Chapters [229-230]

Chapter 229. This Fella Is Really Mean


The conference room was silent. The crowd looked at the few prodigies who had a ghastly expression. Some people looked at them with a complex expression, some were gloating at their misfortune, and there were others who heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, if one ever had a teammate like them who were so ignorant, that would be the most unlucky thing

In the future, if they were in the same class, everyone would have to come into contact with one another more, and nobody would want to be thrown into a pit for no reason.

Other than becoming teammates, freshmen didn't really have much contact with one another, and their teammates had already been defrauded by them, so there weren't many people who would even sympathize.

At this moment, Nangong Jing concluded calmly, "Students who failed the admission test will be demoted to the ordinary class."

She paused before continuing, "Four days later, the spaceship will arrive at the Federal University. You may move around freely during this period of time and freshmen can also get to know each other. Alright, dismiss."

The moment Nangong Jing was done talking, many freshmen's eyes lit up and turned toward Lu Ze.

It was without a doubt that Lu Ze was the strongest student in this round. They even felt that the second-year seniors weren't as strong as him.

In the future, everyone would be learning together in the same class, so they naturally wanted to get to know him.

They watched as Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing left the conference room, and the originally silent crowd could finally breathe easy. The relaxed atmosphere returned.

Even those two sophomores who were demoted had countless people comforting them; they had spent a year together, after all. Although an accident happened this time, it didn't mean that they had to sever all ties.

Of course, other than the 12 freshmen who were demoted, this entire atmosphere was unfitting for the rest.

Hence, they immediately stood up and walked out.

The others also stood up one after another, got out of the conference room, and walked toward the dormitory.

On the way, there were quite a number of freshmen who went up to get to know Lu Ze and the others; Lu Ze also smiled and nodded as he introduced himself.


Just as everyone was about to reach the dormitory area, there was a loud noise up ahead.

The blast from the collision of spirit forces surged along the corridor, leaving everyone dumbstruck.

Lu Ze's expression froze-could it be that an enemy snuck in?

With that thought, he immediately used his mental power to scan ahead.

After understanding the situation, his expression became strange.

And the rest looked at one another after they understood the situation as well.

It was actually Mike Manning and Ella March, who were just demoted to the ordinary class, fighting near the dormitory area.

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitchedweren't these two people still teammates just a while ago?

This speed of falling out was a little quick, wasn't it?

The other ten people were not around anymore. It was obvious that they didn't want to get involved.

Just at this moment, Gui Yuping and the other seniors couldn't help but laugh. "As expected, it has begun."

When the freshmen heard what the seniors said and saw that they didn't seem bewildered by the scene, they were stunned. The seniors even looked like they were reminiscing.

Gui Yuping saw the confused looks on the freshmen's faces and smiled as he explained. "Every year, this will happen as there will be freshmen who didn't pass the test and couldn't take the gap in expectation. We have seen this for four years already, some chaps even place bets on this."

After hearing his words, Isaac was speechless. "You make it sound as though you've never participated in the bet before."

After being exposed, Gui Yuping smiled in embarrassment, then changed the topic. "This is considered very normal; after all, young people, they have more extreme temper, not to mention that they're so gifted? Being demoted all of a sudden, it's normal that they can't accept it. They'll be fine after a fight."

Lu Ze was somewhat unconvinced. "If they continue fighting like that, wouldn't they destroy the interior of the spaceship?"

These two students were not considered weak, and both had Abstruse Martial State level two strength.

Usually, with this level of strength, as long as they stand firmly and fight steadily, they would definitely be able to pass. It was clear that they had issues with their temperament.

However, this was their own problem, and Lu Ze was not related to them in any way, so he obviously wouldn't care too much.

He was only a little worried. With that destructive force, wouldn't they destroy the interior of the spaceship?

If they weren't careful and destroyed a critical circuit, then the spacecraft might fail or even explode, wouldn't they freeze in the cosmos?

