Chapters [251-252]

Chapter 251. Elf Cosmic Realm


Virtual reality was different from the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], the time of the outside world is stopped, but in virtual reality, the time of the outside world continues. When Lu Ze got out of the virtual martial city, many hours had gone past.

He opened the door of the pod and stood up.

He stretched and took a deep breath, then slowly revealed a smile.

Getting 550,000 academic credits at one shot was not bad. There was still the rewards for getting first place and the overall ranking, he would also receive a certain amount of academic credits each month.

Overall, he made money from this.

Lu Ze went downstairs and returned into his room. He lay in bed with his hands behind his head, looked at the bamboo shoots dancing in the quiet night outside his window, and his eyes glistened.

His strength was still slightly weak.

He was still lacking in [Offensive Divine Art].

Right now, he's good at defending and speed, but his attacks were lacking.

He could only rely on his [God Art] each time, which consumed a lot of energy and didn't have very good effects.

If Lu Ze had an [Offensive Divine Art], his power would definitely increase as well.

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough academic credits at this moment.

The bamboo shoots outside his window rustled, and Lu Ze lay in bed with his thoughts for a while more before he sat up.

His next goal was to learn wings of wind and lightning

If he managed to learn this [Divine Art], even if he didn't have an [Offensive Divine Art], he could make up for the flaws by being fast.

Of course, most importantly, if he's fast, he could run for his life quicker!

As someone who was great at playing games, running fast enough would give him true happiness.

Although his [Wings of the Wind Divine Art] and [Wings of Lightning Divine Art] were not complete, they had reached a standard where he could cultivate the [Wings of Wind and Lightning Divine Art] already.

Lu Ze opened the document for the [Wings of Wind and Lightning]


Over 12 million words…

Lu Ze suddenly felt his head hurt.

Right now, he didn't have the black tiger boss [Purple Orbs] anymore and could only use the Aperture Opening State ferocious beast [Divine Art's Purple Orb] that he swallowed to cultivate.

This would probably lengthen the time he takes to learn this [Divine Art].

However, he didn't have any other choice.

Lu Ze didn't think further. His mental power swept across in his brain, and a [Purple Orb] disappeared into his mental dimension, turning into a clear stream as it flowed into Lu Ze's mind.

He began to immerse himself into that obscure text.

The next morning, Lu Ze returned to his


He rubbed his temples, and a hint of lethargy flashed in his eyes.

Indeed, without the boss' [Purple Orbs], it was much harder to learn the [Divine Art].

This was already when he had learned the [Wings of the Wind Divine Art] and [Wings of Lightning Divine Art] and could still use them as a reference at the beginning. Otherwise, it would be more difficult.

The two rising suns outside the window shone their warm light onto Lu Ze's body; the comfortable temperature made him squint his eyes comfortably.

Lu Ze rested for a short while before getting up to wash up.

After washing up, Lu Ze received a message on his phone.

He opened it to take a look, and it was Lin Ling asking him to go to class together.

The courses at Federal University were very relaxed, and it didn't matter if the students didn't want to attend either. As long as they were able to pass the test at the end of the school year, everything would be fine.

If they didn't, it would be bad.

Lu Ze changed into the black set of school uniform and went downstairs.

He saw Lin Ling standing at the entrance, waiting for him the second he opened the door.

She was also wearing the black school uniform, and it looked particularly good on her.

Lu Ze smiled at her. "Good morning, you actually chose black as well."

Lin Ling glanced askance at Lu Ze. "It's similar to the military uniform, looks steadfast."

Lu Ze nodded. "It's not the same for meblack doesn't get dirty easily."

Lin Ling: "…"

'Smart washing machines already exist, yet, this chap still cares about filth?'

"Let's go."

Lin Ling felt that she didn't have much to say to this fool, so she turned around and left.

At this moment, Lu Ze said, "Oh right, what classes are we having today?"

Lin Ling's lips twitched, and she looked at Lu Ze speechlessly. "Didn't you see the timetable?"

Lu Ze grinned and said happily, "I cultivated too hard yesterday and forgot."

As an advancing martial arts student, he felt that he didn't really have to look at it, right?

Anyway, with Lin Ling around, she can just look at it.

Illogical.jpg (Lu Ze's limited edition)

When Lin Ling saw Lu Ze's gleeful face, the green veins on her forehead protruded. "What are you so proud of?"

Then, she rubbed her forehead speechlessly and said, "We'll be having 'Elf Cosmic Region and Races' and 'Universal Common Language'.

For the first year, martial arts classes were only held in the morning, and they would cultivate themselves in the afternoon.

Lu Ze nodded. "Oh."

The classrooms were over ten kilometers away from the dorms, and this bit of distance was considered very short to martial artists like them.

Two of them casually flew toward the classrooms, and after ten minutes, they saw the teaching building.

