Chapters [223-224]

Chapter 223. The Daily Life of the Three


A minute after the message was sent, Lu Ze still did not receive a reply.

Lu Ze pondered about it. Anyway, he already sent the message. Being scared at this point didn't embody the renegade mindset of a transmigrator.

Plus, he was an excellent youth. It was time for that cold guy to sit and move herself.

Then, he opened a private chat with Alice.

Alice: Senior schoolmate, Senior schoolmatedo you still have enough food? Do you need more?

Alice: Senior schoolmate, Senior schoolmateI've learned quite some new dishes lately. Most of them are what senior schoolmate likes. I think senior schoolmate should eat more vegetables. That would balance your diet. Don't worry. I will definitely make the flavor that senior schoolmate likes!

Alice: Senior schoolmate, Senior schoolmate~ I feel my [God Art] has been awakening very successfully. Soon, Mother won't need to stay inside me to suppress it. After she takes back the fire seed, she can awaken. It's all because of senior schoolmate. How should I thank you?"

Alice: Senior schoolmate? Are you not there?

Alice: Are you busy, senior schoolmate?

Lu Ze's eyes almost went teary after seeing this.

Alice was indeed an angel.

She tried so hard to prepare food for him. She was so much better than that dark-hearted Lu


Did her source flame awaken successfully?

Her mother has slept for a long time. If she could wake up, Alice would be very happy?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze thought back to the day when Alice was crying at the grass field.

His eyes looked soft. He grinned and replied.

Lu Ze: It's so great that aunty can wake up. Congratulations, Alice. Also, the supply in the food storage is getting low. Please provide assistance, junior schoolmate! Lastly, as long as it's food made by you, it will taste great whether it's meat or vegetables. I'm fine with


Lu Ze waited for a while. Alice didn't reply too.

He thought it was probably because they were cultivating too.

Thus, Lu Ze didn't wait for a reply.

He couldn't get into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] in the day, so he sat on his bed to cultivate again.

This time, he used a [Red Orb] dropped by the tiger boss.

He swept the orb with his mental force, and the orb's powerful force nourished his body.


There was a piercing bone-cracking sound. Blood immediately seeped out of Lu Ze's body.

He frowned as his face went pale. His body shivered.

The power contained in the orb was stronger than he had imagined. Despite the improvement of the strength of his body, the power still managed to injure him.

He used [Regeneration God Art] to recover while digesting the energy.

Subsequently, he rejoiced in his heart. Fortunately, he used the [God Art Orb] first. Otherwise, he would definitely explode.

This wasn't the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. If he died outside, his death would be permanent.

Good thing he was smart.

He also made up his mind that he would always strengthen his body first before digesting an orb with an unknown level.

That way, it would become much harder to die.

But, the benefits were clear. The energy inside the [Red Orbs] was too pure. They were much stronger than those smaller red ones.

He could feel his spirit force cultivation going up like crazy. His already strong body was further refined, making it stronger.

Abstruse Martial State level seven.

Abstruse Martial State level eight.

Abstruse Martial State level nine.

… Core Martial State level two.

When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, he felt the powerful spirit force flowing in every corner of his body and grinned.

His spirit force power had now reached level 2 of Core Martial State!

So strong!

This [Red Orb] was too strong!

It was on a completely different level from the lower level orbs!

Lu Ze's eyes were full of excitement. He still had four remaining [Red Orbs]. Once he consumed them, his spirit force cultivation level wouldn't be so far behind.

His power would increase by a huge level!

Lu Ze got up and looked at the condensed blood on his body. He still felt some fear.

If he chose the wrong step before, it would be completely different now.

The black tiger boss was too strong. Based on the energy from the [Red Orbs], its power was at least four to five hundred apertures or even higher.

Lu Ze shook his head and entered the toilet. He showered and washed the blood off his body before taking out Alice's food again.

As he ate, he remembered sending a message to Lu Li and Alice in the morning. He took out his phone again.


Sure enough, they replied.

Lu Ze quickly opened Lu Li's chat.

Lu Li: So you were in solitary cultivation… in that case, did you become stronger, Brother? Congratulations.

Lu Li: Is the doll not broken?

Lu Li: Nevertheless, we'll still swap.

Lu Ze looked at the last message. It was an hour ago.

She didn't do anything strange. This made Lu Ze breathe a sigh of relief. If she did, she would say it.

Then, Lu Ze was confused. The doll was fine, why were they still swapping?

Lu Ze: Of course, I got stronger. I'm very strong! And, the doll isn't broken, so why are we swapping?

Lu Li replied instantly. She seemed free.

Lu Li: Haha, you took an hour to reply to me. Don't tell me you were in solitary cultivation again!

Lu Ze: You guessed it correctly. I really was.

Lu Li: …

Lu Ze didn't know what to reply to her.

