Chapters [285-286]

Chapter 285. Bloody Night


In the mission introduction, this space pirate group was called Bloody Night. They had two warships bought on planet Chaos and had a total number of around five hundred.

The strongest was their captain. His power was around Aperture Opening State with 360 Apertures. This meant that he opened all his basic Apertures and had a chance to break through to the Mortal Evolution State.

Other than the captain, there were also ten Aperture Opening States. Lu Ze ignored those below Aperture Opening State. Unless it was prodigies like Lu Ze, ordinary Core Martial State individuals didn't pose a great threat to Aperture Opening States.

This pirate group was a rather famous group in the dark forces of the Federation.

They weren't from the military nor the federal official. It's quite a decent power to have 11 Aperture Opening States.

Of course, they were famous for not leaving anyone alive after their robbery. They were severely ferocious.

And, the captain is very self-aware. He would never attack those solar systems with guarding militaries. He wouldn't even attack those large space travel routes. They would place their targets on single transporter ships.

By being careful and ruthless, they had lived quite well up until now.

This time, they seemed to be injured during a robbery incident and left some marks.

The combat force of the internal defense force wasn't as good as the military, and their high-level combat forces were rather busy. Thus, they sought help from students of the Dawn System.

This could improve their combat powers and solve some internal problems.

The reward for this mission wasn't low. They had 11 Aperture Opening States. Those who finished the mission could receive 10 million academic credits.

However, if you wanted to accept the mission, you would need to be approved. After all, they had to consider the safety of students.

Lu Ze looked at the mission and frowned. Seeing his expression, Lin Ling asked, "What's wrong? Is there some problem with this mission?"

Lu Ze shook his head and said, "I'm just thinking why their name is so excellent?"

The names he chose were numbers. Why couldn't he think of such excellent names?

Lin Ling: "…"

She glared at Lu Ze. He was so serious that she thought something happened.

Feeling Lin Ling's murderous gaze, Lu Ze coughed. "This mission isn't bad, and it's close to the Telun system, so let's choose this."

Lin Ling smiled. "You want to go home?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Mhm, do you want to follow along and visit my home?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "No, in that case, I will go visit great-grandpa at home."

She couldn't go see Lu Ze's family. It would be too embarrassing. Then, Lin Ling frowned. "Can we accept this mission? Our martial trial ranking isn't very high."

The approval is usually based on the Martial Trial ranking. This was the direct view of one's combat power.

Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's rankings weren't high.

Lu Ze scratched his head and grinned. "Let's try applying first. If it doesn't get approved, we'll go bring up our ranking in the Martial Trial tower or ask teacher Nangong for help."

Lu Ze was too high profile already. He didn't want to overdo it.

He didn't forget that he was on the White Blade Assassination List.

Lin Ling smiled. "Alright."

Thus, Lu Ze and Lin Ling both accepted the mission.

The approval process was very quick. Moments later, the results came. They were both approved.

Other than them, there were three more people. Their eyes widened as they glanced at each other.

Lu Ze smiled. "I didn't expect to do a mission with senior schoolmate Margaret this quickly."

There were five people in this mission. Other than Lu Ze and Lin Ling, as well as senior schoolmate Margaret, there were two senior schoolmates participating, Eldon and Li Qingyun.

They were ranked top three on the overall ranking. Their combat power was clearly around 300 Apertures.

They thought they needed to ask for help to get approved. It turned out there were three powerhouses there. No wonder they were chosen.

Lin Ling smiled. "Back on the 25th planet, we couldn't join the battlefield of senior schoolmate Margaret. Yet in one short month, we're going to be doing missions with them."

Lu Ze grinned. "I wonder if senior schoolmate Margaret would be scared hearing this news?"

Yingying blinked and looked at the two in confusion "Sister Lin Ling and Lu Ze, you guys are going out again?" Lu Ze patted Yingying's head. "Mhm, we have something to do. Can you go to sister Jing or Hesha for these few days?"

Yingying said bitterly, "You guys are going out again."

They just came back yesterday, and they were going out again tomorrow.

But it was a good thing that sister Jing and Hesha were still at home. She would go find them!

Lin Ling rubbed Yingying's head. "When sister comes back, I'll cook you good food." Yingying's eyes lit up hopefully. "Really?" Lin Ling smiled and nodded. "Mhm."

At this moment, a knocking sound occurred.

Lu Ze opened it and found a young man the same age as them standing there. Seeing Lu Ze come out, he smiled. "Lu Ze, your package is here."

He took out a small box for Lu Ze.

Lu Ze immediately knew this was Alice's food. He took the box and smiled. "Thank you."

The man shook his head. "It's my job, I'm going."

Then, he left.

Lu Ze took the box back to the living room.

Lin Ling and Yingying looked curiously at him. "Ze, what is this?"

Lu Ze glanced at the curious Yingying, and his mouth twitched.

If this guy knew he had spirit food, it would be split off immediately.