This was where the first-year martial arts classes were held, not only the elite class but the ordinary class was here too.

There were many students running toward the teaching building on the ground at this moment, and their speeds weren't slow.

After all, even freshmen were already at the Spirit Martial State at least, so they weren't very slow.

Of course, among the freshmen, only Lu Ze and Lin Ling could fly. As they flew in the sky, it naturally attracted quite a number of people's attention, and many couldn't help but start to whisper.

Lu Ze's martial arts refining results were out yesterday, and the forum was exploding with comments!

As a freshman who just enrolled, he managed to be placed around the 600 ranking-he was truly talented.

Now that Lu Ze appeared, he naturally attracted a lot of attention from the freshmen.

Other than martial technique or martial arts classes, the elite and ordinary first-year freshmen would have their classes together like language or cosmic knowledge courses, so there were more people on the way to the classroom.

Lu Ze was helpless. If only he had an apparatus that allowed him to get the knowledge to flow into his brain directly, understand it fully and be able to use it, then he wouldn't have to attend these classes.

Unfortunately, technology wasn't so advanced yet.

It was said that some high-tech civilizations could do this.

Some civilizations purely developed spirit force technology, and their race was also very strong. The innate gift of every race was different.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling found the classroom stated on the timetable and entered.

The initially somewhat noisy classroom suddenly went silent when these two people walked in, and everyone turned to look at them.

Lu Ze scanned across the classroom. It was spacious and could fit over a hundred people. At this moment, the seats were already almost one-third filled.

There was the elite class, as well as the ordinary class.

Under the gaze of everyone, Lu Ze and Lin Ling walked to the last row of the class and sat on the empty seats.

There were whispers around the classroom after these two people sat down, and there were even some glances toward them from time to time.

In this regard, Lu Ze couldn't do much. After all, they were too famous now, and coming into the classroom was as striking as fireflies in the dark.

More and more students entered the classroom and it was three-quarters filled very quickly.

Lu Ze then realized that Ye Mu and the rest weren't there yet. He wondered if they were too absorbed in cultivating and forgot about this.

But everybody's cultivation was different, and Lu Ze didn't interrupt them either.

Very soon, the teacher entered the classroom and classes began.

The class was held by projecting a holographic map of the elf cosmic realm while the teacher gave explanations.

The "Elf Cosmic Region and Races" class mainly talked about the map of the elf cosmic realm and the internal race. The most important was obviously the elf race.

The elf cosmic realm territory was nearly 200 million light-years away. The elf race was located in the center of the elf cosmic realm, and the entire cosmic realm has hundreds of races sheltered by the elf race—the human race was one of them.

As a new cosmic civilization race within two thousand years, the human race was located on the edge of the elf's cosmic realm, near the magic realm.

The blade demon race was cleverly located on the edge of the magic realm, it was also a new cosmic civilization race and was only slightly more developed compared to the human race by a few thousand years.

So this was how these two tiny seedlings started up.

In the elf cosmic realm, in addition to the races that had been sheltered by the elves, there were also some races that were not sheltered by them because they were too ugly or it was their nature to destroy or cause chaos.

Just like the spike ball people, they belonged to the ugly category.

Hence, they were more unfortunate.

Although their resources weren't very useful to the elf race, they were quite useful for the other races.

So, they either migrate or perish.

In the elf cosmic realm, there were chaotic or barren areas too.

These areas were hard to live in, so naturally, no races were interested in them.

Probably only the worm race would be interested.

It had to be said that the universe was so big that just the elf cosmic realm was unimaginably huge.

Of course, this was only huge to the human race.

As for civilizations that had developed in the universe for hundreds of millions of years or more, how do they view the universe?

Lu Ze revealed that he wasn't very sure.

Until the class ended and the teacher left the classroom, there were still many students who were still immersed in the holographic projection and hadn't returned to their senses.

This lesson was too shocking and allowed these privileged students to know how small they really were.

Only by having a clear understanding of themselves would they learn how to make decisions for their future.

Lu Ze shook his head and heaved a sigh of relief. "It's finally over, I'm so hungry."

These things were as simple as additions within ten compared to [Divine Arts].

Lu Ze merely used a [Purple Orb], and he managed to understand everything he needed to learn.

He should just skip class next time.

Lin Ling, who was looking seriously at the teaching materials, twitched her mouth and took a deep breath.

She really wanted to draw out her spear and pierce a few holes into this fool!!

Feeling the explosive energy from Lin Ling, Lu Ze froze and smiled. "The 'Universal Common Language' class will be starting soon, right? Which classroom is it? Shall we go?"

"… this is the classroom!"

Hearing Lin Ling's frustrated voice, Lu Ze nodded silently. "Oh."

… This Lin Ling seemed like she was about to explode, so it would be better to not provoke her further.

