Chapters [231-232]

Chapter 231. Teacher, You Need to Listen to My Explanation!


The higher-ups naturally had engraved Lu Ze's experience in their minds. All of the videos on Lu Ze was merely just a show for the outside to watch.

In the beginning, when Lu Ze was being recommended into the university, he had yet to enter the eyes of the higher-ups. Federal University only thought that Lu Ze should have awakened some sort of [Unique God Art] related to cultivation.

It was only after witnessing Lu Ze's performance on the battlefield did the higher-ups begin to pay more attention to Lu Ze.

After all, he was a fourth level prodigy who had the power of Aperture Opening State, and only two months had passed.

The time frame was too short, and thus, the only reasonable explanation was him having a [God Art].

Furthermore, it was definitely an extremely strong [God Art].

As a result, many higher-ups surmised that the [God Art] Lu Ze had awakened from the very beginning was an extremely powerful [Cultivation Type God Art].

It was comparable to the [God Art] related to the rapid growth of the physical bodies that some prodigies of the elf race would awaken.

This was also the reason why Lu Ze was directly promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Prodigies were too important to the race, especially for a prodigy like Lu Ze, they will always obtain preferential treatment.

What Lu Ze was unaware of was the fact that countless higher-ups were actually quarreling awfully over him.

But in the end, after considering various reasons, all of them agreed for Lu Ze to remain in Federal University's elite class.

After all, he was currently still too weak, and staying there would give him the opportunity to grow.

Lu Ze nodded his head, "My [God Art] is indeed related to cultivation. It requires my personal strength to improve as it increases."

After all, if he wanted to obtain even stronger [Light Orbs] inside the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], he had to improve his own strength in order to hunt stronger beasts.

And although he had improved greatly in two months and had substantially strengthened himself, there were still stronger beasts within.

The universe was too huge, and there were more than one or two Planetary State races. Top grade races were even stronger, and thus, the human race placed more emphasis on such prodigies.

Lu Ze never thought of hiding his abilities, nor was he able to conceal them forever.

He would only obtain benefits just by hiding the truth of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and explaining it as a [God Art].

As the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] could be covered up so well to the extent of concealing his training time, Lu Ze felt extremely settled and had no worries about it getting exposed.

Upon hearing that, Nangong Jing nodded her head and patted Lu Ze on the back. "If that is the case, our Federal University has gained plenty from this. Right, how strong are you exactly? Let me take a look."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up upon hearing Nangong Jing's words. Indeed, there was a need for him to thoroughly understand his present strength. If he himself was unsure of it, then who knows if someone might go overboard in courting disaster?

But he looked at Nangong Jing and replied, "I have indeed improved my powers recently…"

Nangong Jing immediately understood Lu Ze's meaning and rolled her eyes. "I've seen all sorts of things, isn't it just a mere increase in strength? Bring it."

Lu Ze immediately felt that Nangong Jing was undoubtedly a young and tyrannical duke.

With that, all the power in his body burst forth

—[Fire God Art], [Wind God Art], [Lightning God Art], [1st Body God Art], and the sixfold increase [Strength God Art]. All of them started to stir.


A raging aura immediately surged from Lu Ze's body.

When Nangong Jing saw the wind, flames, lightning, and dark clouds gleaming around Lu Ze, her eyes opened wide uncontrollably along with her mouth.

She had never witnessed such a scene before. This increase in strength was too much, wasn't it?

But upon recalling her own words, she forcibly suppressed her surprise.

Sensing Lu Ze's raging power, she frowned slightly and spoke, "Come, attack me."

Lu Ze nodded his head. "Then I'm coming, Teacher, be careful."

Nangong Jing waved her clenched fist at him. "You stinking brat, cocky now, aren't you? With that bit of strength, you won't be able to move me even if I stand here stationary."

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

That's too heartless, right?

But he did not say a word. Slightly bending his knees, he stepped forward.


