Chapters [241-242]

Chapter 241. Bo Yibo's Hundred Times Profit


After looking at the two suns for a while, Lu Ze got bored and went into the bathroom.

After cleaning himself, Lu Ze was planning to open the dawn network and see what was inside.

After all, the last time he checked the site, it was to learn the [Wings of the Wind Divine Art]. He hadn't looked at the other things yet. This site is very important for all the students in Dawn System. He had to be familiar with it.

At this moment, Ye Mu's voice could be heard from downstairs. "Ze, open the door! Something major happened!"

Lu Ze became dazed at his words. Then, he proceeded downstairs and opened the door.

At the door, other than Ye Mu, Xavier, and Ian, Lin Ling and the rest were also there.

Lu Ze let everyone in the living room and asked, "What happened?"

Ye Mu took out his phone and turned on the projection of the phone in order to show a blog post from a forum. "Look at this."

Lu Ze glanced at this. The blog's title was "Shocking! I didn't expect the strongest new student Lu Ze's power reached this level! I tested this personally!"

Author: Bo Yibo.

Lu Ze: "…"

Bo Yibo?

That philanthropic senior?

What was the blog about?

Ye Mu explained, "I saw this on the dawn network this morning."

Lin Ling frowned. "That guy recorded the challenge last night into a video and posted a paid blog. It costs ten academic credit to view it!"

Lu Ze scratched his head. "No one knows me. Who would look at paid posts? It doesn't matter… why are you all looking at me like this?"

Did people really pay to watch it?

Who would be that dumb?

Ye Mu pointed at the views and said, "Look at the large number of people who watched it…." Lu Ze glanced at it casually, and then, he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

He looked at it again.

1.63 million. Lu Ze: "…"

Don't worry!

Let me think!

10 academic credits per person. That would mean 16.3 million academic credits.

Lu Ze: "!!!"

Oh my! That was so much!!

One video could earn 16 million academic credits??

He looked dazedly at Lin Ling. "That can be done? Why would so many people watch it?"

Lin Ling rubbed her head and explained, "The Dawn System has 108 universities. Each school has more than a million students. In total, there are around 100 million students. 10 academic credits isn't a lot."

She rolled her eyes at Lu Ze. "Do you have no idea how famous you are? Articles have been written about you in the Federal Times twice just for an entrance test, including all your other achievements…"

Lin Ling said, "To the students of the Dawn System, a mere mention of your name is enticing enough!"

As Lin Ling said the words, her plump chests palpitated. 16.3 million academic credits…!

It was so huge that she couldn't breathe.

Lu Ze: "…."

He finally realized how famous he was now.

Even if he couldn't do well in martial arts, he could go be an actor…


Lin Ling's veins popped when she saw Lu Ze's face.

What was he thinking?

"Lu Ze!! That many academic credits! Are you just going to let it go?"

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly.

He had a guess.

This was the surprise senior Bo Yibo spoke of, right?

From the looks of it, he wasn't the type to run with benefits. If Lu Ze chased him up, he would have trouble too.

The only problem was how much that senior would give him.

However, that senior was really a prodigy! Using 70,000 academic credits to earn 16 million academic credits.

That was more than two hundred times profit! At this moment, Lu Ze's phone suddenly rang.

Lu Ze saw it was an unknown number. He raised a brow and picked it up.

Bo Yibo's excited voice came out. "Junior Lu Ze, you saw that post, right?"

Lu Ze answered, "Of course."

He felt that if this guy didn't send him half of it, he would need to get a lawyer.

However, Bo Yibo said something he completely didn't expect. "Junior Lu Ze, although I had the idea, I mainly borrowed your fame to earn this much. We'll split, I will get 40%, and you can have 60%. How about



Lu Ze felt dazed. He originally planned to demand just the half from this guy.

Lu Ze fell silent and then nodded. "Okay."

The difference between this and half-half was more than a million academic credits!

This senior was a nice person!

Bo Yibo heard this and felt relieved. He thought Lu Ze was unhappy with the distribution.

His target was a [Metal Element Divine Art]. 40% of 16 million was around six million. This was enough. Although it pained him to give away 60%, he had no choice.

The script was completely different from what he had thought.

If Lu Ze's power was only within ten apertures, the distribution wouldn't be like this.