If he ended up freezing, the federal would have lost a morning sun, right?

This was a super huge loss to the federal, and his heart was aching so much that he couldn't breathe.

With that thought, Lu Ze suddenly panicked.

Margaret saw how worried Lu Ze looked and burst out laughing. "How could the Federal University's spaceship be destroyed so easily?"

While she was talking, a third-year senior in front had already gone over to separate the two people.

Seeing the nasty expressions on those two people's faces, nobody said a word and merely walked past them.

This little episode didn't affect the others much. Margaret suddenly said to Lu Ze, "Oh right, I have to thank you, junior schoolmate, for what happened this time. If not for you, I might not receive such a huge reward."

Lu Ze smiled. "Senior schoolmate is already very strong from the start. It's normal that you received a reward like this."

Margaret smiled when she heard that. "Junior schoolmate really knows how to praise people. If there's anything in school that you need help with, you can come and find me."

Lu Ze nodded. "Thank you, senior schoolmate."

Lu Ze was still very pleased with himself, after all, Margaret was one of those at the top of the food chain in the senior batch; it was definitely a good thing that he could look for her for help if he needed it.

Everyone chatted casually as they entered the dormitory area. Then, they returned to their own rooms and began training.

After all, they still must make good use of their time and try to improve as much as possible during their time at the Federal University. Subsequently, they would need to work hard again during their military service. By then, they could consider joining the race towards becoming a young duke.

This was the goal for most elite class students, and a well-known figure like Margaret already had the possibility of fulfilling it.

Back in the room, Lu Ze sat cross-legged on his bed and opened his eyes again after cultivating for a while.

He wanted to ask Nangong Jing when would [The Wings of the Wind Divine Art] be in place.

After all, the improvement brought about by a [Divine Art] was simply too huge for him right now. The earlier he gets it, the earlier he would be able to comprehend.

With that thought, Lu Ze pulled out his handphone and sent a message to Nangong Jing.

Previously, in order to explain the admission test, Nangong Jing has added his contact. He didn't expect that this would be useful now.

After some time, Lu Ze received Nangong Jing's message, and his expression became weird after he read it.

This person actually asked him to go to her room?

She wouldn't hatch a sinister plot against him, would she?

Cough, it was impossible. He didn't even have to think about it.

Lu Ze shook his head and went out of the dormitory once again. On the way there, he asked a few staff where Nangong Jing's room was and attracted quite a few weird stares in the end.

After some time, Lu Ze finally arrived in front of Nangong Jing's room.

Lu Ze knocked on the door gently and cleared his throat. "Teacher Nangong, I'm here."

"Come in."

The room door opened automatically, and Nangong Jing's dazed voice came from the room.

Lu Ze entered.

His gaze swept across the room out of curiosity and realized that her place had one bedroom and a living room. In the living room, there was only a simple sofa and coffee table.

At this moment, Nangong Jing was seated on the sofa, drinking alcohol. She seemed to have drunk quite a bit and after she sensed that Lu Ze has entered, she turned to look at him in a drunk and hazy state.

After looking straight at Lu Ze for a few seconds and just as Lu Ze thought she was going to beat him up, Nangong Jing turned her head and began gulping down on her alcohol once again. Then, she sighed with satisfaction. "Ha… how amazing. It was simply too torturous not being able to drink and having to maintain that sternness in front of the students just now."

When Lu Ze heard that, the corners of his lips twitched-he recalled that he was a student as well, eh?

Where's her sternness??

This atmosphere was already very soviet, alright??

Just as Lu Ze was cursing in his heart, Nangong Jing pointed at the sofa by the side in a daze and said, "Take a seat."

Lu Ze went over and sat down.

The second he sat down, Nangong Jing stared at him directly with those intoxicated eyes once again. He got quite flustered.