The ground that he was unable to fracture the last time actually had spiderweb-like cracks all over. Lu Ze's body transformed into light as he disappeared from his original spot.

He appeared at Nangong Jing's right and unleashed his right fist with all the various [God Arts] revolving around it and emitted a palpitating aura.

Lu Ze looked at the faint smile on Nangong Jing's face as a flicker of light flashed in his eyes. He smirked and his expression turned ice-cold as he performed a twist and unleashed a punch.


Another reverberating explosion came out. The remnant power of the fists streaked in the air as a burnt smell was produced by the combustions. Winds swept about in chaos by the tornado alongside the flashes of thunder and lightning

This fist was enough for third-year students to feel overwhelmed.

But this powerful fist was gently stopped by Nangong Jing's deft hands. The surging power was completely locked down without a shred being leaked.

Lu Ze maintained his stance as Nangong Jing's jade-like hands grabbed onto his fist. The two glanced at each other as the tension came down.

Lu Ze: "…"

Seeing the indifferent smile on Nangong Jing's face, he looked at his fist that was halted. Lu Ze could no longer maintain his ice-cold expression.

So awkward!

My all-out fist was actually grabbed, just like that?

Lu Ze was at a loss, am I too noob?!

When he saw Nangong Jing's indifference, he had planned to show off his strength.

But in the end, he did not even have any strength to use against her!!

Lu Ze was once again forced to acknowledge the fact of his noobness.

Following that, he looked towards Nangong Jing and gave an awkward laugh. "Then, Teacher, what do you think? How's my power?"

Nangong Jing slowly released Lu Ze's fist and glanced at him in disdain. "Just 101 apertures of power, too noob."

Even though she had said that, Nangong Jing's heart was filled with shock.

It had to be known that Lu Ze's power right after leaving the 25th planet was merely over 10 apertures.

That meant that in a short span of 10 days, Lu Ze had gained over 90 apertures of power. This was far faster than what she had ever obtained.

It seems that there isn't anyone in history that could improve so quickly, right?

When Lu Ze heard Nangong Jing's reply, he could not help but reveal a smile.

That could not be considered his full strength yet, after all, he still had a sevenfold and eightfold increase in the [Strength God Art], as well as the protective 1st shield he had yet to utilize.

If it was a real battle, his true power should reach 120 apertures, that was even higher!

That meant that in a short span of dozen-odd days, he had increased his power from six apertures to 120 apertures!

I am truly a prodigy!

Lu Ze immediately recovered from his disappointment.

I am simply too strong!

Right at this time, Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze and asked, "Are you able to maintain the speed of your improvement?"

Upon hearing that, Lu Ze scratched the back of his head. "No, there are times when I can improve quickly and times where it slows down."

If he could, he wished to be able to improve that quickly, but it all depended on whether or not the dimension gave him face or not.

When will I be able to encounter a severely injured [God Art] beast? That is the time I can fly.

Otherwise, he would have to continue running on the ground, but his running speed would gradually increase.

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes as though slightly speechless. She then asked, "Is your control over this [God Art] not too stable? Why is it inconsistent and became faster recently?"

Lu Ze scratched his chin and puffed up his chest. "Who knows, maybe because my stances while training recently became more suave?"

He can't explain that he actually picked up leftovers in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], right?

Nangong Jing's face gradually revealed a smile that looked as though she was about to beat someone up.

When Lu Ze saw her expression, he immediately felt the need to change his reason.

His mind moved quickly, and he pondered on it earnestly. After analyzing it calmly, his eyes lit up—there was another good reason.

"It must be because I was severely injured on the battlefield, so maybe my [God Art] will erupt and work extremely quickly after recovering from serious injuries."

Lu Ze felt that the reason was logical.

Nangong Jing's lips twitched when she heard that.

Didn't this fella know that Nangong Jing had watched plenty of action anime from the earth era because of [God Arts]?

