Chapters [225-226]

Chapter 225. Dropped to ordinary class!?


Since lunchtime, the students from the elite class kept returning to the dorms.

The situation on every planet was different. As such, the time of their return differed. On the 25th planet, it was very difficult for Nangong Jing and the others to come back.

When they got back, it was already quite late.

All the students were tired mentally and physically after coming back from the battlefield.

This was especially the case for the new students. Although they would do missions with experienced soldiers, it was their first time going on the battlefield.

After returning to the base, they could all feel the exhaustion sink in once their minds were at ease.

All the students returned to their dorms to rest without having the time to even communicate with others.

Even the senior schoolmates from the 25th planet went straight to their bed.

Only Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing needed to report first before going back to rest.

During the second morning, Lu Ze sat on his bed and opened his eyes.

He had devoured all the [God Art Orbs], using the whole day yesterday.

So far, everything that he had harvested was finally consumed.

Now, Lu Ze didn't even know what level his combat power was at.

But his guess was that his full power would at least be not lower than 100 apertures.

He got up and stretched as he looked out the window.

All the students had returned yesterday.

Lu Ze didn't go out. Everyone remained inside to cultivate. Lu Ze didn't know about the situation of the other students, but he felt they did quite well?

Other than military merit, there were also entrance test rewards. That would be huge too.

Would he be able to use that to get a [Divine Art]?

Although it was very unlikely, people needed dreams.

Lu Ze became hopeful.

Lu Ze and the others finished breakfast and chatted in the living room.

They were about to leave, so they all wanted to relax for a while.

At this moment, a familiar voice could be heard.

"Everyone pack up your belongings and gather ten minutes later!"

Lu Ze and the rest got up instinctively.

This was the voice of that alcoholic. If they were late, who knew if they would get beaten up?

They quickly put their luggage in their storage ring and headed out.

The students from the other dorms came too.

Lu Ze glanced at everyone. Quite some of them looked fatigued and were even injured, but no one was missing an arm or leg. Even if they did, they would have been cured.

Seeing Lu Ze come out, those students became silent. Everyone could not help but give Lu Ze a weird look.

Even at other planets, they knew what happened on the 25th planet. Clearly, they knew what shocking things this youth did.

An 18-year-old ist lieutenant. He was still a new student.

All the old students had complex emotions. Even those senior schoolmates who were taught by Lu Ze at the drill were in disbelief.

The new students felt this guy had secret tutors.

Otherwise, why was the difference this huge?

Lu Ze scratched his head. He was too handsome indeed.

If it were beautiful girls, they could look at him, but why were guys looking at him too?

At this moment, Luo Bingqing and Nangong Jing were standing on one side of the yard in their military uniforms.

Seeing everyone arrive, Nangong Jing said, "The one-month entrance test ends here. We will now go to the space station, and leave the Xiaer system, and head to Federal University."

The new students breathed easy and smiled.

They could finally go to the Federal University of their dreams!

The old students watched the new students silently and displayed a strange look.

Nangong Jing then took everyone to the hovercar and headed to the space station.

As for Luo Bingqing, he never spoke a single word.

That was his character. In this sort of circumstance, he just needed to be handsome.

Those female students looked at him with pink eyes.

The number one most wanted man in the Federation was no pushover.

At the space station, Nangong Jing and Luo

that was over five hundred meters.

Nangong Jing said, "This is our school's transporter ship, everyone get inside."

Then, she led everyone to the ship.

Lu Ze looked at the ship for a moment. For some reason, he felt the pattern on the ship seemed familiar?

Then, he looked away and dismissed his thoughts.

The space inside was very big, and it was divided into many levels. This included a dorm area, common area, cafeteria, and cultivation rooms.

Nangong Jing told the workers to arrange dorms for Lu Ze and the others and then left with Luo Bingqing.

Seeing this, the old students felt relieved.

Someone said, "It seems teacher Nangong is in quite a good mood today? It seems everyone did quite well for this test."

