Chapters [237-238]

Chapter 237. Couldn't Continue With the Act


Bo Yibo saw the look on Lu Ze's face. It was the expression of refusing to admit defeat. Bo Yibo was slightly stunned. The respect in his eyes deepened.

With this character, no wonder junior Lu Ze was so strong. He must have gone through many setbacks and didn't choose to give up, right?

Then, he nodded. "Alright! Since junior Lu Ze insists, I shall continue. It'll be the fifth level next! Junior Lu Ze, you must be careful!"

In the fifth level of strength, he had to start using [God Art].

His [God Art] was [Gold God Art], and after using the [God Art], his knife ray and blade martial arts skills would be more formidable. At the same time, they will become sharper and be able to conquer every obstacle.

He flipped his right hand slightly, and a sword appeared in his palm.

With a sword in hand, Bo Yibo's aura changed, and he became sharp and domineering.

"Careful, junior Lu Ze!"

He looked straight at Lu Ze, the sword in his hand gave off a faint golden glow, then he launched his attack toward Lu Ze.

Overlord blade!

It was the overlord blade as well, but it was completely different due to the [Gold God Art].

A knife ray of hundreds of meters swept across the sky and let out an ear-piercing whistle in the air.

Lu Ze's [Wind and Fire God Art Barrier] immediately shattered. He raised his brows, and the [Wind and Fire God Art] that was doubled in strength formed on his right fist.

He waved his right fist, and it collided with the knife ray.


The shockwaves wreaked havoc in the arena.

When the shockwaves dissipated, there were a few wounds that appeared on Lu Ze's body, his face was paler, and he kept gasping for air.

Lu Ze felt that this wasn't enough, so he coughed dryly and vomited a mouthful of fresh blood. His voice was slightly hoarse. "You're a third-year senior, indeed. I've already used my secret technique. I think I won't be able to block the next wave, but I will not admit defeat!"

Bo Yibo was doubtful at first, but when he saw that Lu Ze had already coughed out blood and seemed to have used his secret technique to increase his strength, he pushed away his suspicions.

He smiled. "Junior Lu Ze, you shouldn't be risking your life just for 5,000 academic credits, why don't we…"

"NO! Senior, that's enough! I will not admit defeat!"

Lu Ze hurriedly interrupted him-it wasn't easy for him to force out a mouthful of blood, alright?

It was all for the 5,000 academic credits!

When Bo Yibo heard that, he looked seriously at Lu Ze and said sternly, "Since junior Lu Ze actually has such determination, I won't hold back then!"

Level six power!


The shockwaves dissipated, and Lu Ze was covered in blood. He had lost a lot of blood and was coughing out blood non-stop, he seemed like he was going to die at any moment.

When Bo Yibo saw that Lu Ze didn't fall to the ground, his eyes widened in shock. "Impossible! With this intensity, it's impossible for you to withstand it in your current state!"

Lu Ze lifted his arm to wipe the blood off his mouth, his eyes still revealed an unyielding spirit and he grinned. "You're a senior indeed! But my [God Art] had increased by four folds at the critical moment! So I managed to block another wave. I don't think I'll be able to withstand the next wave, but I will not surrender!"

The freshmen, who were watching outside, had a shock and puzzled gaze when they saw the terrible state that Lu Ze was in.

They were shocked that this chap actually managed to increase his [God Art] by four folds at such a critical moment and puzzled that he was unyielding even under such circumstances – Lu Ze was truly an elite!

Other than being gifted, his character was worth learning from too!

Many girls were moved, and their eyes reddened.

Lu Ze is amazing!

He's truly a strong man!

But a couple of seniors were confused. No matter what, was it really possible to increase four-fold at a critical time like this because of his unyielding character?

But they just felt that something was off?

Did they have a wrong impression?

Only Lin Ling was watching Lu Ze's performance with a blank face.

Nangong Jing was even more dumbfounded. 'Must this chap's acting be so realistic just for a few thousand academic credits??'

'It's like his blood is free-of-charge.'

When Bo Yibo heard that, his eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at Lu Ze who was coughing out blood.

His strength actually increased four-folds at this critical moment??

'Isn't he a little too gifted??'

However, this was already the final wave, and with this chap's current condition, even if his strength had increased four-fold, he wouldn't be able to make it!