Her smile gradually became gentle. "If that is the case, then let Teacher help you activate your [God Art]."

Lu Ze was startled upon hearing that and looked at Nangong Jing's gentle smile suspiciously. "How does Teacher plan to activate it?"

Does she have some sort of luck attribute abilities?

This would increase his chances of encountering severely injured beasts in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

"Simple, I'll beat you until you're half dead, then you will recover by using the [Recovery God Art]. Won't that make the state of your [God Art] explode? I have the utmost confidence in my control, so relax, I won't kill you."

Lu Ze: "…"

He opened his eyes wide and stared at Nangong Jing in disbelief.

You can actually think of such a method?

It was truly a blind spot!

He did not expect that the violent woman would actually think of such a thing.

But as she was constantly thinking about beating him up, the idea was in no way weird.

He looked at Nangong Jing's anticipation and immediately blurted out, "Wait a minute! Teacher, you need to listen to my explanation! In fact, I don't know why, but I can assure you that it isn't because of being severely injured. Believe me!"

He was not a masochist and naturally would not want to be beaten.

Nangong Jing was originally joking, so when Lu Ze explained it as so, she no longer pursued the matter. Regardless, Lu Ze's rise in power was a good thing.

Following that, she changed the topic. "Let's head out, I'll buy you a [Divine Art]."

With that, her figure disappeared from virtual reality.

Lu Ze was startled. The [Divine Art] had not been bought?

But since Nangong Jing was already out, he followed along.

Outside, Nangong Jing taught Lu Ze how to register on a brand new website called Dawn Network

This website was an internal website shared by all the prestigious schools in the Dawn System.

As countless rewards were for public use in the schools, for example, the dao enlightenment room, all the academic credits were drawn up and formulated in accordance with the collaboration between the various schools.

Of course, every school had its own resources, for example, qualified teachers and unique resources distributed to the students, etc.

The website used his identity as an account. After registering, Lu Ze found that his identity was already a first-year student of Federal University's elite class.

It also stated his 10,000 academic credits, which was his military drill reward.

At the same time, there was a mail that had not been opened. He checked the sender and saw that it was Nangong Jing.

At this time, Nangong Jing stopped moving after using her own academic credits to purchase [The Wings of The Wind Divine Art] for Lu Ze. Her plan was to explain to the school and apply for Lu Ze's reward to be compensated as academic credits that would be transferred to her.


Chapter 232. [Divine Art] Is Actually Learned This Way??


Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze and said, "Have you seen the mail?"

Lu Ze nodded. "En."

"Open it, and the [Divine Art] is inside. Oh right, you're not allowed to pass it on to others, or you'll have your credit value deducted.

Credit value was an indicator that every Federal citizen had, and if you do something wrong in public or against the law, your creditworthiness will decrease.

Of course, if you break the law, there were all kinds of laws and regulations, and even prison time waiting for you.

And if your credit value is too low, you'll have a hard time finding a job or even a partner. After all, job seekers wouldn't want to hire someone with all sorts of criminal record, the same goes for looking for a partner.

There were always people who did too many wrong deeds which caused them to have too little credit value, and they end up in a bad place or even wind up as super-criminals like space pirates and such.

As a law-abiding good citizen, Lu Ze's credit value was naturally full.

After hearing what Nangong Jing said, he nodded slightly then asked curiously, "It doesn't matter that you pass it on to me like that?"

Nangong Jing smiled. "I've made an application to the school already."

When Lu Ze heard that, he didn't speak any further.

'I owe this person another favor again, and I've no idea how to return them.'

He tapped to open the [Divine Art] mail, and then, he became completely stunned.

There was a text document with a total of over 3,000 pages—it was filled with words, and the document stated that the total number of words was 3,200,000.

Although the text of the interstellar era and earth era were slightly different, it was generally quite similar.

Lu Ze: "…"

He looked at the document covered in words. His mind went blank.

Is he really looking at the [Divine Art Cultivation Method]??

