Chapters [261-262]

Chapter 261. Excellent Youth


Qiuyue Hesha looked at Yingying with a gentle expression.

"Yingying you saw it, didn't you? Tingting has been protecting your park. She lived happily too. Surely, she would want you to be happy too, right?"

She pointed to the information with difficulty

Yingying pitifully looked at the photos and fell silent for a while. Then, she looked at them. "Is that really so?"

Everyone quickly nodded. "Yes!"

No matter what, Tingting still cared about that garden until the very end. Yingying must've been really important to her.

Hearing this, Yingying bowed her head slightly and said, "The stars said, life and death is a cycle. This is the law of the universe. Tingting is still a part of the universe and still by my side. Is this… true too?"

Everyone present in the room became dazed after hearing her words. The stars could talk?

No way.

The stars had consciousness?

Or did the entire universe have consciousness?

Or was this just Yingying's inheritance from her race? In response, Lu Ze and the others nodded. "The stars are right."

Regardless, they were all still in the universe no matter what race you were.

Of course, there were still powerful beings in the universe that can reach an undying state. What happens there isn't what Lu Ze and the rest could know now.

Yingying fell silent. The starlight kept surrounding her, and she finally started to calm down.

Lu Ze and his group didn't feel that much pressure anymore as well.

Yingying gave them too much pressure just then.

Seeing this, Lu Ze and the others walked up to Yingying

Lin Ling hugged Yingying and patted her head.

Yingying couldn't resist it. She grabbed Lin Ling's uniform and started crying. "Whimpers… I didn't keep my promise with Tingting. We were supposed to go to school together… it's all my fault…"

Lu Ze watched as Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha patted Yingying's back, comforting her softly.

No matter how strong she was, she was still a kid.

It was already tough for her to control her power and not hurt anyone.

Finally, the starlight that had been shining gradually dissipated. The two stars of the Dawn System radiated light again. Whatever happened a while ago only felt like a dream.

Jinyao sage could finally breathe easily at this point.

It seemed the human race survived this disaster.

Other people looked dazedly in the sky.

"What happened just then?"

"I don't know… it was a scene that covered the entire galaxy. It's too terrifying. Is that the power of a sage?"

Someone suddenly exclaimed, "Look on the net! There is news!"

Countless people recounted their experiences, exclaiming that fear poured into their entire body as though they were facing death.

From the Dawn System to the border solar systems of the Federation, everyone had this feeling

Everyone looked among each other with terror.

This actually covered the entire Federation?!

That was too terrifying.

Could sages really do this?

Or was it not the sage?

Everyone guessed among themselves.

All students on planet Venus were stunned. They completely didn't know what happened and could only feel terror in their hearts.

Luckily, this chi disappeared, but the terror remained.

Some weaker students couldn't even get up. The Federal citizens were terrified.

At this moment, the Federation quickly announced that there was a powerful being passing by the Federation region. This individual didn't cause much damage.

Even the blade demons were affected too, so this wasn't a targeted attack against the human race.

At this moment, in Lu Ze's dorm, Lu Ze scratched his head as he was the worst at comforting people.

Mhm… all he knew was to let someone cry on his shoulder.

But that wouldn't do for Yingying. She was a little kid.

There was already someone hugging her, so there was nothing for him to do.

He just needed to wait for her to finish crying. What he didn't expect was that Yingying cried for an entire morning. Lin Ling's chest area was completely drenched with tears. Only when the little girl realized her face was wet, she stopped crying but kept sniffing. At this moment, Lu Ze tested, "Yingying, do you want some food? I'll give you all the tasty things, okay?"

Lu Ze's heart ached.

He didn't have much food left, but in order for Yingying to be happy, he had decided to make an exception.

Yingying looked up with her dark blue eyes. "Really?"

Lu Ze grinned. This kid didn't forget about food even when she was sad.

This was good.

Moreover, Tingting was no longer here. They would need to think of a way to keep Yingying.

