Chapters [243-244]

Chapter 243. Impossible Question


Lu Ze was speechless.

Elder Lin was once a sage?

What a joke?

He thought of the amicable disposition of Elder Lin, and his mouth twitched. He couldn't tell at all!!

Lin Ling felt quite happy, seeing the confusion in Lu Ze. She said pridefully, "My great-grandpa was the once a Ling Xi sage, the sage who conquered a quarter of the human territory!"

When he heard her explanation, Lu Ze became stunned.

He knew of Ling Xi sage, of course. It's said that he had a pair of Ling Xi [God Eyes] that could see through everything. He was extremely strong and even killed a cosmic system level being.

But Ling Xi sage went out of the milky way galaxy for a trial six hundred years ago, and consequently, he returned heavily injured a few years later. At a later point in time, he was announced dead.

He said in disbelief, "Don't try to trick me! Didn't Ling Xi sage die in battle?"

When Lu Ze reacted, Lin Ling's eyes looked down. "My great-grandpa is actually pretty much dead? He was so severely injured that his body kept withering. His power was drained away. It had dropped to Core Martial State now."

Lin Ling felt sad recollecting this.

On the other hand, Lu Ze's eyes widened in disbelief.

What injury could let a powerful Cosmic System level drop to the Core Martial State?

Lu Ze still couldn't accept it. "Isn't Elder Lin your great-grandpa? A sage has lived at least a thousand years. How can he be your great-grandpa?!".

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Did you not know the fertility of Planetary State and above greatly drops. It's very common for a Planetary State to only have kids at a few hundred years old, much less a Cosmic System State?"

Lu Ze: "…"

So that was it?

This was the first time Lu Ze heard about this.

"In that case, why is Elder Lin staying in the Telun system and working there?"

Why would a sage choose to remain at such an insignificant solar system?

Even if Ling Xi sage was that heavily injured, he shouldn't fall to this level with his contributions?

Lin Ling's body shook.

She looked complicatedly at Lu Ze and then said, "My home isn't actually at Telun system. I've left my home with great-grandpa from a young age to live at the Telun system."

Lu Ze became dazed at her reply. "Why?"

Lin Ling's body shook, and she bit her lips.

Moments later, she took a deep breath and said, "My family is a military family. My father and mother are high levels of the military. 14 years ago, the blade demons started a large war at the border. The war was so sudden that there was a hole in our border defense. The blade demon ships attacked, and my father led the defense."

"My mother was besieged in another region by blade demons…"

Lin Ling's hand clenched tightly. She bit her lips so hard that it started bleeding.

"He could save her! If he went, he could definitely save mom!"

"But he chose to protect the line of defense and not save mum."

Lin Ling's voice was shaky. Her eyes were red, but she didn't cry.

Lu Ze didn't know what to say.

According to Lin Ling's words, if her father gave up the defense to save her mother, then the blade demon ships would enter the Federation. Part of the border planets would be massacred.

If he didn't give up the defense, then her mother would be besieged…

It was an impossible question to answer.

Lu Ze thought about it. What would he do?

Soon, he gave up.

All the impossible questions were due to the lack of power.

If one was strong enough, then he could do both.

Lu Ze had decided to cultivate hard, and never to let this happen to him.

He looked at Lin Ling and didn't know how to comfort her.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "If you want to cry, then cry. I can lend you my shoulder."

As soon as he finished his words, Lu Ze became stunned. He realized he told the same line to Alice not long ago.

Lin Ling took a deep breath and rolled her eyes.

Her lips still had a sliver of blood, giving off this unique charm.

She smiled at Lu Ze. "Hoho, are you trying to take advantage of me? It's been so many years, I've learned not to cry so easily."

Lu Ze: "…"

He was an upright youth with morals. How could he try to take advantage of her?

Lin Ling seemed to have recovered, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, he said, "So you've been staying with Elder Lin in Telun system?"

Lin Ling nodded. "I was only four at that time. Great-grandpa took me out to travel, and we came to the Telun system. Hearing this news, great-grandpa didn't want to go back, so we stayed there."

