Chapters [249-250]

Chapter 249. The Customer Experience Is Really Bad!


The scenario changed again and this time, Lu Ze appeared on a wasteland with sharp metals all over.

In front of him was an old opponent of his.

The blade demon race.

He watched as his opponent introduced itself. This time, it was a 10 Apertures Opening State blade demon without any [God Arts].

Lu Ze scratched his chin. As it turned out, the power in every following round after the 31st increases by 10 Apertures?

If only every round will only increase by one Aperture and reward 10,000 academic credits for each round, what a profit it would be!

Lu Ze pouted, thinking that it was a waste.

Right at this time, the blood demon race cultivator's bloodshot eyes revealed a tyrannical and violent gaze as it shot forward with both legs.


His body turned into a black stream of light as he charged straight at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze smiled and unleashed a blazing wind blade in the air.

The blazing fire blade streaked across as a red stream of light and slashed right onto the blood demon race cultivator.


Sensing the danger, the blade demon race cultivator stopped abruptly. The arm blades on both arms flickered with a mysterious black light and unleashed two spirit force blade auras toward the blazing wind blade.


An explosion erupted when both blades collided. The two spirit force blades shattered as easily as glass, and the red streak of light flew through and past the blade demon race cultivator.

The wind and flames intertwined and ravaged his flesh body, taking away his life.

"32nd level passed, gained 15,000 academic credits."

At this moment, outside the martial trial tower, everyone observing Lu Ze's ranking started to converse.

"He is already second. Lu Ze should be fighting against Aperture Opening State experts, right?"

"He should be, come to think of it, first place Lin Ling and Lu Ze seems to have a good relationship?"

"Seems so, weren't the two of them together on the battlefield?"

"Zeze…. Federal University's new students are too terrifying, they actually have two newcomers at the Aperture Opening States, oh my god."

"Come to think of it, the number one of Emperor Capital Academy should be the worst off, right? He is at the 3rd level of Core Martial State. Ordinarily, that will earn him the top place in the past, but he is only ranked 3rd now. That will be 10,000 less academic credits a month."

"He can only blame his own bad luck to encounter these two monsters."

At this moment, Lin Ling raised her head and looked at the bronze tablet. A light flickered in her eyes as she noticed Lu Ze's name below hers.

Seems like he will surpass me soon?

She could only barely defeat opponents with maximum of 70 Apertures and was completely overwhelmed by opponents with 80 Apertures opened.

With that guy's power, he will obviously not stop at 80 Aperture opponents.

At the same time, Margaret's team, Gui Yuping's team, Xu Yang's team, as well as Bo Yibo were focused on the bronze tablet.

The bronze tablet suddenly flickered with rainbow light, and Lu Ze, who was originally second, surpassed Lin Ling, who was at number one. He became first. His name also turned golden.

"He's surpassed her! It was so fast! How much time did he take to do that??"

"A minute? Isn't that too fast? Is he instant-killing his opponents when they appear??"

Lin Ling's eyes trembled slightly as she bit her lips in slight disappointment.

Although she knew he was definitely stronger than her, she did not expect him to complete so many consecutive rounds and surpass her within a minute.

He was simply too fast.

The golden-haired and black-haired youths by Margaret's side widened their eyes as they looked at the first name in disbelief.

After maintaining silence for a period of time, the black-haired youth gradually sighed and spoke, "It seems that you were spot on, Margaret. For him to surpass Lin Ling so quickly means that he was able to instant-kill his opponents. Lu Ze's power might truly be at 100 Apertures."

The golden-haired youth's mouth twitched. "To hell with it, these two newcomers are monsters. It's fine if Lin Ling alone is so powerful, after all, she is from an aristocratic family. That Lu Ze guy's background is nothing. I heard from my old man that he had awakened some powerful [Cultivation God Art]."

Margaret stared at the flickering golden name on the bronze tablet in a daze.

