Chapters [259-260]

Chapter 259. The Sorrow of a Weak Race


Early the next morning, Lu Ze saw Nangong Jing excitedly watching cartoons with Yingying. His mouth twitched with this scenario.

Nangong Jing finally found a way to get closer to Yingying.

Although her age was approaching 30, she still loved cartoons.

Lu Ze suspected that only her body was developed. Her brain was still on the same level as Yingying.

Two people, one adult and one child, watched cartoons for an entire night. Lu Ze became a little dumbfounded.

On the other hand, Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling ended up touching their foreheads.

Even Lu Ze was like this.

It was still the grey wolf and the sheep. The sheep could drive space ships.

The green plains became green planets.

How many times were they going to change the cartoon?!

The only thing that didn't change was the grey wolf getting panned by the red wolf.

That was the favorite scene of Nangong Jing. Every time it got to this part, she looked extremely excited.

Lu Ze suspected that her family had some violent tendencies. Whoever fell in love with her would be in trouble.

At this moment, Nangong Jing's phone rang.

Lu Ze and the others stared at Nangong Jing. She finally reacted, and her face went serious.

Everyone glanced at Yingying who was completely captivated by the cartoon and was not aware of her surroundings. They looked at each other and decided to go upstairs into Lu Ze's room.

He didn't know if Yingying would notice, but he still needed to ask. "How is it?"

Everyone looked at Nangong Jing, hoping for good news.

Nangong Jing opened her phone and viewed the message. She frowned immediately, and the expression on her face became ugly.

Seeing this, the atmosphere fell.

It was bad news.

Nangong Jing projected the news from her phone.

When everyone looked at the content, their face didn't look too well either.

They really did find Tingting based on Yingying's description.

But this little guy was someone from 1900 years ago!!

At that time, Earth was in the post-war era, and the human hierarchy was pushing for the formation of the Federation.

Not long after that, the Federation was created.

It was due to this that they could find citizen data. Otherwise, they might not even find it. Everyone looked at the intel in the projection. They saw Tingting who was wearing twin pigtails from last night, then, they also saw her as a young girl with a long, straight, and black hair. At the same time, the wedding photos when she got married were shown as well, along with her whole family photo throughout her life until she grew old…

Tingting's real name was actually Pan Yuting. She lived until 83 years old-she had led a happy life and had several descendants.

The only strange thing was that she went missing during the first day of school right after summer vacation when she was 8 years old.

When her family found her, she was unconscious in the park.

When post-war construction wanted to demolish the park, she used the excuse of protecting pre-war heritage and letting people remember the dangers of war to protect the region of space in the garden.

However, a thousand years later, the park was still demolished.

Lu Ze and the others watched Tingting's life in silence and didn't talk. Then, there was news of an investigation about Yingying. In the entire history of the Federation, there was no information about Yingying, especially in the era of Tingting.

This meant that Yingying was indeed not human.

From how she just woke up, she probably really just slept for nearly two thousand years.

There was also information about the star spirit race sent to them. The human sages have all been out to travel before. They gathered all they knew about the star spirit race and sent it over.

They didn't know a lot, but they knew that star spirit race was rather amicable to life itself.

They were born from starlight. Usually, one appeared in every hundred of millions of light-years.

Their form isn't set. If they appear on a planet with life, then they will take the form of the organisms on that planet.

Lu Ze and the rest now realized why Yingying was a little girl.

Was she born on Earth?

When they saw the next information, their eyes bulged. It's said that the young star spirit race would often fall into sleep while growing. The duration and times they sleep were uncertain. They were too mysterious after all.

Lu Ze and the others glanced at each other.

It seemed that it was highly likely that Yingying was a young star spirit race.

Everyone looked a little helpless.

Even the power of a young star spirit race was at least Cosmic Realm State, right?

What did that mean?

It's said that the cosmic realm of the elves had one or two Cosmic Realm States.

In the wake of such power, the Milky Way galaxy was really weak.

The atmosphere fell silent.

Everyone looked outside and wondered if Yingying noticed.

Their emotions at this moment was a little complicated. They quite liked that cheerful girl Tingting. They didn't expect she was from 1900 years ago. After some silence, Nangong Jing took out a few bottles and drank before saying, "What do we do? Should we tell her?"

Qiuyue Hesha said seriously, "If we don't say it, would Yingying find out?"

Everyone glanced at each other. No one could answer this.

She was a Cosmic Realm State boss!

Plus, she was from the pinnacle race, star spirit race.

Who knew if she had some mysterious means?

If they hadn't been found out, then it was fine. If they did, then they might as well tell her. Even if they weren't caught and said that they didn't find Tingting, Yingying would go find her by herself.

