Chapters [293-294]

Chapter 293. Sleeping Yingying


Lu Ze and Lin Ling came to the space station and inquired about the schedule of transportation. They found out that the earliest ship to Telun system would arrive half an hour later.

It was just an ordinary ship, so the price wasn't expensive. The two chose to buy a single private room ticket. On the ship, they came to their own room. The room wasn't big. There was a double bed, as well as a couch and a screen.

Lin Ling sat on the bed while Lu Ze lay on the couch.

"There is half an hour until it takes off. It'll stop at Lan Jiang first. Are you sure you don't want to visit my house? I'll introduce Alice to you," Lu Ze invited.

After all, Lin Ling was his best friend at school.

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "I am not going."

At this moment, Lin Ling's phone rang.

She picked it up and said in surprise, "It's sister Jing."

She opened the projection as Nangong Jing's head popped out. "Lu Ze, Lin Ling, I…"

Nangong Jing was about to speak when she saw the environment, her face stiffened, and she looked strangely at the two. "Sorry for disturbing your workout. You guys should continue."

Then, she hung up the phone.

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

What do you mean by 'work out'? At this point, they just realized that the environment didn't seem too right.

Lu Ze became speechless. The circuit in this alcoholic's brain seemed to be crooked, isn't it? She was an alcoholic and dirty-minded. She was beyond help. They just wanted to find a quiet place to rest.

Lin Ling felt a bit awkward. It did seem a bit strange that a guy and a girl were in a room with a bed.

However, interstellar travel usually took a few days. Beds were standard in rooms. After all, ordinary people needed sleep. After a moment of silence, Lin Ling called back.

When the call connected, Qiuyue Hesha appeared too.

Qiuyue Hesha looked at the room with interest. "For the first time, isn't the environment a bit too shabby? Does little brother Lu Ze not know how to treat a girl right?"

Lu Ze said expressionlessly, "We're innocent, okay? We're just staying in a room on our way home."

Lin Ling nodded. "We're just planning to visit home."

Hearing this, the two finally realized it.

Then, Lin Ling asked curiously, "Sister Jing, why did you call me?"

When Nangong Jing heard the question, she immediately remembered what she was supposed to say. "For some reason, Yingying took a bite of the air and said she ate something very disgusting. Then, she said she was a bit tired, and now, she's asleep."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling felt stunned.

Subsequently, they recalled the scene where Yingying ate the three black-robed monsters. Was it because of that?

Qiuyue Hesha saw this and asked, "You guys know the reason?"

Lu Ze nodded and told them what happened.

Then, Lin Ling asked, "Is Yingying okay?"

Theoretically, those three black-robed monsters were just at the Aperture Opening State, and Yingying was a Cosmic Realm State being.

Yet, Yingying fell asleep?

Were those things poisonous?

Nangong Jing shook her head and smiled. "Lin Ling, don't worry. Yingying is this strong, how can something happen to her? Her chi is very stable. We just think she's in hibernation again."


Lu Ze and Lin Ling frowned at this.

Lu Ze asked, "She's not going to sleep for another two thousand years, right?"

They could still live for two thousand years, but that would take quite a long time.

Qiuyue Hesha shook her head. "I don't know."

Lin Ling asked, "Yingying is sleeping right now?"

Nangong Jing nodded. "Mhm, I let her sleep in my room."

She showed Yingying on the bed. She seemed to be sleeping very well and was even drooling. Seeing this, Lu Ze and Lin Ling didn't feel so worried anymore.

Nangong Jing scratched her head. "Who knows? Maybe, she will wake up in the next moment."

Lu Ze frowned. Although Yingying fought over food with him every time, she had been very obedient and even came to eat those three monsters when they were in danger.

Would those three things really be poisonous?

Or was it that Yingying devoured their energies and wanted to sleep again?

No one knew as none of them had kept a young star spirit before.

Nangong Jing smiled. "I've told you everything. We'll watch over Yingying, so don't worry you two."

Qiuyue Hesha narrowed her eyes and said seductively, "You two can just enjoy your trip."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

"Hahaha, we're hanging up."

Nangong Jing felt it was funny and even burped before hanging up.

Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze. "I blame you!"

Lu Ze: "???"

What did he do?

Then, Lin Ling frowned. "I wonder when Yingying will wake up."

Lu Ze frowned too. "We'll check once we get back."

Lin Ling nodded.

That was Yingying's heritage, so there was nothing they could do. It took half a day for the ship to arrive at the Telun system. It stopped at planet Lan Jiang first before proceeding to Lin Ling's planet, Jing Ping

Half a day later, the ship stopped at planet Lan Jiang.