Isn't this a novel?

Isn't this the equivalent of a textbook with over three million words??

Oh my god!

Lu Ze suddenly had a headache.

'Tsk, it must be the after-effects of being hit by that woman.'

Nangong Jing took a mouthful of alcohol then sighed with satisfaction and said, "As we aren't qualified to create a treasure or occasion of [Divine Arts] to pass on, we can only record them through words. But with things like [Divine Art], using words to explain it precisely was very challenging, so even if one buys a [Divine Art], he or she might not be able to master it, and just trying to master it would require a lot of energy."

Lu Ze's head hurt even more after listening to Nangong Jing

One might not even be able to master it after reading so many words?

This was awful, Lu Ze suddenly had the urge to give up.

But when he thought about all the rewards he spent to get this, Lu Ze could only grit his teeth, hold back his tears, and continue listening to Nangong Jing.

After Nangong Jing saw the shock and despair on Lu Ze's face, she smiled and patted hard on his shoulder. "Brat, you must have more confidence in yourself. I believe that you can do it! With your talent, mastering this [Divine Art] shouldn't be hard."

With that said, she paused before continuing, "Even if you can't master it, it would be of great help to your [Wind God Art], so you still wouldn't lose out."

After hearing what Nangong Jing said, Lu Ze nodded.

He had used the 1st shield from those four runes before, and naturally, he knew that the process of understanding [Divine Art] was exactly the understanding and application of

However, he was still somewhat dumbfounded. "But aren't there too many words? A few million?"

He didn't expect that [Divine Art] was learned in this manner??

A [Wind Divine Art] required a teaching material of a few million words ah!

This is a bit too much, right?

When Nangong Jing heard that, she seemed to have recalled an unbearable memory or something. She said with a nasty expression, "A few million words is a lot? Fallen star fist has 21 billion words, did I complain at all??"

She was still learning the fallen star fist right now, and she felt like her brain was trembling just looking at all those words.

Seriously, she read until she wanted to vomit.

Although the higher the level of a martial artist, the higher his or her IQ, but this was the use of a [God Art], so it was obviously hard to understand, even high-level martial artists would go crazy looking at it.

Lu Ze: "…"

This was the first time he saw this expression of hers, and he wanted to laugh, but he just couldn't.

His face was probably like that as well, huh?

Both of them looked at one another and suddenly felt sympathy for each other.

Then, Nangong Jing continued, "Alright, I've given you the [Divine Art], and even though I don't know [Wind God Art], the usage of [God Arts] would more or less have similar points, so you can come to me if you have any problems."

As Nangong Jing spoke, she retrieved another bottle of alcohol from the storage ring again and gulped it down like she didn't intend to continue talking

This chap caused her to recall the fear of being dominated by the 21 billion words of the fallen star fist and immediately felt her liver hurting.

Lu Ze was speechless as he watched Nangong Jing gulped down the alcohol without a word. Subsequently, he said, "I'll make a move first, then."

He got the [Divine Art]. It was time to leave.

It was better to keep a distance from this violent alcoholic, in case he gets beaten up again.

"Ah, right, help me throw those bottles of alcohol."

Nangong Jing seemed to have recalled something and pointed at the neatly arranged bottles at the corner.

Lu Ze: "…"

The green light in his eyes flashed and used the [Wind God Art] to make those bottles float to his side, then looked at Nangong Jing without any expression. "Do you still need me to throw anything else?"

Nangong Jing shook her head and waved. "Go


As she spoke, she gulped another mouthful of alcohol.

Lu Ze turned around and walked out of the room, then tossed all the bottles into the bin at the side of the corridor.

After that, he went back into his own dormitory happily.

He got the [Divine Art]!

Next, he would have to cultivate!

He sat on the bed, opened up the mail that Nangong Jing sent him, looked at the three million over words in the document, and his lips couldn't help but twitch.

He forcefully suppressed the desire to close the document and began reading it seriously.

