Chapters [309-310]

Chapter 309. Must Be Infected


Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling's stiff expression and sighed. He suddenly wanted to make it difficult for her.

With a relaxed tone, he said, "In that case, I'll take it back then. I was thinking about giving you some extra chance to catch up with me while teacher Nangong and Hesha aren't here. Now, it seems you don't need this opportunity at all."

Lin Ling: "!!!"

When she heard his words, her body could not help but freeze.

Lin Ling just now remembered that she planned to defeat this guy.

If the [Red Orbs] were used in conjunction with the Sage Origin Power, then she might really have a chance, and yet she chose to reject it?

What did she reject just now?

It was her dream!

When was she so easily affected by emotions?

She looked at Lu Ze and bit her lips. She couldn't bring herself to say she wanted it back. That would be embarrassing for her.

After all, the energy from the [Red Orbs] was quite precious, but she already rejected the offer. If she wanted to take it back… what will Lu Ze think of her then?

And… if she used it, she would be robbing sister Jing's and Hesha's resources.

They had been treating her nicely. She was not an ungrateful person.

Just when she planned to give it up, Lu Ze smiled and handed the orbs to her. "Here, teacher Nangong and Hesha are very strong. This level of [Orb] won't be very useful to them. It doesn't matter much if a few were missing."

Lin Ling looked at the [Red Orbs] and felt stunned.

Then, she looked up at Lu Ze with uncertainty. "Really?".

Lu Ze smiled. "Of course."

This fella only wanted confirmation, he naturally would not say no.

Lin Ling lowered her head to look at the [Orbs].

Subsequently, she took them. With a soft voice, she said, "Ze, thank you."

Hearing this, Lu Ze became slightly dazed. He looked at her in disbelief. She had a prideful and stubborn character, yet she actually thanked him?

Eventually, Lu Ze could not help but smirk at Lin Ling, who appeared to be embarrassed. "A casual thank you would be enough?"

Lin Ling's heart skipped a beat when she heard his words. "You… what do you want?"

Lu Ze grinned.

Afterward, his smile turned evil. This made Lin Ling move backward and look at Lu Ze with vigilance. "Hehe, of course, it's to repeat what you said yesterday."

Lin Ling: "…"

She put her hand over her forehead and forced herself to remain calm.

After she took a deep breath, she glared at Lu Ze. "I'm going back to cultivate!"

Then, Lin Ling stood up and went to her room.

She closed the door and leaned back on it.

When she opened her mouth, she said softly, "Ze… Ze is really…".

Halfway, Lin Ling's face blushed, and she patted her face instantly. "How can I say this against my conscience? I must be infected by that idiot!"

She took a deep breath and calmed down her wavering feelings. Then, she began to cultivate.

Lu Ze sighed after seeing Lin Ling leave in anger. It was a pity. He should've teased her for a while before giving it to her. However, if he did, she might launch a kamikaze attack on him.

Lu Ze stood up as well and went to his room to cultivate.

Although he died every day, his power increased very rapidly and that felt great.

His efforts paid off.

It took four days to reached Gula System from planet Venus. Lu Ze and Lin Ling only ate three meals a day in the living room. The rest of the time was spent on cultivation inside their rooms.

Four days later, the ship left warp travel. Not far ahead was a small Solar System with three Planets.

The inner two Planets were crimson in color and appeared to have a very hot temperature. On the other hand, the outer planet was lush green in terms of color, and it looked as though it was filled with life.

On the very outskirts of the Solar System, there were several asteroids. The traffic environment didn't seem great.

However, this level of density was completely fine with autopilot. The ship darted in between the asteroids and soon came to that outermost planet.

It was planet Gula.

This planet had a diameter of 50,000 kilometers. It was much bigger than Earth, and 80% of it was land. Only a few large lakes were distributed all over the land. It seemed like an extremely beautiful planet.

However, there were patches of black spots on this gem, looking like impurities that marred its beauty.

Lu Ze frowned. "The damage done by the Void Beasts seems pretty serious."

Lin Ling nodded. She was also a bit surprised at the scene. This was their first time seeing Void Beasts.

Void Beasts were Cosmic Beasts too, but they weren't like some Cosmic Beasts that were amicable. They were like insectoids, which damaged every place they passed by.

At this moment, a cold robotic voice could be heard in the room. "Captain, Jianwen Life Evolution scientific research team is requesting to communicate."

It seemed they contacted them first.

Lu Ze then commanded, "Connect."


A projection of a middle-aged man appeared in the living room. He had messy black hair, a pair of glasses, and white robes. He seemed to have a scholastic appearance.

As soon as he appeared, he lifted his glasses and smiled. "Are you Lu Ze and Lin Ling?"