Could they let a Cosmic Realm State being casually walk around on the human race domain?

What if some guy annoyed her? Who knew what could happen?

Being direct also had its risks. Up until now, Yingying acted like an innocent cute girl. But even a little girl would be angry if she woke up to her friend being dead?

Of course, perhaps, since they've been getting along with Yingying well, then she could at least consider them friends. In this case, maybe she won't harm them.

Every option was a gamble.

The atmosphere fell silent again.

Lu Ze once again felt the harshness of the universe.

If it was an evil Cosmic Realm State, even the elf race wouldn't be able to protect them.

This was the sorrow of a small race.

Of course, they wouldn't go mess with Cosmic Realm States.

The two wouldn't even come in contact.

Then, Lu Ze scratched his head. "I think we should tell Yingying."

Nangong Jing smiled. "I think so too. If we let Yingying go to look by herself, there would be more unstable elements. It's better for us to say it."

Qiuyue Hesha smiled charmingly. "Then, let's tell her."

Lin Ling smiled. "Perhaps, we're worrying too much. Yingying is so cute. How can she do something destructive?"

The other three smiled. "That's true."

Yingying was a good child.

At this juncture, Lu Ze said, "By the way, this is a human crisis. Is the reward good for this one?"

If it was good, he would learn an [Offensive Type of Divine Art] first!

Lin Ling: "…"

Nangong Jing: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

Their eyes widened as they looked at Lu Ze speechlessly.

Qiuyue Hesha narrowed her eyes. "Lu Ze is really interesting. If we survive this time, how about I give you a kiss? It's my first kiss."

Lu Ze: "!!!"

He quickly took a few steps back while looking vigilantly at Qiuyue Hesha.

She had [Seduction God Art]. What was she planning? But she was still saving her first kiss?

Nangong Jing raised a brow. "Pink haired fox, who allowed you to seduce my student?"

Nangong Jing felt this fox is trying to seduce Lu Ze into her class.

These young kids can't resist temptation.

Nangong Jing felt she should wake Lu Ze up.Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "It seems that you realize you're a charmless alcoholic?"

Lin Ling rubbed her head in pain.

Was she the only normal person here? Could you not become a young duke without these strange logics?

She said, "Teacher Qiuyue and Nangong please stop, we're talking about serious business here."

Lu Ze was speechless. He just wanted an [Offensive Divine Art].

Why did it become like this?

But after that, everyone relaxed a little.

Now, they have to think about how to spill the bad news to Yingying.


Chapter 260. My Name is Ying Aotian


Everyone went downstairs and discovered that Yingying was still immersed in watching the cartoon.

It seemed she didn't notice what they did.

The four glanced at each other and sat next to Yingying.

The atmosphere fell silent once again.

They needed to think about how to break it to her. They couldn't outright say "You slept for too long, and your friend died." After all, this matter concerned the entire human race. They needed some time to prepare. Moments later, Lin Ling smiled. "By the way, Yingying, if Tingting isn't found, then are you going to stay? Lu Ze will give you much good food every day, and you can watch cartoons every day." Yingying shook her head. "I'm going to find Tingting. I've agreed with her to go to school together."

"What if Tingting has grown up and can't go to school anymore?"

"You can't go to school if you grow up?" Yingying didn't understand. "If you grow up, you will not be a child anymore, so you don't need to go to school." Yingying opened her mouth wide. "Tingting isn't a child anymore?"

Yingying seemed to be scared by Lin Ling's words.

Then, she said, "I'm still going to find Tingting. I've already made an arrangement with her."

Everyone glanced at each other helplessly.

Clearly, Yingying was very obstinate about Tingting Finally, Nangong Jing said, "Yingying, we'll show you something."

"What is it?" Yingying blinked her eyes.

Nangong Jing smiled. "We found Tingting, she's very happy."

Yingying's eyes lit up and looked hopefully at Nangong Jing. "Where is Tingting?"

She really wanted to see Tingting.

Nangong Jing took a deep breath and projected Tingting's information in the air.

Yingying looked at the information with confusion.

They waited nervously as Yingying read the information.

Her lit up eyes gradually dimmed down. Lu Ze tested, "Yingying, Tingting lived a happy life…"

"Lu Ze don't talk!"

Before Lu Ze could finish his words, Yingying screamed.

At the same time, a shocking chi suddenly appeared.

The chi was unstable but not murderous.

Despite so, Lu Ze and the others felt like they were the weakest organism watched by an extremely powerful being. Their body could not help but freeze.

Whether it was Nangong Jing or Qiuyue Hesha, who was near the Planetary State, or Lu Ze and Lin Ling, none of them could resist at all.

Not just these four felt the chi.

