Chapters [295-296]

Chapter 295. Good Thing I Learned Acting Skills


Inside his room, Lu Ze looked at Fu Shuya in a daze.

Lu Li was quite charming when he was chatting with her.

Fu Shuya became silent for a while.

Then, with complicated eyes, she said, "During these few months, that girl has been working very hard for cultivation. She didn't rest at all. Originally, she was hard-working but not to this level."

After a pause, she continued, "I can tell she is under a lot of pressure. I don't know what exactly it is. Uncle Merlin and Alice probably can't help her too. Otherwise, she wouldn't be like this. I'm scared it will be bad for her if she goes on like this. If you have the chance, ask her about it and talk to her."

Lu Ze frowned at her words. "Li feels pressured?"

Why would she feel pressured? With her talent and the red orbs he gave her, the only person who could compete with her at school is Alice, right? They can get into Federal University for sure, so why would she still feel pressured?

Lu Ze's eyes flashed. He fell into contemplation. Let me think.

After a moment, his eyes lit up. Was it because she was always with Alice? Did she feel Alice is more talented than her because of that?

Alice's Source Flame is the [Top God Art] in the entire universe after all.

However, Lu Li has [God Art] too. Alice's Source Flame isn't completely awakened. The difference should be huge.

Lu Ze thought for a while, and he still could not figure it out, so he gave up thinking. He would just ask her when he had the chance.

He smiled at Fu Shuya. "Don't worry, mother. Leave it to me."

Fu Shuya smiled and touched Lu Ze's face. "Go, boy!"

Then, she went downstairs. Lu Ze followed too. He planned to go check out Lu Li's and Alice's cultivation.

Lu Ze came before the training grounds and opened the door.

Inside, Lu Ze saw there was a huge pale egg in the center.

Lu Ze had seen this before. This was uncle Merlin's expansive dimension. He used to be severely beaten up in there for an entire month.

Thinking about this matter, Lu Ze felt sad. But in that month, his power skyrocketed.

Without Merlin's teachings, his life would have been in danger on the 25th planet.

He stared at the big egg. The big egg slowly turned into pale flames and was sucked into a region.

There stood a golden-haired handsome middle-aged man. His palm sucked in all the flames.

This man was Merlin. As the egg disappeared, Lu Li and Alice appeared.

Seeing Lu Ze, their eyes lit up.

Subsequently, Lu Li stayed calm while Alice showed an angelic smile and ran up to Lu Ze, saying excitedly, "Senior schoolmate, you didn't even tell me you were coming back! I could have prepared food for you!"

"Have you eaten yet?"

Lu Ze smiled and nodded. "Mhm, mother already cooked for me."

When she heard his reply, Alice smiled. "Aunty always wanted to learn cooking, so she could surprise senior schoolmate. Her cooking is amazing now."

Lu Ze smiled. "She complimented that you taught her well."

Alice looked down in embarrassment. "I was doing what I should."

Merlin held his chest. Ouch, my heart hurts. My cute daughter is leaving me. He needed to teach Lu Ze, this kid, a good lesson!

Lu Ze felt an evil gaze directed at him, and he immediately knew where it was from.

It must be this uncle Merlin!

When Lu Li saw Lu Ze chatting so happily with Alice, she went up and grabbed Lu Ze's hand. "Brother, welcome back."

Lu Ze: "…"

Alice: "…"

Lu Ze looked at Lu Li's gentle smile in disbelief.

No way!

My sister isn't this clingy! What is she thinking?

Is she trying to set him up?

Alice's eyes flashed. She felt a little unsatisfied. She hadn't even held hands with Lu Ze yet.

Lu Li soon released his hands and smiled. "Have you seen mom and dad yet? They miss you a lot."

Lu Ze nodded and then looked at the two. "How are your cultivation?"

Merlin said pridefully, "They are both Abstruse Martial State level two. At the same time, they are also Perfect Spirit bodies. Their combat powers are near Core Martial State."

He smiled. "With my teachings, their powers after a year will definitely surpass yours at that time."

Lu Ze looked at the two in surprise. "That's very strong indeed."

It had only been two months. There was still a year left. Their powers at the graduation trials should be able to reach Aperture Opening State. Perhaps, those two will be like Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha. They will become the strongest two female young dukes of the new generation.

By then, they would definitely shock the entire Federation.