Although she was mentally prepared, she was still unable to accept the fact that Lu Ze was able to reach such a stage.

Upon hearing their words, Margaret gave a weak chuckle. "[God Arts] is basically isn't fair, to begin with. It depends on luck and innate talent."

When the duo heard her, they rolled their eyes. "Didn't you reap a big harvest as well? Your reward surpassed ours, we think that's unfair."

Margaret laughed. "I was lucky this time, I received the benefit due to junior schoolmate Lu Ze's light."

The golden-haired youth pouted. "Tsk, you saying that makes me want to form a relationship with junior Lu Ze now."

The black-haired youth's mouth twitched. "Pui, you are from Emperor Capital Academy, and you want to form a relationship with our junior schoolmate? Get lost, otherwise, I'll break your legs."

"Come come come, let me see how you plan to break my legs."

Lu Ze was already at level 42 while everyone was talking among themselves.

This time, he was transported to an ordinary plain where an opponent that resembled a human stood in front of him, only that he was over 5 meters tall and was equipped in black metal battle armor.

Lu Ze looked at his information, he was of the barbarian race and was a human-related species.

Barbarians did not have high spirit force cultivation but were proficient in using spirit force to temper their flesh bodies. The barbarians have extremely strong flesh bodies and were innately adept at using [Strength God Arts].

[Strength God Arts] were basically the barbarian's race innate skill. Compared to the human race, their prenatal advantage was simply too huge.

The barbarian warrior in front of him had a power of 110 Apertures. He glared ferociously at Lu Ze with his large eyes.

He stepped forward with his right feet, causing the ground beneath to crack.

The momentum increased the power unleashed from his body and brought about a fanatic aura that surged toward Lu Ze.

His body was huge, but his speed was abnormally fast under the explosive burst of power. He instantly appeared right before Lu Ze.


The barbarian's gigantic body covered the sun as his fist that was larger than an earthenware pot came towards Lu Ze, bringing along a violent force.

The violent gales formed by the force of the fist stirred Lu Ze's black hair. He frowned upon sensing the immense power behind the fist.

[Wind God Art], [Fire God Art], [Lightning God Art], [1st Body God Art], sixfold increase [Strength God Art]. All of them were activated and unleashed a powerful and violent aura. He clenched his right hand into a fist with various lights representing the different [God Arts] intertwining around it and struck toward the barbarian's fist.


One big and one small fist came into contact.

Terrifying power surged outwards from their bodies and caused the ground to tremble. Spiderweb cracks started to splinter in the ground beneath their feet and extended a few kilometers outwards.

Lu Ze was able to sense a burst of terrifying force surging towards him from within the barbarian's fist.

Following that, the power rushed into his body like a violent torrent, causing a sharp pain in his arm and the muscles to groan from the trembles.

Lu Ze's expression changed as his figure transformed into the wind, and he disappeared from his original spot, avoiding the barbarian's follow up punch from his left hand.

He appeared a few hundred meters away and looked at the terrifying barbarian with the corners of his mouth twitching.

Why is his strength so terrifying?

And he looks to be fine. Is his defense even stronger?

This isn't part of the martial dao!

Lu Ze felt that his power and body's defense was already at a considerable level. After using such a terrifying level of power, he was actually still not on the level of the barbarian at a head-on collision.

He was in disbelief.

The barbarian's body was actually stronger than his, even with the [1st Body God Art] activated. Was his body made out of some alloy?


The barbarian raised his head and looked at the flabbergasted Lu Ze standing in the distance. He unleashed a roar and charged forward again.

Lu Ze's cheek continued to tremble incessantly as a faint black crystal shield appeared on his body.

[1st Body God Art's Divine Art], [1st Shield]!

A cold glare flashed in his eyes as he welcomed the barbarian's humongous fist again.

A real collision with the fists is the springtime of youth!


The big and small fists collided once again.