Lu Ze got up and smiled. "You're really not going?"

Lin Ling glared. "No!"

Then, she smiled. "I'm going back to show great-grandpa my progress."

She wanted to show elder Lin, who has sacrificed so much for her, her progress, and let him know that she had lived up to his expectations.

Lu Ze was dazed for a moment after hearing her answer.

He then smiled. "Your progress has been massive lately. Elder Lin must be very happy."

Lu Ze then walked out. Before closing the door, Lu Ze turned around and smiled once more. "Although, you're still a bit weaker than me."

Then, he quickly closed the door and ran.

Lin Ling was originally happy when she heard his words, but when he said the last sentence, her smile stiffened. She wanted to catch up and beat this guy up.

But if she chased after him, she would end up in his house. She wasn't going to fall for his plan.

When Lu Ze got off, it was night time on the planet.

Cars and flying ships came and went at the square of the space station. It was very busy and prosperous. Lu Ze looked at the familiar environment and smiled.

I'm back!

The last time he came here, it was for the graduation trial. In a blink of an eye, a few months had passed. He had transmigrated to this world for four months.

Lu Ze happily left the square and came to the checkpoint.

Similar to the flights back in the Earth era, one still needed to go through security checks.

Lu Ze felt he needed a private ship just like the alcoholic's Golden Swirl.

While Lu Ze was in the middle of his dream, he suddenly felt a large number of eyes gathering around him.

"Hey, that's…"

"Mhm, Lu Ze from our planet?"

"That's right. I've noticed him since the graduation trial. I've seen his battlefield clips too. I'm his fan!"

"Me too!"

"Lu Ze is so handsome…"

Lu Ze: "…"

He resisted looking in the direction of the girl and kept walking. He forgot that as a level four honor badge holder, he could enter through special tunnels! He was too excited joking with Lin Ling that it had escaped his memory.

Although Lu Ze was being watched, everyone remained civilized and didn't rush up to touch him. After passing the security checks, Lu Ze felt relieved.

Afterward, Lu Ze flew under all sorts of strange glances on the way to his home.

Although he already told Lu Li and Alice that he would be back these few days, he didn't say the specific time. He was going to give them a surprise.


Chapter 294. This Is Definitely the Worst Slander in History!


The mansion district was very calm under the night sky.

Lu Ze quietly landed before his home. When he turned to scan the area from the yard to the mansion up to the training grounds, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

It was just a short two months, but he had been through life and death situations several times.

The lights in the mansion and the training grounds were both switched on. He looked at the direction of the training ground. It was probably uncle Merlin training Lu Li and Alice.

In that case, his parents should be at home.

With that thought, Lu Ze smiled. He should see his mom first, or he might receive a beating.

Upon the moment Lu Ze landed, Merlin, who was teaching the two girls, suddenly paused.

Alice looked at Merlin in confusion and asked, "What's wrong, father?"

Merlin shook his head and smiled. "Nothing, let's continue."

Lu Ze was back?

Was he here for Lu Li's and Alice's cultivation resources?

It was a good thing the kid remembered, or he would have spoken to him about this. During this period, the progress of the two girls decelerated—it got slower and slower.

Although it could be considered fast compared to other people, it still made him a little dissatisfied.


This kid seemed to be quite famous in the Federation. What was his power like now?

As his first teacher, Merlin felt he had the responsibility to test Lu Ze. Of course, this definitely didn't have anything to do with Alice being so happy when she heard the kid was coming back.

Definitely not!

While Merlin was submerged in his thoughts, Lu Li and Alice could not help but notice the various changes in his expressions. They chose not to comment on it any further.

When Lu Ze opened the door, he saw Lu Wen sitting on the couch, looking at his computer, while Fu Shuya was chatting with her friends. She seemed to be very happy.

The two had heard the sound of the door opening, but they could only attribute it to Merlin finishing with the training early. They turned their heads in surprise. Did their cultivation practice end this quickly today?

However, when they saw Lu Ze walk inside, Lu Wen and Fu Shuya became dazed for a moment.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Um, I'm back."

The atmosphere turned a little strange. Did he do something wrong, or was it that his parents couldn't even recognize him?

No way.

Hearing this, Lu Wen and Fu Shuya finally reacted. Fu Shuya's eyes went red. She then jumped to hug Lu Ze.

"Good boy, how did you come back suddenly?"

She rubbed Lu Ze's hair and smiled. "If I knew you were coming back earlier, we would've waited for you for dinner. I've been studying cooking with Alice, and my cooking skills have improved greatly!"