He revealed a smile once again. "Junior Lu Ze, the next attack will be level seven power, you wouldn't be able to handle it with your current condition, so why don't you just admit defeat?"

Although he was confident that he wouldn't lose, he still felt a bit nervous on the inside for some reason.

Lu Ze shook his head continuously. "No way!"

Bo Yibo's eyes flickered, and he nodded. He didn't continue trying to convince him.

He just didn't believe that Lu Ze would be able to block this!

Then, Bo Yibo activated his [God Art], and the golden glow intensified; his body's aura kept surging as well.

Level seven!


Bo Yibo's slash was becoming more powerful, and Lu Ze was still using the [Wind and Fire God Art Barrier] to block this wave, then he clenched his fist tightly.

After the shockwaves dissipated, Lu Ze was still covered in blood and kept coughing out blood. He looked as if he couldn't even stand straight and kept swaying.

When Bo Yibo saw that Lu Ze wasn't on the ground yet, he was stunned for two seconds before he called out. "Why aren't you on the ground yet?!"

'There must be something fishy!'

'Otherwise, Lu Ze shouldn't be able to withstand this power with his current strength!'

'But he actually managed to!'

When Lu Ze heard Bo Yibo's words, he was stunned for two seconds as well, then hurriedly said, "I accidentally awakened a [Body God Art] during the critical moment just now… I really didn't do it intentionally. Senior, you must believe me! I will definitely collapse in the next wave!"

Lu Ze panicked a little on the inside.

He realized he couldn't find any other excuses. He can't just say that his strength increased by four-folds before and five-folds this time, right?

Hence, he could only say that he had awakened a new [God Art].

This reasoning seemed better than a consecutive increase in strength, so he simply said that.

After all, this was just level seven, there are still three more later!

This is 15,000 academic credits we're talking about!

His heart would ache if he couldn't get so many academic credits!

There was complete silence after everyone heard what Lu Ze said.

Bo Yibo: "…"

The audience: "…"

Everyone didn't know what to say.

What did he mean by accidentally awakening a [God Art] at the critical moment…?

Even Margaret wanted to charge forward and give this Lu Ze a good beating.

This was simply heartwrenching!

Most importantly, Lu Ze kept promising that he would collapse at the next wave, but in the end, he was still standing after each wave. They didn't trust this chap's words anymore.

Who knew whether this chap would increase in strength once again, accidentally awaken another [God Art] or his [Wind and Fire God Art] might accidentally become stronger, huh??

The freshmen who were initially moved were clutching their chests in silence.

Ah… their hearts shattered.

Bring back the touching moment just now!!

Only Lin Ling was still expressionless and even wanted to laugh.

She already knew how strong this chap was and naturally didn't feel anything.

He had already been exposed just now.

Lu Ze saw how upset Bo Yibo was and wasn't speaking, so he asked softly, "That, senior, shall we continue?"

There were still 15,000 academic credits, he really didn't want to give up.

That's a lot of money!

Bo Yibo was slightly reassured when he saw that Lu Ze was still severely injured.

Although this chap's strength kept increasing, at least he was already severely injured. If Lu Ze doesn't awaken any new [God Art] in the next wave, he could still win.

Even if Lu Ze did awaken something, Bo Yibo felt that he didn't have such a strong power to use it with.

Also, the more the twists and turns there were during this match, the more favorable it was for Bo Yibo. Although Lu Ze kept breaking his heart, there were only benefits for Bo Yibo, there weren't any drawbacks.

… alright, there were still some drawbacks.

He felt as if his heart was about to break into pieces.

Bo Yibo looked at Lu Ze, who seemed like he was ready to ascend to the sky-die—at any moment, and his mouth twitched. "Junior Lu Ze, you're very strong, but are your injuries fine?"

He was worried that if Lu Ze really died, he would be beaten to death by that female alcoholic T-rex!

He merely wanted to complete a plan, he wasn't here to kill!

Lu Ze swayed as he tried to remain standing. He acted like he was using all his strength and shook his head. "I'm fine, even Teacher Nangong isn't stopping us, so it's fine."

Nangong Jing had already taken out a bottle of alcohol and was drinking.