Alice then smiled at Lu Ze. "How about it senior schoolmate? I'm not weak anymore."

On the other hand, Lu Li looked firmly at him. "I will catch up to you."

Lu Ze smiled. "You two were much stronger than me at that time."

The stronger they were, the happier Lu Ze will be. However, it was unlikely that the two could surpass him. After all, they got their orbs from him.

Merlin smiled at him. It was time to beat this kid up.

He said seriously, "Cough! Catch-up ends here. Kid, I haven't seen you for two months. Let me test your power."

Lu Ze immediately looked at Merlin with vigilance. Experience told him this old man wanted to beat him up. What a joke! Was he going to fall for it so easily this time?

He smiled. "Uncle Merlin, you know, I just finished a mission and had an extremely intense fight. I was planning to get a good rest."

Merlin wasn't surprised at all with his answer.

He nodded and said with regret, "I was planning to personally cook spirit food for you if your power was up to my standard. You know, I taught Alice. She's very talented, but she lacks some experience…"

Merlin shook his head and planned to leave. "But now, what a pity…"

Lu Ze: "!!!"

He looked at Merlin in disbelief.

Such a cruel heart!

Enticing him with food??

He coughed and said, "Uncle Merlin is my first teacher. Now that I'm back, of course, I need to let my teacher know my progress. Although I'm very tired now, for teacher Merlin, I can still fight!"

Merlin looked at Lu Ze worriedly. "Really? You don't have to force yourself."

Lu Ze shook his head. "I am willing!"

Then, he tested. "Um… the specific conditions are?"

If it was too high, he would act that he was heavily injured.

Lu Li: "…"

Alice: "…"

Lu Li sighed. 'Stupid Lu Ze, he was beyond help!'

Alice's eyes lit up. It seemed food had a greater influence on Lu Ze than she had imagined She had some bold ideas.

Merlin smiled. "Aperture Opening State with 400 Apertures and I'll cook you a dish. Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures and I'll cook you an entire table."

He felt no matter how talented this kid was, even with a month of dao enlightenment room cultivation, there was no way he would reach aperture opening state with 500 Apertures. Using a dish to get a chance to bash this kid up. This was hella worth it!

Merlin felt great.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up too. Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures and he would get a table of Spirit Food?

This was too good. He quickly controlled his face and maintained a serious expression, trying hard not to laugh. Then, he acted like he was distraught.

Eventually, he gritted his teeth and nodded at Merlin. "In that case, uncle Merlin must not use power greater than Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures."

Merlin was extremely happy, seeing that Lu Ze fell for the bait.

He still looked at Lu Ze with a worried expression. "Are you sure you don't need to rest?"

He showed extreme concern for his student. Merlin sneered-he read some acting books!

Lu Ze nodded firmly. "Don't worry! Teacher, I can do it!"

Merlin sighed. "You're so obstinate… in that case, let's begin."

Lu Li and Alice: "…"



Chapter 296. Let's Turn Off the Lights


Lu Ze agreed to Merlin's terms. Soon after, white flames surged out as the space distorted, forming a few kilometers of large space.

At the same time, a transparent barrier appeared where Lu Li and Alice were.

When everything was ready, Merlin smiled. "Come, let me see your latest improvement."

He was extremely happy. He hadn't beaten this kid for a long time. He missed that feeling.

Lu Ze smiled as well. "Okay."

I will let you see what the speed of the wind is like.

Purple and Green lights flashed in Lu Ze's eyes.

[Wings of Wind and Lightning]!

Subsequently, Lu Ze's wings flapped, and he disappeared. He then reappeared behind Merlin. He held his right fist as a black light wrapped around it, releasing terrifying power. The air even became twisted.

[Star Crippling Punch]!

Lu Ze twisted his waist and punched toward the back of Merlin. The dark ray flashed with a metallic color.


Lightning roars left some cracks on the entire small dimension.

Merlin: "???"

Feeling this powerful wave, Merlin became dazed. What was this? That was [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and [Star Crippling Punch]??

These two [Divine Arts] were considered [High-Level Divine Arts]. How was it so easily learned? Even with one month in the dao enlightenment room, it couldn't be this fast.

And, the kid's power was clearly beyond 500 Apertures of Aperture Opening State. Without hesitation, white flames flashed as he opened his right hand. The flame turned to meet the black fist force.