That way, humans would have a powerful being protecting the race. Yingying wasn't too reliable, but she at least had a cosmic realm power. That was definitely beneficial for the human race.

Lin Ling and the rest clearly thought of this too.

Lu Ze painfully took out all his food and placed it on the table.

Yingying kept sniffing as she stuffed food in her mouth. Her little body seemed like a bottomless pit.

As the food kept disappearing, Lu Ze began to doubt life.

He could only comfort himself that Alice's supplies would be here soon. This was all for the human race.

He was an excellent youth!

Lu Ze silently looked as Yingying ate. She continued to eat for more than two hours until he felt the last steak in his storage ring.

When Yingying looked over, he quickly shook his head. "There's no more food!"

He had decided to hide in his room and eat the last steak…

Yingying seemed to have recovered a little because there was good food.Kids got happy and sad quickly.

Lu Ze smiled gently. "Yingying, how about you stay here from now on? Sister Lin Ling, Jing and Hesha will play with you. You can also eat plenty of tasty food and watch cartoons."

Yingying's eyes lit up. She opened her slightly oily mouth and said, "Really?"

Lin Ling smiled and wiped the oil from Yingying's mouth. "Of course, does Yingying want to stay?" Qiuyue Hesha patted Yingying's head. "I will sing songs to you." Nangong Jing grinned. "Yingying, let me tell you, wine is…"

Before she could finish, she backed down under the other three's eyes. She smiled. "I can watch cartoons with you."

Yingying's eyes lit up even more. "Really?"

Lu Ze and the others quickly nodded. "Yingying, you can think of this place as your home."

Yingying finally nodded. "Mhm!"


Chapter 262. After One Night, Your Kid Is So Old Already?


Since Yingying agreed to stay, then it would be beneficial for everyone, even for the entire human race.

Nangong Jing immediately contacted Jinyao sage.

On planet Jinyao.

Jinyao sage immediately relaxed after receiving Nangong Jing's message. Although cosmic realm beings definitely couldn't be commanded, having one on the planet could be a strong deterrent for enemies.

"Hahahaha, great!" Jinyao sage laughed. He got too excited, and a sliver of his chi spilled. The surrounding organisms felt this, and all of them ended up shivering.

Then, he quickly got in touch with high-level officials of the Federation.

Since Yingying had decided to stay, then they would need to discuss some things.

Soon, it became night time.

The two stars gradually sank below the horizon.

The bamboo forest made shuffling sounds under the wind. There would be strange-shaped animals jumping out from the pond from time to time.

Everything seemed so harmonious. One couldn't see at all that in the morning, the Dawn System could have been destroyed.

After the discussion of the authorities, they eventually decided to allow Yingying to stay in Lin Ling's dorm.

Yingying was closest to the four, so it was better to let her stay with them. The four would clearly be the core people of the human race in the future. It was fine to have them keep Yingying. And, Lin Ling's family was originally a military family. Her great grandfather was once a sage. Everyone felt secure with Lin Ling caring for Yingying.

At the same time, if Lu Ze and Lin Ling weren't there due to missions, Yingying would need to be looked after by Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha.

As for other people, it would take time.

They couldn't all rush up and meet Yingying.

Receiving the news, Lu Ze and the other three smiled.

It was finally over.

They really were on the border of death today.

Lin Ling patted Yingying's head. "Yingying, do you want to stay with me later?".

Yingying nodded. "Mhm."

Although Yingying said she didn't need to sleep, they couldn't just let her go out alone at night.

It was best that Lin Ling taught her the sleeping cycle of humans. It would truly be the best if she could learn it at the same time. If not, she can watch cartoons alone at night.

Nangong Jing said, "By the way, bring Yingying to our place tomorrow. Yingying can come to us if she needs anything.

She then glanced at Lu Ze. "And, our reward will be very ample for keeping Yingying. The high-levels are still discussing."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up like crazy.