Lu Ze felt relieved. He almost thought that he had read the situation incorrectly.

Before he could speak, Fu Shuya said, "I'll go cook your favorite dish for you."

Then, she happily ran to the kitchen.

Lu Wen was a little jealous. Why was there a disparity in treatment between him and the son? He was quite happy Lu Ze was back before, but he would like to take it back at this point.

Lu Wen put down his computer and said, "You're back."

Lu Ze smiled and nodded.

Lu Wen stared at Lu Ze for a moment and said, "On the battlefield… dad was proud of you."

Due to his words, Lu Ze smiled in embarrassment. "I was just doing what I could."

This old man didn't compliment him like this on the phone. Now, he knew how to compliment people, huh?

Not bad, at least there was progress.

Then, Lu Wen glared at Lu Ze. "Don't smile, you don't know how worried your mom was!"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Dad, you've said that."

Lu Wen opened his mouth and then patted Lu Ze on the shoulder. "You're old now. You should have your own decisions. Just don't regret them."

Lu Ze nodded seriously.

Subsequently, Lu Wen's handsome face revealed a lewd smile. "Tell me about it, you're quite famous in school now, right? Do you have any girls you like? Why don't you bring one back for us?"

Lu Ze was speechless. "You still haven't given up."

This guy always wanted to find a girlfriend for him. Every time he wanted to talk about this, Lu Ze quickly hung up. Dad was very hard working for Li.

Were fathers a control freak when it comes to their daughters?

Uncle Merlin was like this too.

Lu Wen glared at him. "I'm saying this for your benefit. It's time you find a girlfriend."

Then, his eyes lit up. "That short-haired girl from the battlefield is quite pretty. She seems quite close to you."

Lu Ze: "…"

He finally understood Nangong Jing's terror now. He was only 18.

Why? Seeing how Lu Ze was not responding, Lu Wen spoke again. "And Alice, although Merlin rejected it once, I still believe you can do it."

Lu Ze: "…"

He could already imagine Merlin smiling at him amicably.

Half an hour later, Lu Wen said to the lifeless Lu Ze, "Let me tell you about how I chased your mom… puff…"

Lu Ze listened expressionlessly about how the two started out up until now. At this moment, Fu Shuya came back and subjugated Lu Wen.

She glared at Lu Wen with a red face and then smiled at Lu Ze. "Good boy, go eat dinner, it's ready."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up, and he smiled. "Mother is the most beautiful woman in the world…"

Mother was indeed the savior!

Lu Ze put down his chopsticks, feeling satisfied.

The familiar taste. It was amazing!

Fu Shuya smiled. "How is it? Is it nice?"

Lu Ze quickly nodded. "Congratulations on your improvement, mother! Your food is number one in the world!"

Fu Shuya smiled and said, "Don't compliment me. Alice taught me well. She can cook much better than I can."

Then, she looked at Lu Ze with a complicated expression. "By the way, Alice sent you cooked food?"

Lu Ze nodded at her question. "Yes."

Fu Shuya retained her complicated expression. Alice was a good child, she really liked her. But if possible, she would want Lu Li to be with Lu Ze.

She glared at Lu Ze and said, "Come, boy, I have something to tell you."

Subsequently, Fu Shuya went upstairs.

Lu Ze followed in confusion.

Lu Wen wanted to go up too but was glared at by Fu Shuya, so he sat back down pitifully.

Lu Ze felt this was very interesting. His dad was a rather famous businessman on planet Lan Jiang. He was an autocrat outside.

However, at home, he was always subjugated by mother. Upstairs, Fu Shuya took Lu Ze to his room.

Lu Ze saw how it was clean and tidy. Clearly, Fu Shuya cleaned it up for him.

Fu Shuya smiled. "How long are you planning to stay at home?"

Lu Ze said, "I'm going back tomorrow."

"This quick?"

"Yes, it's pretty busy at school."

Fu Shuya nodded and didn't say much.

Then, she touched Lu Ze's face and said, "My good boy has grown up…"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "Mom, you said I've grown up. Don't touch my face like that. That is for little kids…"


Fu Shuya glared at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze immediately said sycophantically, "… Um? Does it feel nice? If not, I'll relax it a bit more?"

Fu Shuya laughed and rubbed Lu Ze's hair.

Then, she looked at Lu Ze with a complicated expression once more. "You have become better and better now and more and more liked by girls."

Lu Ze scratched his head. Really? He was a proud lone wolf! This was definitely the biggest slander in history, but he didn't dare to resist.

Fu Shuya said, "I want to talk to you about Li."

Lu Ze became dazed. "Li? What about her?"
