Chapters [297-298]

Chapter 297. You Have Me Here


In the dark training grounds, Lu Ze and Lu Li stood opposite each other.

Lu Ze smiled at Lu Li. "Okay, Li, let's begin."

Despite the area being very dark, it didn't affect martial artists of Lu Ze's caliber at all. Even without mental force, he could even see in the dark with just his eyes.

At this moment, Lu Li smiled. "Brother, I'm going to attack then."

Afterward, Lu Li's figure suddenly disappeared.

Lu Ze felt a little bit surprised. Even with his current eyes, he couldn't see where Lu Li went.

Interesting. This [Darkness God Art] was quite powerful. Suddenly, a white palm appeared in the darkness. It was shrouded in black mist and headed toward Lu Ze's back.

Lu Ze turned around and tapped on her palm, saying, "Li, you still revealed your chi."


Then, the darkness grew darker. Even the starlight was covered.

Lu Ze looked around and felt this was interesting. Her [God Art] wasn't bad indeed. At this time, dark mist brimming with darkness headed toward Lu Ze's ligaments.

He tapped his feet and dodged with Abstruse Martial State power and speed. The darkness seemed to have become Lu Ze's enemy. He felt like he was sinking in the mud every time he moved. From time to time, there were dark mists that turned to arrows and attacked Lu Ze.

Lu Li also launched an attack against Lu Ze in the dark.

However, Lu Ze's combat techniques weren't bad.

He dodged Lu Li's attack casually and said, "Li, is this your level?"

When Lu Li saw Lu Ze's smirking face, she bit her lips. Her eyes grew even darker, and a few black figures formed, attacking Lu Ze at the same time.


Interesting, but the chi was too chaotic, and they were much weaker than the main body. Despite so, Lu Ze could tell that Lu Li worked hard on the usage of [Darkness God Art].

Lu Ze patted the clones away and blocked Lu Li's attack. "Your improvement is quite big. You've been working really hard this time, right? You are much stronger than I am when I did the graduation trials."

Lu Li grinned. After a few hundred attacks, Lu Li collapsed on the ground panting.

Lu Ze looked at the drenched Lu Li and sat next to her. He didn't say anything.

The darkness receded and starlight shone through the area once again.

The sound of Lu Li's heavy breathing became very distinct in the dark silent training grounds.

Moments later, Lu Ze smiled. "During this time, mom and dad have been very worried. Be careful not to overwork yourself and make them worry."

Lu Li felt a bit stunned due to his words.

She pouted her lips. "I'm fine… I'm just working hard on cultivation. My talent isn't good. I have to work hard."

Lu Ze: "…"

Even without his orbs, her talent was already much stronger than most people. Now that she had awakened a [God Art] and had his [Red Orbs], she was definitely a prodigy among prodigies. Did her heart not ache when she said such things?

He glanced at her pulsating chest. Mhm, there was probably too much fat stored there, so she can't feel her conscience.

With his hands on his head, Lu Ze lay down next to Lu Li.

He smiled. "Don't worry, you have me here. You won't be weaker than anyone else."

As soon as he said this, Lu Li couldn't resist laughing The moment she laughed, Lu Li restrained herself.

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked at Lu Li in confusion.

Seeing the expression on her face, he was planning to speak when Lu Li interrupted. "I didn't laugh. You heard it incorrectly. You're not allowed to ask, or I will tell dad what you said to me."

Lu Ze: "???"

What did he say? Anyways, it was best that he didn't ask. Otherwise, dad would probably break his leg.


With dad's current power, he probably can't break his leg even if he let him. This was great.

Lu Li thought of something and said, "Where is that doll?"

Lu Ze took out the panda plushie he hung around his chest.

"It's still fine. Do you really want to switch?"

He protected this even on the battlefield on the 25th planet. Who knows what she would do if she knew this doll was broken?

Lu Li didn't answer.

She took Lu Ze's doll and then took out hers from her robes. "Take it."

Lu Ze took it and became dazed. There seemed to be sweat on it. He glanced at her strangely. She's not wearing this on her body, right?

Lu Ze wore it under Lu Li's gaze.

Seeing this, Lu Li showed a happy expression. She then looked at her doll. The blood was gone. It looked exactly the same when she gave it to Lu Ze. He protected it well.

Lu Li happily wore the doll. "Okay, let's go back, or dad would be worried."