Lu Ze's power was stronger than his, and he put up the video for profit without Lu Ze's consent. Being able to keep 40% was rather high already.

He was prepared for less but junior Lu Ze was this easy-going.

Bo Yibo felt touched.

He smiled. "Today is the most viral time. There should be more people watching, and we should be able to get around a few million more. We'll split it according to that. What do you think junior Lu Ze?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Sure."

Bo Yibo smiled at his response. "In that case, let's add each other."

Lu Ze agreed and hung up.

Immediately, he felt the oppressive glances he had around him.

Their eyes were filled with envy.

They heard the phone call naturally. 60%. That was more than 9 million!

With the ones to come, it would be over ten million!

Many people wouldn't even be able to earn that much from 1st year to 4th year!

At this moment, Ye Mu shouted, "Ze, you must treat us to food! You must!"

Lu Ze smiled. "Come, everyone has a share. You will get 100,000 academic credits each. It's your starting money. I won't be giving anymore. I'm very poor."

He still wanted to get the [Fire Divine Arts].

That was 700,000 he was giving out. He could still support friends that much.

Everyone: "…"

10 million academic credits and this guy calls himself poor.

They really wanted to beat this guy up.


Lin Ling shook her head. "I don't need it, I can earn it myself."

Ye Mu shook his head. "Me too. I didn't do anything to deserve it."

Xavier scratched his head. "My family taught me not to take advantage of others."

The rest of the girls said they wouldn't accept too.

They were all prodigies and had their own honor.

Lu Ze smiled. "Then, write an I owe you. You can each borrow 100,000 from me. You must repay it within four years. The interest is 10% per annum. How about it?"

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.

With this money, they could buy the things they need and become stronger. Then, earning academic credits would become easier.

They would win from the starting line compared to others.

Only Lin Ling was distraught.

100,000 wasn't a small figure to her. She only had 20,000.

However, she really didn't want to accept Lu Ze's help.

Seeing this, Lu Ze showed an evil smile. "Ahwhat do I do? I have so many academic credits. I can buy whatever resources I want. I can buy a few [Divine Arts], and my power will skyrocket. There's no way noobs like Lin Ling can catch up to me."

Lin Ling: "…" Lu Ze, this bastard!! Her heart ached.

Everyone: "???"

If Lin Ling was a noob, what were they?


Chapter 242. Previous Sage


When she heard Lu Ze's words, Lin Ling finally made up her mind. "I want it too!"

Then, she said, "I will give it back to you as soon as possible."

Her face was red. Lu Ze smiled. "Mhm, work hard."

Subsequently, Lu Ze took out his phone and opened the dawn network. He found that his academic credits surpassed more than 9 million. With such amount, he immediately smiled.

Accidentally, he became wealthy.

But thinking about how the [Fire Clone Divine Art] cost 80 million federal contribution points, his smile disappeared.

He felt his academic credits wouldn't even last a month.

He shook his head and transferred the 100,000 academic credits to each of them.

Then, Lu Ze smiled. "If you can't pay me back, hehehe~ you know what's going to happen."

Ian's face went red as he said timidly, "What's going to happen?"

Lu Ze: "…" He had always felt that there was something wrong with Ian's way of thinking.

After receiving the academic credits, Ye Mu and the rest couldn't wait to start cultivating. They bid Lu Ze goodbye and left his dorm.

They just came over to tell Lu Ze about the blog.

Now that the thing was over and school was about to start, it was better that they cultivated first.

Only Lin Ling stayed.

The atmosphere was silent as they sat on the couch.

Moments later, Lu Ze realized he hadn't looked at his timetable yet.

He asked Lin Ling, "Have you checked your timetable?"

Lin Ling nodded. "The core subjects for the first years are Universal Common Language, Blade Demon Language, Common Elf Language, Elf Cosmic Region and Races, Abstruse Martial State Cultivation Key Points, Core Martial State Cultivation Key Points…"

Lin Ling mentioned more than ten core subjects. Lu Ze's head was about to explode.

He had made up his mind that he wouldn't fail a subject in this life!

Then, Lin Ling said, "By the way, the elite class has a young duke martial arts question-and-answer meeting every week."

Lu Ze felt stunned. "What's that?"