Lu Ze nodded and smiled at him. "Hello, Doctor Jian, I'm a first-year student at Federal University, Lu Ze."

"Hello, Doctor Jian, I'm a first-year student at Federal University, Lin Ling."

Although Jian Wen wasn't a young duke who fought on the battlefield, he was still worthy of respect as a scientist. If it wasn't for these people, battleships, weapons, and all sorts of gene serums would develop at an extremely slow pace.

Academia and martial arts were the foundations of the Federation.

Jian Wen looked at the two young faces and said, "Come on my ship first. We'll lead the way for your ship."

Afterward, a robotic voice came out from the spaceship. "Captain, Jianwen Life Evolution scientific research team is requesting to lead the ship. Authorize or not?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Authorize."

Accordingly, the flying ship flew toward the other side of the planet.

Moments later, Lu Ze and Lin Ling saw a thousand-meter long huge ship that stopped on the side of the planet. This region of the planet was still lush green. For now, it was pretty safe.

After Lu Ze and Lin Ling entered the flying ship, they left their ship at a small space station inside the large ship.

The moment they came out, Jian Wen walked over along with the scientists.

As he pushed his glasses, he asked in confusion, "Lu Ze and Lin Ling are freshmen at the Federal University?"

When the two heard Jian Wen's doubts, they felt dumbfounded.

What kind of question was this? Didn't they say it already?

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes."

The scientists behind them exchanged glances with each other.

Jian Wen frowned too. "The power of the strongest Void Beasts here is around Aperture Opening State with 600 Apertures. Are you two confident?"

They didn't have strong combat power as scientists, but they had cultivated martial arts. Martial arts cultivation could increase one's life span and develop the brain to a certain degree.

Scientists might not be very strong, but they weren't too weak either.Jian Wen had Aperture Opening State with 300 Apertures, but since he hadn't participated in any battle, he might not even be able to beat a martial artist at the Aperture Opening State with 200 Apertures.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling were still first-year students. When they accepted the mission, the data didn't show their combat power. It just said they could complete the mission.

This made them worry. Not only there was a possibility that the two could not complete the task, but their safety was also not guaranteed at this point.

After all, the two could accept the mission and still hide their information. Obviously, this meant they were rare prodigies.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling glanced at each other with a strange look when they heard the words.

These people didn't know their power?

Did that alcoholic keep their power hidden?

Usually, to get approved for missions, you need to show your approximate power, although it definitely won't be the full extent of one's power. One still had to let the mission publisher know they had sufficient power to complete the mission.

Lu Ze was very famous due to the incident on the 25th planet, but for these scientists, who stayed in these remote locations and remained immersed in their research, they probably wouldn't be interested.

But even if they knew about that, they would probably be more worried, considering they did not know Lu Ze's actual current strength at this moment. At that time, his power was only at the Aperture Opening State.


Chapter 310. God and Demon


Lu Ze couldn't resist smiling when he saw the worried expressions of Jian Wen and the other scientists. "Don't worry, we know what we are doing, and we can complete the mission. However, we need Doctor Jian to tell us about the whole situation in order for us to understand it. Then, we will head off immediately."

Jian Wen glanced at the two again. Seeing that Lu Ze and Lin Ling both looked so confident, he didn't say anything else. After all, Dawn System had already approved their mission request.

Accordingly, Jian Wen smiled at the two. "This time, there are four Void Beasts. Two of them have a combat power at Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures. Meanwhile, the other two are at Aperture Opening State with 600 Apertures. They don't have [God Arts]."

"The wormhole appeared close to planet Gula, so they immediately started wreaking havoc to the planet. They're at the northern hemisphere for now, but soon, they would probably move to other locations."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling nodded to express their understanding. This was pretty much not a threat to Lu Ze.

At this moment, a young scientist frowned and said, "I hope you two can deal with the four beasts immediately. There are three large tribes with tens of thousands of people that have been destroyed. The number of destroyed smaller tribes are increasing as well. A lot of Gula people have died."

"Although we're trying to lead them to safety, we can't intervene too much with primitive civilizations."

Lu Ze was quite curious about such primitive civilizations. Were they like people from the stone age?

Just when he planned to ask this, another scientist rushed over. His face was pale and covered with sweat. "Old Jian, not good! A void beast is heading to Chris."


All the scientists exclaimed when they heard the words.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling asked in confusion, "What happened?"

Jian Wen then explained, "Several scholars in our team are leading the Gula people to take refuge below. Chris is one of the core members of our team. He is down there too. He'll be in danger if the void beast goes over."

Lu Ze felt a little puzzled at this.