Lu Ze no longer sensed the terrifying force gushing towards him this time, which was instead blocked by the crystal shield.

But a crack had appeared on the crystal shield.

Lu Ze activated his mental power and mended the crack, recovering the shield to its perfect state.

Instead, the barbarian unleashed a pained howl and even retreated a step back.

Lu Ze raised his head and gave the violent barbarian a warm smile.

He stepped forward with his right feet that caused a crack on the ground. His body disappeared and appeared on the left of the Barbarian.

He raised his right fist that was enveloped with the crystal shield. Wind and flames curled around the fist with lightning crackling all around. This combination stirred a violent power around him.

He unleashed his right fist and directed the terrifying power onto the barbarian's waist.

I'll break your waist!


The barbarian lowered his right shoulder and blocked Lu Ze's fist. At the same time, a burst of bone-cracking sounds came out. The barbarian roared in pain once again.

But the pain had instead stirred his viciousness as he swung his left hand toward Lu Ze again.


Lu Ze smirked and punched at the barbarian's fist.

The fists collided again as a fiery blaze, followed by a violent gale, booming lightning, as well as a wave of spirit force, swept toward the large fist from all directions.

The ground cracked even further as rocks started trembling. The aftermath of the collision swept out as a shockwave and shattered all the rocks into dregs.

The barbarian released another pained wail as he retreated yet another step.

Lu Ze had a cold expression as he unleashed another full-force punch on the barbarian's sturdy body.

After more than 10 punches, the barbarian fell heavily on the ground. He had countless bone fractures as the terrifying power ravaging his body from within continued to stir. He gradually lost his life.


Lu Ze consolidated his power and let out a long exhale.

Just a 110 Aperture Opening State cultivator had forced him to use the [1st Shield].

He was quite strong.

But Lu Ze was ultimately slightly stronger.

The scenery changed once again. When the opponent dies, the next round would begin without any time for rest.

This made Lu Ze curse inwardly. The person who designed this must have a hole in his brain, to not give any time to rest at all, the customer experience is really bad!

When he gets out, he definitely has to give feedback to the female alcoholic.


Chapter 250. Ordinary Elf Warrior


At this moment, he found himself transported to a forest. Standing about 100 meters away from him was an opponent that looked extremely similar to the human race.

He was equipped with a pale green leather armor that had faint purple complex designs. He was above 1.8 meters tall with pale green long hair that dropped to his shoulders. He had a slender figure with tight and jade-like skin, along with an extremely handsome face, almost as handsome as Lu Ze.

The only differences that the man before him had as compared to a human were the green eyes and sharp ears.

An elf?

Lu Ze could not resist but look at the opponent's information. As he read on, his facial expression froze, and his eyes grew even wider, somewhat in disbelief.

The handsome brother in front of him was indeed from the elf race with spirit force cultivated to 30 Apertures but had fighting power equivalent to 120 Apertures!

The only [God Arts] he had were [Strength and Wood God Arts].

And according to the introduction provided by the martial trial tower, he was an ordinary elf warrior.

Lu Ze: "…"

He felt that the martial trial tower definitely had some misunderstanding of the term ordinary.

He was so unique, how can he be ordinary??

Shouldn't ordinary be for Spirit Martial State or Abstruse Martial State level??

You're telling me that this elf warrior with fighting power close to a mid-tier Aperture Opening State cultivator is an ordinary warrior?

Just as Lu Ze was stupefied from the information, the ordinary elf warrior made his move.

His eyes flashed with a green light, and the surrounding forest started to dance wildly. Countless branches and roots underground flickered with green light and transformed into sharp spears that shot toward Lu Ze.

The numerous and dense number of spears from all directions left no openings while flying toward Lu Ze, trapping him inside.

Lu Ze's gaze became cold as his power stirred from his entire body.

[Wind God Art], [Fire God Art], [Lightning God Art], [1st Body God Art], sevenfold increase [Strength God Art], as well as [1st Shield], were used.


