Chapters [219-220]

Chapter 219. Harvest Season Again


Wind, fire, lightning, and seven times increase in [Strength God Art]. All these powers circulated around Lu Ze's body and tore it open.

If he didn't have [Regeneration God Art] to recover the wounds, he would be dead already.

But this limit-breaking burst brought him extremely strong power. His power was approaching the first level of the Aperture Opening State.

With the black tiger being heavily injured, Lu Ze felt that his power should be quite stable.


The earth sunk, and a huge clash could be heard.

Lu Ze's fist clashed with the huge claws of the black tiger. It was like the clash between a giant and an insect.

However, the giant wasn't able to crush the ant. Instead, the huge claw was shocked away.

The shock from the clash made the heavily injured black tiger wail. Its huge body retreated a few steps. More blood splashed out and soaked the ground red.

Lu Ze also took a shock, and a huge amount of blood gushed out from his cracked body.

He bit his lips and used the [Regeneration God Art] again. He didn't stop and dashed for the second time.

He then appeared on the huge back of the black tiger.

The tiger roared with fury and a sliver of worry.

A black light flowed around its body, and a thin layer of black crystal formed on the surface of its body.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold. The wind, fire, and lightning encircled his fist. Subsequently, a crystal color surged, and he swung his fist toward the wound from which organs could be seen.


The fist clashed with the crystal layer and made a huge sound.

Fire and wind mixed with lightning surged in all directions, tearing everything in its wake.

A crack appeared on the crystal layer. The force also made the tiger and Lu Ze bleed out again.




The tiger could only defend against Lu Ze's attacks. It didn't have the power to counter-attack.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze landed punch after punch on the crystal layer. The concussion made his body crack even more. Even his organs ruptured a little as well.

He was already numb to the pain. He could only instinctively release his power again and again while using [Regeneration God Art] to sustain himself. He didn't even know how many times he had punched.


The crystal soon cracked, and Lu Ze's fist force reached into that hideous wound.

All of Lu Ze's [God Art] powers were released inside the tiger's body. Its organs fractured, and blood spurted out. Finally, its chi grew weaker and weaker until it completely disappeared.


The tiger's huge body fell on the ravaged grounds.

Lu Ze finally stopped. His mind relaxed a little, and he wobbled. He could barely stand.

He dispersed his [God Art] and only maintained the [Regeneration God Art].

Soon, his numb body could feel again.

Lu Ze's face went green. His lips and body were convulsing.

"Arghh….. this hurts…"

His senses for pain recovered, and he felt like he was going to heaven.

He couldn't stop. If he did, then his body would be crippled.

But when Lu Ze watched the huge corpse turn to ash, his twisted face couldn't resist showing a smile.

This was a real big boss with [God Art]!

Not those Aperture Opening State beasts that devoured [God Art Shards]!

He earned huge this time!

Although he didn't get the rune, this was a considerable harvest for him already. With his current progress, he would still need at least a few months to really kill this level of beast.

Lu Ze watched the huge tiger turn to dust and orbs.

The [Red Orbs] were gleaming like fire. They had the size of a fist. Despite being a few meters apart, Lu Ze could still feel the intense energy from it. There were five in total.

The [Pure Purple Orbs] emitted a mysterious chi. They also had the size of a fist. There were three of them in total.

There was a [Black Crystal Ball] that had the size of two fists. It contained this metallic-like light inside.

There was also a [Black Crystal-like Rune]. There were only four strokes, and it looked extremely simple. It was floating above the ground and spinning.

Lu Ze's eyes were beaming, looking at this.

Another season of harvest.

He jumped toward the orbs and runes and collected them into his mental dimension while ignoring the pain.

Then, he felt relieved.

It was safe now!

If he wasn't able to pick it up and got killed by a boss that could be passing by, he would cry to death.

If he digested this harvest, his power would skyrocket!

Lu Ze held down his excitement and slowly recovered. It would be a few more hours, and he would pretty much be fine.

However, he lost quite a lot of blood. He couldn't get it back in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], so he would still be a bit weak.

Next, he would just need to kill Core Martial State or weak Aperture Opening State beasts.

Lu Ze flew in the opposite direction of the purple pillar.

It was best to avoid that super rabbit.

Time flew by. Lu Ze had stayed his fourth day in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and still wasn't kicked out.

This was the first time he had stayed for such a long period of time!