Lu Ze: "…"

So Elder Lin was annoyed too.

This was understandable as well.

"But what has this go to do with your increase in power?"

Lin Ling's eyes flashed, and she said, "My great-grandpa has been telling me to inherit his origin power. His current body can't use it anymore, but I feel he had a chance of recovery, so I didn't accept it…"

"This time, my great-grandpa contacted me after the battle…"

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling's complicated face. "You felt you were too weak this time, so you didn't reject it?"

Lin Ling nodded.

Lu Ze fell into deep contemplation.

No wonder there was suddenly a guaranteed entry into Federal University this year when there never has been.

Was it due to Lin Ling?

Lu Ze suddenly realized that the old man was very evil!

He told him to give Lin Ling pressure. He was probably planning this from the start?

Lin Ling didn't accept Elder Lin's power before because her power was rather good compared to others.

This time, the battle was so intense, and she couldn't compare with Lu Ze at all. Her pride wouldn't let her take it, so she finally chose to accept it.

This was all in Elder Lin's plan?

No wonder Elder Lin complimented him.

Was this a heritage?

Even if he couldn't use the origin power of Cosmic System State, Elder Lin gave it so easily to Lin Ling. One could see how much he loved her.

After giving it away, he would have no way to recover his power, right?

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling. "What injuries did Elder Lin receive?

Lin Ling shook her head. "I don't know, but his body is in constant decay. It should be some [God Art]? I've asked him, but he wouldn't tell me. He's only kept the origin power to sustain his life force. He gave the rest to me."

Lu Ze nodded and made note of this.

He would see if he could help Elder Lin.

He said, "But since Elder Lin wanted you to inherit it, clearly, he believes in you. Don't be burdened. When you're strong, perhaps you can help Elder Lin?"

Lin Ling exhaled and nodded firmly.

The chances were slim, but she wasn't going to give up.

She smiled at Lu Ze. "After I completely fuse great grandpa's origin power, my power will skyrocket. And, my [God Art] is the same as his. Grandpa also gave me the Ling Xi Magical Menu he got. After I learn it, hmph… Lu Ze just you wait!"

She waved her fists at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze nodded expressionlessly. "Go you, I believe in you."

He wanted to laugh.

She was obstinate indeed, but he wasn't going to let her surpass him.


Chapter 244. It's So Nice to Not Play Yourself to Death


Accordingly, Lin Ling wasn't too happy with Lu Ze's perfunctory attitude, but she was no match for Lu Ze after all.

At this moment, a knocking sound could be heard.

Lu Ze became a little puzzled at this. "Did those guys come back?"

As such, Lu Ze stood up and opened the door.

When he opened the door, a young man wearing a white uniform was standing outside. He seemed to be about the same age as Lu Ze.

The man stared at Lu Ze and felt stunned.

Lu Ze: "???"

Who was this guy?

He doesn't recognize him.

Why was he looking at him like this?

Just when Lu Ze wanted to shoo him off, this young man spoke with an excited tone. "Hello, you must be fellow student Lu Ze, right?"

Lu Ze raised a brow. "Fellow student?"

The young man nodded, "Yes, I'm a new student like you."

Then, he said in a disappointed manner, "However, I didn't get into the elite class, or I would have been in the same class as you."

Lu Ze became shocked due to his words. "You're an ordinary student? What are you doing here?"

The ordinary class dorms were pretty far from here, weren't they?

The young man took out a box from his storage ring. "I accepted the mission to come here. It's your school uniform inside."

"School uniform?"

Lu Ze just remembered what the senior schoolmate said yesterday. There would be people sending over the school uniform.

So it's done by students too?

This is for the new students to earn academic credits, right?

The man pointed at his own uniform. "I'm wearing the school uniform right now, but there should be some difference in the uniform of the elite class."

The young man became envious.

The difference between ordinary and elite class students was huge.

Lu Ze saw that this student's uniform was similar to a military uniform, but it was completely white with black stripes.

It looked quite nice.