But, she didn't seem to be in a good mood, and he was about to go home…

Thinking about this, Lu Ze resisted the pain and said, "This is spirit food sent over by my junior schoolmate."

Lin Ling's eyes moved, and she smiled. "So it's the one who cooked the food for you last time? She's so nice to you and sends you over cooked food?"

Lu Ze smiled pridefully. "Yeah, Alice is very cute! You ate her food last time too?"


Lin Ling became dazed. This was her first time hearing the name of Lu Ze's junior schoolmate, but she seemed to have heard of this name before?

Seeing this, Lu Ze remembered that uncle Merlin was a Star State. Alice seemed to know Nangong Jing from a young age. They're probably from the same circle.

Lu Ze smiled. "Perhaps, you've seen each other at a young age. I'll take you to see her next time. Teacher Nangong knows Alice."

"Sister Jing knows her?"

Lin Ling smiled at Lu Ze. "In that case, introduce me next time."

Lu Ze nodded, and then, he turned around and saw the hopeful look of Yingying.

He squatted down helplessly and pinched Yingying's face. "You little foodie!"

Lin Ling: "…"

Yingying was like this all due to him. Then, Lu Ze opened the box. It was a storage ring inside. Inside were all sorts of spirit food.

Lu Ze took out a table and smiled. "Let's eat first. Then, we'll prepare."

Lin Ling nodded while Yingying was already seated.

After lunch, Lu Ze gave half of the remaining food to Yingying. Immediately, Yingying felt better.

Then, Lu Ze and Lin Ling contacted Nangong Jing, informing her that they accepted a mission. Hearing that they were going with Margaret and the other seniors, she told Lu Ze to follow those three.

They were the most excellent students among the fourth years. This was rather comforting.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling didn't mind.

Then, Lin Ling took Yingying back, and Lu Ze went upstairs to cultivate.


Chapter 286. He Really Didn't want to Hurt Their Feelings


The next morning, Yingying went to Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha's home by herself.

Even Merlin could warp jump to any space, Yingying could do it too, and the distance she could reach was extremely far. She only took an instant to go over.

After Yingying left, Lu Ze and Lin Ling left the dorms to reach the space station of Planet Venus.

Their rendezvous point was at the space station. From there, they would take the spaceship together to Ning Kang System, where the Bloody Night pirates were found.

This time, the location of the attack was outside Ning Kang System. The plundered ship was intercepted before being able to activate the warp space travel. All the people on board were killed.

This was completely unlike the Bloody Night pirates. Being so cocky outside a harmonious system was not their style.

Lu Ze and other people were very curious regarding this as well.

At the rendezvous point, Lu Ze and Lin Ling found the gray-haired pretty-looking senior schoolmate Margaret, as well as a black-haired youth and a golden-haired youth.

Seeing Lu Ze and Lin Ling, senior schoolmate Margaret waved. "Lu Ze, Lin Ling, here!"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling quickly went over.

Lu Ze said apologetically, "Senior schoolmate Margaret and the two senior schoolmates, sorry for making you guys wait."

Senior schoolmate Margaret smiled. "It's fine, it's not time yet. We have just arrived too."

The two youths studied Lu Ze and Lin Ling. Then, the black-haired youth smiled. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze and Lin Ling, I'm Li Qingyun, a fourth-year student of Federal University."

"Hello, senior schoolmate Li Qingyun," Lu Ze and Lin Ling greeted.

The golden-haired youth on the side also grinned. "I'm Eldon, the number one among the fourth-year students in the Emperor Capital Academy."

"Hello, senior Eldon."

At this moment, Margaret looked curiously at Lu Ze and Lin Ling and asked, "I heard you guys stayed for a month in the dao enlightenment room. Is that true?"

The other two also looked over curiously.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling glanced at each other helplessly.

Was everyone aware of it now?

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes."

Lu Ze's affirmation made the three, who were curious, shocked.

The shocking truth was a bit hard to accept.

Even if they used all the academic credits they got within four years, they might not be able to get such a reward. How did these two get it?

Eldon glared at Lu Ze. "I heard teacher Qiuyue and Nangong were with you guys?"

Lin Ling nodded.

The three glanced at each other and stopped asking

There was no point in asking since this reward was clearly confidential.

Li Qingyun smiled. "Junior schoolmate Lu Ze and Lin Ling, do you guys know the content of the mission this time?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes. Kill the Aperture Opening State members of the pirates and capture all the remaining ones."

Margaret said, "Mhm, they have 11 Aperture Opening States. The strongest has only 360 Apertures. For us, we just need to be careful. However, the Bloody Night pirates are usually very cautious. They actually chose to strike this time. I don't know what would happen. You guys need to be careful."

Eldon patted his head as if he recalled something. "I forgot. You two did very well at the entrance test. You probably wouldn't behave like those new students. You can be considered combat forces."

Lu Ze didn't expect this senior to be a good person. He wanted to look after them, thinking that they didn't have enough experience.

