Chapters [277-278]

Chapter 277. Power After a Month


A month later in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], Lu Ze stood in the air with a pair of green wings on his back. The wings contained marks of purple lightning runes.

Every time he flapped his wings, wind and lightning flashes appeared on his body, making him seem like the master of wind and lightning Opposite him was a huge blue bird with a wingspan of a hundred meters. Whirlwinds formed as it flapped its wings. The two watched each other.

Within one month, Lu Ze's improvements in both [God Art] and [Divine Art] were huge. He had completely learned [Wings of Wind and Lightning]. At the same time, there was huge progress in his [Green Jade Slash]. He even learned a bit of [Star Crippling Punch]! Although his spirit force cultivation didn't improve, his body digested a large quantity of [1st Body God Art] and [Regeneration God Art Orbs]. Its level had reached nearly 50 Apertures.

His combat power became even more powerful.

He would be leaving the dao enlightenment room tomorrow. Lu Ze came here to fight the blue bird boss to gauge his current power.

After all those hardships, he finally had the chance to face the blue bird boss head-on. Lu Ze was a little excited.


Sensing Lu Ze's evil thought, the bird raised its long elegant neck and shrieked.

The whirlwinds around it spun faster.

The boss seemed extremely angry.

Lu Ze decided to test the waters first.

A complex green rune flashed in his eyes.

[Green Jade Slash]!

Wind elements gathered, and a green curved wind blade formed before Lu Ze. It looked like ordinary wind blades in terms of shape, but its color was deeper and more vibrant like jade.

Unlike ordinary wind blades, the internal structure was layers of wind elements that overlapped and resonated with each other. It's far sharper and stronger than ordinary wind blades.

This would need a deep understanding of [Wind God Art] to produce.

When Lu Ze cultivated this [Divine Art], he thought back to the terror of being buried by the blue bird boss' wind blades. With that, Lu Ze only used 12 days to learn the [Green Jade Slash].

After learning the rhythm of [Wind God Art], it became easier to cultivate.

Lu Ze didn't completely master the [Green Jade Slash], but it could still multiply the power of his attack.

Just using [Green Jade Slash], Lu Ze's destructive power was quite terrifying. It had reached the limit of the Tertiary Stage of the Aperture Opening State. This meant that with just the [Green Jade Slash, Lu Ze's power had reached the Aperture Opening State with 360 Apertures.

However, the [Green Jade Slash] was just [Wind Divine Art]. Lu Ze tried to fuse [Lightning God Art] into it in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

However, as soon as he fused in a little, the [Green Jade Slash] would explode on the spot. Lu Ze even sent himself out of the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], but there was still no progress.

Thus, Lu Ze could only give up.

The wind blade was only one meter long and was like green jade. But it had extremely powerful sharp chi.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and the blade disappeared.


At the same time, there was a huge explosion around the blue bird boss. Violent winds blew out within the range of 20 kilometers.

The distant unlucky beasts were severed by wind blades—they didn't even know where it came from.

When the wind dispersed, Lu Ze looked hopefully at the direction of the blue bird boss. He wondered how the attack was.


At this time, the boss shrieked again. Wind surged as countless wind blades formed next to the boss and sliced toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze's mouth spasmed.

Its defense was that strong?

That was the strongest ordinary attack Lu Ze had now, and yet, this guy wasn't even injured.

He flapped his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and dodged all the wind blades.

The attack wasn't strong enough, but Lu Ze was rather happy with his current speed.

With his current speed, even the blue bird boss wouldn't be able to catch up to him.

This was tested with blood and tears in this past month.

This meant that even those who were at the Tertiary Stage of the Aperture Opening State wouldn't be able to catch up to him unless they had a [Speed God Art]. One needed to be at least at the Peak Stage of Aperture Opening State or Mortal Evolution State as soon as they cultivated the foundational Apertures to catch up to him.

Lu Ze's spirit force cultivation didn't progress at all. It was still stuck in the Aperture Opening State. His physical body improved, but it was not more than 50 Apertures.

Aperture Opening State was like a Martial Warrior State. It's very hard to fight beyond your level. Having this terrifying speed at Lu Ze's level is quite alarming. Many powerful beings before weren't this strong. But today, Lu Ze wasn't here to test his speed.

His eyes went cold as a complex black rune formed in his eyes.

[Star Crippling Punch]!

He clenched as dark light gathered on his right fist.

There was also a faint crystal color. The chi was dominant.

Almost all body related [Divine Arts] didn't bring much amplification if you just used [Body God Art]. However, if you had [Strength God Art], it would be very powerful.