He wondered just how long he could stay here.

Everything here was good, except that he hadn't eaten for four days.

Although he could survive without eating for a few weeks with his current state, this was unbearable for a foodie!

With his harvest becoming so huge, Lu Ze wanted to go out.

Lu Ze looked around. It was just boundless grass.

Lu Ze even wanted to check if there would be different places.


At this moment, a roar could be heard.

Lu Ze's head ached and his eyes went dark. Then, he woke up in his dorm.

Lu Ze: "…"

He was used to it already.

However, he didn't get to see what boss it was.

Then, Lu Ze closed his eyes. He looked at his harvest, and his smile blossomed.

He really wanted to see how strong he would be after devouring these.

When the university starts, would Lin Ling dare to be cocky in front of him?

Then, he frowned at the huge red energy orbs.

He didn't know if his current body could handle this level of energy.

He could feel the energy was rather terrifying. If he couldn't handle it, he might explode.

This was the same for the [Purple Orb] too.

Lu Ze looked at the [Black Crystal Ball and Rune].

This should be that [Body God Art] the tiger had, right? However, this [Crystal Ball] seemed a bit too huge??

Lu Ze looked dazedly at the [Crystal Ball] that had the size of two fists. This was probably ten times bigger than the other [God Art Crystal Balls] he got before?

It was also dangerous to devour this [God Art].

As for the rune…

Was it [Divine Art]?

Lu Ze still wanted to try. With [Regeneration God Art], it was a bit hard to die.

Once again, Lu Ze felt the [Regeneration God Art] was too great.

The final choice would be between the [Red Orbs] and the [God Art Orb].

Moments later, Lu Ze still decided to use the [God Art Orb] first.

Compared to the powerful energy in the [Red Orb], the [God Art Orb] mainly depended on enlightenment. He had the [Purple Orbs] for that.

Thus, the [Black God Art Crystal Ball] disappeared from his mind.


Chapter 220. Scared by His Own Power


The [Dark Crystal Orb] turned into a black stream of light and fused with Lu Ze's body.

The black light moved around his skin, flesh, tendon, bones, and organs. It was like there were countless needles pricking every corner of his body.

Lu Ze frowned and used another [Purple Light Orb].

Purple light flew into his brain, making his mind instantly clear. However, the pain also became more apparent.

Luckily, he was used to death and pain. He could proudly say he was very good at enduring pain!

This was just an ordinary level of pain.

Soon, he became immersed in learning his [God Art].

The [Crystal Ball] was huge. It contained a large amount of information about [God Art].

After Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb], his mind became extremely clear as he took in all the [God Art] information.

In the dark room, Lu Ze sat on his bed. His body occasionally flashed with a metallic dark light.

After an unknown amount of time, the pain started to ease up gradually until it fully disappeared. He had completely digested the [God Art] information in his body.

Lu Ze opened his eyes. His dark pupils flashed with a metallic color. His body didn't change at all, but it gave people the feeling of a dominant chi. It was like he was the huge black tiger.

That was finally over. It was so painful.

He really couldn't go down experiencing this pain every day. Although he could handle it, who would want to be in pain if they could feel good?

At this moment, Lu Ze wanted a [God Art] that could cut off the pain the most.

He looked outside.

Outside the window, the sky was still adorned with stars. It was still night.

Lu Ze scratched his head. He was confused.

He thought it had been a long while, but it was still nighttime?

It seemed he became more talented.

He couldn't help feeling good about himself. He devoured such a huge [God Art Ball] in a night.

Then, he pressed the bedside, trying to get up.

However, he found that his palm had completely sunk into the alloy bed frame as though it was just cotton.

Lu Ze: "…"

Oh my!

What was this strange power?!

He felt he had controlled it very well. The power was still that violent?

He quickly moved his hand away.

This was the second time he accidentally broke something.

Last time, he was beaten up by the alcoholic, but at least, he didn't have to pay.

This time… he would probably have to pay, right?

Lu Ze looked at the palm print on his bed. His eyes flashed with pain.

Perhaps, after using the martial arts site, Lu Ze began to feel that he was extremely poor.

He was so scared of poverty that he felt he couldn't even compensate for a bed in the military dorms.

He looked painfully at his right hand and then slapped it with his left hand.

This is all your fault!

However, Lu Ze became dazed. As it turned out, the wind generated by the collision of the palms ravaged the entire bedroom.