In a terrifying clash, deep black color and white flames filled the entire space.

Lu Li and Alice were protected by the barrier.

Thus, they didn't feel any powerful chi. Even though they had reached the Abstruse Martial State, they still couldn't see the battle.

Lu Li bit her lips. Lu Ze was already this powerful? She had worked so hard in cultivation, but she felt she was further and further behind.

Meanwhile, Alice looked with admiration. "Senior schoolmate is so strong!"

She never doubted her talent. If she completely awoke her [God Art], she would not be weaker than Lu Ze. She never thought about being unable to catch up to Lu Ze.

Alice just purely felt happy for Lu Ze's improvement.

After one clash, Lu Ze and Merlin separated.

Seeing he didn't get an advantage from his attack, Lu Ze was planning to attack once more when Merlin quickly said, "Wait!"

Lu Ze looked at Merlin, feeling confused. "What? Uncle Merlin, is the test finished now?"

Merlin's face stiffened for a moment before he said, "Wait, let me get this right…"

Something was definitely quite wrong with the situation.

He tested, "That was the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] and [Star Crippling Punch], right?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Yeah, is there a problem?"

Merlin: "…"

The problem was huge.

Merlin asked again, "Cough, Ze… you've mastered [Wings of Lightning] and [Wings of the Wind], right?"

"Mhm, I've perfected those two, so I could go learn [Wings of Wind and Lightning]."

Then, Lu Ze frowned. "However, the most [Advanced Speed Type of Divine Art] seems to be just the [Wings of Wind and Lightning]."

Merlin: "…"

Did this kid mean that [Wings of Wind and Lightning] couldn't satisfy him?

As a high-level official of the Federation, he knew about Yingying too and wasn't surprised Lu Ze had the academic credits to buy [Divine Arts]. Even he would take a long time to learn [Divine Art].

Although he pretty much learned all the available [Divine Arts], he still remembered how tough it was.

Yet, this kid learned two this quickly?? He didn't know that Lu Ze learned [Green Jade Slash] too.

Merlin looked at Lu Ze's stupid face. This kid didn't seem like a smart person.

Lu Ze took a step back in vigilance. "Uncle Merlin, please have some self-respect."

Lu Li and Alice were a bit confused. However, they knew that Lu Ze definitely did something to shock Merlin.

Lu Ze tentatively asked, "Uncle Merlin, did I pass your test? The reward…"

Merlin replied, "You passed."

He was a Star Level being. Naturally, he wasn't going to go back on his words. But thinking about how he was going to cook for the man stealing his daughter, Merlin felt bad.

Thus, he planned to beat Lu Ze up again. This kid was getting too cocky. He needs education.

At this moment, Alice said, "Dad, since it's done, can we leave?"

Merlin: "…"

He looked at Alice's vigilant eyes, and his mouth twitched. His daughter was too smart and knew him too well.

He put away his [God Art] and glared at Lu Ze before showing a gentle smile at Alice. "Let's go back."

Alice waved her hand to Lu Ze. "Senior schoolmate, I'm going back first."

Then, she left the training grounds with Merlin. Only Lu Ze and Lu Li remained. The atmosphere turned silent.

Lu Ze thought of what his mom had said and looked at Lu Li with a puzzled expression. Did she feel pressured?

When Lu Ze looked over, Lu Li gazed back and smiled gently. "Why are you looking at me like this, brother? Are you trying to do something to me while there is no one in the training grounds?"

Lu Ze: "…"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't think too much. I just feel you're not in the best mood, so I'm curious."

Lu Li felt dazed for a moment before she answered, "Lu Ze, we haven't sparred for a long time. Can you spar with me?"

Lu Ze remembered that they used to be sparring partners. She used to take care of him when she was stronger. Then, he looked strangely at her. Did she feel pressured because he became so much stronger?

No way.

He nodded. "Let me see how strong Li is now."

Lu Li agreed and smiled.

"Then, let's turn off the lights first."


What has sparring got to do with turning off the lights?

Lu Li smiled brighter after seeing the shock on Lu Ze's face.

She said softly, "My [God Art] is [Darkness God Art]. I'm the strongest in the dark. If you want to see my power, then it's better to turn off the lights."

After a moment, she said with surprise, "Was brother thinking about something strange?"

"How was that possible?"

To prove himself, he turned off the lights. Only a sliver of starlight shone through the window.
