Chapters [283-284]

Chapter 283. Brother Is Coming Back?


Lu Ze inserted his mental force into the storage ring and immediately felt this connection with the battle armor.

He didn't know what theory it worked on, but it didn't matter to him.

All that matter was it was useable.

His mental force moved slightly and pieces of battle armor flew out from the storage ring and attached to Lu Ze's body.

Subsequently, he looked at the armor on him. It was completely black filled with [Purple and Green Runes].

These were the patterns of [Lightning and Wind Rune Golds].

The [Runes] looked very complex.

He stretched his body and found that the armor suited him very well. It was probably made based on his measurements.

He opened his hands. A green Wind spun on his left hand while Lightning sparkled on his right hand.

After carefully sensing it, Lu Ze found that his [God Art] became easier to use after using the Elemental Metal on the battle armor.

The Power of his [God Art] seemed to have been amplified too.

This would reduce consumption and increase power.

Lu Ze grinned and was very happy.

The armor was handsome and practical.

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling, Nangong Jing, and Qiuyue Hesha. They also wore their armors.

Lin Ling's armor was white with marks of [Blue Runes]. Nangong Jing's armor was golden and had [Black Runes]. Qiuyue Hesha's was pink and had [Golden Runes].

The armors stuck close to their bodies, showcasing how great their figures were.

They also checked the functions of the armor happily.

Moments later, they put their armor away.

Nangong Jing took out a bottle and drank it before laughing. "The rewards brought over by Yingying is amazing. With my current power and this armor, I can take a few harder missions. I'm confident I can break through to Planetary State before the East Realm gathering!"

Qiuyue Hesha rubbed Yingying and smiled. "What a coincidence, I'm confident too."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling smiled. "Congratulations, teacher Nangong and Qiuyue."

Planetary Warriors were different from ordinary warriors.

In the entire universe, only Planetary States were considered real martial artists.

Nangong Jing patted Lu Ze's shoulder and grinned. "The starting point of the two of you was higher than ours. Perhaps, you two have hopes of surpassing us." They didn't get a month of dao enlightenment room and personalized armor as soon as they entered school.

With their power, they could accept more missions and gain academic credits faster. Perhaps, one mission would give then a million academic credits. Then, they wouldn't lack resources and would, thus, improve faster.

Yingying blinked her eyes and said pitifully, "Sister Lin Ling, I'm hungry!"

Everyone: "…"

Lin Ling pinched Yingying's face. "I'll go cook."

Then, she walked to the kitchen.

After dinner, it was evening already. Lu Ze and Lin Ling took Yingying back to their dorms.

After bidding Lin Ling and Yingying goodbye, Lu Ze went back to his dorm that he hadn't visited for a month.

It seemed familiar yet strange. He stretched his back and went upstairs.

After cleaning himself, Lu Ze took out his phone.

He told Lu Li and Alice he was going into solitary cultivation. Alice said the food was on the way. He wondered if it had arrived.

Lu Ze looked at the records of the Dawn Network. There was indeed someone delivering here, but because Lu Ze wasn't at home, it was placed in the collection room.

If Lu Ze wanted it, it could be delivered at any time.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up and chose to let it be delivered tomorrow.

Then, he opened the group chat.

Lu Ze: I finished solitary cultivation! I'm very strong now! Huge improvement!

Lu Ze wanted to share this joy with them.

On planet Lan Jiang, Lu Li who just finished training with Alice, went back to her room. She showered and sat on the bed to cultivate before even resting.

Her brother went into the dao enlightenment room. After what brother and uncle Merlin told her, she knew how precious it was.

Even uncle Merlin was surprised at the one-month duration in the dao enlightenment room.

Brother was progressing so quickly. She was very happy and proud, but the pressure on her became great too.

Brother gave her this many high-level energy, she had to become stronger. She didn't want to be always under the protection of her brother. She wanted to stand by his side.

She looked at her phone, as usual, hoping he would message.

Seeing the message, Lu Li's eyes lit up.

Her brother was out of solitary cultivation!

She smiled and then replied.

Every time, Alice would learn the Spirit Chef Technique after the cultivation training with Lu Li. Her power rose rapidly, and she could cook better food now.

Likewise, Alice also checked her phone for messages.

When she saw Lu Ze's message, her face brightened up. She was about to respond when she heard Merlin's voice. "Alice, dad has prepared the Spirit Chef class for today, are you ready?"

Although he knew Alice was learning Spirit Chef Skills to cook for that little bastard, he was still very happy to teach cooking to his daughter every day. Alice said, "Dad, wait a moment!"

She ran back to her room.

She didn't want her dad to see her messages with senior schoolmate.

Soon, Lu Li and Alice responded.

Lu Li: Lu Ze did you come to show off?

Alice: Congratulations, senior schoolmate! Soon you will be young duke, right?

Lu Ze smiled. He could almost imagine Lu Li typing with annoyance and Alice smiling.