At this moment, Lu Li was in her room. She rolled in her blanket and only left her head and hands out.

She gasped.

Stupid Lu Ze…

He grew stronger again!

She had been working so hard, but she didn't feel like she was catching up.

It seemed she needed to learn her [God Art] faster.

Lu Li: We don't have to swap. But I feel there are many things I can tell dad.

Lu Ze: …

His mouth twitched.

Was he that easily abused?

If his heart hardens, he would wipe the floor with her first.

Lu Ze replied.

Lu Ze: Li what are you talking about. Since you want to swap, of course, I will agree. We'll swap when I get back.

Lu Li: Hmph, good. I'm going to cultivate.

Then, she put her phone away and then covered her head with the blanket. She couldn't help but laugh.

The panda doll that brother wore close to him for a semester…


Lu Ze became dazed. Lu Li was this hard-working too?

That was good. He wasn't going to disturb her.

Then, he opened Alice's messages.

Alice: Senior schoolmate took so long to reply. I thought something happened to you.

Alice: Is there not enough food? It's okay, senior schoolmate, I'll make some more these few days and ship it over to you. There are many new dishes. You will definitely like them

Alice: And thank you, senior schoolmate. If it wasn't for you, perhaps, both mother and I wouldn't be around… but that's in the past. I will work hard! I will help you in the future!

Alice: So, how does senior schoolmate want to be repaid?

The time of the reply was the same time as Lu Li's. It seemed their schedules were very similar.

He was speechless. There was a group chat, but they wanted to private message. He had to reply one by one. So tiring.

But seeing Alice say she was going to send him new food, Lu Ze's eyes lit up immediately. He felt very touched.

Alice was an angel indeed!

She even asked how he wanted to be repaid…

He didn't really want anything. He just wanted to help that little girl who was crying on his shoulder under the night sky.

Lu Ze: Sorry, I've been cultivating these past few days. I was in cultivation just then. Alice, I'm very strong now! I've improved again!

Alice: Hehe, congratulations, Senior schoolmate. The youngest ist lieutenant in Federal history. Senior schoolmate is so amazing!

Lu Ze smiled and kept typing.

Lu Ze: If Alice's [God Art] fully awakens, that would be powerful. Of course, I don't feel I will be worse than you.

Alice read Lu Ze's message in her room and blushed.

She smiled and replied.

Alice: Mhm, I will follow senior schoolmate. Go, senior schoolmate! By the way, senior schoolmate, do I mail the spirit food to Federal University?

Lu Ze: Mhm, I'm going back in four days. You can send it straight to school.

Alice: Okay, you will definitely like the new food!

Lu Ze: Since you're saying this, I'm very hopeful.

Lu Ze was drooling right now. He really wanted to know what food it was.

The two chatted for a while, and Alice said she was going to cultivate too.


Chapter 224. Set a Small Target First


Lu Ze put his phone away and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] once again.

His spirit force cultivation had reached Core Martial State level two, and he cultivated that [Divine Art]. Lu Ze felt he was invincible now!

He appeared at a place covered with grass that was more than three meters tall.

As soon as he landed, he instinctively used the chi stealth technique and carefully scanned the surroundings with his mental force. When he didn't find a powerful boss, he felt relieved.

Lu Ze had decided to test his newly learned [Divine Art].

His eyes focused and a black metallic color appeared around his body. Then, a rune flashed, and a translucent black crystal membrane formed around his body.

Lu Ze reached out his palm and looked at the crystal membrane.

He was shocked. He had seen this before. It was used by that black tiger boss that day.

So the black tiger boss knew [Divine Art]?

Lu Ze rejoiced. Luckily, the boss was extremely weakened. Otherwise, he could only stare if the boss used this [Divine Art].

He clenched his fists and entwined his fingers. Accordingly, the crystal membrane merged. When he separated his hands, the black crystal membrane separated too. It was like a smart


Lu Ze touched his chin. He was planning to test the defenses of this black crystal membrane.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and a vibrant green wind blade appeared on his hand. It was emitting a sharp chi.

He raised his left hand and use his right-hand wind blade to slice through the black crystal on his left hand.


It sounded as if metals collided with each other. After the wind blade flashed and clashed with the crystal, it flickered slightly, turning into a wind that blew in many directions. The surrounding grass was torn, and traces of cracks appeared on the ground.

Lu Ze looked at the perfectly fine black crystal membrane, and his eyes lit up.

This was good!

With the increase in his power, even if he just used [Wind God Art], his combat power will not be less than seven apertures.

This meant that his [Divine Art] could easily defend against a power that was seven apertures and below?

Then, Lu Ze started to conduct more experiments. He tried the fusion of [Wind and Fire God Art], along with the [Lightning God Art], [1st Body God Art], and [Strength God Art]. He slammed them all toward his black crystal membrane.

