Chapters [275-276]

Chapter 275. Lu Iron Head Ze


The anaconda couldn't dodge Lu Ze's attack, so it chose to take it head-on.


The green wind, which emerged from Lu Ze's fist, carried purple lightning and clashed with the anaconda's tough scale.

The battle waves spread across more than ten kilometers. The surrounding tall grass was ground to pieces by the wind blades. The black arid earth was plowed through by a violent force.

The center of the clash was filled with green, purple, and black rays.

Moments later, the light disappeared, revealing what was inside.

A deep ditch of a few kilometer range appeared there.

The head of the anaconda was charred. Its body showed multiple wounds. At the same time, snake blood flowed out, forming a puddle.

The wind blew, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Not far away, Lu Ze was completely covered in wounds. His right hand was bloody as he laid on the ground weakly.

He was panting and coughing. "Shit…"

He felt pain all over his body.

The injury he received was not due to the power of the anaconda, but it was his first time fusing the [Wind and Lightning God Art], so he ended up blowing himself up.

If he didn't have [1st Body God Art] and [1st Shield], then he would've really killed himself. This reminded Lu Ze of the time when he tried to fuse [Wind and Fire God Art].

It had been a few months.

Lu Ze sighed after realizing how time flew by quickly. He used [Wind God Art] to fly up to the anaconda that turned to dust and quickly collected the orbs before leaving.

There were more and more bosses now. If some powerful beast came, it wouldn't be good.

Lu Ze flew in the grass while using [Regeneration God Art] to heal.

Half an hour later, Lu Ze was completely healed. It's just that he used a lot of energy.

It seemed he needed to improve his [Regeneration God Art].

Fighting while recovering was what Lu Ze pursued now.

He flew and found that the beasts in this region were much stronger than before.

Originally, he might not find an Aperture Opening State beast within a thousand-kilometer range, but now, he could find one every 100 kilometers. There were plenty of strong Aperture Opening State beasts that devoured [God Art Shards].

It was a good thing Lu Ze learned the chi stealth technique, or he would've been caught.

But even if he ran, these beasts wouldn't be able to catch up to him. When he learned wings of wind and lightning, he even wanted to find the green bird boss and test if he would be caught.

If not, then he would be very happy.

The grass plain was so huge. He could go wherever he wanted!

After recovering, Lu Ze entered cold and merciless jungling mode.

Two days later in some part of the grassy plain, Lu Ze looked coldly at a five-meter tall sheep-like beast.

It had two sharp horns, one green, and one purple. It was covered in dark fur.

Lu Ze took a deep breath.

[3 God Arts]! After dominating hundreds of thousands of kilometers of grassy plain, this was the first time he encountered a beast with [3 God Art]!

Although their knowledge of [God Art] was limited by those [God Art] beasts, the power of [3 God Art] would definitely not be weak.

This sheep was definitely a prodigy amongst beasts.


The sheep was quite agitated. It did not even give Lu Ze enough time to react. At this point, it suddenly roared. Black color covered its body while wind and lightning flashed across its body.

It then charged.


Tens of meters deep ditch appeared. Grass and mud flew in the air, but its huge body was gone. A black rune flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as his body was covered with black crystal runes. 1st shield activated!

At the same time, a pair of green wings appeared behind his back. The faint green wind appeared on the surface of Lu Ze's body.

His wings flapped, and he instantly shifted ten meters to the left. He was so fast that afterimages could be seen in his wake.

At the same time, a black figure charged past.

Lu Ze's wings flapped again, and he appeared at the side of the black figure.

He was planning to punch when he felt a sharp chi on his side.

He glanced and saw sharp wind blades shooting at him. Above him was also lightning.

Lu Ze's wings flapped again and dodged the attacks.

Although the black sheep had [Wind and Lightning God Art], they could only attack separately. They were weaker than Lu Ze's. Lu Ze appeared on the other side and punched with purple and green lights surrounding his fist.

Today, he was Lu Iron Head Ze!