Lu Ze: I actually have something I want to ask you guys. The orbs are almost out, right? I've preserved a large batch. I'll send it over some time soon.

He saved a lot of orbs for them, but it had been two months. Theoretically, they should be near Abstruse Martial State, right?

Their combat powers were probably at the high level of the Abstruse Martial State.

At this level, using those low-level orbs would be very consuming. It wouldn't last long.

He was planning to get a mission close to the Telun system and then go back and give them the orbs.

Lu Li and Alice felt stunned. They didn't know how to respond.

They knew how useful the orbs were, and they were indeed almost out, but they were scared Lu Ze didn't have enough.

Lu Li: Lu Ze, did you really keep them? Don't lie to me or you're over!

Alice: Senior schoolmate isn't going to give us your own share, right?

Lu Ze became dazed and then smiled. "My power has increased, and so I've been producing more orbs. It's enough for you two, don't worry.

Lu Li and Alice felt relieved.

Lu Li: Are you coming back?

Alice: You're coming back, senior schoolmate?

Lu Ze: Mhm, I'll take a mission in a few days to go back and visit dad and the others. I'll bring the orbs to you guys on the way.

Lu Li and Alice smiled. Lu Ze said on the way, but they didn't believe so.

Lu Li: Mhm, I'll go tell our parents soon. They will be very happy. They keep talking about you lately.

Lu Ze smiled. From memory, this was the first time he had left home for so long.Then, the three chatted about some things. Later on, Lu Li and Alice said they were going to cultivate.

Lu Ze put his phone away and entered the pocket hunting dimension.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Lu Ze had to open them again. He was killed by a boss right away once more! But with his increase in power, he earned a lot.

Moments later, the pain eased, and he began cultivating.

He used a [Purple Orb] to begin revising the battle with Lin Ling. He analyzed every attack and block to formulate his technique.

Three hours later, Lu Ze opened his eyes and breathed.

These three hours made Lu Ze understand fighting techniques better. If he had another practice, it would be easy to master it. After a short break, Lu Ze used another [Purple Orb] and started learning about the confusions he had from the enlightenments in the dao enlightenment room.

After the explanations from Nangong Jing, Lu Ze felt that his star crippling punch could improve a bit more but that would require time to build upon.


Chapter 284. Annihilation Mission


Early the next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes. He had finished a night of cultivation.

Today, he had a class in the morning. After one month, he decided to attend his class.

After all, he only seemed to have one class in the morning…

Cough, he said he wasn't going to skip class…

But that was an external factor, he couldn't do anything about it!

Coming out, Lu Ze knocked on Lin Ling's door.

Soon, Yingying popped her head out. When she saw Lu Ze, her eyes lit up. "Lu Ze!"

Lu Ze smiled and pinched Yingying's face. "Where is sister Lin Ling?"

Lin Ling's voice could soon be heard. "Lu Ze? Come in."

For some reason, Lu Ze felt that she gritted her teeth when she spoke.

He became confused. He didn't bully her, did he?

When he went in, he saw Lin Ling preparing breakfast for Yingying.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up.

He came just at the right time. He had food now!

He happily sat with Yingying.

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Grandpa Lu, should I pour some food for you?"

Lu Ze opened his eyes in disbelief. Lin Ling was so nice today.

He nodded. "Yes!"

Lin Ling: "…"

A moment of silence later, Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze. "Go away!"

Then, she poured food for Yingying and ignored Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was helpless. Compared to Yingying, he had no human rights. He looked at Lin Ling in confusion. "You seem to be angry?".

Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze. "You didn't look at the forums, did you?" "Forums? I rarely look at that."

Lin Ling smiled. "Nothing."

At this moment, someone knocked on Lin Ling's door again.

She smiled. "I'll go open the door."

Lu Ze nodded. For some reason, he saw an intense killing intent from Lin Ling's smile.

Who made her angry?

The door opened, and Ye Mu's voice came out. "Lin Ling? You and Ze are back indeed. I went to knock on Ze's door, but no one responded. I said he would definitely be at your place. Are you guys living together now… argh"

Before Ye Mu could finish, he howled in pain and made a big splash in the lake. Lu Ze recalled that this guy couldn't control his mouth last time too.

Right now, he didn't care about it and focused on snatching the food from Yingying's mouth.

However, he couldn't beat her to it. She was the big demon king.

Lu Ze was very disappointed.

At this moment, Lin Ling brought Ian, Xuan Yuqi, and the rest inside. Lastly, the drenched Ye Mu entered the room as well.

Seeing Lu Ze, Ian's eyes flashed, and he groaned. "Ze, you didn't even tell us you went to solitary cultivation. We thought something happened to you guys."

Lu Ze saw that for some reason Ian's face was red again.

He smiled. "Sorry, I didn't think of it at the time."

Xavier scratched his head. "Ze, someone said in the forums that you've stayed in the dao enlightenment room for a month. You guys are famous now. Some people don't believe it though. Many people are waiting for you to challenge the martial trial tower for the second time."