The start of the document was a few simple [Wind God Art] usage methods.

Someone reading this with no knowledge of [Wind God Art] may be very confused, but for Lu Ze who already had a good understanding of [Wind God Art], he could still understand.

However, the more Lu Ze read, the more obscure the content became, just like the case with the 1st shield.

The only difference was that the secrets of the [1st Shield Divine Art] were all transmitted directly into his mind, and it was much easier for him to comprehend.

Right now, he had to extract the secrets from the text bit by bit and remove some unimportant information before he could possibly master the [Divine Art].

He had no choice, humans' development only happened recently, and it was already a feat getting the [Divine Art]. If he wanted to establish a continued tradition, it would need more time.

It was challenging, but it can be overcome.


Lu Ze's mental power swept across this small mental dimension and a cluster of bright purple light floating inside disappeared, turning into cool energy nourishing him.

After that, his mind entered a state of extreme activity. His power of understanding increased greatly, and his mind became very clear.

Lu Ze used only one out of three of the [Purple Orbs] that the huge black tiger dropped and kept two in case he needed them, he didn't expect to use it right now.

He looked at the document once again, and the initially confusing content became much easier to understand.

The usage of the [Wind God Art], the secrets of [The Wings of The Wind Divine Art]—Lu Ze picked out all sorts of information from the text, then categorized, summarized, and engraved them into his mind.

His knowledge of the usage of the [Wind God Art] kept increasing

Gradually, Lu Ze was completely immersed in learning the wings of the wind.


Four days later, Lu Ze, who was immersed in learning, was awakened by a knock on the door.

He rubbed his tired eyes that hadn't shut for four days and sighed.

He was a little excited.

Four days later, he finally managed to finish reading this darn document of over three million words!

It's really so hard!

It was so many times harder than advanced mathematics during the earth era!


It wouldn't be able to stop a clever super genius like him no matter how hard it was!

Although he couldn't totally master the wings of the wind like how he did with the 1st shield, he already had one foot inside the door.

He could already use the wings of the wind now. It's just that his increase in speed might be lesser.

'I'm really too strong ah!'

Lu Ze was pleased with himself.

Lu Ze really wanted to know how fast his speed was after using the wings of the wind, but he was in a spaceship, after all, and could not apply it to its fullest extent. He could only suppress the excitement in his heart and wait until he got off the spaceship.

Just as Lu Ze was thinking about all these, there was another knock on the door.

At the same time, Ian's voice came out. "Ah Ze, we've already entered the Dawn System and will be reaching school very soon. Are you coming out?"

When Lu Ze heard that, he was stunned and turned to look outside the window.

In the far distance outside the window, two huge fireballs were burning in a deep dark vacuum, emitting light and heat.

These were the two stars of the Dawn system.

We've already arrived at the Dawn system?

Lu Ze looked at the two huge stars and smiled, there were anticipation and excitement in his eyes.

A few days ago, while Lu Ze and the others were chatting with senior schoolmate Margaret and the rest, they had already told them about the Dawn System.

Dawn system was a huge twin star system.

There was a total of 2 suns and 36 planets.

Of the thirty-five planets, each has two to four famous schools, and the entire Dawn System had a total of 108 famous schools, so it was also known as the Academy Galaxy.

The Federal University and the Emperor Capital Academy were the two strongest among the prestigious schools and were located on the sixth planet, Planet Venus.

The first of the 36 planets was called Planet Jinyao, which was the planet where the Jinyao sage, one of the four [Divines of the Human Race], was located.

The Dawn system was too important, after all, most of the outstanding talents were located here.

If something happened here, then humans may have a declining number of talents in the next hundreds of years or even longer.

This was fatal for a new, weak race.

Therefore, this galaxy was guarded by the Jinyao sage.

And the Jinyao planet he was at had all sorts of public treasures of the Dawn System, such as the room of enlightenment and so on.
