Chapters [213-214]

Chapter 213. Power of Divine Art


As soon as he logged in, a pop-up appeared on the site. The content was that Lu Ze's account had its authority brought up to level three honored account. He will have more privileges.

Lu Ze scanned it. They included access to higher-level items, as well as a Planetary State discussion forum. He could also publish his own martial arts clips in the famous teachers' section, as well as get paid with federal contribution points to answer some questions.

Lu Ze closed it soon. He became dazed just by looking at it.

The first time he went on here, he just downloaded the free chi attraction chant to break through to Spirit Martial State. After that, he became a spirit body. This cultivation was different from ordinary cultivators. He searched in the forums for a long time to find an explanation.

After the insectoid tide, he just bought a Mortal Evolution State spirit force cultivation experience journal, and he ran out of federal contribution points. Thus, he didn't look at other things.

This time… he felt very confident just looking at the 580k federal contribution points in his account.

He was going to go through everything.

There were many tabs on the site, including martial technique, treasure, discussion, famous teachers' guidance, and even missions.

There were also some hot news and blogs, as well as clips on the front page.

Lu Ze looked through the different tabs and thought about what he was lacking.

The strongest aspect about him right now was [God Art]. If there was something that could bring him huge improvement, it would be divine art.

Lu Ze could also think about physical and mental force secret techniques.

Regardless, improving his own power was a top priority.

He opened the martial technique block.

This tab was separated into many blocks too. This included martial technique for those below Mortal Evolution State, and the experiences, thoughts, secret techniques, and divine arts for Mortal Evolution State and above.

Last time he logged in, there was no secret technique and divine art tab. Clearly this only appeared due to his increase in authority.

Other than some unique family heritage, the martial arts site had pretty much all the martial techniques.

Lu Ze grinned and opened the divine art section without hesitation.

He was going to see how much divine arts cost.

After opening it, his excited face froze, and his smile disappeared.

Look at what he found?

Divine art: Fire Clone.

Federal contribution points: 80 million.

Lu Ze: "…"

He silently closed the website and looked outside the window. The stars were very bright.

The sun of the system was like a huge fireball in the night sky, emanating heat and light.

However, this heat couldn't cast out the coldness in Lu Ze's heart.

He must've opened the wrong one.

He refreshed the website and clicked into the divine art section again shakily.

The first one at the top was still a fire clone.


The price was still 80 million federal contribution points!

Lu Ze looked at his balance and suddenly wanted to cry.

He didn't know if he could earn this much, even if he reached the Planetary State!

Lu Ze felt this website was a huge scam!

How could he afford all that?!

Thinking about this, Lu Ze clicked into the info page for the divine art.

Flame clone, use [Fire God Art] to split off fire clones. The power of the clones depended on the strength of your [God Art], quality of your [Fire God Art], and your own power.

If everything was really strong, then the clone would be strong. If not, the clone could just be used to stand in line and add an extra number.

It's said that once you fully learn this divine art, you can split the avatar into thousands of clones. Each clone doesn't have consciousness, but it had basic battle instincts.

But, just that was terrifying enough already!

If that wasn't enough, try clone self-destruction.

The explosion would be more terrifying than a nuclear bomb.

Thousands of clones blowing up together. Lu Ze felt his brain was shaking just from thinking about it.

Lu Ze's eyes were green.

Oh my god!

He had a [Fire God Art], and his [God Art] wasn't weak. If he could have this [Divine Art], then even if the clones had half of his power, it would be amazing.

It was only now that Lu Ze realized how terrifying divine art was.

But looking at his balance, he withered.

He thought he was very wealthy, but now, he realized how naive he was.

After a long silence, Lu Ze bit his lips and looked away from the fire clone.

He looked down at the second divine art.

Divine art: Star Crippling Punch.

Federal contribution points: 60 million.

It looked very strong just by reading the name. Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He clicked and looked.

It was a divine art for people with [Physical God Art], for example, Xavier's [Black Star body].

It would fully unleash the power of [Physical God Art] and allow one to punch through a planet.

Of course, as long as your body was strong enough, you wouldn't need a [Physical God Art] to use it.

However, usually, those ordinary martial artists who used this ended up having their bodies crumble apart.

Lu Ze left and looked below.

There were many types of divine art. The mainstream was elemental divine art, physical divine art, and mental force divine art. There was also a [Special God Art Divine Art].