Just at this moment, Nangong Jing suddenly revealed a kind smile. "Come, let's go to the virtual reality. Let me see how much you have improved during this period of time. If I'm satisfied with your speed of improvement, I will give it to you right now."

It had been a long time since she beat him up, and this fellow was looking at her weirdly just now—he must be having some weird thoughts.

As an outstanding educator, she had a reason to educate this fellow properly.

Nangong Jing forcefully found an excuse for herself, then she looked at Lu Ze with a clear conscience.

When Lu Ze heard that, he was shocked.

This fella is really mean, she actually wants to beat him up again!

And she was going to use the [Divine Art] as bait —she was blatantly luring him.

After that, he recalled again that he was very strong now, but yet, he didn't really know exactly what level his combat power had reached.

It wasn't really a bad thing to be competing with this violent drunkard now, huh?

Then, Lu Ze looked at Nangong Jing and had his guard up. "Tell me first, what level of power would you then give it to me?"

When Nangong Jing heard that, she scratched her head and took a few gulps of alcohol again, then said, "When your power reaches 30 apertures."

Nangong Jing thought to herself, 'I have set a small goal for him previously, and he actually managed to hit it in the end.'

'This time, I cannot look down on this boy's talent. More than half a month had passed, with this boy's talent, he might have already reached 20 apertures; I'll just set it at 30 apertures, this would allow me to beat him up for a slightly longer time.'

As for the [Divine Art], if Lu Ze didn't ask, she was planning to give it to him after arriving at the school. But since he asked, she could just buy it first then apply for compensation after that.

A million over academic credits meant nothing to her anyway.

When Lu Ze heard Nangong Jing's request, he pretended to be in a difficult spot and nodded pitifully. "Teacher, you must go lighter on me."

Actually, he was very pleased with himself on the inside. Just 30 apertures, his power was definitely higher than that-he's getting the [Divine Art] for sure!

And this person wouldn't have a reason to beat him up anymore!

Hahahaha, I am truly a genius!


Chapter 230. This Loss of Blood


When Nangong Jing heard the words and saw Lu Ze's hesitant gaze followed by his resolve to try, she couldn't help but feel joy inside.

However, she nodded her head with a gentle expression. "Don't worry, Teacher will be very


Both of them looked at each other and felt pleased with themselves; they both thought that their plans had worked well.

After that, Lu Ze looked at the living room and said, "Teacher, where is the virtual reality


Nangong Jing gulped down the remaining alcohol in the bottle, then casually tossed the bottle towards a corner. The bottle drew a huge arc in the air and finally landed stably in the corner with a pile of bottles—it didn't even shake at all.

Lu Ze looked in the corner. There was a total of six bottles lined up neatly in two rows.

His twitched—this person actually drank six bottles of alcohol in such a short time?

You don't even drink this much water, do you?

He really didn't know where all the alcohol in this person had gone.

After Nangong Jing tossed the bottle to the corner, she stood up. "Get up, I'll get the stuff out."

When Lu Ze heard that, he stood up from the sofa and walked to the side.

Nangong Jing kept the sofa into her storage ring, then retrieved two virtual reality pods from it.

Looking at two black virtual reality pods side by side, Lu Ze's face stiffened. He looked at the flushed-red and drunk Nangong Jing speechlessly.

'So this person actually had it all planned!'

Thankfully he was stronger now, otherwise, he would be beaten up again for sure.

Lucky, very lucky.

After adjusting the virtual reality pods, Nangong Jing and Lu Ze entered and connected to the network inside. Then, both of them appeared on the huge virtual martial arts platform.

Nangong Jing wore a black bodysuit that outlined that slender hot figure of hers, and her beautiful black hair cascaded down to her waist; coupled with a delicate face, she was as attractive as a black lotus.

Of course, if this person's face didn't look drunk, it would have been better.

As an advanced civilization's invention, virtual reality could perfectly replicate both motion sensing and situation perfectly.

Lu Ze realized that his [God Art] could also be used here, except for the small [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and mental dimension which cannot be used.