More rewards!

Lu Ze immediately started to daydream. Even the other three girls smiled. Although Nangong Jing and Lin Ling had very powerful families, it didn't affect the school's endowment. They still needed academic credits.

To gain academic credits at school, you either had to breakthrough or contribute to the school or Federation. The martial ranking and trial were just the basics. If you want to become truly strong, you needed to participate in the missions.

Most missions were published by the Federation while some were published by the school. You could only get more academic credits after completing these missions and then get more resources to become stronger.

Subsequently, Nangong Jing, Qiuyue Hesha, Lin Ling, and Yingying left.

Lu Ze felt relieved at this juncture.

He needed to take a break.

The boss here was more intense than the boss in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Even he, who died daily, experienced a heart attack.

Then, Lu Ze went upstairs and messaged home to see if they were affected.

After hearing everyone was safe, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Alice said that she had already sent out her supplies. This made Lu Ze's eyes go red.

He chatted with Lu Li and Alice for a while before putting his phone away.

He looked around vigilantly. After making sure Yingying wasn't around, he took out the last steak to eat.

In the dark room, Lu Ze suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes flashed with pain.

Due to Yingying, he didn't go to the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] nor rest last night.

Today, he didn't even survive for a day, and he was killed by a boss.

Why weren't the boss in [Pocket Hunting Dimension] friendly like Yingying? Why couldn't they get along? Lu Ze lay on the bed and waited for the pain to disappear before sitting back up again. He started to digest the new [God Art Orbs] he got.

The next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes. Lu Ze digested all the [God Art Orbs] and used two more [Red Orbs].

His power was steadily increasing. Afterward, he cleaned himself and proceeded downstairs.

He planned to go find Lin Ling and Yingying, so they could all go to Nangong Jing's place.

At this moment, Ye Mu's desperate voice could be heard at the door. "Ze, are you here??"

Lu Ze opened the door and found that other than Lin Ling, everyone was standing there. Their faces looked serious.

Lu Ze asked, "What happened?"

Everyone looked strangely at Lu Ze.

Ian asked, "Ze, are you okay? The chi from yesterday was too terrifying."

Xavier nodded and smiled. "I was scared to death. It took a long time for me to recover."

The other people nodded with his statement.

Indeed, they were the closest. As a consequence, they would be affected the most.

Lu Ze wondered what they would think if they knew there was a cosmic realm being next to them?

But Lu Ze didn't say it. That chi was scary enough already. He didn't need to scare them more.

At this moment, Ye Mu looked strangely at Lu Ze. "Ze, you were fine?"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Was he fine?

What a joke!

He was right next to that chi! Two meters away to be exact!

However, he couldn't leak that confidential mission that saved humanity.

At this moment, Lin Ling walked over with Yingying.

Seeing everyone gathered at Lu Ze's door, she asked in confusion, "What happened to you guys?"

Tianyuan Qianhua asked, "Lin Ling, we were planning to go find you… huh!" Tianyuan Qianhua suddenly screamed when she saw Yingying.

Yingying was very cute, but why was Lin Ling holding a silver-haired little girl?

Everyone also looked dazedly at Yingying.

Yingying was calm and just looked back.

Ye Mu looked at Yingying, then Lin Ling and then at Lu Ze.

Then, he said in disbelief, "Oh my! One night and your kid is this big?? How did you do it?"Lu Ze: "???"

Lin Ling: "???" Kid? What kid?

Then, they began to realize. Before Lu Ze could speak, Lin Ling's face went red. She glared at Ye Mu and kicked him into the pond. She also sealed his power, so he couldn't use spirit force.

Everyone: "…."

Everyone watched as the drenched Ye Mu swim in the pond. They became speechless.

At this moment, Lu Ze explained, "This kid is Yingying. She's Lin Ling's relative."

The high-levels had prepared an identity for Yingying.

It was best to not let too many people know that Yingying was a cosmic realm state being.