For example, the flowing water sword formation that required swords. Lu Ze thought of the sword formation Jian Shaoning used to stop the two blade demon prodigies.

Their power was the same, but he could easily stop two.

This was the power of divine art.

Lu Ze looked at the price of the sword formation. It was 4 million federal contribution points.

Lu Ze nodded silently. It wasn't too expensive, but he couldn't afford it.

He was Lu Poverty Ze.

How long would it take him to save 4 million federal contribution points?

Lu Ze's heart ached.

The federation didn't have many divine arts. There were only tens of them. Of course, it might be because his authority isn't high enough yet.

Despite this, there shouldn't be more than 100 divine arts in the federation.

Lu Ze looked on the sections below and soon reached the last.

The last one was called wings of the wind.

It was worth 1.2 million federal contribution points.

It was to use [Wind God Art] to form a pair of wings behind you. It could increase your speed by a huge amount again.

Of course, this would depend on your cultivation level and the power of your [God Art].

It was very practical to Lu Ze, but he couldn't afford it.

1.2 million was an astronomical price for him!

Lu Ze glanced at it one more time before silently leaving the page.

He sighed lifelessly on his bed.

Then, Lu Ze's eyes suddenly lit up as he got up.

He remembered he could get [God Art] from the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. He just needed to kill the blue bird boss…

Thinking about this, Lu Ze laid back down.

By the time he could kill that boss, he could probably afford the wings of the wind, right?

After a moment of despair, Lu Ze sat back up again.

There was a firm look in his eyes.

He wasn't going to be beaten by poverty this time!

He was going to finish looking through the martial arts website.

Perhaps, he would find something useful elsewhere?

Lu Ze began looking at the martial technique section.

A martial technique wasn't useful to him, but he couldn't afford divine art. He experienced buying one before, but his spirit force cultivation level was low. It wasn't worth it.

After thinking for a while, Lu Ze set his gaze on the secret techniques.

For Mortal Evolution State and above, this was another means to improve your battle power.

Lu Ze opened the page with hopefulness in his eyes.


Chapter 214. Blade Demon's Dawn Blade


There were many types of secret techniques, including physical force secret technique, mental force secret technique, and even spirit force secret technique. Other than these, there were also some self-destructive techniques and secret techniques that used special effects.

Lu Ze looked at the secret technique page.

Those who knew [God Art] were the minority. Most martial artists relied on their knowledge of spirit force and secret techniques to improve themselves.

For example, a spirit force compression and release secret technique can greatly release one's spirit force in a short while and even allow that person to fight a [God Art Martial Artist].

However, there were adverse side effects. First of all, if the physical body wasn't strong enough, it wouldn't be able to handle that explosion of spirit force.

Second, although it could increase your power for a short while, your spirit force will soon be drained, and you'll be much weaker.

In essence, there were pros and cons.

These types of secret techniques were much cheaper than divine arts. You can buy them with 100k federal contribution points.

Mhm, they weren't useful to Lu Ze. Clearly, it was better to use [God Arts] for explosive use of spirit force.

A [God Art] was like a cheat engine that increased one's power while a secret technique's total output of spirit force remained the same.

At the same time, there was also a body refinement secret technique. These secret techniques didn't have many side effects, but they would consume a lot of resources. It wasn't useful to Lu Ze either. He already had the [Red Orbs], and his body refinement could reach the perfect state at all times.

The secret techniques Lu Ze was interested in were those special ones.

For example, chi stealth secret technique.

Although it couldn't compare with [Chi Stealth God Art], it was rather good.

It would be a very useful secret technique for Lu Ze who went to the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] every night.

Lu Ze looked at the price. It only cost 3k federal contribution points.

Although it was useful, it wasn't too effective against those who were too much stronger than you. Thus, the price was very cheap.

Lu Ze bought it without hesitation and smiled.

Then, Lu Ze kept searching again.

Soon, he found another. Mental force secret technique, mind-reading?!

Lu Ze was shocked. He hopefully opened the introduction and was soon a little disappointed.

It was a mind-reading technique wherein the necessary difference in mental force between the two beings must be tremendous.

Judging from Lu Ze's current mental force, he could only read those who just reached Spirit Martial State at most.

Those martial artists who were acquainted with some mental force defense arts, even if it was just a bare knowledge, wouldn't be read by him.

Lu Ze gasped and hesitated for a while before eventually buying it.