The duration of the break was only a short half an hour, and the class began.

Lu Ze once again experienced the feeling of learning a foreign language in the Earth era.

What was different this time was that he had a [Purple Orb].

As long as you had one, it would guarantee that you would become a straight-A student, it was worth it!

The "Universal Common Language" class wasn't complicated and very soon, many students could engage in simple conversations.

It was different from the "Elf Cosmic Region and Races" class, this entire lesson had a joyful atmosphere.


Chapter 252. My Family Is the Stars


The morning class ended, and Lu Ze and Lin Ling left the classroom under the watchful eye of others.

As there were no classes in the afternoon, the students returned to the dormitory to cultivate themselves, and both of them flew in the direction of the dormitory as well.

Along the way, the two discussed the knowledge of martial arts and soon arrived at the dormitory for first-years.

Just at this moment, Lin Ling seemed to have found something, and she pointed downwards.

She exclaimed, "Ze, look at that kid."

Lu Ze looked in the direction where Lin Ling was pointing at and realized that there was a little silver-haired girl, who appeared to be just about a meter tall, on the side of the road, in the dormitory area.

The little girl was dressed in a pale pink dress with knee-high white stockings on her short legs, pink leather shoes on her feet, and was carrying a red bag. She was taking small steps forward. They didn't know where she was headed to either.

Lu Ze:"???"

There are still little kids who carry backpacks at this day and age??

Wait, this is not the point!

After all, on some planets, being retro was quite popular.

The question is… isn't this the dormitory area for first-year students in the elite class?

Why would there be a little girl here??

He doesn't recall having any little girl in their class.

Lu Ze looked at the little girl, who didn't seem to notice that they were in the sky and was walking slowly, and felt like things weren't so simple.

However, this was the Federal University, after all, and Jinyao sage was here, so if this little girl was dangerous, she wouldn't be able to enter.

Could this little girl be a teacher's daughter or a classmate's younger sister?

With that thought, Lu Ze turned to Lin Ling. "Lin Ling, use your [God Art] to take a lookwhat's with this little girl?"

It was simply too unusual to have a little girl appearing here.

Just to be safe, Lu Ze still wanted Lin Ling to see if it was a strange person or not.

With her [God Art], it should be able to find out if that little girl was a strange person.

Lin Ling shared the same sentiments as Lu Ze. She nodded, her eyes twinkled brightly, and she looked at the little girl carefully.

Lu Ze turned to look at Lin Ling. "How is it? Is there any problem?"

Lin Ling didn't answer and merely raised her brows, then, a complicated rune flashed across her eyes and shone brighter.

After some time, she smiled. "Didn't find any problem, seems like an ordinary little girl; perhaps she's a teacher's daughter?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Which teacher is so unreliable that she lost her own kid?"

With that said, a certain female alcoholic gulping her alcohol down surfaced in his head.

Then, he recalled that the female alcoholic was still single, so it couldn't be her.

Speaking of which, he hadn't seen that alcoholic around these days?

She seemed to say she wanted to give him a chance, and he had no clue what she meant.

Lin Ling laughed. "Let's go down and take a look, maybe she is someone's younger sister?"

Just then, the silver-haired little girl suddenly tripped on her left foot, her hands stretched forward, and her little body fell to the ground.

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked at the silver-haired little girl who fell to the ground for a long time, and the atmosphere became very awkward for a moment.

As this was the way for freshmen to go to the teaching building, and Lin Ling and Lu Ze were flying over, they were a lot faster than the other students, and there weren't any freshmen on the road now.

The silver-haired little girl was the only one lying on the ground quietly.

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched

'Don't tell me she's hurt?'

Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked at one another and landed next to the little girl.

Lu Ze used his mental power and scanned the little girl's body but didn't find anything unusual while Lin Ling asked worriedly, "Little girl, are you alright?"

At this moment, the silver-haired little girl who was on the ground replied, "Ah… I fell down, I need a cute big sister to carry me up."

The little girl's voice wasn't wavering, it was as clear as starlight and very pleasing to the ears.

But what she said made Lu Ze and Lin Ling suspect whether they heard her incorrectly.

What did this little girl say?

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He looked at the silver-haired little girl sprawled on the ground and was somewhat stunned.

He was worried that this little girl was hurt, but as it turned out, she was just waiting for someone to carry her up??

Lin Ling was dumbfounded too. She didn't expect that this silver-haired little girl would say something like this.

Everyone was silent, and the little girl probably felt that nobody was going to carry her, so she cried out once again with her clear voice. "Ah… I've fallen, I need a cute big sister to carry me."

Lu Ze: "…"

He smiled toward the little girl on the ground. "How about a handsome big brother help you




There was silence once again, and the silver-haired little girl's voice resounded once more. "If no big sister is going to carry me, then just let me be, I will get up by myself later."