As Nangong Jing's opponent, Lu Ze was dressed in a white bodysuit-he looked dashing

The two of them were hundreds of meters apart. Lu Ze looked uneasily at Nangong Jing, who was still in a drunken state. "Teacher, could you not use too strong force, yeah? We agreed on 30 apertures, right?".

Nangong Jing clenched her fists slightly when she heard that. "Of course, I mean what I said. Don't worry. It'll only be 30 apertures for sure."

As she spoke, a gold light flashed in her eyes, and a smile of excitement surfaced on her face. She tapped the ground with the tip of her toe and disappeared instantly as she charged toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was somewhat speechless when he saw Nangong Jing's excited smile.

'This person isn't a sadist, is she?'

Nangong Jing used 30 apertures of power, and Lu Ze naturally wouldn't burst into full strength either. A hint of light flashed in his eyes. Subsequently, a green breeze appeared behind him.

Suddenly, a surging force poured out from Lu Ze's body. The breeze gushed all around, causing Nangong Jing's long black hair to dance in the air as she got near him. At the same time, it also caused Nangong Jing, who was initially flushing red and excited, to be slightly taken aback.

'Something feels off, eh?'

Lu Ze's sudden burst of strength had awakened Nangong Jing from her drunken stupor.

"There's something wrong with this script, this fella's strength was already close to 30 apertures!'

'How could it be?!'

'This chap is improving too quickly eh?'

Just as Nangong Jing was in a daze, Lu Ze smirked and clenched his right fist as he attacked Nangong Jing's belly.

There were green wind blades on top of his fist, they whistled as they rotated and were very sharp-they looked really painful.

Lu Ze did not show mercy to the opposite sex at all. You must be joking, this violent woman didn't need his mercy at all. It was already a blessing that she didn't beat him up.

The surging force swayed the air and let out a thunderous tremor.

Nangong Jing came to her senses at this moment. She looked at this fist coming towards her belly and curled her lips into a smile as a gold light flashed across her eyes.


A beast's roar echoed from within her body, then her right hand swiftly blocked Lu Ze's fist, and strands of gold light flashed around her fair and slim palm. Her body was like jade.


Their fists met, and the collision of terrifying forces reverberated. The aftershock became wild winds, but there wasn't a crack on the ground.

Nangong Jing hastily blocked Lu Ze's fist. With her toes pointed to the ground for support, her left fist swung and greeted Lu Ze's face.

Lu Ze was fuming. 'Hey! You don't hit people on their faces when you're fighting!'

He was only aiming for her tummy, alright?

He didn't even dare to hit her chest, afraid that this violent woman would rage.

Lu Ze raised his left palm toward Nangong Jing's left wrist.

In the end, the moment he came into contact with Nangong Jing's left wrist, he was rid of his strength, and Nangong Jing's fist continued to swing without a drop in strength.

The wind from her swinging fist surged and gave Lu Ze's face a piercing pain. The light beneath his eyes flashed, and his strength increased once again. The tip of his toes touched the ground, and his body disappeared.

After that, Lu Ze's body appeared behind Nangong Jing. His right leg turned into a black shadow and swept toward the side of Nangong Jing's slender waist.

Nangong Jing felt the momentum, a hint of surprise appeared in her eyes, and she couldn't help but use the strength from her entire body as she swept past Lu Ze.

Lu Ze felt a tightness around his chest, then his body was sent flying by Nangong Jing's strength.

Nangong Jing didn't continue attacking after she sent him flying, she merely looked at him in surprise.

She had slightly increased the amount of strength used for that attack just now, it was already over 30 apertures of power.

So she naturally didn't continue.

But she didn't expect that Lu Ze's power had already exceeded 30 apertures, and it seemed like this fella hasn't used his [Fire God Art]??

Which means that this fella's power might be way over 30 apertures??

This increase is too quick, isn't it??