He unleashed punches with both hands continuously with the power of the [God Arts], breaking down all trees that were flickering with the green light. The broken pieces dropped from the sky and were swept clean by the violent gales and spirit force shockwaves.

The thick and dense forest disappeared under this single onslaught and transformed into a gigantic and deep circular pit with a radius of over 10 kilometers.

Lu Ze and the ordinary elf warrior floated opposite each other above the large pit as the atmosphere grew denser.

Maybe because they were made up of data, the ordinary elf warrior's expression did not have the slightest bit of change. He stood indifferently amidst the dense atmosphere.

Lu Ze smirked as a pair of green wings suddenly appeared on his back. With a flap, he disappeared from his original spot.

[Divine Art, Wings of the Wind]!

Lu Ze appeared behind the elf warrior with his right leg completely covered with the translucent dark crystal shield. He performed a mid-height kick toward the elf warrior's waist with his leg that resembled a death scythe.

But just as Lu Ze's leg was able to reach the elf warrior, the elf warrior's arm suddenly appeared at his waist. The jade- like arm that seemed to belong to a girl and looked to be extremely weak and powerless collided onto Lu Ze's right leg that was covered with the black crystal shield.


The arm and feet collided and unleashed a terrifying shockwave that spread out in all directions, a mix of pale green, green, black, purple lights flashed. This was the light aura produced by the amalgamation of the various [God Arts].

The deep pit that was blasted open earlier cracked even further under the shockwave. Deep gorges formed and extended outwards, causing the entire ground to look like a malevolent trauma caused by a large rip.

Crushed rocks shook out of the cracks and turned into powder under the weight of the shockwave and pervaded into the air, concealing both Lu Ze and the ordinary elf warrior's figures.




Deafening collisions could be heard from within the smoke-filled area as shockwaves continued to shoot out in all directions. The gorges on the ground became deeper and deeper as the distant trees were either swept away, broken, or blown away. The circular area with a radius of over 10 kilometers was a mess.

"Die for me!!"


Lu Ze's cold voice came out from within the dust. A loud rumble was heard as a figure shot downwards and slammed onto a ground, forming another large pit.

It was the ordinary elf warrior.

His expression remained cold and indifferent, but his leather armor was torn and tattered and his white skin had countless wounds that bled sparkling green blood.

At this moment, traces of blood leaked out from the corner of Lu Ze's mouth, his aura was somewhat unstable, but he ignored the exhaustion on his body. With a flap of the wings of the wind, he turned into a streak of light and shot toward the elf warrior that was in the ground.

With a cold expression, he summoned all the power to his right leg and stomped down toward the chest of the elf warrior who was attempting to stand.


The ground shook and a meter long cracks stretched outwards on the ground.

After suffering from this heavy attack when he was just severely injured recently, the elf warrior finally lost consciousness.

It was only then did the battle stop. The dust in the air was carried away by the wind, and the sky became clear once again.

Lu Ze touched the blood at the corner of his mouth, and the coldness on his face gradually receded.

He licked his lips while gasping and lowered his head to look at the disappearing elf warrior.

Aside from his eightfold increase in [God Art], he had to use all of his other trump cards to barely defeat the ordinary elf warrior.

Isn't he a little too strong?

Just an ordinary elf warrior is so powerful?

Although the elf race was indeed not a race that enjoyed fighting, their numbers would not be small and even the most ordinary of them were that powerful…

They are far more powerful as compared to us humans.

No wonder the cosmic realm space that the elf race controls is as big as the Virgo supercluster of the Earth era.

That is a vast territory with a diameter of almost 200 million light-years!

One must know that the diameter of the milky way galaxy was only a hundred thousand light-years thereabout.

One can only imagine the vast territory under the control of the elf race.

In the cosmos region, only the higher tier demon race could compare to the elves and wield such a vast territory.