He just failed to fuse [God Art] once.

He could still do it again! On the faint black crystal barrier, wind and lightning fused as Lu Ze punched toward the sheep's stomach. "Die!"

The black sheep had [Wind God Art], but without the [Empowerment of Divine Art], it was slower than Lu Ze.

The sheep saw that it couldn't dodge the attack, so its eyes shot out even more violent rays. Wind blades and lightning formed on its side and greeted Lu Ze's fist.


A shocking wave spread across for more than ten kilometers. The weaker beasts in the surrounding area all fled.

Lightning and wind ravaged the land.


The black sheep roared with a sliver of pain.

Eventually, the light was gone, and the scene cleared up. There was a terrifying big hole, from which its organs could be seen, on the sheep's side.

Lu Ze flapped his wings and appeared tens of meters above.

His right hand slunk powerlessly. Blood gashes appeared on his arm as blood trickled down to his fingertips and landed below.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

Who could handle this?

He blew himself up every time.

It was better than last time. His right arm was just broken.

He looked at the sheep. Its chi was weaker, but it was still staring violently at him.

Lu Ze didn't care. Catch him if it could.

He looked at the sheep as he used [Regeneration God Art] to recover his hand.

He must admit, [Regeneration God Art] felt great. Even if he was injured, he didn't need to worry. At most, he would only need half an hour, and he was good as new.

For just a broken right arm, he didn't even need half an hour.


As soon as Lu Ze began to recover, the sheep charged using [God Art].

This time, it even opened its mouth to bite toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze kept blinking in the air with his wings as he dodged the sheep's attacks.This sheep's combat power wasn't low. Lu Ze had felt that its chi was dangerous. If he was struck once, perhaps, even he would be heavily injured.

But the difference in speed left it with no room to vent its anger.

Moments later, Lu Ze's right arm recovered finally.

Thus, Lu Ze used [Wind and Lightning Fusion God Art] again on the sheep's wound. The terrifying power passed through the sheep's powerful body and tore its organs, killing it in the end.

Of course, the price was his arm broke again.

Although he ended injured every time, he could remember the process of fusing the [God Arts]. When he went out, he would use [Purple Orb] and dao enlightenment room to learn it.

Before Lu Ze could breathe easily, he felt three extremely powerful chi. There was a chi that Lu Ze was familiar with.

It was the chi of the blue bird boss!


Chapter 276. What Was That??


There were pros and cons to the change in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Naturally, it could be considered a good thing that the orbs were of higher level and thus more useful to Lu Ze. Fighting beasts similar to his level also gave Lu Ze more combat experience.

Previously, Lu Ze was in a very awkward situation.

The bosses could kill him instantly while he could kill the low-level Core Martial State beasts instantly. Now due to the change, Lu Ze had this long-awaited hot-blooded battle.

However, it wasn't just that the beasts became stronger, but their density also increased.

They liked to go around everywhere.

Lu Ze encountered this situation right now. His battle with the sheep drew over three powerful beasts. One of them was a blue bird boss whose power had reached 400 to 500 Apertures.

This made Lu Ze sad.

Why did things become like this?

He turned around and found the middle position between the two weaker beasts and flew over.

He felt he could run away. Ree!!

Sensing Lu Ze's movement, the blue bird boss shrieked.

The shriek pierced the area within tens of kilometers.

Lu Ze's face changed.

It was so fast!

Although Lu Ze had wings of the wind, the blue bird was a boss after all. It was much stronger than Lu Ze.

He could feel its violent chi coming over rapidly. It was twice as fast as he was.

The beasts he chose to run to didn't dare to come near and instead ran to the sides.

Lu Ze: "…"


Lu Ze had never seen beasts that were quite as timid as the ones near him.

Lu Ze felt that if they teamed up, they should be able to fight!

Even if they couldn't beat the boss, he would be able to get away with his wings of the wind while the two beasts held the boss there.

Yet, those two beasts were so cunning and immediately chose to run.