It wasn't a [God Art] nor [Divine Art]. One shouldn't expect it to do too much. It wasn't expensive anyway. It only cost 5k federal contribution points. Perhaps, he would be able to use it at some point, right?

Then, Lu Ze looked at the other secret techniques. He didn't find anything very interesting, so he left the page.

He spent 8k federal contribution points and bought a chi stealth secret technique and mind-reading technique.

Overall, it was a good deal.

Lu Ze smiled as he received the things he bought. The joy derived from being satisfied with shopping made him forget the reality that he was actually poor.

His mood shifted instantly.

After finishing the martial technique section, Lu Ze opened the treasure section.

This section was split into minerals, spirit material, spirit fruit, spirit items, serums, and magical artifacts.

Lu Ze then opened the mineral section. The one at the very top was an ore called star core marrow.

Mhm, 15 million federal contribution points.

Lu Ze looked at the silvery liquid for a few moments and then silently exited this section.

He was indeed very poor.

Then, he looked at the other sections. The spirit material, fruit, and items were natural while the serums and magical artifacts were artificial.

The ones at the very front were all scarily expensive. They were no cheaper than divine arts.

Luckily for him, the demand for this aspect was not high. When he returns to the university, he would forge his own spirit powered armor. Perhaps, he would buy some materials from here.

Lu Ze then looked at the discussion forums. Before, the highest he could see was the Mortal Evolution State section, but now, he could access the Planetary State section.

He looked at the posts in the Aperture Opening State, Mortal Evolution State, and Planetary State. Most of them were discussions about cultivation issues.

Lu Ze didn't find anything useful for him, so he left.

There was also the famous teacher section where you could make appointments with powerful beings to answer your questions. There were also some videos provided where you could learn.

Of course, there were fees charged.

Making an appointment with Aperture Opening State costs 500 federal contribution points.

Lu Ze: "…"

Should he leave his name on there to earn some pocket money?

Perhaps, after ten years, he would be able to afford the wings of the wind?

Then, Lu Ze realized that his cultivation was different from others. He probably wouldn't be able to answer any.

Lu Ze felt that another stream of income was blocked.

Subsequently, he opened the last section—missions.

At the very top were three big bloody words. The words appeared as though they were filled with murderous intent.

Demon Hunting List.

A few days ago, when he was included in the White Blade Assassination List, Nangong Jing told him about the human version, Demon Hunting List.

It was divided into three too. One-star, two-star, and three-star.

One-star corresponded to White Blade Assassination List.

Two-star corresponded to Blood Blade Assassination list.

Three-star corresponded to Black Blade Assassination List.

Lu Ze didn't even want to look at the two-star and three-star lists. He couldn't beat them nor even run away from them. He might as well look at the one-star list. They were closer to him.

At the very top of the one-star list was a blade demon called Guguyate. His combat power was extremely near the Mortal Evolution State. He had [Space Field God Art] and a [Prenatal Demon Body]. His offense and defense were extremely terrifying. He killed quite some powerful humans and made substantial contributions to the battlefield.

The reward for killing him was 6 million federal contribution points.

The second was a prodigal commander called Momoerde. His power was only at the Tertiary Stage of the Aperture Opening State, but he possessed the very rare [Prediction God Art]. This was a [God Art] related to time.

One had a higher probability of predicting the future.

Humans had never won in the wars he was in.

The reward for him was also 6 million federal contribution points.

The third-ranked was Luoluoxisi, a scientific genius. His power was also at the Tertiary Stage of the Aperture Opening State. His [God Art] was super enlightenment. He was incredible at learning everything whether it was martial arts or science or even commanding.

Because there was Guguyate for martial arts, and Momoerde for commanding, he chose the scientific field.

Despite this, his combat power didn't fall behind.

The reward for killing him was also 6 million federal contribution points.

They were called the three strongest demons of the new generation.

The demon king of the blade demon anointed them as "Dawn Blades".

Their rewards were much higher than the bottom-ranked 2-star list demons.

The reward for the fourth-ranked blade demon prodigy on the one-star list was only 2.5 million.

There was a gradual diminution of contribution points further down the list. At around 2000, the reward was only 500k federal contribution points.

Lu Ze looked at his net worth. It was quite similar to his worth.

Lu Ze glanced at the blade demons on the list. Poverty covered his eyes. He wanted to go hunt these people.

However, his reason was still intact, and he silently left this list.
