Chapters [273-274]

Chapter 273. Teacher Luo is a Great Person


Lu Ze didn't even know whether Qiuyue Hesha was still a teacher of Emperor Capital Academy.

If the Emperor Capital Academy students knew that their teacher was teaching Federal University students, would they be furious?

Two days later, news came from planet Jinyao, informing them that the dao enlightenment room was vacant.

Nangong Jing took Qiuyue Hesha, Lin Ling, and Lu Ze, as well as Yingying, to planet Jinyao.

Since the four people Yingying was most familiar with were going to the dao enlightenment room, they couldn't leave Yingying alone. Who knew if she would eat the entire dorms out of hunger?

And, perhaps old man Nangong would benefit from staying with Yingying.

Before the shack, Nangong Jing's flying ship stopped. The four brought Yingying down. She looked around curiously.

Old man Nangong was already waiting outside the shack.

Nangong Jing smiled at Yingying. "Little Yingying, this old man is sister's great-grandpa. For this month, we will be cultivating in other places on this planet. Can you stay with the old grandpa?"

Yingying's body stiffened. She looked at the four and blinked. "Are you really going to stay here on this planet to cultivate? You guys won't leave?"

Lu Ze rubbed Yingying's head. "Don't worry, we won't leave."

Old man Nangong squatted down and smiled amicably at Yingying. "You're Yingying, right? You should be able to feel that the big brothers and sisters are on this planet. Don't worry, you can play with me here, alright?"

Yingying looked at the four hesitantly. After all, her friend had left once before. She didn't want it to happen again. But since they said they were on this planet, she could still sense them.

Thinking about this, Yingying nodded. "Come back early then!"

Lin Ling rubbed Yingying's face. "Don't worry, we'll come back in a month."

Qiuyue Hesha hugged Yingying. "Big sister won't leave Yingying behind."

Nangong Jing thought of something and said to old man Nangong, "Old man, you can't let Yingying drink!"

After being brainwashed by Lu Ze and the rest, she finally realized that it was inappropriate for Yingying to drink.

Lu Ze and the others: "…"

Yingying was already a foodie. If she became an alcoholic too, all hell would break loose.

Old man Nangong smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I know."

Even if he had the chance, he wouldn't. Who knew if wine would affect Yingying? If something happened, then it would affect the entire human race.

Lu Ze and the other three left the shack on the flying ship and came to a small city very far from the shack.

This city only had a radius of 20 kilometers. It had ten-meter tall black walls surrounding it with all sorts of cannons and energy barrier devices.

The houses inside weren't tall. They were only two stories and were black too.

This entire city seemed like black chocolate.

Before the city was a large space station, but only a few flying ships came and went. Nangong Jing parked her ship there, and the four got out.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "It's your first time at Jinyao City. I'll tell you the rules here, so you don't break it the next time you come alone. It's very serious to break rules here."

"Please speak, teacher."

"Jinyao City is the biggest treasure cove of Dawn System. The items, which required high academic credits on Dawn Network, are kept here. If a flying ship flies above the city, it will be struck down without hesitation. Flying ship must stop at the space station."

"You must register before you enter the city. After that, you can only go to where your reward is since it is forbidden to wander to other places." "You can't fly nor fight in the city, or your rewards will be confiscated. There will also be punishment based on the severity of the offense."

"There are some special rewards that require people to lead you there."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling remembered carefully.

As they spoke with each other, they soon came to the city gates.

The city gate was only three meters wide. There was an identity scanning device installed. An extremely handsome white-haired man was sitting on the chair with his eyes closed.

Lu Ze looked at this man and became dazed. It was Luo Bingqing.

He hadn't seen him in the school for a while. Lu Ze did not expect to meet him here.

Was he guarding the gates?

Lu Ze felt strange deep inside. This number one handsome young duke in the Federation even guarded the gate so well.

But Lu Ze felt he would be this handsome too under the same situation.

When he sensed the people approaching, Luo Bingqing opened his eyes. After seeing Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha together, even he became dazed for a moment.

Didn't the two fight as soon as they saw each other?

Did they come to Jinyao City together?

When he saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling, he was even more confused.

He had a deep impression of Lu Ze and Lin Ling, but they shouldn't have a reason to come to planet Jinyao.

The treasure bought would be sent directly to the students. Those who were required to enter the place here either came for the dao enlightenment room, body refinement room, and things similar to those mentioned.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Old Luo, we're going to the dao enlightenment room."

They were teachers of the same school and also young dukes, but that didn't mean there was no competition between them.