He asked, "In that case, it's not hard to run toward the flying ship, right?".

When the scientists heard his question, they exchanged glances with each other.

Subsequently, Jian Wen said, "Chris has a problem. You will know when you see him. Lu Ze and Lin Ling, can you two go annihilate the void beasts now?"

Lu Ze noticed how worried the scientists were, so he nodded. "Okay, we'll go now."

Jian Wen and the rest smiled at his response. Jian Wen said, "I'll take you guys over!"

Then, Lu Ze and Lin Ling returned to their own ship while another ship flew out of the huge mother ship. Right now, on a grassy plain on planet Gula, a large group of humanoids was moving toward the south.

Their skins were greyish-white and dry. Their heads had a triangular shape, and two eyes grew on the two sides of the triangle surface. They didn't have eyelids, but there was a thin membrane instead.

They were towering in terms of height. Females were slender and more than two meters tall. They wore revealing beast skin clothes. On the other hand, the men were bulky and could even reach three meters. Their upper bodies were exposed while they wore beast skin skirts on the bottom.

Their palms only had four thick fingers. Men were carrying wooden spears while the women took care of the children and the elderly. There were tens of thousands of them. They were running on the grass as though something was chasing them.

From time to time, they would look up at the three figures in the air who were flashing with color.

They were 'gods'. They could fly and do anything. They could even move mountains.

The strange huge beast on their side was god's ride.

Five days ago, a god descended into their tribe and told them four demons were coming to destroy their homes.

At first, they didn't believe it, but when they saw the god wave his hand and reduce a mountain to ruins, they all accepted it as the truth. Even their strongest warrior couldn't do this. Only a god could do this.

The god warned that extremely terrifying demons would appear. These demons would destroy their homes. The tribe leader implored the god to help the people destroy the demons.

But the god said it wasn't time yet.

Although they didn't know what time was, they chose to believe this god.

The god told them to head south. Only that would allow them to avoid the attacks of demons.

The god would point the way for them. Everyone felt grateful. Although they haven't seen a demon yet, the god said they were extremely evil. In that case, it would be an extremely dark time.

Meanwhile, the god gave them light in the darkness.

In the air, a gray-haired middle-aged man, a young black-haired man, and a young golden-haired woman were leading the Gula people.

Currently, the two young people revealed worried expressions while the gray-haired man frowned as he looked upon the north direction.

Subsequently, he glanced at the Gula people who were looking at them with admiration as they rushed toward safety.

The black-haired youth said shakily, "Teacher, a Void Beast is moving toward here. It was not at full speed, but with its speed of destruction, it would arrive in half an hour. What do we do?"

The golden-haired woman bit her teeth. "Teacher, give up. We can't save them. If we don't leave soon, we'll be stuck here ourselves too."

The gray-haired man frowned at their words. He then glanced at the Gula people and didn't speak for a long time. Eventually, a trace of firmness flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the two and said, "We have already published a mission at Dawn System. There should be people here soon. During this time, I'll use the flying ship to stall it. You guys keep leading them forward."

When the two heard his reply, they could not help the change in their expressions. "Teacher, you can't risk it. Even though the flying ship is fast, it can't defend against that level of attack. It is not possible!"

The gray-haired man smiled. "Life is worthy of respect whether it is someone else's or yours. Don't worry, I will draw it away. It will be fine."

After studying life for a hundred years, the more one understood about life, the more one respected it. It was a miracle of the Universe and Universal Law.

Seeing how his two most proud students were worried, the man joked, "I am still young. I don't want to die yet. You are not cursing me to die, are you?"

When the black-haired youth heard this, he could only grit his teeth and reply, "In that case, allow us to go. If it is just piloting the ship, I'm much better than an old guy like you. My reaction will be faster."

The gray-haired man frowned, but at this moment, his phone rang. When the gray-haired man picked up the call, Jian Wen's projection appeared.

He stared at the gray-haired man and said, "Chris, the people from the Dawn system are here. Don't do anything stupid. We will be there in a few minutes!"

"Li and Lucy, keep an eye on him for me. Don't let him do anything stupid!"

When they heard this, the tense atmosphere dissipated.

The two youth started laughing right then.

In the research team, Jian Wen was the leader and Chris was the core member. They were all pretty close.

The two nodded. "Don't worry, Professor Jian! We'll watch our teacher!"

Chris joked, "Am I really your teacher, or is old Jian your teacher?"

Then, his entire body flashed with a blue light. He delivered a message using Gula language. His voice echoed throughout the area as the Gula people listened. "The people of god, the demon is about to reach us, but don't worry, war god is about to arrive. They will annihilate the demons. For now, speed up, we need to stall some time."
