Chapters [239-240]

Chapter 239. The Privilege of the Elite Class


After Bo Yibo left, everyone looked at Lu Ze with a complicated expression.

This guy actually managed to beat Bo Yibo. This level of power shocked all the students who were present.

It wasn't just the students who had this reaction, even Luo Bingqing looked at Lu Ze strangely. Comparatively, this power was even stronger than his power when he was the same age as Lu Ze.

Only Nangong Jing wasn't too shocked as she already knew Lu Ze's power.

Lu Ze scratched his head in embarrassment and returned to where Lin Ling and the others were.

He smiled at Lin Ling who looked a little lost. "Lin Ling, wouldn't it be better if we don't fight today?"

He really didn't want to fight another round.

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Ze and didn't respond. She just nodded.

Even if she fought, she wouldn't be able to beat Lu Ze.

This was quite upsetting.

But, she wasn't going to give up like this!

She would turn the tables one day.

Then, Nangong Jing said, "Okay, let's head out. Old students, go to your dorms, and new students, go to the space station. There will be people waiting. They will make arrangements for you."

Then, she turned and flew off.

Luo Bingqing glanced at Lu Ze and then flew off in another direction.

As young dukes, they had their own residence and cultivation grounds on this planet. They were separated from the others.

Following their departures, the silent crowd immediately exploded.

Margaret kept nudging Lu Ze's shoulder. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, you're too evil. You improved to this degree silently. With this speed, you will soon surpass me!"

Then, she also looked at Lin Ling. "Your progress is amazing too!"

The people who accompanied them to the 25th planet also agreed.

Wang Wenze said, "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, treat us to dinner! You must! This Bo Yibo isn't weak at all. Your progress is just too fast."

Xilin smiled. "Agreed – Hehe, junior schoolmate Lu Ze's last move made him look very handsome!"

Subsequently, she said with disappointment, "It wasn't that long since we last sparred, but now, you had completely left me behind."

This guy was improving too fast.

When she first went to the 25th planet, she sparred with Lu Ze. He wasn't much stronger than her at that time.

In just a short month, this guy had surpassed her so much.

Lu Ze laughed awkwardly.

Some new students on the side wanted to chat with Lu Ze and the rest, as well as get connected, however, there were too many people, so they could only give up and walk outside the space station.

They were going to study together for four years. There would be plenty of opportunities.

The old students flew toward their dorms.

Margaret smiled. "Okay, go outside the space station first. There will be people arranging your dorms. We'll go back first then."

Gui Yuping smiled. "The dorms of the elite class students in different years are not far apart. It's easy for us to communicate. The elite class has very good privileges, you guys will like it."

Then, they bid their farewells and flew off.

Lu Ze and the others looked forward to Gui Yuping's words.

As one of the two best universities in the Federation, Federal University didn't lack resources at all.

The number of students in the elite class was much fewer than the ordinary class. Their conditions were thus much better.

Since their seniors had exited the area already, Lu Ze and the new students proceeded to head out.

On the way, Lu Ze thought of something and looked at Lin Ling. "Lin Ling, did you not get your dorm yet?"

Lin Ling shook her head. "I just arrived."

Lu Ze nodded. He was curious about where she went, what she did, and how her power increased that much.

However, he thought it was best to ask her privately.

Outside the station, there was a small square that a few hundred meters wide.

There were two hovercars parked there. Each car had a youth clad in a white uniform standing before it.

Seeing the students approach, the one on the right said, "Those who passed the entrance test come to this side."

On the other hand, the one on the left also said, "Those who were demoted to the ordinary class, move to this side."

Those silent students who didn't pass the test stiffened and then silently walked to the left.

After a few moments, no students were approaching the left side anymore, so the youth on the left took off with the dozen freshmen who were in a bad mood.

The one on the right smiled. "Go inside, I'll take you to your dorms."

Then, he opened the door and got in.

Accordingly, the new students followed.

The hovercar activated and floated in the air. It turned a corner before flying off to the direction where those senior students went.

The speed of the hovercar was supersonic. Although it wasn't as fast as Aperture Opening State beings, it wasn't slow.

Lu Ze looked out into the wilderness. He could occasionally see a few strange animals running

He guessed that this area all belonged to Federal University, so it was rather empty.

The youth at the front turned around and smiled. "You've just come to this place. If there's anything you don't know, you can ask me. Although I'm not an elite class student, I'm a 3rd year in the ordinary class. I've been to school for more than two years, so I still know some things."

A good-looking girl said, "Aren't you a working personnel?"

The youth grinned. "I just accepted the mission to lead the way for you guys. There isn't many working personnel at the university. The students have to handle most things by themselves."

"Food for example is sold by those students who learned spirit cooking. Of course, it's all settled with academic points. Weapon forging is the same."

"You've passed the entrance test, so you've all received academic credits, right?"

Everyone nodded. "Academic credit in school is equivalent to money. Everything could be paid with it. From food to martial technique and [Divine Art] and even precious artefacts, as well as the honorary teachers of our school… This is how you get teacher Nangong to teach


"Of course, our school will also assign several missions for an opportunity to earn academic credit. It is similar to the mission I took just now. You can check the Dawn Network to see the specifics."