When he used six times the [Strength God Art, Wind, and Fire] fusion, as well as [Lightning God Art], he finally completely shattered the black crystal membrane and injured his left hand.

Lu Ze looked at the membrane slowly disappearing in the air, and his eyes flashed with a rune. His left hand was covered in the black crystal membrane again.

It was completely new.

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with excitement.

He didn't expect this [Defensive Divine Art] to be this strong!

The [Divine Art] was only related to the relevant [God Art], physical power, mental force, and spirit force cultivation level of a person.

This meant that Lu Ze's [Strength God Art], [Wind God Art], [Fire God Art], and [Lightning God Art] wouldn't provide a buff to this membrane.

Despite this, this membrane completely stopped his almost full-powered attack!

This increase was too huge!

And, as long as he had power left, he could regather the membrane whenever it breaks.

With his current power, if he just used this [Divine Art], he could last a few hours, but in battle, he couldn't just use this [Divine Art].

Despite so, this was a very powerful defensive measure.

Lu Ze put away the membrane and used the [Regeneration God Art] to repair his left hand.

He had thought of a name for this [Divine Art].

It would be called…

[1st shield]!

The [God Art] corresponding to this [Divine Art Waist Body God Art], so calling this [Divine Art 1st Shield] was the best.

Lu Ze nodded with satisfaction.

With the 1st shield, he could go a little wild although he wasn't the wild type.

Then, Lu Ze used eight times the [Strength God Art].

Under that extremely cerebral active state after using that [Purple Orb], Lu Ze finally made some improvements on his [Strength God Art].

However, he still wasn't able to learn nine times the [Strength God Art].

Lu Ze bit his lips. A black light flashed, then wind, fire, and lightning, as well as the crystal reappeared.


Eight times the [Strength God Art]!


Thunderous sounds came while the land trembled. A crater then appeared on the ground. The land within the surrounding one kilometer couldn't handle Lu Ze's uncontrollable power, leaving out spiderweb-like cracks.

Lu Ze's face was calm as he sensed his state.

A strong power surged from Lu Ze's body and even started tearing his body apart. Good thing his body was strong enough. It was a little painful, but he wasn't injured.

He stood there for a few seconds. When his body became familiar with the eight times increase in power, he slowly lifted his right leg and stomped.


A huge deep ditch with a range of ten kilometers appeared on the ground. The soil was splashing around, and then, they were crushed in the air by the power Lu Ze leaked.


Lu Ze's breath turned into a wave of wind that blew across.

He subdued his power down, and the terrifying pressure disappeared from him.

Lu Ze wiped the sweat from his forehead and started panting heavily.

That was tiring!

If he did that, he would at most last three minutes.

This was because his spirit force cultivation level improved. Originally, he might not even last three minutes.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt disappointed. He didn't expect he would last this short. He was still too weak.

This couldn't do. He had to cultivate!

After recovering a little, Lu Ze looked at the huge ditch he created.

The time period was short, but it was really strong

Lu Ze even suspected that his full power might exceed 100 apertures.

He was extremely strong!

If he didn't use the opportunity to kill the black tiger boss, how could he improve so quickly?!

His current combat power wasn't too weak even among the fourth years, right?

At least, it wasn't far from Gui Yuping.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze suddenly wanted to set a small goal for himself.

Before the end of the 1st year, he would raise his combat power to Mortal Evolution State!

With this goal in mind, Lu Ze was even more motivated.

Three days later, Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes when the sunlight shone on his face.

The red light faded from his eyes.

During these three days, he used the remaining four [Red Orbs] from the tiger, and his spirit force cultivation level reached Core Martial State level eight. His pure physical combat power was near Aperture Opening State six apertures.

Compared to Ye Mu and the others, Lu Ze's spirit force cultivation level had far exceeded them.

Even if they used federal contribution points to buy things, their increase wouldn't be as great as Lu Ze's.

Lu Ze had obtained quite a lot in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] these three days too.

He gained three wind, three lightning, and one [Regeneration God Art Orb]. He also gained a [1st Body God Art Crystal Orb].

After he became stronger, he could finish all the Aperture Opening State beasts that devoured [God Art Shards] with one punch.

He hadn't even encountered one that would allow him to punch twice.

It was due to this power that he could get so many [God Art Crystals] so quickly.

Lu Ze felt his steadily increasing power and smiled as he got up.

He looked outside.

There were ships flying in and out.

This entrance test was about to end. All the students had to return to the base today. The prodigies from the prodigy barrack would continue fighting instead of the Federal University students.

Tomorrow, they would leave the Xiaer system and head towards the Dawn system, the solar system known as the Academy System.

All the famous schools of the Federation were gathered there.

The best teachers in the entire Federation, as well as the future pillars of the federation, were all in there.

Federal University and Emperor Capital Academy were the two best universities there.