"Perhaps, this is partly due to junior schoolmate Lu Ze…?"


Quite some old students looked at Lu Ze with a complicated expression.

At this moment, Margaret, Gui Yuping, and a few senior schoolmates that fought with them on the 25th planet came over.

Margaret smiled and patted Lu Ze's shoulder and talked to him about the battlefield. "The battle was very intense after you left. It was such a shame you weren't there. I assassinated quite a few Aperture Opening States. And, the spirit metal transportation was all handled by me at the start. My merit is tremendously huge."

Then, her eyes went cold. "However, a blade demon came. His [God Art] countered mine. I needed to find an opportunity to kill him."

don't dare to appear on the battlefield at all. If I appear with my current power, I will be skinned."

His power couldn't compare to Margaret at all despite becoming stronger.

Gui Yuping smiled. "That's true, but junior schoolmates Lu Ze and Ye Mu, as well as the rest, don't need to worry about your results You will definitely get quite some credits. There's no way you would be dropped to ordinary class."

"Dropped to ordinary class?!"

This made the new students exclaim.

There was a possibility of dropping to the ordinary class??

Thye didn't know about this.

Gui Yuping smiled. "The Federal University has always kept the rule of the survival of the fittest. If your performance is too low, then you will be dropped to the ordinary class. Those who excel in the ordinary class will be promoted to the elite class. This isn't just for new students. It's the same for the higher years too."

He smiled. "I won't go into the specifics. Teacher Nangong and Luo will be giving our grades based on our performance on the battlefield. The results will be out tomorrow. Just wait."

Suddenly, all the new students tensed up.

No one wanted to be dropped to the ordinary class.

They were given guaranteed entry. If they dropped to the ordinary class, how embarrassing would that be?

Then, they were led to the dorms area.


Chapter 226. Precious Artefacts in the Universe


The dorm area wasn't small. There were two hundred students, and each one had a small room.

Only a bed and table can be placed inside the room. It was simpler than the military dorms.

However, they were only going to stay on the ship for a few days. The conditions were rather good.

Most students were still tired from the battlefield, so they went to rest in their dorms.

Lu Ze also went to his room and lay on the bed.

Soon, the spaceship took off and flew into space.

Lu Ze looked outside the window. The vibrant stars seemed extra bright in the darkness.

After gazing for a while, Lu Ze sat on the bed and began cultivating again.

He didn't forget that Lin Ling said she was going to surpass him.

He felt that with his current power, he probably wouldn't be surpassed, but it wasn't wrong to become even stronger, right?

The next morning.

The elite class students were called to assemble at the meeting room by Nangong Jing.

Lu Ze and the others were sitting in their seats while feeling hopeful.

Clearly, there would be an announcement of grades and rewards.

Gui Yuping had already advised them to stop worrying about being dropped to the ordinary class, but the students near them, especially those who felt they didn't perform too well, felt nervous.

On the stage, Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing wore serious expressions.

Those who were below the stage didn't dare to talk.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He didn't expect Nangong Jing had such a serious face.

She actually seemed like a teacher now.

When Nangong Jing saw Lu Ze's strange glance, her eyes flashed, but she said nothing. She just silently took note of this in her heart.

Then, she said, "The entrance test is over."

"For old students, this isn't your first test, so you should know. Every test is to ensure your progress in the holidays and also a form of reselection."

Then, she looked at the new students. "As for new students, getting a guaranteed entry into Federal University means you're more excellent than students of the same age. However, being excellent at one point in time doesn't mean you're going to be excellent forever. The federation needs prodigies who can support the human race. So if you're not good enough, hand your position over to a more excellent youth."

Nangong Jing grinned. "From the moment you entered Federal University, the competition has begun. If you don't want to be eliminated, then work hard!"

Nangong Jing gave the students some time to digest this information.

It was all too normal that some students would get cocky after getting guaranteed entry into Federal University.