That way, Lu Ze was clearly the closest to the boss.

This distance was just a matter of half a minute.

However, Lu Ze felt he could still save himself.

He chose the direction of the slower beast and flew over.

It didn't matter how fast you ran, you just needed to run faster than other beasts.

Immediately, the beast kept changing directions as though trying to get rid of Lu Ze.

Lu Ze wasn't going to be shaken off that easily. He even could see a grey-furred huge cat.

Lu Ze smiled.

Little boy, don't run, let's play together. It was your fault for trying to sneak up on me.


The grey cat looked around, and its eyes flashed with violent light. This two-legged animal was too evil!

Behind Lu Ze, the beautiful figure of the blue bird boss appeared. Four whirlpools were around it.

Lu Ze sweated cold.

The stronger he was, the more danger he could sense.

The blue bird boss' chi was much stronger than his at this moment.

Lu Ze felt he could perhaps try to hunt it a month later, but now, it was hard for him to even run.


The grey cat shivered, appearing to be a little frightened. Soon, the gray and black lights on its body surged, allowing it to fly even faster.

Lu Ze grinned at this scene.

You want to run?


A purple and green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as wind blades and lightning struck at the grey cat non-stop.

The grey cat's chi was stronger than Lu Ze's but far weaker than the boss. Otherwise, it would've clawed Lu Ze's face already.

Lu Ze's attack couldn't do much damage to it, but it slowed its movements.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze rapidly flew over.

After flying a few hundred more meters, Lu Ze felt relieved.

It seemed he could survive.

The grey cat was stronger than him and had strong [Defense God Art]. It should be able to hold the blue bird boss there.

At this moment, Lu Ze suddenly stopped where he was. He looked ahead in the sky in disbelief.

There stood a black-haired youth with a slender figure. His appearance could only be described as handsome.

But the important thing was that he looked exactly like him?

Was this another Lu Ze??

How could there be someone looking exactly like him??

He was so shocked that he forgot to run. The grey cat saw the person ahead and stopped too.

His instincts told it that this two-legged animal was much stronger than the one before!

The blue bird boss immediately fled.

It felt a lethal threat.

The second Lu Ze glanced at Lu Ze and disappeared.

Then, Lu Ze felt a powerful force on his stomach, and his vision went dark.

Lu Ze opened his eyes and saw the glowing walls. He was back in the dao enlightenment room.

He exhaled slightly, and his back seemed to be covered with cold sweats. On the same note, he could feel extreme pain all over his body.

Just what was that?

Another him?

He sensed the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] and discovered that there was still a connection. He could still go in tomorrow.

He then sensed his own condition. It was just an ordinary exit.

Since there was no problem with himself, then there must be something wrong with the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]?

The second Lu Ze's chi was very strong but not absurd. It was weaker than Nangong Jing.

From what he knew, that second Lu Ze had a power that was around the primary stage of the Mortal Evolution State.

He looked exactly like him and even shared the same chi. When Lu Ze faced him, it felt like he was facing himself.

The only difference was power.

Lu Ze thought of several possibilities.

The first was that the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] was connected to other worlds, and there was another Lu Ze in that other world who could also come in.

The second was that the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] created a projection of him.

The third was that it was another boss who had an [Illusion Type of God Art], so in Lu Ze's eyes, this guy looked exactly like him.

Perhaps, this guy is another cute rabbit.

If it was the first possibility, Lu Ze didn't know if it was good or bad.

If they had the same personality, they could talk and perhaps form a team. If not, things would become troublesome.

Lu Ze couldn't do anything about the second possibility.

If it was the third, then Lu Ze would do what he should and get him once he was a mature hunter.

Perhaps, he might even get an [Illusion God Art Orb].

Realizing this, Lu Ze knew that all he could do was to become stronger.

He sat down and went over his schedule.

Learning [Divine Art] during the day and entering the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] during the evening. After coming out, he would digest [God Art Orbs].

With this, his combat power would progress very quickly.