Lu Ze just realized it now. With their dad's personality, he really would think he was doing something to Lu Li. The two walked outside.

Back at home, Lu Ze cleaned himself and went to his room.

The next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes and heard Alice's energetic voice. "Li Li, we're going to class!"

Lu Ze couldn't resist laughing. The version of Alice who cried last time felt like a dream. Indeed, it was more suitable for her to smile.

He came to Lu Li's room and knocked. "Can I come in?"

Lu Li was changing her clothes while Alice rolled around on the bed, smiling as she watched.

Alice was just about to talk when Lu Li said, "Wait, I'm changing clothes!"

Moments later, the door opened, and Alice looked at Lu Ze with a bright smile. "Good morning, senior schoolmate!"

Lu Ze smiled. "Good morning, Alice."

Lu Li then groaned. "What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

She was startled by the knock on the door.

Lu Ze replied with a smile, "To give you guys the [Light Orbs]. I'm about to go back to school."

Alice was shocked. "This soon?"

Lu Li also looked at him.

Lu Ze nodded.

Then, Lu Ze gave several red orbs, which had accumulated up to Aperture Opening State, to them and told them what level of energy they were.

Alice smiled at Lu Ze. "After a while, my mother will be able to wake up. This is all thanks to you, senior schoolmate."

Lu Li narrowed her eyes. She forgot to ask what was the relationship between Lu Ze and that short-haired senior schoolmate. She hadn't even solved Alice yet, and there was another enemy already.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Alice, you've always been cooking so much delicious food for me. I am very grateful to you. It's great if aunty can recover."

Alice smiled. "I will always cook for senior schoolmate."

Then, she waved her hand to Lu Ze. "Senior schoolmate, we're going to school then."

Lu Li smiled gently at Lu Ze and left the room.

Lu Ze touched his chin.

Alice's words seemed like a confession of love?

Was that true?


Chapter 298. Why Can You Touch Yingying?


Lu Li and Alice went to school while Lu Wen and Fu Shuya went to work. Naturally, Lu Ze went back to his room to cultivate.

At lunchtime, he went downstairs and saw that Merlin had prepared a table of Spirit Food.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. This was amazing.

When Merlin saw Lu Ze come downstairs, he said stiffly, "Come, this is Mortal Evolution Level Spirit Food. I've dealt with it. It's suitable for you now."

Seeing Merlin's face, Lu Ze felt it was funny.

Clearly, uncle Merlin didn't want to cook for him, but he had to. It must have felt pretty bad. But even so, Lu Ze still felt touched.

He smiled at him. "Thank you, uncle Merlin."

With stiffness in his voice, Merlin replied, "No need to thank me."

Next time, he would raise the bar for the kid! He didn't believe he would lose every time!

After lunch, Merlin looked at Lu Ze and said, "Kid, you're getting strong quite fast, but you also need to build a solid foundation. Be careful when you participate in missions."

After Lu Ze heard his words, he nodded. "Mhm, don't worry, I will. Thank you for worrying."

Merlin sneered. "I'm worried that if you die, something will happen to Alice."

Lu Ze smiled. Alice's condition was very good now. With all the [Light Orbs] he left, even if she couldn't completely awaken, it would be hard for her to end up in danger.

Merlin stood up. "Pack your own things, I'm going first."

Then, he left and went out of the room.

Lu Ze looked at the empty plates and cleaned them up.

Subsequently, he received Lin Ling's message.

Lin Ling's flying ship had set off. It would soon arrive on planet Lan Jiang. Then, the two would go back to school together.

Lu Ze stretched out first before leaving through the door. It would probably be holidays before he can come back here.

Lu Ze recalled the terror of being surrounded by people at the security checks, so he took out his face mask and wore it.

At the space station, Lu Ze met up with Lin Ling. She also wore a face mask.

Lu Ze laughed. She clearly forgot to wear a mask yesterday.

The two bought the tickets to the Dawn System and soon made it onto the ship. The two went into the room which was similar to last time.

Once inside, Lin Ling felt relieved and took off her mask.

Lu Ze said with a smile, "You went off yesterday without wearing a mask too?"

Lin Ling seemed to have remembered something annoying. "Hmph! There were guys saying things about me behind my back. Did they really think I can't hear it?"

Lu Ze raised a brow. She was pretty and the strongest female prodigy among the new students. It would be normal for people to like her. But clearly, she taught the person a lesson.