Lin Ling smiled. "Our school has four young dukes as honorary teachers. They would come to answer questions for us once a week. Although quite some of our teachers are Mortal Evolution State and even Planetary State, young dukes are clearly better in terms of talent. They would have a deeper understanding of low-level martial arts questions."

Lu Ze nodded.

The Planetary States at schools were usually those who had no hopes of breaking through. They just wanted to teach the next generation.

In terms of talent, they're clearly far from young duke level prodigy.

But young duke prodigies were busy with cultivation. They would take turns to come, and so each only came once a month.

This was a huge privilege!

Subsequently, Lu Ze asked, "Didn't they say you don't need to attend classes? You just need to pass the end of semester exam?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "That's true, but are you certain you can pass?" Lu Ze touched his chin. He felt Lin Ling was right. He should consider checking the classes out first.

After all, the freshman year was a building foundation. They would learn the languages they needed to know. If not, they wouldn't be able to understand the words of blade demons during the battle.

After these, they would focus on martial arts.

Later on, Lin Ling informed Lu Ze about the privileges of the elite class.

During first year, they would get 300 academic credits a month.

These were for buying resources and other expenditures.

As for earning academic credits, they would need to accept missions at the missions section of the dawn network.

Due to the limited power of first-year students, they could only accept some simple missions that didn't give a lot of academic credits.

There were also rewards for finishing core subjects which ranged from a few hundred to a few thousand academic credits.

If you didn't have enough academic credits, you could also do other classes which also gave you rewards.

Lin Ling told Lu Ze quite some important points, and Lu Ze remembered them all.

Then, Lin Ling said, "By the way, there's also martial ranking, martial trial, and virtual reality battle! These are the main ways for new students like us to earn academic credit."

Lu Ze asked, "What are those?"

"Did you see the virtual reality pod on the third floor?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes."

"If you go in there, you can challenge the martial trial tower. There are virtual opponents from different races. At each level you pass, you can get some academic credits. If you pass enough levels, you can level your ranking on the martial ranking. If you stay on there consistently, you will also get rewards."

"As for virtual reality battle, you can fight other students from the Dawn System. You can set winnings for the battle."

"You will understand more after you enter the virtual reality pod. There's information about this on the dawn network."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. Great!

He felt he could use his current power to earn some credits.

He would go in and play when he was free.

After understanding all this, Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling in a strange manner. "By the way, what is with your current power. How did you improve so suddenly? This doesn't make sense."

Lin Ling's eyes flashed. She knew Lu Ze would ask.

She stared at Lu Ze. "Have you met my great-grandpa? When I went back this time, he kept complimenting you."

Lin Ling was a little annoyed. Her great-grandpa had never complimented her like that.

What was so good about this foodie to deserve such praise from her great-grandpa?

Lu Ze became dazed. He then nodded. "Indeed, I have. Elder Lin gave me the rewards for the insectoids tide. You've already left the Telun system at that time."

Lu Ze was confused too though.

Elder Lin complimented him?

What did he do? Lin Ling nodded. "So that's it."

Then, she frowned. "What did my great-grandpa tell you?" She felt things didn't seem so simple. Lu Ze's face went stiff.

Elder Lin told him to keep pressuring her.

But, should he say that now.

What if Lin Ling got angry at him?

The old man was very nice as well.

Thus, he said, "Elder Ling said you're too prideful and ignorant. Meanwhile, I'm mature and strong, so he told me to look after you."

Lin Ling: "…"

This guy was mature?

Lin Ling wouldn't believe her grandpa said this.

Lu Ze's reply made Lin Ling more suspicious.

Lu Ze quickly changed the topic. "Stop changing the subject! Tell me what happened to you?"

Lin Ling glanced at Lu Ze once more before saying, "You know the four human sages, right?"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. "Who doesn't know about them? Then, he looked strangely at Lin Ling. "No way, you're one of their descendants, aren't


Then, Lu Ze suddenly recalled something. Perhaps, Alice's ancestor is one of the four [Divines]?

After all, even Uncle Merlin was star level.

Lin Ling shook her head. "How can that be? There's no sage with the surname Lin."

Lu Ze felt relieved.

Lin Ling smiled. "But, the human race used to have 12 sages. Other than the current four, my great-grandpa used to be one of them."

Lu Ze: "…?"