At the same time, Lu Ze glanced at the mark on his chest. He seemed to have seen this somewhere.

Lu Ze didn't think much of it and took the box gratefully. "Thank you."

The young man waved his hand. "You're welcome."

He didn't expect the strongest new student to be this easy to talk to.

He could brag about this for a year.

At this moment, Lin Ling heard this and walked over. "Fellow student, do you have my school uniform? I'm Lin Ling."

The young man nodded. "Fellow student Lin Ling, I know you. You're Lu Ze's girlfriend. Your uniform is here."

Then, he passed a big box over.

However, he found Lu Ze and Lin Ling looking dazedly at him.

Both of their power was at Aperture Opening State. Their vision was rather piercing. This new student felt a huge pressure.


He shrunk his neck and asked nervously, "Are you two alright?"

He felt he didn't offend these two.

Why were they looking at him like that?

Lin Ling clenched his teeth and said, "I'm not this guy's girlfriend!"

She stared at the shivering young man. "Who started this rumor?"

How could she be his girlfriend?

The young man's mouth twitched. "Um… everyone is saying this. After all, you two seem pretty close…"

Lu Ze patted Lin Ling's shoulder and stopped her from exerting more pressure on the man. "Okay okay, thank you, fellow student. You can go give uniforms to other students first."

He felt if this continued, this student would receive mental trauma from Lin Ling's force.

He was just an ordinary class student. His power was only Spirit Martial State level five.

It was too weak.

Lin Ling had tried to collect her chi but just showing a bit felt like a mountain to this student.

The young man looked gratefully at Lu Ze and said, "Then, I'm going first."

He quickly ran off.

Too scary!

This woman was the devil!

Lu Ze looked speechlessly at the annoyed Lin Ling and said, "Do you need to scare him like that?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes and went back to the living room without saying a word.

Lu Ze scratched his head. He was speechless


He didn't expect people to spread rumors that he was Lin Ling's boyfriend.

Lu Ze walked back into the living room as well.

As soon as the two opened the box, Lu Ze saw the uniform inside.

There were three sets. One was completely dark with red stripes.

Another one was completely white with some black stripes similar to the one that the young man wore. However, there seemed to be some differences in the stripes.

Another one was blue with some green stripes.

Lu Ze took out the black one and saw there was also that logo at the left chest area. It was the same as the one that the young man had.

He asked, "Lin Ling, what is this logo?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Are you even a student of Federal University? This is the school logo."

Lu Ze became dumbfounded. "Logo? Why do I feel this is familiar?"

Lin Ling looked strangely at him. "Of course, you would feel that. It's the logo of the mother planet of the human race, Earth."


Lu Ze's eyes widened as he looked at this blue logo.

The logo was Earth?!

He felt very complicated.

The human race owned nearly half of the milky way galaxy.

Despite Earth being very poor in resources and most of the humans of this generation had never been there, its status in the human race was irreplaceable.

This was the mother planet of the human race.

Three months ago, Lu Ze was still on Earth.

These three months felt like a dream.


Lu Ze looked at this logo and felt that Earth didn't seem the same as 2000 years ago.

Was he wrong?

He took out his phone and searched the history of Earth.

After reading through it, Lu Ze felt complicated.

During the pre-galactic era, human technology advanced rapidly but resources were limited. This caused the global situation to become very tight.

One event went out of control and war broke out. The crust moved and tectonic plates shifted. Mother earth's shape was changed.

It became like this now.

After that global war, humans realized that if they continued this, they would end up killing themselves.

Thus, the human federation arduously stood up.

Lu Ze rejoiced.

Good thing humans didn't wipe themselves out.

Otherwise, would he still be able to transmigrate?

No wonder the logo felt familiar. It was the logo of Earth.


Lin Ling was speechless.

She thought Lu Ze hadn't been to Earth.

She smiled. "The Solar system is only 200 light-years away from Dawn System. It would only take ten hours to get there."

Lu Ze: "!!!"

Lu Ze got up and dragged Lin Ling. "Let's go play at Earth!"