Lu Ze nodded along with his companions.

Then, someone else asked, "Where are our classes?"

The senior schoolmate smiled. "Other than the compulsory cultivation subjects, you can choose the other courses however you like. There aren't many compulsory classes. The Federal University is rather free. They would leave large amounts of time for students. If you get some mission and need to apply for a leave, you can do that too as long as you finish the compulsory classes and pass the end of semester tests."

Lu Ze felt great. So Federal University was this free?


In that case, it should no problem to skip classes, right?

Of course, as a good and upright youth, Lu Ze doesn't advocate this!

The hovercar went on autopilot and flew extremely fast.

On the way, everyone asked quite some questions, and the senior schoolmate answered them patiently.

Half an hour later, they arrived at a residential


There were many trees here and a number of three-story buildings.

The entire area was split into four small areas. In the center, there was a huge martial arts


At this moment, the lights in three of the small areas were activated.

The senior schoolmate looked at the lights below with a trace of envy. He smiled. "This is the dorm area for the elite class. All of the students have their own respective houses."

"Each one of them has a house…?"

The students widened their eyes.

Although these houses were not as good as what most of their families owned, this was still an accommodation from the school. How come it was so good?!

The senior schoolmate laughed. "Only the elite class get these houses. Ordinary students don't have this. The Federal University has nearly 100,000 students just in the martial arts faculty alone."

The 100,000 ordinary students were considered prodigies in the Federation.

But the elite class students were prodigies amongst prodigies.

Naturally, they were treated better.

This privilege would also entice ordinary students.

The senior schoolmate smiled. "Other than this, the cultivation privileges are the best. It's so much better than what ordinary students get. You will soon realize."

Then, the senior schoolmate stopped at the dark district.

Afterward, the senior schoolmate took out his phone and looked down as he spoke. "The selection of the dormitory is based on entrance test grades. First… is Lu Ze."


Chapter 240. This Wasn't the Future He Planned!


When this senior schoolmate called out Lu Ze's name, he glanced a little longer at Lu Ze.

Not everyone would pay attention to the war and news, but as a student of Federal University, he naturally would have to.

Furthermore, Lu Ze's clip on the battlefield was now circulating on several social media platforms, and its popularity wasn't low either.

Many people hailed Lu Ze as the strongest student among the freshmen.

It could be considered that Lu Ze's fame wasn't small in the entire Federation.

He was quite curious about this junior schoolmate with amazing potential, so he smiled at Lu Ze. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze, you choose first."

Returning a smile, Lu Ze nodded.

Then, he turned to survey the buildings in the vicinity.

He had to admit the environment here was quite amazing. Even though it was just the first-year student's area, the space encompassed more than 10 kilometers. There were quite some trees and bushes, as well as a pond.

In the entire area, about 50 buildings were erected.

The privilege of the Federal University was really amazing!

Lu Ze eventually chose the one next to the pond and near a bamboo forest.

Subsequently, it was time for Lin Ling to choose. She chose the one next to Lu Ze, which was only a few tens of meters away.

Then, Ye Mu and the others made their choices. Given that they belong to the same team, they chose the area closer to the rest as expected.

After everyone was done choosing, this senior schoolmate recorded everyone's building and made house cards for everybody.

He then said, "The things inside the dormitory are brand new. The daily necessities are also provided inside, but if you're not happy with them, you can go purchase what you want on the dawn system. Of course, it would cost academic credits."

After hearing those words, Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

This dawn system was really convenient.

Would it be able to deliver food?

After all, his cooking wasn't good. Alice wasn't here, and his storage wasn't ample. He could only resort to ordering food.

Luckily, he had already talked to Alice, and she would be sending over the second batch of food as soon as possible. Otherwise, he would be left with nothing to eat.

He really hoped her support would arrive soon.

This senior schoolmate continued. "By the way, tomorrow, there will be someone sending the school uniform over. The top 12 in the high school exam will replace those new students who weren't able to pass the entrance test. School starts three days later. You can check your timetables on the dawn system."

"Okay, I won't disturb your rest."

At this point, the senior schoolmate waved his hand and flew off in the hovercar.

After the senior schoolmate left, the new students showed a relaxed smile and went back to their dorms.

Lu Ze and his group also went into their respective houses.

When he entered the building, he inspected the layout.

At the entrance was the living room. A gray couch was placed inside, and a huge screen could be seen on the wall opposite the couch.

On the side was an open kitchen. All utensils were included. Too bad, Lu Ze couldn't cook. Those utensils were probably wasted.

At the same time, there was a toilet on the right side of the living room.

After staring at it for a while, Lu Ze proceeded upstairs. There was a main bedroom and two side bedrooms, as well as a shared bathroom. The main bedroom had its own toilet.

The third level was a room with a virtual reality pod, as well as a storage room.

Lu Ze felt this pod was prepared so students could spar against each other.