The [Divine Art] allowed for the precise usage of [Body and Strength God Art], making the body able to handle greater pressure.

[Body God Art] was always Lu Ze's strongest point. The [Star Crippling Punch] was extremely hard to learn. In these ten days, Lu Ze was just able to use it.

But that was it. Its power was stronger than the [Green Jade Slash]. The power of this fist was near 500 Apertures! Lu Ze flapped his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and instantly passed through countless wind blades and appeared at the back of the boss.

The boss was agile. It sensed Lu Ze's chi. Its long neck moved as its beak, which was shrouded in the blue wind, pecked at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was planning to punch at the back, but he sensed a dangerous chi on the beak.

Compared to the other [Divine Arts], his [Defensive Divine Art] only consisted of the [1st Shield]. He didn't get the rune for it again. He didn't know if the [Divine Art] was at its limit.

His [1st Shield] was the weakest [Divine Art] right now.

He didn't dare to take this hit head-on.

Looking at the beak, Lu Ze's eyes flashed with hideousness. His extremely terrifying fist punched at the beak.

The two clashed.

There was a moment of silence in the air. Then, black and green lights erupted in all directions, blowing the clouds away.


This heaven shaking sound of collision echoed away.

The weaker beasts from far away felt the chi and fled in terror.

The powerful beasts looked up toward Lu Ze's direction.

Then, some beasts started to come over.

The light disappeared, and Lu Ze had been pushed back a few kilometers away with the force. He was hanging in the air, panting heavily.

The star crippling punch was powerful and was safer than using purely [Strength God Art Amplification], but it was very consuming.

He could, at most, use five of these attacks, and he would be out.

Thus, it could only be used as a trump card.

The blue bird boss' beak showed a very tiny crack. Blue blood dripped from it.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he could not help but smile.

The blue bird boss was injured? It seemed there was still hope of being able to kill it?

Its power was indeed around 500 Apertures, perhaps, even less. It should be the weakest out of all beasts with [God Arts]! Its advantage was speed, but his speed was faster.

If he could kill this unscathed blue bird boss, his [Wind God Art] would soon reach the limit of the current map. His green jade slash would become extremely strong

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt great.

This boss bullied him many times when he was weak.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze's wings flapped, and he disappeared instantly.


The blue bird boss sensed danger, and its feathers moved. It also disappeared.


Another clash and the boss' claws were clearly bent and broken.

Its chi became chaotic.

Despite being heavily injured, its eyes grew more ferocious.

Lu Ze disappeared once again.

I'm going to beat your bird head!


Chapter 278. The Rabbit Who Feared Lu Ze





Accompanied by the [Wings of Wind and Lightning], Lu Ze became even faster than the blue bird.

By virtue of speed alone, he managed to materialize above the head of the blue bird boss after two attacks.

[Star Crippling Punch]!

The powerful and violent fist force tore open the wind defense shield of the blue bird boss and poured into its head, wrecking everything inside.

A terrifying bone-cracking sound occurred, and the light in the eyes of the blue bird boss dissipated. Its body lost its force, and its wings stopped flapping as it dropped. Lu Ze looked at this and took a deep breath.

His muscles were aching. His spirit force was used up. He overestimated himself. It was just four punches, and yet, he could feel all his power was used up.

He couldn't even follow through with the fifth punch!

Right now, he could barely sustain the [Wings of Wind and Lightning].

But Lu Ze felt pretty happy.

This was the blue bird boss!

In the past, this blue bird boss sliced him with its wind blades as though he was a little chicken!

He landed before the ditch and watched the orbs drop.

There was [1 Green Wind God Art Orb], [6 Red Orbs], and [4 Purple Orbs]. There was still no [Divine Art Runes].

He then wondered if he had to pay something to get runes.

This drop rate was so low.

Lu Ze immediately picked up the orbs and then looked around.

The battle attracted a few powerful beasts. Their chi was all above 300 Apertures.

They couldn't compare with him, but he didn't have enough power to keep fighting. He would have to flee first.

Lu Ze used [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and disappeared. His speed was so much faster compared to theirs. Even though they sensed his departure, they could only howl on the spot.

Lu Ze felt great. He planned to recover first and find the other blue bird bosses. Suddenly, a bolt of purple lightning flashed, and a white figure appeared before Lu Ze.

Seeing this, Lu Ze's smile stiffened.

The white rabbit boss seemed to have dyed its hair. Its pure white fur had a speck of gold on its forehead.

The purple horn on its forehead, which was originally short, had fully grown right at this moment. Its length had even reached more than one meter. It appeared to be sharp, flashing with lightning sparks.