Nangong Jing had the opportunity to improve her power greatly and thus felt very happy seeing Luo Bingqing. Qiuyue Hesha was the same, but she didn't say anything.

Luo Bingqing glanced at the two and took out the computer. He started to scrutinize the information.

When he saw that Nangong Jing actually had a month of dao enlightenment room time, his hands stiffened while his pupils shrank.

Then, he checked Qiuyue Hesha. It was also a month.

He looked up and said plainly, "Nangong, Qiuyue, you guys earned quite a lot this time." Nangong Jing grinned. "It's nothing, we're just a bit lucky."

Qiuyue Hesha smiled seductively. "It is indeed good luck."

Luo Bingqing smiled. "Luck is a part of power. I don't have this luck."

He didn't believe in luck at all. If luck could give you a month in the dao enlightenment room, then what kind of luck must that be?

He could see that the two didn't want to explain. Since they couldn't say it, then he naturally would not ask anymore.

Subsequently, he looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling. "What about your rewards?"

Lu Ze smiled. "We're going to the dao enlightenment room too."

Luo Bingqing glanced at Lu Ze and Lin Ling in shock.

He knew of the rewards from the Xiaer battlefield. There was no dao enlightenment room reward.

Did these two new students complete a difficult mission in a few short days?

He sighed, they were indeed the number one and two new students of Dawn System.

Lu Ze's power was even stronger than his at the time.He sighed and opened Lu Ze's information. He could see that Lu Ze had a month of dao enlightenment room time too. At this point, his smile could not help but freeze. He felt this was impossible.

This wasn't right!

One month time in the dao enlightenment room was worth more than 100 million academic credits.

Even he needed quite some time to gain that.

Lu Ze was just a new student, how could that be?

He took a deep breath and looked at Lin Ling's profile too. It was a month indeed.

Luo Bingqing looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling deeply before smiling. "This reward is hugely beneficial to you guys, so don't waste it."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling quickly nodded. "Thank you for your reminder, teacher Luo."


Chapter 274. Scarcity of Resources


In the end, Luo Bingqing fulfilled the procedures to register the four people. The four then entered the city gates after authenticating their identities.

Watching the four enter, Luo Bingqing's eyes flashed.

He checked the data. There was nothing indicated regarding what mission they accomplished to receive such high rewards.

Their rewards came at the same time. Clearly, the mission was the same…

Luo Bingqing thought about the big things that happened recently. Then, his eyes narrowed. He remembered a few days ago, the entire Dawn System suddenly became submerged in darkness. There was starlight looming over the Federal University.

Was that terrifying chi related to those four?

Luo Bingqing shook his head. Naturally, the possibility of this was extremely low.

He had seen Jinyao sage. That chi was much stronger than a sage. If it had bad intent, they would be in danger. Clearly, it was not a being from the human race. Why would a foreign race who was a powerful being be related to them?

Luo Bingqing stopped thinking about it anymore.

After he finished this guarding mission, he would have academic credits coming in, but it couldn't compare with Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha.

There was only one year until the Four-race social gathering. The young dukes were going to socialize with the young generation of the other three races.

There wasn't enough time.

Inside Jinyao City, squads of patrols wearing black armor patrolled the streets.

"These warriors are all Aperture Opening State?"

None of their chi was weaker than him. Lu Ze was in disbelief. He thought he was rather strong.

But any random squad of patrols was this strong

Lin Ling's eyes flashed as she said, "The leader had reached the Mortal Evolution State."

Lu Ze: "…"

Well, he was still a noob after all.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha turned around. Nangong Jing glanced at the patrols and smiled. "All the precious human treasures are placed here. Of course, they would be strict when it comes to the defense of this place."

"All the ordinary patrol warriors here are Aperture Opening State while their captain is a Mortal Evolution State. There's even a Planetary State in the city. Plus, my old man is here. This is the safest place in the entire Dawn System."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling felt dazed with her explanation.

Qiuyue Hesha continued, "The reward for guarding here is quite nice. Several graduates would come to work here after military service. Otherwise, why do you think Luo Bingqing is guarding the door here? The reward is just lower than the Planetary State. It's higher than the patrol warriors."

So they were all graduates. Lu Ze thought they were still studying.

Soon, the four came to the region of the dao enlightenment room. The entire city had six dao enlightenment room. Each room had four enclosures. There were, in total, 24 enclosures. Each one could only be used by one person at a time, or the effect wouldn't be good.