The students in the elite class dorms were forced out of cultivation from this chi. They looked at this chi with terror.

What chi was this??

It was a good thing this chi didn't have any ill will. Otherwise, quite some people would just explode.

Federal University…

Planet Venus… Even the entire Dawn System.

Countless people stopped what they were doing. Their bodies froze as their hands trembled.

"What is going on? Why am I suddenly so scared??"

"What is this chi? It's too terrifying…" "Is this from a sage? Or from enemies??"

On planet Jinyao, the skinny old man stood straight up and situated himself by the wooden shack. He looked toward planet Venus.

If one looked closely, one would notice that he was shivering

The stronger you were, the better you could feel the terror of this chi.

Ordinary people were scared, but they didn't know why they were scared. He was different.

This chi was too strong. It could easily destroy the Milky Way galaxy. Not just the Dawn System.

Tens of thousands of light-years away in Telun System, planet Lan Jiang, Lu Ze's home training grounds.

Merlin's forehead was covered with cold sweat. He looked outside in disbelief.

The chi was despairingly powerful, but he didn't know where it came from.

Alice and Lu Li stopped engaging in battle. They glanced at each other with a sliver of shock and fear.

They also felt the chi.

Alice's source flame reacted. Blue flames floated on her forehead. Eventually, the flame circulated around her body like a flowing stream, completely wrapping her up.

On the other hand, a trace of worry emerged in Lu Li's heart. She wondered how her brother was doing Outside the Federation, on the planets of blade demons, countless blade demons looked around. "Which master is passing by??" "Please don't condemn our race…"

In a cosmic realm a hundred million light-years away from the Milky Way, there was an extremely huge green planet. The planet spun slowly but around it was four stars.

Those huge stars seemed tiny in comparison to the green planet.

The green planet was covered in forests. Several big constructions made of trees were in these forests. There were all sorts of fancy runes inscribed on these constructions.

Atop an extremely tall and large tree was a grandiose palace. A seductive figure could be seen at the seat.

She had a crystal green colored hair, exquisite face, emerald pupils, snow-white skin, slender body, and sharp ears. She seemed like a perfect work of art.

At this moment, this figure glanced in the direction of the Milky Way and murmured, "Did I sense it incorrectly, or is there a powerful being passing by?"

On the other side, it was a cosmic realm emitting black mist.

Inside the realm, a boundless continent floated. Above the continent was a huge red star.

In the center of the continent, right below the star was an extremely tall sharp tower.

At the very top of the tower, there was a pitch-black throne. On top sat a three-meter tall humanoid wearing hideous black armor.

His appearance would be considered extremely handsome in the human race, but he was cold like the ice. He had white skin, bloody pupils, a blood mark between his brows, and two black horns.

He also glanced at the direction of the Milky Way galaxy slightly. He then took back his gaze after a slight pause.

Countless races in the elf cosmic realm and demon cosmic realm felt this chi and shivered.

In the Dawn System.

Everyone could not help but widen their eyes in shock as they watched what was happening in front of them. When the chi appeared, the entire system seemed to have been wrapped by starlight.

The light of the star seemed to be conscious and dimmed down.

Other planets all went completely pitch black.

Only planet Venus bathed under the starlight.

For some reason, everyone felt that the stars were wailing "Why… why is it dark??"

"… You, do you feel it?"

"… Why does it fell like someone is crying?"

"Me, me too…" "… The entire solar system is crying?" "What is going on? Is this the means of Jinyao sage??"

"It's not right, look over there! These starlights don't seem to be approaching the star… Which planet is that??"

Everyone in the solar system looked toward the direction of the starlight.

Only those planets near Venus guessed that the starlight was shining on it.

"What is going on? What happened on Venus??"

The terrifying chi didn't disappear, and now there is such a strange scene.

On planet Venus, Lu Ze and the rest looked at this scene in a daze.

Yingying pouted her lips as tears dripped down her face.

Lu Ze and the other people in the room were completely stiff and couldn't move, but they felt relieved

Yingying was indeed a good child. She didn't do anything terrifying. When that terrifying chi appeared, they really thought they were going to be over. But now, what they needed to do was make her happy.Otherwise, this scene was still a bit alarming.

Her real name should be Ying Aotian?

She had such terrifying chi just from being sad?

Meanwhile, the three girls' motherly nature was activated when they saw how sad Yingying was.

Yingying cried for a long time, and the starlight kept shining on her as though to comfort her.

An hour later, Yingying suddenly looked up at Lu Ze and the others. She said, "Tingting said that bad children will be punished. Was it because I didn't live up to my words and wait for her in the park, so I was punished?"

Everyone in the room: "…"

How should they comfort her in this situation?