When she heard Lu Ze's words, she gulped down the alcohol and said, "Don't worry, this is your match, I will not interfere, so don't have a psychological burden."

Bo Yibo gritted his teeth. "Since that's the case, I will not hold back, then!"

Level eight!


Another shockwave dissipated.

Bo Yibo stared straight at Lu Ze, who seemed like he was about to fall but did not, and his mouth twitched.

When the audience saw that Lu Ze was still swaying and coughing non-stop, they were silent too.

The entire scene was extremely awkward.

Lu Ze was panicking now, he realized that he couldn't really continue the act.

How could he keep awakening one [God Art] after another…

Anyone would think that something was fishy!

He was still thinking hard whether he should say that he had a sudden increase in strength by five-folds.

But this was too far-fetched. He felt that senior Bo Yibo wouldn't believe him.

Bo Yibo was expressionless as he looked at Lu Ze coughing out blood, and Bo Yibo felt his liver hurting.

This chap can't continue with his special performance, huh??

Bo Yibo was really fooled from the start!

It was simply humiliating!

"Junior Lu Ze, what's the reason this time?"

Lu Ze was deep in thought. Being questioned by Bo Yibo all of a sudden, his mind went blank, and he answered with a guilty conscience, "The… the final radiance of a setting sun [1]?"

Bo Yibo: "…"

Students outside the arena: "…"

The initially awkward atmosphere became twice more awkward.

Everyone was glaring at Lu Ze, who was still trying his best to put on an act and wanted to struggle some more.

They didn't bother saying a word and simply watched in silence at his pretense.

When Lu Ze felt everyone's gaze, he was slightly embarrassed.

He stopped swaying his body gradually and didn't cough out blood anymore. Subsequently, the injuries on his body also recovered with the use of the [Regeneration God Art].

These people's gaze was too piercing. It made him feel so guilty that he simply couldn't go on.

He decided that he would buy a self-help book on acting and become a true movie king!

This time was simply a failure—they actually saw through his act, and this caused his very thin skin to be embarrassed.

Note: (1): A sudden spurt of activity prior to collapsing


Chapter 238. Undertake a Huge Responsibility


Bo Yibo looked at Lu Ze indifferently. "Junior Lu Ze, why aren't you continuing with your acting?"

Lu Ze laughed dryly but felt the pain in his heart when he saw Bo Yibo's emotionless face.

It's over, even this little God of Fortune hates me now.

It's 10,000 academic credits!

To be discovered like that, it hurts so bad I want to die!

Lu Ze seemed to be able to see 10,000 academic credits grow wings and fly away from him.

I'm so tired. I just want to eat.

When Bo Yibo saw the hint of pain in Lu Ze's embarrassed face, his cheek started to tremble.

Did this damned bastard treat me as an ATM?!

How infuriating was that??

Right at this time, Bo Yibo's eyes lit up, a brazen idea had surfaced in his mind!

He gritted his teeth while looking at Lu Ze's awkward face and asked, "Junior Lu Ze, how strong are you exactly?".

If Lu Ze was strong enough, he would earn even more!

Bo Yibo's question was just in line with what the others were wondering. Everyone looked at Lu Ze with disbelief in their eyes.

He had actually accepted Bo Yibo's eighth level strength without any harm.

This strength was far stronger than what he had portrayed on the battlefield!

It was fine if Lin Ling alone had suddenly become so terrifying, but for Lu Ze to become so powerful as well, isn't that a little too exaggerated?

Are all of these newcomers so terrifying??

Lu Ze looked at Bo Yibo when he heard the question and scratched his head, somewhat embarrassed.

After having taken 50,000 academic credits from him, Lu Ze felt that he had to be nice and decided not to strike a blow at him.

So Lu Ze decided to fool him instead.

Right at this time, Bo Yibo continued to speak. "Our competition will continue, as long as you defeat me, I will give the last 10,000 academic credits to you, junior Lu Ze!"

He seemed to have seen through Lu Ze and knew that Lu Ze was after his academic credits!

Upon hearing that, Lu Ze looked at Bo Yibo in disbelief.

This senior… what was he trying to achieve?!

He will give money even if he loses?

If I have known earlier, why would I perform this act so diligently?

We should have gone straight to this!

The performance had exhausted Lu Ze!