It was said that there were a few empires in the distant cosmos with a territory spanning across 100 million light-years and was already the largest cosmos that humanity in the Earth era could take readings of.

Tsk, how scary those races must be.

Lu Ze clicked his teeth and had a complicated expression in his eyes.

Compared to them, humanity was still a new seedling that can only tremble under the protection of the elves.

It is still a long and arduous journey for humanity to become strong.

When Lu Ze passed the 34th round, the outside had exploded in a hubbub.

"His ranking has risen once more! He is ranked 693 in the overall ranking!"

"Isn't it a must to defeat a 120 Apertures opponent to get that ranking…? Isn't he a newcomer??"

"Curse it…isn't this guy too strong??"

"Big news, this is definitely big news… This guy, he is definitely a top rank prodigy amongst the young dukes. Isn't he like Teacher Nangong back in her younger years?"

At the same time, Margaret and the other two stared at the overall ranking board with their eyes wide open.

The bronze tablet only showed the top 10, but they could check on other rankings by themselves.

At the moment, the three watched as Lu Ze jumped further on the top 10 rankings and was stupefied.

The black-haired youth spoke up. "Hey, is this for real? The Federal University has another prodigy capable of fighting against those powerful races?"

The golden-haired youth was in disbelief. "Isn't he too strong? For a new student to have fighting power of over 120 Apertures, oh my god…"

Following that, the golden-haired youth looked at Margaret strangely. "Margaret, did you know about this beforehand?"

The corners of Margaret's mouth twitched as she rolled her eyes at him. "If I knew about this, I wouldn't be as shocked as I am now."

Although she had guessed that Lu Ze's fighting power could be at a 100 Apertures, this was far higher than her expectation.

In a corner, Lin Ling watched the rankings with a flicker in her eyes. In the end, she clenched her teeth and left Virtual Martial City.

She had to work even harder!

Everyone who was currently focused on Lu Ze's name was all staring intently at his name on the overall ranking board. Some were curious whether or not he would improve his standing

Inside the martial trial tower.

The ice-cold voice came out again.

"34th level passed, gained 70,000 academic credits."

Following that, the scene around him changed again.

When Lu Ze saw this, he immediately spoke up. "Wait wait wait wait! I want to get out of here!"

What joke were they trying to play at? The only [God Art] he had not used was the eightfold increase [Strength God Art] while the next opponent would have an increase of 10 Apertures in terms of fighting power. Even at his full force, he would not be able to do anything, so why not keep some trump cards hidden?

It's the perfect time to exit.

The changing scenery suddenly stopped, and the cold voice came out again.

"End of the simulation, you have passed the 34th level and obtained a ranking of 693 on the overall leaderboard, ist on the first-year ranking. You have been awarded 556,075 academic credits."

When Lu Ze heard of his reward, his eyes immediately lit up.

Awesome, to earn 550,000 academic credits, that's a lot!

Although it isn't enough to buy a [Divine Art] yet, it is still a considerable amount.

I have finally added more to my 130,000 academic credits, that's great.

What a pity that this reward can only be obtained once without the opportunity for a second time.

If that was the case, everyone would become rich just by frequenting the martial trial tower.

Just as Lu Ze was feeling slightly regretful, his body was transported out of the martial trial tower.

Everyone who was waiting outside the martial trial tower for him immediately cast their gaze at him.

Lu Ze immediately sensed countless gazes and was alarmed.Why is everyone looking at me?

I should get out of here.

He immediately left the Virtual Martial City.

With the simulation over, he did not have any interest in sparring with anyone and naturally took the chance to leave to train for a period of time.

When all the students outside the martial trial tower saw Lu Ze leave the Virtual Martial City immediately, some pouted in dissatisfaction but were helpless against it.

At the same time, countless students followed Lu Ze and left the martial trial tower.

Lu Ze's overall ranking of more than 600 upon leaving the simulation was huge news!

It was a must for them to announce it as soon as possible.