His tidy room immediately became very messy. The table was blown over.

The metallic wardrobe was twisted. Luckily, his window was open, or it would probably be gone too.

Lu Ze: "…."

What did he do?

He just clapped his hands?

Why would it become like this?!

Lu Ze didn't feel well.

In other words, if he ran now, would he be caught back to do free labor?

At this moment, there was suddenly a desperate knock on the door.

"Ze? Are you inside? Is there an attack?!"

It was Ian's voice.

Lu Ze: "…"

How should he explain it?

He accidentally damaged his bed by pressing on it. He wanted to slap his misbehaving hand and it created a hurricane instead?

He coughed. "Is it Ian? I'm fine, I accidentally used a [God Art]. I'll clean it up."

"Oh… then be careful. Don't work too hard. I'm going back first."

Ian left and Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't expect the [God Art] of the black tiger was this terrifying. Perhaps, it was because the orb was big, and he learned the [God Art] to a great extent in one go.

He didn't even use [God Art], and his body seemed much stronger.

He clenched his fists and felt his power. Then, his eyes widened in shock.

Just with his body's power, he probably had five aperture power at Aperture Opening State?

Oh my god!

Am I that strong??

Lu Ze was scared by his power.

After he used that special power from the male lion on his body, his pure body power had reached around Core Martial State level seven.

Yet, just one [God Art Ball] made his power jump to this level? Wasn't this too scary?!

Luckily, he didn't go out. He couldn't control his power too well yet. He might accidentally clap, and Ian's small body would turn into an Ian pancake.

Then, he remembered he heard Ian say "Don't work too hard?"

It wasn't even day yet?

He didn't even cultivate for an entire night?

Wasn't this normal?

Or was it…

He quickly looked at the time on his phone.

Then, his mouth twitched.

Four days had passed!

Lu Ze was in disbelief.

He was too hardworking, right?!

Wait… if it was four days, how come he wasn't able to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

Lu Ze frowned and closed his eyes. He felt he could go in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] now, but he didn't choose to.

If he was immersed in cultivation, he wouldn't enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

He felt happy knowing a bit more about the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], but when he looked at the mess, his heart went cold.

Would he be able to afford it?

At this moment, he suddenly discovered the twisted metal slowly recover.


It was a memory alloy!

He thought he needed to sell himself!

Then, a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and all the furniture flew back in an organized fashion.

He looked at the palm print. It was getting dimmer. Lu Ze finally felt relieved.

He was fine!

He didn't need to render free labor!

Now, Lu Ze closed his eyes and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

He wanted to see how powerful he was. He also needed to control his power, or he would be a walking nuke.

Lu Ze appeared on the grass.

He looked around, and there were no beasts. However, he was in no rush. He started to use his new [God Art].


Dark rays formed out of Lu Ze's body. Lu Ze felt his physical power grow by a huge level.

He didn't know how strong exactly it was, but it was definitely stronger than when he used the seven times increase in [Strength God Art].

Simply put, just using this [God Art] made his power reach ten aperture level.

Lu Ze felt he could fight for an entire day in this state.


I'm too strong?!

Then, he used [Wind God Art], and his chi grew a level. With [Fire God Art], his chi grew another level. He also used [Lightning God Art], but there was only a trace of growth in his chi.

His [Lightning God Art] was too weak indeed.

Then, Lu Ze's face went serious. He clenched his fists.

Six times the [Strength God Art].


His chi could shock the heavens. The grass within a kilometer radius was shattered to pieces.

The nearby weak Core Martial State beasts and even the Aperture Opening State that devoured [God Art Shards] were shaking and fleeing.


Seven times.


The ground cracked. From where he stood, the opening on the ground spread outward like a spider web.

His chi shot up another level.

Lu Ze clasped his hands a little, and the air exploded.

Not bad.

His body could completely handle the power now.

The only drawback was it was too exhaustive.

He could only sustain half an hour of this state.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. He felt he could try eight times or even nine times increase in power.

The only difficulty was that he didn't learn the strength to that degree yet. He couldn't even control his own power right now, much less eight or nine times.

The most important thing now was to learn to control his own power and then think about other stuff.

Then, he remembered that he didn't just get this [God Art Crystal Orb]. He had many others that he hadn't yet digested.

With his current body, he should be able to handle the power in that [Red Orb].

His spirit force cultivation will also skyrocket too.