Lu Ze looked at the ugly expression of Bo Yibo, who was still in disbelief, and asked, "Really? You will give me academic credits even if I defeat you?"

Bo Yibo looked at Lu Ze's skeptical, face and his mouth started to twitch. "As long as you defeat me, I will give you the last 10,000 academic credits! With your teachers here as witnesses, you think I will renege on the deal?"

Although Bo Yibo was so pissed that his stomach was hurting at the moment, if Lu Ze truly defeated him, his plan might earn him more than what he had anticipated!

Although he would lose some face, compared to the tangible benefits he would gain, so what?

When Lu Ze received Bo Yibo's confirmation, he smiled. "Alright."

If that's the case, this has become much simpler.

If Lu Ze had not been afraid of chasing Bo Yibo away from winning earlier, he would had long posed the question.

Why would he allow everyone to watch on as he performed in such an intricate act?

It caused his face to turn red.

Bo Yibo looked at Lu Ze's smiling and relaxed face as his gradually became solemn.

Agreeing with such confidence and being so relaxed meant that Lu Ze had absolute confidence in himself. This was something Bo Yibo did not overlook.

Even the students outside held their breaths as they watched the two inside the stage with apt attention.

They were still skeptical. Could it be that Lu Ze can actually defeat Bo Yibo?

That is a senior ranked at the top 3!

Ye Mu and the others looked at each other, with their understanding of Lu Ze, he would never make empty promises.

This meant that he actually had the ability to do so!

Complicated looks were plastered all over their faces. This guy's rate of improvement was too

To actually reach such a level!

At the side, runes flashed in Lin Ling's eyes. She stared intently at the stage and did not even blink.

She wanted to see if she still stood a chance!

She did not want to be beaten by Lu Ze every single time. She wanted to perform a reversal!

Luo Bingqing who had maintained silence all the way looked at Nangong Jing who was currently drinking and spoke indifferently. "Nangong, you knew about this already."

Nangong Jing gave a smile and did not reply.

She had personally tested his power!

On stage, Lu Ze and Bo Yibo faced each other.

Bo Yibo looked toward Lu Ze seriously as a gold and sharp light flickered in his eyes. Both of his palms maintained the knife shapes as his spirit force surged. The sharp whitish gold light flickered unsteadily on his hands and produced a sonorous sound.

Lu Ze looked at Bo Yibo's seriousness as the corners of his lips curved upwards slightly. [Fire God Art], [Wind God Art], [1st Body God Art], and sixfold increase [Strength God Art] were activated.

A terrifying aura immediately surged from within Lu Ze's body, causing Bo Yibo's serious face to be replaced with astonishment as he cried out in disbelief:

"How are you so strong? !"

Too powerful!

This fellow that was doing his best to perform previously and immediately became embarrassed after being found out actually wields such terrifying strength??

This strength, isn't it enough to put him in the top five of their class??

But he was a third-year, and the guy was just a new student!

Lu Ze ignored Bo Yibo's reaction as a green light flickered in the depths of his eyes. With a slight movement of his feet, he disappeared from his original spot.

After gaining some enlightenment on [The Wings of The Winds Divine Art], his speed at using [Wind God Art] had become even more skilled. Even if he was not using the [Divine Art], his speed had improved substantially!

Even before Bo Yibo could react, Lu Ze had appeared behind him.

The black metallic light aura on his right hand flickered as wind and fire intertwined and broke through Bo Yibo's defense.

After that, Lu Ze gently patted on Bo Yibo's shoulder, causing him to freeze.

Lu Ze smiled. "Senior, you lost."

The entire place became silent and not a single sound was made.

Cold sweat trickled down Bo Yibo's back as his body was frozen solid.

He only reacted when Lu Ze had placed his palm on his shoulder!

If Lu Ze had any killing intent, he would have died already!

What in the world is that speed??

That's too scary, right???

Everyone outside the stage had their eyes wide open as they stared at Lu Ze in shock.

Even Margaret and the seniors who were more familiar with Lu Ze were no exceptions.

Especially Wang Wenze.

He was slightly weaker as compared to Bo Yibo, but Lu Ze was actually able to defeat Bo Yibo with such ease.

That meant that he was obviously not worthy enough to spar against Lu Ze.

This made his entire body feel bad!