Lu Ze smiled. "It seems we need to remember next time."

Lin Ling nodded and sat on the bed.

Her eyes rolled, and she joked, "Did that little junior schoolmate cook for you again?"

In response, Lu Ze rolled his eyes. "If you're so curious, why didn't you come with me?"

Lin Ling stopped talking at this point.

Lu Ze then asked, "Is elder Lin happy with your progress?"

Lin Ling said pridefully, "Of course, look at who I am."

"Haha, you still can't beat me."

"Lu Ze!" Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze.

She didn't know what drug this guy fed his grandpa. When she went back, he even asked why she didn't bring this guy back to their home. Why would she do that?

Seeing that he seemed to be the cause of Lin Ling's anger, Lu Ze smiled. "Okay, I'll stop. Cultivate." "Mhm."

Four days later, Lu Ze and Lin Ling went back to school.

This time they spent a total of eight days for the mission. This was quite long.

The mission verification had long been finished. Everyone got 2 million academic credits into their account.

Currently, Lu Ze's academic credits accumulated 12 million. They didn't go straight back to the dorms. Instead, they stopped at Nangong Jing's home first.

Yingying was still sleeping there, and they were worried about her.

Lu Ze knocked on the door.

The door opened immediately, and Lu Ze and Lin Ling walked in. The inside of the house was filled with wine bottles and scattered clothes. It was as though a hurricane visited the room.

Nangong Jing wore casual clothes and sat on the couch with a wine bottle. Her pretty face still had some redness.

Qiuyue Hesha sat on the side too.

After seeing the two come in, Nangong Jing grinned. "You're both back?"

Then, she showed a smile. "You two have been alone for that many days, and yet, you two didn't do 'it?"

She shook her head at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze: "…"

He immediately retorted, "Haha, you're already 30, and you're still being rushed to get married. Do you have the right to talk about me…"

Before Lu Ze could finish, the alcoholic appeared in front of his face. The smell of wine mixed with a light body fragrance entered his nose, and then, he felt a familiar pain on his forehead.

Lu Ze: "???"

He then covered his painful forehead. "A man argues but doesn't fight. You're cheating!"


Nangong Jing said pridefully, "I'm a woman."

Lu Ze looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief. "Wha… what?! You're actually a woman??"

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Nangong Jing's smile disappeared. Meanwhile, Lin Ling left this troubled land.

At this moment, Lu Ze's body became stiff. He wanted to beat himself up. Why did he speak the truth?

He felt his neck being locked, and then, severe pain emerged on his forehead. "Argh!… Teacher Nangong, I'm sorry!"

Lu Ze was going to remember this.

Nangong Jing let go of Lu Ze satisfyingly and then smiled at the other two. "You two don't need to worry. Yingying is fine, let's go have a look at her first."

Lu Ze used [Regeneration God Art] to recover the lump on his forehead and went upstairs with Lin Ling.

Yingying was lying nicely on the bed. Her little body emanated faint starlight, which filled the dark room.

Yingying's two hands were clenched into fists and sticking out a bit from the blanket. She still had drool on the side of her mouth. Her chi seemed to contain this warm feeling. On the side, the three were surrounded by starlight. Their moods even felt calm.

Lin Ling smiled softly. "She seems fine."

Nangong Jing grinned. "I told you it was fine. We just don't know much about the Star Spirit Race. We don't know when this sleep would end. Would it be like two thousand years ago?"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling smiled helplessly.

Subsequently, Lu Ze looked at Yingying's round face and couldn't resist poking it. Yingying immediately shrugged her neck.

Seeing this, Lin Ling glared at Lu Ze. "What are you doing? You're bullying her when she's asleep.

Nangong Jing's shocked voice could be heard at this time. "How can this be? How come you can touch Yingying?"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling: "???"

They saw how Nangong Jing look at Lu Ze in disbelief.

Lu Ze then asked in confusion, "Why, can't you guys touch her?"

"We can't! When Yingying just fell asleep, we could still touch her. However, after the appearance of the starlight, we couldn't anymore!"

Lin Ling pointed her finger out and attempted to touch Yingying's face. What shocked Lu Ze and Lin Ling was that Lin Ling's finger passed through Yingying as though there was nothing.

Now, even Lin Ling looked at Lu Ze in shock.
