Chapters [217-218]

Chapter 217. Unexpected Entry


While the battle royale in the purple light pillar was occurring, Lu Ze's curiosity was completely provoked.

The beasts who were fighting inside were all at the level of a big boss.

What could be hidden inside that was capable of making those big bosses fight with their lives?

Lu Ze really wanted to lean closer and see.

However, their battle was too intense. Staying within a hundred kilometers of the area wasn't safe at all.

He was a little hesitant.

If it was just the shockwaves of the battle, he should be able to stop it with his current power. However, if some boss drew the fight to him, he wasn't confident he could survive.

At his current distance, it should be fine if he got closer.

However, the risk would greatly increase.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. Moments later, he gritted his teeth and decided to get a little closer.

He didn't know what was in the light pillar, but if he accidentally grabbed it, he could put it in his mental dimension.

Then, those bosses wouldn't be able to do anything to him.

At most, they would kill him.

Was he afraid of death?

Not at all.

Thus, Lu Ze moved forward with the mental preparation to die.



In the air near the pillar, a few figures flashed, clashed, and roared.

Wind, lightning, and all sorts of [God Art] flashed constantly. Spirit force blew up extreme winds, sweeping hundreds of kilometers.

Lu Ze inched closer. 300 kilometers, 250 kilometers, 200 kilometers…

At his current position, the shockwaves had some force and made Lu Ze tense.

Lu Ze still chose to keep moving.

150 kilometers.

At this distance, the wind blades and lightning had some power. Lu Ze looked up at the pillar.

The stronger the martial artist, the better their body functions in all aspects. His eyes could barely see the scene inside the pillar.

There was a purple rune floating inside.

It was crackling with lightning as it spun.

Lu Ze's eyes widened.

He felt this thing was quite familiar?

Lu Ze thought of the rune shard at the birthplace of the blue bird boss.

He couldn't see how complicated the rune was, but they were innately the same.

This was [Lightning Divine Art]?!

Lu Ze's eyes were green.

The rune that descended from the heavens in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was definitely strong!

Although he didn't know if it would be as strong as the fire clone, it definitely wouldn't be too far from it.

This was a complete real rune!

If he could get this rune, his combat power can definitely increase a lot!


A black tiger and a grey lizard clashed.

Black and grey spirit lights spread in all directions.

The earth instantly sunk and many layers of the earth were scraped away. The air was filled with mud and grass. The wind was blowing toward the direction of Lu Ze.

Seeing this, Lu Ze's fiery heart quenched.

With these bosses here, what could he do?

He could easily spot the blue bird boss, lizard boss, lightning warhorse boss, black tiger boss, and others he hadn't seen.

The grass of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was too huge. He wasn't able to reach the end just hunting like that. He didn't even know what was outside the grass plains.

With these bosses here, he didn't need to bother thinking about the rune at all.

Just from the way they fought, Lu Ze knew that if he got closer, the fire would be focused on him.

He couldn't even take one hit, much less take on the fire.

The battle royale went around the pillar. Most beasts didn't leave the pillar for more than five kilometers.

If any beast tried to enter the pillar, it would be attacked by all other beasts.

Lu Ze was very curious. Only the lightning warhorse boss had [Lightning God Art]. What was the point of the other bosses getting this rune?

It couldn't be changed into their own [Divine Art].

But, since they were all fighting for it, then, clearly they could all use it.

The battle continued for a few hours. The chi of the bosses were much weaker than before. They all had wounds, except for the lizard with [Regeneration God Art].

In the distance, the sun slowly rose and painted the horizon orange. The darkness dissipated.

At this moment, the purple pillar started spinning, and the rune flashed as though it would break at any time.

Seeing this, those bosses couldn't stay reasonable anymore. They attacked each other crazily as they tried to charge into the pillar of light.

There were more roars of pain.

Lu Ze who had been hiding for an entire night thought that perhaps he had a chance?

Those bosses could kill him easily in the beginning, but now, their powers had dropped a lot.

After some more time, perhaps, they can't move at all?

If that's the case, then, he would be able to get the purple rune?

Wait a little!

If that was the case, why would he only choose to take the purple rune?

He'll take everything.

With all these bosses here, it would be a huge earning if he killed them.

Lu Ze became nervous and hopeful.

It just depended on if they gave him the chance.

Of course, the might be a super boss passing by suddenly. It might crush them all like that golden sun from before.

Lu Ze waited for dozens of minutes.

The intense battle eased for a while. Those bosses stopped and floated in the air panting.

They were covered in wounds and large amounts of blood dropped from their hideous wounds.

Wait for a little more!

They could still instantly kill him. After another wave of fighting, he could attack!

Lu Ze used his side vision to watch the rune.

It wouldn't be long until this rune and pillar disappeared.

They wouldn't be able to resist.

The atmosphere was heavy. None of them wanted to give up this huge fortune.

At this moment, an unexpected scene appeared.

A thin long white flow of light charged into the bosses.

Then, this invisible wave surged, and all the beasts roared crazily. They could barely stay in the air.

This white light didn't stop at all and instantly went into the purple light pillar.

Then, this flowing light stopped. This unknown boss appeared.

It was a small figure no taller than two meters. It had a white furry body and long ears.

It's you! Super rabbit!

The rabbit that killed him with just a glance?!

Was that its [Mental Force God Art]?

Lu Ze didn't know if it just came or had been hiding for a long while.

All the beasts were heavily injured except for him.