They loved to put them back in their place.

The room was silent. The old students were used to it.

Moments later, Nangong Jing spoke again. "Now, I will announce the rewards."

"4th year Margaret Clark has done exceptionally well in the campaign at the 25th planet. She robbed the spirit metal from the blade demon at the crucial moment and transported them safely back to base. Then, she found the second spirit metal mine and killed two blade demon Aperture Opening States in the ensuing battle. She also transported back a lot of spirit metal while being surrounded by blade demons…"

The new students looked at Margaret in shock.

The old students knew how strong this gray-haired girl was.

Then, Nangong Jing continued, "Margaret had other missions originally, but this is a special circumstance, so it's counted in the entrance test."

"As for the reward, 200k academic credits, two heaven crystal fruits, and three hours in the dao enlightenment room."

With this, the old students stopped breathing as they looked at Margaret with green eyes as though they wanted to rob her.

Even Gui Yuping and the others acted like this.

Margaret smiled.

She earned quite a lot this time!

Even she didn't expect it was this bountiful.

With this, she was confident she would soon be able to surpass the first in the class!

She needed to thank Lu Ze more. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have this opportunity.

Most new students were confused and so was Lu Ze. They didn't know what heaven crystal fruit and dao enlightenment room were.

Only a small portion of new students looked at Margaret with admiration.

Lu Ze glanced at Xuan Yuqi who was in the middle of admiring Margaret. "Yuqi, are the rewards very good?"

Xuan Yuqi rolled her eyes. "Academic credits have the same value as federal contribution points. There are a lot of things you can't buy on the martial arts site due to having a low authority. However, you can buy them with academic credits instead. Do you think it's precious?"

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. "Yes."

Xuan Yuqi continued, "But 200k federal contribution points are lower in value compared to the other two."


Lu Ze and the others widened their eyes in disbelief.

We are talking about 200k academic credits!

That was equivalent to 200k federal contribution points!

And that was the reward with the lowest value?

Xuan Yuqi continued, "I don't know how well the effects of the heaven crystal fruit would be, but it's a spirit fruit that can greatly increase one's cultivation level. On the martial arts site, one heaven crystal fruit is worth 130k federal contribution points, and the supply is limited. You can only buy it with a certain amount of privilege. Even then, you might not be able to buy it."

"As for dao enlightenment room… It's the privilege of famous Federation Universities. It's on the Dawn planet of Dawn System. Only students of Dawn System's prestigious schools can use it. They need to apply every time."

"It's said that it was an artefact Jinyao Sage got from the elf race. It can enhance your learning of [God Art] there. It's very effective!"

"Such things are very precious in the entire federation! It can only be used with dao enlightenment stones. I don't know the specifics."

Xuan Yuqi's words made Lu Ze and the others fall silent.

No wonder the two rewards were more precious than the academic credits. Some things cannot be bought with wealth. They can only be distributed through rewards.

After all, humans were not strong. The human race wasn't even the overlord of the Milky Way galaxy, let alone beyond it.

The human race couldn't even get some artefacts in the universe. Lu Ze hadn't even heard of the dao enlightenment stone.

The human race was rather lucky to be protected by the elf race that was similar to humans and amicable.

Without a high-level civilization to protect a race, the race would be either annihilated or enslaved if they first stepped into the universe.

How could these newly risen races compare with those that have dominated the universe for billions and tens of billions of years?

Lu Ze shook his head. This was still too far from him.

At this moment, Ye Mu looked at Margaret in admiration and said, "This means that senior schoolmate instantly became a wealthy lady. Can I be her accomplice?"

Margaret was pretty and had a good personality. He wanted to be her boy toy and not work hard.

Everyone looked strangely at Ye Mu. "…"

Xuan Yuqi said, "Do you want me to help you discuss this with senior schoolmate Margaret?"

Ye Mu coughed. "I was just joking. I'm a hard-working youth."

Lu Ze: "…"