From outside, the dao enlightenment room region looked no different from other regions. It was all two-story high.

Lu Ze found that there were two male students there.

They weren't from Federal University, but Lu Ze still didn't know which school they were from.

He hadn't even seen the uniforms of Emperor Capital Academy yet.

The two were ready to enter an enclosure when they saw the four walk over.

When they saw it was Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha, their faces were even stranger.

The entire Dawn System was very familiar with the two.

When they saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling, their faces changed even more.

Weren't they new students? What were they doing here?

Lu Ze and Lin Ling were already first on the 1st year martial ranking. It caused quite a heated discussion on the forums of Dawn System.

They were just new students, and yet, they could come to the dao enlightenment room?

They weren't from Federal University nor Emperor Capital Academy, but their combat power was at the middle stage of Aperture Opening State.

Despite so, they used quite some effort and went through quite some danger to get two hours. Yet, these two new students were the same.

Seeing how the two were looking at them in a daze, Nangong Jing frowned. "Are you guys going to go inside? The time in the dao enlightenment room is precious. You're going to waste it?"

People took turns using the dao enlightenment room. Leaving it empty was a waste of resources.

The two woke up and quickly went into their respective enclosures.

Lu Ze and his group waited outside. Since it was their turn soon, clearly, they wouldn't need to wait long Three minutes later, two enclosures opened. The two students walked out with a smile.

Clearly, they benefited quite a lot.

When they saw Lu Ze and the other three they became stunned, but Nangong Jing said, "Lu Ze and Lin Ling you guys go in first. The enclosure can't be left open."

The two nodded, verified their identity under the surprised looks of the two students, and entered.

The door of the enlightenment room soon closed. Sounds from the outside were completely cut off. Lu Ze then studied his surroundings. The wall and ceiling were all made with white unknown materials. They emitted this faint glow.

The floor was made of the same material, but there was a cushion.

Lu Ze sat on the cushion. He only had a month, so he definitely had to work hard.

He took out his phone. There was no signal here, but he saved the [Divine Art].

His [Wings of the Wind], as well as [Wings of Lightning], had reached the extreme. Right now, he was going to begin learning [Wings of Wind and Lightning]. Lu Ze used a [Purple Orb] from a boss, and his mind immediately became clear.

Subsequently, he started to peruse the words of [Wings of Wind and Lightning].

Soon, Lu Ze noticed the difference in the dao enlightenment room.

When he started learning [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and subconsciously used [Wind and Lightning God Art], he could feel the secrets of the [2 God Arts] in the world. He could even feel the rhythm of [Divine Art].

It was very obscure and couldn't compare with the [God Art Orbs] and [Divine Art Runes] of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], but at least, it wouldn't be blank.

It would be a huge improvement for other students.

No wonder so many people used it.

With the help of the dao enlightenment room, he could probably learn twice as fast.

As Lu Ze was immersed in the [Arcanum of Divine Art], an alarm bell rung, which interrupted Lu Ze's thought. He almost smashed his phone.

Luckily, he remembered that he set an alarm.

He was scared of becoming too immersed in learning [Divine Art] that he would forget to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

If there wasn't some very special circumstance, Lu Ze still wanted to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

He closed his eyes and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

As soon as Lu Ze appeared on the grass, he felt the unknown powerful force behind him.

He used his [Wings of the Wind] and disappeared instantly. He reappeared one kilometer away.


An ear shocking explosion occurred. Spirit force turned into fierce winds that blew Lu Ze's hair everywhere.

His gaze then landed on a fifty meter long huge black anaconda.


The anaconda missed and then slithered toward Lu Ze.

Black rays rose around Lu Ze. Wind and lightning crossed.

His [Fire God Art] couldn't keep up anymore, so Lu Ze mercilessly abandoned it.He wanted to try what he learned during the day.

It was harder to fuse the [Wings of the Wind] and [Wings of Lightning] than fusing [God Arts].

But he already received a hint. He just needed practice.

Wind and lightning crossed. Lu Ze dodged the spewing of meter-thick black spirit force as he controlled the fusion of [Wind and Lightning God Art].

The anaconda's power was nearly 130 Apertures, but it couldn't match up to the speed of Lu Ze who used [Wings of the Wind]. It could only chase Lu Ze violently.

Moments later, Lu Ze's face changed. The violent wind and lightning chi became unstable.

At this moment, Lu Ze flapped his [Wings of the Wind] and appeared above the head of the anaconda.

His fist carried green and purple wind and lightning as it smashed on its metallic scale.