After all, he was one of the earlier batch of students that had gone to the 25th planet.

He knew of Lu Ze's prior standard and strength. What sort of monster was he to be able to grow at such a rate?

Isn't it too fast??

As for Ye Mu and the rest, their mouths started twitching when they saw how relaxed Lu Ze looked. They were completely speechless.

Lin Ling who had maintained her [God Art] to spectate the match the entire time had a look of disappointment.

His growth was too fast!

If it was slower, she would have had some confidence to rely on her [God Art] to fight against Lu Ze.

But he was too fast, even if she could see through his techniques, her body did not have the ability to react in time.

Unless her speed increased by another level.

Nangong Jing and Luo Bingqing looked at Lu Ze in shock.

But their shock was different from the students.

As young dukes, their eyes were far more excellent than theirs.

From Lu Ze's performance, they were able to tell that he had gained a lot from comprehending the wings of the wind!

Luo Bingqing took the initiative and asked, "Nangong, you gave him the wings of the wind?"

Nangong Jing nodded her head and replied somewhat speechlessly, "Four days ago."

This speed of comprehension was too fast!

Luo Bingqing sighed with a hint of excitement in his indifferent tone. "He will have to undertake a huge responsibility in the future!"

"If only he can grow even faster."

Nangong Jing pouted her mouth, somewhat dissatisfied.

Luo Bingqing chuckled. "I overstepped. This is already very good, the foundation is the most important."

Nangong Jing did not continue speaking. This was something everyone understood.

Following that, Luo Bingqing looked over to Bo Yibo and commented, "This student is rather interesting too."

Nangong Jing laughed when she heard that. "He is truly interesting, his way of thinking is good, and his mind works fast."

The entire place was still silent, causing Lu Ze to feel embarrassed by being at the center of attention.

Am I so suave to this extent now?

I feel very embarrassed with all of you looking at me like that.

Following that, he looked at the rigid Bo Yibo and smiled. "Senior, I won."

He had to add a reminder to prevent the other party from reneging on the promise.

Bo Yibo only regained himself when he heard Lu Ze.

He turned and stared straight at Lu Ze with a complicated expression without saying a word.

Lu Ze's heart trembled when he noticed how Bo Yibo was staring at him. He silently took a step back and looked at him cautiously.

"Senior, please conduct yourself well. I'm not that kind of person."

Bo Yibo's mouth twitched when he heard Lu Ze's words. He took a deep breath and laughed. "Junior Lu Ze, your power is astounding. Senior here is not your opponent."

Lu Ze laughed and replied, "There there, senior is very strong too."

It's a mutual bragging business, we should compliment each other.

Bo Yibo did not care about Lu Ze's words. He smiled and took out his phone and transferred 60,000 academic credits to Lu Ze.

"Academic credits have been transferred over to junior, please check if it is correct."

Lu Ze took out his phone and saw that his account had accumulated 70,000 academic credits.

He immediately smiled from the revelation of his credits, I'm rich!

Should I use it all up now, or save it up and purchase other [Divine Arts]?

Lu Ze was at a loss, but quickly nodded his head towards Bo Yibo and smiled. "Thank you senior."

He was touched. This senior before him was such a kind soul to have run over especially just to send him 60,000 academic credits.

A light flickered in Bo Yibo's eyes as he smiled and replied, "I'll give you another surprise in a few days."

Lu Ze was stunned when he heard that.


What surprise?

He looked at the senior strangely with caution in his eyes.

Why is he constantly sending me money?

Is there a conspiracy here?

Bo Yibo saw Lu Ze's strange gaze, and his mouth twitched. Somewhat speechless, he responded, "Don't worry, junior, I do not have such a fetish. It is just your reward."

When Lu Ze heard that Bo Yibo did not have a fetish, he immediately heaved a sigh of relief. It had scared him.

But when he heard that it was a reward, another strange look appeared in his eyes.

Bo Yibo did not explain and laughed. "I have other matters to attend to, so I'll head off first."

With that, he turned to Luo Bingqing and Nangong Jing: "Teacher Luo, Teacher Nangong, I'll be heading off first."

Luo Bingqing waved his right hand and the crystal walls disappeared.

Bo Yibo thanked Luo Bingqing, turned, and flew towards Emperor Capital Academy.