People could challenge the martial trial tower three times a month.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling only went in there once and disappeared.

Now that they were out, all the martial arts students of the Dawn System were waiting for their new results.

Lu Ze became dazed. He didn't think about challenging the martial trial tower again. With his current academic credits, even if he did it, he wouldn't get enough academic credits to buy a stronger [Divine Art].

As for the academic credits from the total ranking, he didn't need that.

Most importantly, he didn't need a [Divine Art] for now.

Although he could use academic credits to buy resources, he didn't need it since he had the [Red Orbs].

He even had his own battle armor, so he truly didn't need the academic credits much at all now.

Lu Ze had decided to accept a mission and visit home first.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze smiled. "I don't plan to challenge the martial trial tower now."


Everyone's eyes widened.

Those were academic credits! Lu Ze didn't want to participate? Ye Mu's spirit force was unsealed by Lin Ling. He dried his clothes and said with pity, "Why not?"

Some senior schoolmates were starting to bet. He wanted to get first-hand info and earn big.

Lu Ze smiled. "Nothing, I've improved a lot lately. I need some time to settle."

He then changed the subject. "How have you guys been this month?"

Lu Ze lent them 100,000 academic credits each. If they used it well, their progress wouldn't be small.

Xuan Yuqi smiled. "We're all in the top twenty among the first-year ranking list." Tianyuan Qianhua smiled. "Our current power is at the Primary Stage of the Core Martial State!"

Although their cultivation level hadn't reached the Core Martial State, the 100,000 academic credits were enough for them to buy stronger techniques. With their improvement in [Divine Art], their combat power was finally at the Core Martial State.

They were definitely the top bunch among the new students.

Due to Lu Ze's academic credits, they were famous in the martial arts faculty of the Dawn System.

Ye Mu revealed a lewd smile. "I've made huge progress toward becoming the dream of young girls."

As soon as Ye Mu said this, Lin Ling looked coldly at him. He immediately shrunk down.

Lu Ze was speechless. This guy was getting cocky?

He glanced at Ye Mu. "If you don't progress enough, then your debt can be paid with high interest."

Ye Mu's face stiffened. "You can't do that."

This guy was definitely helping Lin Ling bully him.

Xuan Yuqi frowned. "But, you guys have been famous lately as well. Perhaps, there will be an Aperture Opening State prodigy senior challenging you guys."

Quite some people were willing to be famous.

Once you're famous, you would be remembered. Perhaps, your merit or your [God Art] would be favored by some powerful being, and they would take you in as a disciple.

Those who dared to challenge Lu Ze and Lin Ling were all prodigies.

Lu Ze smiled. "It's fine."

With his current power, perhaps, even senior schoolmate Margaret was no match for him. He didn't care if people challenged him.

Plus, they were leaving to do missions now.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling. "How about we get a mission and go play outside?"

Lin Ling became stunned at his question, and then she nodded.

Their improvements were huge, but their combat power needed practical battle to be valuable. Otherwise, they would just be for show.

Tianyuan Qianhua smiled. "Missions are indeed a good choice. We just came back from missions. We each earned 10,000 academic credits."

The six people smiled.

Lu Ze heard this, and his eyes lit up. "Really? Let's go to class first. On the way, tell us how you did the mission."

Yingying finished eating now, and so they spoke as they walked to the classroom.

The class in the morning was about the language of the blade demon and Core Martial State. It wasn't useful to Lu Ze and Lin Ling but beneficial to the other six. They were about to breakthrough to Core Martial State, so they listened intently.

Of course, people kept looking over when they saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling. The two were used to it and didn't care.

The timidest out of them was Ian, including Jessica. The two of them felt embarrassed.

And, Jessica actually hid behind Xavier. This made Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked strangely at Xavier.

This guy looked so innocent, but he was this quick?

After class, Ye Mu and the rest went back to cultivate while Lu Ze and Lin Ling went to find missions.

The mission of Ye Mu's group was assisting the defense army of another solar system to capture Core Martial State murderers. The award for the mission was 100,000. Even with their six Core Martial State power, there was some certain danger and even the risk of dying.Thus, one needed to choose missions carefully.

The two looked through the missions list.

There were protecting important people, capturing fugitives, finding spies, and even suppressing riots.

Lu Ze was curious why there would be riots.

People in the Federation didn't need to worry about living, and it was extremely safe. All the dangers were well stopped by the defense army. Countless people sacrificed their lives for their safety, and yet, they still wanted to riot?

But this mission was too far. Lu Ze and Lin Ling planned to find one close to the Telun system.

Eventually, they chose the mission to annihilate a space pirate 800 light-years outside of the Telun system.

There were several small and lifeless planets inside the Federation that were formed into Chaos Planets, which weren't controlled by the Federation. Quite some space pirates would stop over to steal some supplies.