At first, Nangong Jing even thought that this fella's rate of improvement had slowed down; she didn't expect that he actually improved so quickly that she couldn't even process that information.

Lu Ze flew backward over a hundred meters before stopping. He rubbed his slightly aching chest and couldn't help but sigh.

When he saw Nangong Jing looking at him in shock, Lu Ze smiled. "Teacher, I've met the requirement, right? You can give me the [Divine Art] now, yeah?"

Nangong Jing did not reply, she suddenly disappeared, and before Lu Ze could react, he felt a strong force around his neck.

Then, he was enveloped with a faint fragrance and felt something soft against his left cheek.

This, this feeling is…

His brain had not reacted yet when he felt an intense pain on his forehead, it was so painful that his tears were on the verge of coming out

-it felt as if a huge bump had grown on his head.

After that, Nangong Jing's voice that was burning with a frenzy of rage came over. "Brat, how dare you trick me!"

As she yelled, Nangong Jing couldn't help but reach out and flick hard on Lu Ze's forehead with force; it hit right at the same spot just now.

Adding more pain on top of the initial painthis wasn't simply a problem of one plus one.

"Ahhhhhhh~ Teacher, Teacher, stop! My head hurts!!"

Nangong Jing held Lu Ze by the neck with her right hand, and Lu Ze could only move his arms, he could not escape at all.

He was determined to train well—he will remember this feud for life!

Hearing Lu Ze's shouts, Nangong Jing finally let him go.

The second Lu Ze got his freedom, he immediately pressed on his forehead.

'Ss, what a huge bump.'

'It hurts so badly!'

It was so painful that he didn't even have the time to figure out exactly what that soft thing was before his entire being was shocked by the pain.

Tsk, this loss of blood!

Thankfully, his physical body was strong enough. Coupled with his [God Art], the bump on his forehead disappeared in just a few breaths.

Lu Ze raised his head and looked at Nangong Jing

In the end, he saw that this woman was pissed off as she stared at him with arms crossed which made him overjoyed.

I got my [Divine Art]!

"Cough, Teacher, can you give me the [Divine Art], then?"

When Nangong Jing heard that, she felt a painful sensation in her heart and wasn't happy about it.

Although she intended to give it to him from the start, she just didn't feel very satisfied as she didn't get to give him a good beating.

It feels really good beating this chap up.

But this thinking merely appeared in her head for a moment. She raised her brows and stared straight at Lu Ze. "Young man, you should have some sort of [God Art] related to cultivating, don't you? Otherwise, it's impossible for you to improve so quickly, even your [God Art] has become stronger."

When Lu Ze heard that, he didn't deny it. "That's right."

Things such as [God Art], awakening, and understanding were personal.

Even though Nangong Jing was drunk, sloppy, and even wanted to beat him up, she had always taken good care of him, so Lu Ze didn't intentionally hide anything from her.

After hearing what Lu Ze said, Nangong Jing's mouth twitched-she didn't expect that this fella would really have this aspect of [God Art].

Also, from this fella's speed of improvement, the level of this sort of [Cultivation-Type God Art] should be quite high, it might even be stronger than her [God Art].

At this moment, Nangong Jing suddenly recalled that blue-haired girl.

Alice's [God Art] belonged to the top [God Art] in the universe. Unfortunately, it was not awakened; otherwise, when Alice grows up, she would be of great help to humans.

Her father also held on to that glimmer of hope and went out to look for awakening energy.

Too bad she wasn't strong enough, otherwise, she would have helped too.

After all, she knew Alice since she was little, and she had always treated Alice as her own little sister.

With that thought, Nangong Jing didn't think further.

She would get agitated when she thought too much about Alice's issue.

After that, Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze and said, "Actually, your performance on the battlefield had already been noticed by the higher-ups. Knowing your experience, they had already guessed that you might have awakened some kind of powerful [Cultivation God Art]."