However, he didn't go in and check it out. Instead, he went back to the main bedroom and placed his things down.

Lu Ze sent a message home, informing that he was at the university, so as not to worry his parents. Following this, he chatted with Lu Li and Alice for a while in the group chat.

Then, Lu Ze fell into contemplation.

He was immersed in the learning of [The Wings of The Wind Divine Art] that he didn't go in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] in the past days.

Today, he could go in.

Moreover, Lu Ze really wanted to know how fast he could go after he used the wings of the wind.

Although he used a bit of the [Divine Art]'s technique during the match with Bo Yibo, he didn't actually use the [Divine Art].

As a matter of fact, it really wasn't necessary.

After all, Bo Yibo's power didn't require Lu Ze to use a stronger power in order to deal with him.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze was quite curious about the surprise Bo Yibo spoke of.

What would it be?

In the end, he disregarded his thoughts. He shook his head, sat on the bed, and closed his eyes.

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Lu Ze suddenly appeared within a boundless region of grass.

He instinctively used his chi stealth technique and carefully scanned his surroundings. When he saw there was no danger, he felt relieved.

He didn't appear at the same spot in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] every time he entered. In fact, there was one time when he unluckily appeared behind a grey lizard boss who was working hard in the middle of mating

That scene…

Lu Ze's heart went cold.

That was quite horrible.

The light breeze swept across the grass and brushed on Lu Ze's face. Since he had a [Wind God Art], he felt a touch of happiness and a close affinity to it.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and a simple four-stroke rune appeared in his eyes.

Then, the wind spun around his back, and faint illusory green wings appeared.

The feathers were translucent, but they appeared to be coarse.

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes as he felt how the [Divine Art] worked.

He used his mental force, and the wings behind him flapped. He turned into a beam of green light and disappeared.

Lu Ze felt he had fused with the wind. Air made way for him and even pushed him forward.

The distant scene was imprinted in his brain, allowing him to dodge easily.

Lu Ze grinned.

He was nearly twice as fast as before!

With this speed, Lu Ze felt he could perhaps run from a [God Art] boss.

Should he go find a boss and test it?

As soon as this thought came up, Lu Ze extinguished it.

What a joke!

Bosses possessed a power that was usually around 500 apertures. Even if he doubled the speed, Lu Ze wasn't so sure that he would manage to escape.

However, with this [Divine Art], his hunting speed would greatly increase!

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and he used wings of the wind. Along with his mental force, he could sense the surrounding tens of meters.

With this technique, he was invincible!

Lu Ze felt great.

At this moment, his eyes lit up. He flapped to the right.

In a few seconds, he appeared over an area 10 kilometers away.

There was a huge black cat sleeping. Noticing the rhythmic pattern of its breathing, it should be sleeping soundly.

Lu Ze grinned at this scene. It was having such a nice sleep. He would help it sleep forever.

Lu Ze instantly appeared on the back of the huge cat.

Then, wind, fire, and black light flashed. Lu Ze's fist punched with explosive power toward the back of the cat that hadn't reacted yet.


A huge ditch was created on the cat's back. Fist force surged into its body and tore its organs.

This cat happily went into sleep forever ever.


Lu Ze watched the cat slowly turn to dust, leaving just a [1st Body God Art Orb], six [Red Orb] and three [Purple Orbs].

Lu Ze happily collected them.

It was like he opened a mini-map and knew where all the monsters were.

He also had a speed hack to rapidly go to the monster and clear them.

Three days later, Lu Ze couldn't stop smiling as he flew in the air.

With this [Divine Art], his hunting efficiency greatly improved. He had killed 12 beasts that devoured [God Art Shards].

He earned so much!

At the same time, Lu Ze realized that the blue bird boss might really be the weakest boss.

Every time, there were more beasts with [Wind God Art] than the others.

Lu Ze had made a plan. When he grew stronger, he would fight the blue bird boss first.

That way, he could improve his [Wind God Art]. [The Wings of The Wind] would become faster.

If the speed was faster, he could choose whether he should attack or flee.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed before him.

Then, he seemed to have smashed against some flying object. It was so painful that his vision went black.

When his sight recovered, he was back in his room.

Lu Ze: "…"

He blinked his eyes. Did something crash into him and crush him…?

Why didn't his mental force sense it at all?

What was the level of that boss?

Lu Ze felt quite hurt.

This wasn't the same future he planned!

But when he saw the 12 [God Art Orbs], he smiled again.

He would get revenge later.

Cultivation, cultivation!

Lu Ze began cultivating again.

The next morning, two suns rose from the horizon.

Lu Ze slowly opened his eyes.

As his [Wind God Art] grew stronger, he used the [God Art Orbs] up at a faster rate.

He digested six [Wind God Art Orbs] last night.

Accordingly, his mastery of the [Wind God Art] grew stronger.

He got up and looked outside.

The two suns outside the window appeared to be somewhat interesting to Lu Ze.

Both on Earth and Lan Jiang, there was only one star in the sky. This was his first time seeing two.