Chapter 218. Terrifying [Divine Art]


The super rabbit came before the purple rune and ate it while all the beasts were roaring.

Then, the super white rabbit flickered with lightning while its [Mental Force God Art] released invisible waves.

It floated in the pillar and roared.

Compared to the other bosses, it was extremely small, but its roar was shocking.

A violent wind spread in all directions. It contained invisible mental force waves and purple lightning.

Oh shit!

It could do this!

The rune also brought [God Art Awakening]??

This was a chain of service!

No wonder all the bosses wanted it.

If they got it, they would have two [God Art] and one [Divine Art].

The increase in combat power would be huge!

However, this was taken by the super white rabbit.

Lu Ze's heart ached. He was still too weak. He couldn't compare with the bosses.

At this moment, the sky darkened again.

This extremely strong aura of threat emerged in the air, making Lu Ze tense.

He looked up and the clear sky was covered in dark clouds.

With the light pillar as the center, the dark clouds covered a radius of more than 100 kilometers.

Lightning rumbled in the dark clouds like the wrath of heaven.

Lu Ze used the chi stealth technique without hesitation and quickly retreated.

This damned rabbit!

This was definitely the [Divine Art] contained in that rune!

Otherwise, the power of Aperture Opening State bosses wouldn't be able to unleash an attack of this level.

This was Mortal Evolution State power!

Luckily, it was the rabbit's first time using this [Divine Art]. It instantly froze for a moment.

Lu Ze happened to be at the border of the [Divine Art], so he dashed out of the attack range.

As soon as he landed, the lightning roared like crazy.


He looked at the doomsday-like scene behind him and broke out in a cold sweat.

The bolts of lightning were like purple long swords in the dark clouds. They were extremely dense, and every strike could create a huge ditch in the ground.

The entire region was covered with destruction.

Those bosses near the pillar were in a pitiful state.

They were already heavily injured while fighting for the rune. Now, they could only wail as they fled outside, under this doomsday lightning.

Every strike could break their defenses and burn their bodies.

Every lightning bolt had this numbing effect that affected their use of spirit force and the agility of their bodies.

Lu Ze's eyes widened in shock.

This was too strong?!

Lu Ze's skin was crawling.

He really wanted this!

That cute rabbit glared at the fleeing bosses like a king.

Clearly, it wanted them all too.

But unlike Lu Ze who could only dream, this rabbit boss could actually do it.

Soon, the bosses fell to the lightning one by one and weren't able to get out of the lightning range even in their death.

There were some sturdy bosses who kept using their [God Art], not succumbing to defeat.


The blue bird boss was surrounded by a whirlwind. It planned to use its wind to stop the lightning and use the advantage of its speed to charge out.

Just when Lu Ze thought it would succeed, an invisible wave blew past. The blue bird's figure stiffened. The wind disappeared, and it was instantly annihilated by lightning.

Lu Ze: "…"

Farewell, blue bird boss.

Such scenes happened in all directions. More and more bosses were dying.

Just when Lu Ze thought that the super rabbit was really going to take them all out, the dark clouds suddenly disappeared, and the white rabbit's chi fell too.

Lu Ze: "???"

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. No matter how strong a [Divine Art] was, one needed to activate it. The stronger it was, the more consuming it would be.

Clearly, that [Divine Art] was too powerful. This level of power was decent even among the Mortal Evolution State.

The rabbit clearly couldn't maintain it for long.

Despite this, Lu Ze didn't charge up.

He didn't want to die from a glare again.

After the [Divine Art] stopped, the remaining lightning warhorse and black tiger roared in terror. They had a burst in speed and ran while the rabbit's chi was dropping.

Lu Ze's eyes narrowed. He followed the black tiger.

The lightning warhorse could survive clearly because it had [Lightning God Art], so the [Lightning Divine Art] wasn't as damaging to him.

It should be able to still fight.

Meanwhile, the black tiger probably had a [Physical Body God Art]. It took the [Lightning God Art] by force and with its previous injuries, its power would drop to a very weak state.

In that case, Lu Ze could try killing it?

Lu Ze wasn't confident, to be honest, but, this was the closest opportunity he had to kill this boss.

Isn't it just death?

It's not like he hadn't died!

Last time, he was naive and was slapped to death by the tiger.

This time, he wanted to see how much power the tiger still had.

The tiger was clearly scared by the rabbit. Despite being heavily injured, it still flew for nearly ten minutes.

When its chi was too unstable, it slowly stopped.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed, and then, his mouth twitcHed. Should he use the newly sealed seven times increase in [Strength God Art]?

It had only been a day!

But, Lu Ze had no choice. Immediately, Lu Ze burned with fire, and the wind swirled around him. Lightning crackled and a sliver of crystal seeped out.

Full power!

Then, he bit his lips.

His powerful chi surged again and flew in all directions uncontrollably.

Blood gashes appeared on his body. They were very deep, and blood sprayed. His body was like a doll that was about to crack.

Grey mist surged on the wounds. He used [Regeneration God Art] to the full extent, so he could prevent his body from crumbling.

Lu Ze shook. He was engulfed in pain, but this power was equally terrifying.

The only drawback was time.

He only had a minute of this state.

Without hesitation, he clenched his fist and instantly dashed toward the black tiger.

Come, boss, let's fight with our lives and see who dies first!



The black tiger, who was planning to recover, suddenly felt a powerful chi charge at him. It immediately roared.

If it was in its prime, he could easily kill this level of being with a claw.

But now, the situation was different.