The super rabbit boss stared at him. For some reason, it didn't fight him and seemed concerned.

Lu Ze became confused with its actions. He was prepared to be stared down to death. Why didn't it attack?

It seemed to be wary of him, huh?

Was he so handsome that the white rabbit boss was confused?

Thus, Lu Ze showed his most handsome smile, wanting to see if he could communicate with the boss.

However, as soon as Lu Ze did this, the confusion in the eyes of the white rabbit boss disappeared.

Before Lu Ze could react, a bolt of purple lightning struck him. His vision was soon overtaken by darkness.

When Lu Ze woke up again, he was back in the dao enlightenment room.

His body was filled with pain.

What was going on just then?

He thought he smiled very handsomely, but the stupid rabbit still chose to attack him??

Lu Ze sunk into self-doubt.


Lu Ze's heart went cold. He remembered that he saw the second Lu Ze a month ago. He had never encountered him again. Did that stupid rabbit think he was that Lu Ze?

That could explain the things which just happened. After all, that Lu Ze was at the Mortal Evolution State and was perhaps stronger than the rabbit. He had the same chi as him. The white rabbit boss didn't recognize him immediately.

As soon as he smiled, he was recognized.

Lu Ze: "…"

If he knew this, he wouldn't have shown a smile. Perhaps, he would've gotten through it.

Currently, Lu Ze was more curious about what the other Lu Ze did to make that rabbit appear again.

Lu Ze thought that the rabbit ended up dying from being besieged by the four overlords. Instead, it managed to survive and even had cool looking hair?

Why did the overlords stop chasing it?

He hoped he wouldn't encounter the rabbit nor the other Lu Ze when he went in.

He just killed the blue bird boss and thought he was invincible. Yet, he was immediately killed.

Lu Ze rubbed his head.

This was his last night at the dao enlightenment room. He was going to leave tomorrow.

Lu Ze looked at this place and felt reluctant.

He could improve this much in a month all due to the dao enlightenment room.

Otherwise, even if he had enough [Purple Orbs], [God Art Orbs], and [Divine Art], he wouldn't be able to finish learning in such a short time.

His power was many times stronger than before he came in!

His normal power had reached the Tertiary Stage of the Aperture Opening State. At this point, his power should be almost similar to Margaret's.

And, he had just entered the school for a month!

He wondered how shocked Lin Ling and the others would be once they saw his progress.

Lu Ze sat down and closed his eyes to begin digesting the [God Art Orbs] he got today.

Tomorrow, his [Green Jade Slash] and even [Wings of Wind and Lightning] would improve even more!

"Beep! Federal University first-year student Lu Ze, your time is up. The dao enlightenment room function is closed. Please leave as soon as possible."

Lu Ze heard this robotic voice, and the laws he could sense disappeared.

As such, he sighed and got up.

He hoped he would be able to use it again.

Then, Lu Ze opened the door. The sunlight was intense outside but comfortable. He walked out and stretched.

At the same time, the door next to Lu Ze opened, and Lin Ling walked out with a grin. He didn't know when Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha entered, but it wouldn't be long before they come out. He just needed to wait here for a while.

Seeing Lu Ze and Lin Ling come out, the four people waiting in front of the room looked over. Two of them were students, and the other two seemed to be either teachers or workers.

Their eyes widened when they saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling.

A month ago, the four, who saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling enter, immediately posted about this online when they went back.

New students entering the dao enlightenment room was rare in the entire Dawn System, but all those who went in eventually became young dukes.

For example, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha. In the following month, Lu Ze and Lin Ling disappeared. They didn't go to class.

According to someone, who was mentioned to be close to the two (Ye Mu), they weren't in their dorms, so they probably went out on a honeymoon.

People didn't believe this anonymous student, but more people wondered how long Lu Ze and Lin Ling stayed in the dao enlightenment room.

Perhaps, they learned something and didn't want to be disturbed, so they went into solitary cultivation.

This was very normal for those who used the dao enlightenment room.

After all, you will have plenty of enlightenment in the dao enlightenment room. You couldn't fully understand it on the spot. Hence, you will need to undergo solitary cultivation after coming out in order to digest it.

A month of solitary cultivation was normal.The students and teachers were curious about what ranking they could reach on the martial ranking once they were finished.

Some people were beginning to bet. However, the four didn't expect that a month later, Lu Ze and Lin Ling just came out of the dao enlightenment room?

What was this??

They stayed in the dao enlightenment room for a month??

How could that be?

How many academic credits would that cost??

If this were true, these two new students were too scary!

Staying in the dao enlightenment room for a month as new students. This definitely created a new record in the Dawn System!