Lu Ze smiled. "Thank you senior Eldon, we will be careful."

Eldon smiled at his response. "Oh, I forgot something again. What are your current combat powers? We'll make the arrangements. Both of you had one month in the dao enlightenment room, so your combat power should be around 200 Apertures, right?"

They were quite envious. They only had that power right around the end of their second year.

But Lu Ze and Lin Ling just started school and had this terrifying power already.

Lu Ze became dumbfounded. He then glanced at Lin Ling.

Even Lin Ling's power was beyond 300 Apertures without using combat armor.

Should they reveal this?

If not, then wouldn't it be troublesome if they made the wrong arrangements?

But if they said it, these senior schoolmates wouldn't feel so good.

He really didn't want to hurt their feelings.

The atmosphere fell silent.

The three glanced at the two in confusion.

Then, Margaret said, "What? It's not around 200 Apertures? That's fine. You're new students after all. You are already so much stronger compared to us at the time."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Senior schoolmate Margaret was a good person too, but this kind of gentle treatment was a bit hurtful.

Lu Ze eventually decided to say it.

He scratched his head. "It's actually slightly higher than 200 Apertures."

Their eyes narrowed thinking, 'It was indeed beyond 200 Apertures!'

With the cultivation effects of the dao enlightenment room, it would be strange if they didn't have a combat power of 200 Apertures.

After all, they already had around 100 Apertures combat power.

Lu Ze continued. "It's around 300 Apertures."

The faces of the three seniors stiffened.

Moments later, Eldon's eyes widened. "Are you saying your power is around 300 Apertures??"

Wasn't this too fake? Did they use hacks?

Lu Ze nodded. "Around that."

He had tried to say less this time.

Even Lin Ling's power was beyond 300 Apertures. His power, on the other hand, was over 500 and that was without wearing combat armor.

Margaret looked at the two in disbelief.

She knew them from the 25th planet. How long has it been? How come their progress was this huge?

She had earned quite a lot lately, and her combat power only just surpassed 400 Apertures. The other two were around 380.

These two were only in their first year at the university and were almost catching up to them. Wasn't this too absurd?

Eldon and Li Qingyun didn't know what to say.

Moments later, Eldon asked once more, "Junior Lu Ze, you guys really have 300 Apertures?"

He still couldn't believe it. He cultivated for four years, and yet, he could only have the same power as this junior.

He began to doubt life.

Did this guy secretly receive tutoring from teacher Nangong?

Lu Ze nodded. "Mhm, pretty much."

The three took a deep breath to calm down.

Subsequently, Li Qingyun smiled. "I was thinking of letting you two take care of the weaker enemies. But now, it seems you guys can pretty much clean up all the pirates other than the captain." Eldon added, "We were worried about unexpected occurrences for this mission, but now that we have no weak links, we can deal with it calmly."

Margaret said, "Alright. Since we got to know each other, I'll go and rent the flying ship. Let's head off now."

"Rent the spaceship?" Lu Ze and Lin Ling were confused at her words.

They thought they were going to take the flying ship to Ning Kang system to meet up with the defense force. Afterward, they would have the force drive them there.

Margaret explained, "Piloting spaceship is a compulsory subject in 1st year. You guys will learn it too. Usually, you have to rent spaceships to do missions. After all, some mission locations don't have direct flight routes."

Lu Ze realized it now. The flights used by civilians can't send them to dangerous places. It's more convenient for them to rent their own spaceship.

But hearing there was a spaceship piloting class, Lu Ze became excited.

Driving a spaceship, this was every man's dream!

Then, Margaret went to rent one. They were guided to the spaceship by the worker.

Lu Ze looked at this ship. It was about the same size as Nangong Jing's golden swirl. It was completely black and had sharp ridges. It looked much less valuable than Golden Swirl.

After all, Golden Swirl was a young duke's private ship. The materials and technology involved in constructing it wasn't something that could compare to the one they would use at this moment.

But like Golden Swirl, this ship also had an autopilot function and a spirit cannon-like weapons.

Unless it was a special circumstance, the autopilot function would be enough.

That alcoholic always used autopilot and drank on the couch.

There was a living room, as well as five small rooms. This was why senior schoolmate Margaret chose this.

The internal decorations were very simplistic. The ship started, and they left Planet Venus.

Margaret said, "It takes three days to arrive at the destination. We'll cultivate during this time."

Eldon sighed. "Too bad there's no Virtual Reality Pod. Otherwise, I want to spar with junior Lu Ze."

Li Qingyun nodded with his statement. "I had the same idea."

Margaret smiled at Lu Ze. "Junior schoolmate had been improving too fast. Senior schoolmate wants to beat you once. Otherwise, I won't have an opportunity in the future."

Lu Ze: "…"

He rolled his eyes. They were trying to bully him while he was weak.

But if there really were Virtual Reality Pods, they would be the ones bullied instead.

However, Lu Ze choose not to say these words. It was best not to hurt their feelings further.
