, Barry smiled. "If it wasn't for Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, we might not even be able to find the mine, and maybe, the blade demons would mine it instead. That would be the greatest loss for our military. This is already a huge profit for us. Since we have so many soldiers and we need large sums of spirit metal, we can only give that much. 150 kg is less than 1%. It's not much."

Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "Then, thank you, General."

"Hahaha, if you don't have anywhere you want to go particularly for the military service after you graduate, then you can come back here. I believe those soldiers would very much welcome you."

Lu Ze nodded. "Definitely! I will come to the Xiaer system if I have no specific target!"

He clenched his fists.

This time, it's just that the White Bade Assassination List made him quit the battlefield halfway. Next time, even if he was on the Blood Blade Assassination List, he would still come to the battlefield!

Barry smiled. Even if Lu Ze didn't come eventually, he established good connections with him.


Chapter 212. Brothers indeed!


Then, Barry looked at Ye Mu and the others.

Although their performance was ordinary compared to Lu Ze, it could still be considered remarkable if Lu Ze wasn't there for comparison.

"Corporal Ye Mu!"


Barry smiled. "You were very brave in the war as well. The reward will be 20k federal contribution points, promotion from corporal to sergeant. At the same time, the Xiaer military will award you 2.5 kg of spirit metal as a private reward."

Ye Mu's eyes flashed with joy. This reward was nothing compared to Lu Ze, but he knew that what he did couldn't compare to Lu Ze at all. With Lu Ze there, the risks were very low. This reward was very good!

Then, Barry announced the rewards for others as well.

Ye Mu, Ian, Xavier, Tianyuan Qianhua, Xuan Yuqi, and Jessica all got 20k federal contribution points and promotion to sergeant. They also got 2.5 kg spirit gold each.

This reward was beyond their expectations.

Everyone had a smile on their face.

Barry then said to Lu Ze, "By the way, General Nangong said you can take Sergeant Lin Ling's reward for now."

Lu Ze: "…"

Those two!

Lin Ling said that Nangong Jing would deal with it. So, this "deal with it" meant that he would take it for her?!

He felt it was necessary he charged a processing fee.

Barry smiled. "Sergeant Major Lin Ling went into the black scaled beast hive with Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze and discovered the spirit metal mine. She also did well on the battlefield. She will be promoted from sergeant major to 1st lieutenant. At the same time, she will be awarded 100k federal contribution points and 15 kg of spirit metal from us."

Lu Ze nodded. "I will help her take care of it."

This meant that the federal contribution points will be sent to her account, and the military title will be changed in the data profile. Other than the military badge, he just needed to collect the spirit metal.

Barry nodded. "In that case, I'll let officer Liu take you to the resource vault to get the spirit metal."

The middle-aged officer from the left stood up and smiled. "Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze and everyone please follow me."

Then, he took them out of the office and came to an elevator. Everyone got on, and after everyone's palm and eyes were verified, the elevator activated.

The levels were not displayed, but Lu Ze and the rest could feel the elevator going down.

Seeing the group was curious, Liu explained, "The most precious military resources are stored in the base below the central commander building. The spirit metal is placed there too. The security is extremely tight."

This building had a few Mortal Evolution States. It was definitely the safest place in the entire base.

The elevator soon stopped.

Then, the door opened. There were two people possessing powerful chi at the door. It was two Aperture Opening State military officers who scanned everyone coldly.

When they saw officer Liu's face, their faces eased. The left bulky dark-skinned man said, "Officer Liu, identity."

Officer Liu took it out.

The man took out a palm-sized device and scanned the document before scanning officer Liu himself. After confirming the identity, their faces became at ease.

The dark-skinned man smiled, showing very white teeth. He glanced at Lu Ze and the others. "You've brought people to collect resources?"

Officer Liu nodded. "Mhm, for spirit metal."

"Spirit metal?"

The other golden-haired man became dazed.

They knew about the arrival of a batch of spirit metal, but they didn't expect someone to be collecting it already.

The guards here didn't have access to the net, and they only changed shifts every half a month.

Officer Liu pointed at Lu Ze. "This batch of spirit metal is found by this young man. This is Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze. His military merit is huge. Have you seen the 18-year-old Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze? You will know the specific details when you go out."

"18-year-old Lieutenant Colonel ?! Old Liu are you messing with us?!"

The dark-skinned man didn't believe this.

This was too unfathomable. It had never happened in the history of the Federation.

But despite so, he still studied Lu Ze curiously.

Officer Liu smiled but didn't explain. "Okay, I know you guys won't believe it. You'll see once you go out. I'm bringing him over first."

Then, he led Lu Ze and the rest out of the elevator and went into a corridor made of a white alloy under the two's gazes.

At the end of the corridor, there was a gray alloy door. Officer Liu took out his identity and scanned it on the door before going through the retina and palm print verification.


The door slowly opened, revealing another corridor.

Officer Liu walked in, and Lu Ze and the others followed behind silently.

Lu Ze looked around. Pretty much everything was made of alloy. They looked very sturdy.

Looking at the smooth walls, Lu Ze felt even a mosquito would slip on them.

The corridor was very long, and there were quite some scanning devices on the way.

At the end, there was another big metal door. Inside it was a huge round space. On the wall were many huge metal doors. The inside seemed to be the storage.

In the center of the space was a desk with a bored-looking, golden-haired, middle-aged officer. His rank was a major general.

This meant that this guy was a Mortal Evolution State.

He looked up at Lu Ze and the others. "Liu, what are you here for?"

Officer Liu took out Major General Barry's document. "To give them their reward. Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze, 150 kg of spirit metal; 1st Lieutenant Lin Ling, 15 kg of spirit metal; Ye Mu and the sergeants, 1.5 kg of spirit metal each. Altogether, 180 kg of spirit metal."

The general glanced at the document and then walked toward a vault. He opened it and took out eight spirit metal.


Officer Liu smiled. "Thank you, Major General Chris."

He gave the spirit metal to Lu Ze and the rest. Lu Ze took his and Lin Ling's into his storage ring.

Seeing Lu Ze receive so much spirit metal all by himself, he eyed Lu Ze a bit longer and then went back to his seat.

Then, they went back along the way to the elevator.

The two guards grinned. "All done?"

Officer Liu smiled. "Done, I'll treat you two to the bar once you finish."

The dark-skinned man grinned and slapped Liu's shoulder. "Brothers indeed!"

Officer Liu's mouth twitched. He led Lu Ze and the others into the elevator.

After reaching the top, they didn't go to Barry's office. They took the car back to their dorms.

As soon as the hovercar activated, everyone finally couldn't resist laughing.

Ye Mu said, "I'm finally rich now! 25k federal contribution points! I can finally buy an Aperture Opening State sword sutra that suits me well. I can also buy some spirit fruit and gene serums that will increase my cultivation level! My power will rise even more, and I can expect the position of a young duke!"

Xuan Yuqi: "Oh."

Tianyuan Qianhua: "Haha, good luck."

Jessica: "…"

Xavier: "What? Ye Mu, you're going to be a young duke??"

Ian: "Ye Mu is encouraging himself. I need to work harder too."

Lu Ze silently watched and said nothing.

Xuan Yuqi couldn't resist laughing. "The reward this time is quite good. Our power can have some increase in this short period."

Everyone else smiled. Clearly, they were thinking about what to buy.

When they arrived at the dorms, everyone got off and couldn't wait to go up into their rooms to start the buying spree.

Lu Ze also confidently logged into the martial arts site for the second time.