Lu Ze: "…"

He clutched his chest subtly.

What's with this heartache?

Lin Ling's mouth twitched, and she suppressed her laughter. Then, she walked over to the silver-haired little girl and carried her up gently, allowing her to sit properly.

At this moment, Lu Ze and Lin Ling saw this little girl's face.

She had an adorable face with baby fats, huge eyes, and blue pupils—she was a lovely little girl.

However, her face was as calm as the surface of the holy water lake, there was no movement at all.

After carrying the silver-haired little girl up, Lin Ling patted the dust on her pink dress away and also wiped the dust off her little face.

The only good thing is that the little girl didn't hurt herself.

Lu Ze looked at the expressionless little girl and tried to save his dignity. He revealed a gentle smile. "Little girl, what is your name?"

The silver-haired little girl raised her head and looked at Lu Ze with her blue eyes without speaking

The atmosphere was very awkward. Lu Ze looked at the little girl's expressionless face and felt that he couldn't hold the smile on his face any longer.

Just then, the little girl opened her mouth and said, "Yingying (1)."

Lu Ze: "…"

Weren't all the people who acted cute completely wiped out during the Earth era??

This little fella was really ignorant, acting cute with ill intentions wasn't something a good kid should do.

Lu Ze took a deep breath and decided to give this little girl a chance to start over.

Hence, he smiled warmly and asked again. "Little girl, what is your name?"

This time, the silver-haired little girl replied very quickly.

Just then, the little girl opened her mouth and said, "Yingying."

Lu Ze: "…"

Can he hit this little brat's buttocks?

Just then, Lin Ling couldn't stand looking at this anymore. She rolled her eyes in disdain at Lu Ze. "Do you know you're like a criminal who would abduct a child right now?"

The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched, and his heart ached.

His own image turned out to be like this?!

This cannot happen!

At this moment, Lin Ling smiled at the little girl. "Little girl, what is your name?"

The silver-haired little girl, who originally looked at Lu Ze expressionlessly, looked at Lin Ling with her blue eyes glistening, but her voice was still calm. "Big sister, I am called Yingying."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Both of them looked at each other in embarrassment. They both thought that this little girl was trying to be cute.

So her name was actually Yingying?

This type of name still exists??

What were her parents thinking?

"Cough, little girl, where is your family? Big brother will send you home."

Lu Ze realized that he actually misunderstood this cute little girl just now, so he smiled once again toward Yingying.

When Yingying heard that, she turned to look at Lu Ze and the starlight in her eyes disappeared, it was expressionless once again.

Lu Ze saw the changes in Yingying's expression, and his heart ached.

Why does she react so differently toward Lin Ling and him??

He can't accept this!!

"My family is the stars."

Yingying's clear voice resounded once again, but what she said surprised Lu Ze and Lin



What did that mean?

So where were they supposed to send her to?

The entire universe is filled with stars.

Could it be that this child ran away from home?

So she said these things?

Just when the two people were in a daze, the silver-haired little girl looked straight at Lu Ze, tilted her head, and a hint of suspicion flashed across her blue eyes. "You are very special.""

As she spoke, she even leaned forward to smell Lu Ze, then, a tinge of enchantment appeared in her eyes. "You smell so nice, not bothersome."

Lu Ze was slightly surprised when he heard Yingying's words, then, he looked suspiciously at Yingying who was smelling him like a little puppy.

"What smells nice?"

He suddenly realized that this little girl might not be a decent little girl.

Lin Ling had never said that he smelt nice before, so why would this little girl say so?

When Yingying heard what Lu Ze said, a hint of confusion flashed in her blue eyes, and her voice finally had a slight fluctuation. "Your aura smells nice, very intimate."

When Lu Ze heard that, he was taken aback.

Aura smells nice? Very intimate?

Then, he turned to look at Lin Ling who seemed uncertain as well. "Is there anything special about my aura?"

Lin Ling tried to sense his aura seriously and even used [God Art] and [Divine Art] to take a look, and finally shook her head.

The two people looked at each other and realized that this silver-haired little girl didn't seem to be what they thought.

She wasn't a decent little girl.

At the same time, Lu Ze had a few guesses in his heart.

Could it be because he had been using [Red Orbs] to cultivate?

Although he didn't know what [Red Orbs] were.

However, it could help Alice awaken the source of fire, so it was evident that the energy level should not be low, just that the amount was lesser.

Perhaps, he had been using [Red Orbs] to cultivate, so this little girl had this feeling?

But why Lin Ling or Nangong Jing, or even everyone he met before, including the blade demon race, didn't have this feeling?

He looked at the silver-haired little girl who smelled him and was disinterested in him once again as she turned her head toward Lin Ling.

Who exactly is this little fella?

Translator's Note:

[1]: This is an internet slang for the sobbing sound used when girls act cute.
