Chapters [311-312]

Chapter 311. Create a Fable on the Way


When tens of thousands of Gula people heard the first portion of the announcement, they could not help but panic. However, after hearing the entirety of it, their eyes suddenly revealed a fanatical expression.

War God?

It sounded very powerful.

Since the god told them that war god could destroy the demons, they naturally chose to believe it.

At this moment, the tall bulky Gula at the very front of the tribe roared to his tribesmen.

Accordingly, everyone sped up again. They just needed to wait for a while for salvation.

Li and Lucy looked at their teacher speechlessly.

Li said, "Teacher, don't you feel that was embarrassing?".

Chris smiled at her question. "However, the Federation won't intervene with the progression of a civilization. For a primitive race that doesn't know much about the universe, a God is probably the quickest way."

"In addition, compared to them, are we not considered Gods? We can live for a long period of time, we are powerful, and we can do things they can never do. From their perspectives, we are gods. A part of the fairy tales on Earth came this way too. We are just saving a civilization while creating a fable on the way."

When Li and Lucy heard his explanation, they no longer felt entangled, so they remained silent.

At this time, the Gula people sped up but compared to them, this speed was still very slow.

Ten minutes later.


Right now, a deafening sound came from the extreme north. Despite being so far, that roar still made the Gula people's hearts beat fast. They looked toward the north in terror.

What beast roar was that?

How come it was so terrifying?

At this point, the warm voice of Chris could be heard once more. "Did you hear it? That's the roar of the demon, but don't worry. Soon, it will be annihilated."

This comforted the spirits of the Gula people a little. Despite so, some people became confused.

That roar was extremely terrifying. Moreover, they could feel the pressure from the north getting denser. It was like they were facing a bottomless abyss. That terror made them feel lost.

Chris, Li, and Lucy looked in the north direction, feeling worried. The Void Beast seemed interested in them. That would only result in destruction. This beast was probably only a few hundred kilometers away.

It took the Gula people a few days to travel such distance, but for a being at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures, only a few minutes would be needed.

Chris called Jian Wen. "Old Jian, are you guys here yet? If not, I'm going to be fed to the void beast."

Jian Wen immediately answered, "One minute!"

After a pause, he added, "At most, two minutes!"

Chris: "…"

Li: "…"

Lucy: "…"

One minute was equivalent to a distance of hundreds of kilometers for a Void Beast.

At this moment, all the Gula people could feel a terrifying force coming from the back, their bodies went cold, even running proved to be difficult.

The three people felt somewhat helpless. After all, the strongest Gula warriors had only reached the Spirit Martial State. An Abstruse Martial State being only appeared in legends.

The civilization was still in the stone ages.

Suddenly, the chi of Chris surged. He used it to isolate the chi of the Void Beast. Only then did the Gula people recover from their fear.

After such a scene, the people looked at the three with deeper fanatical expressions.

The demon's terrifying attack were all stopped by the god.

They were indeed gods!

Their previous fears were quickly dispelled, and they began to run vigorously. Soon, all the Gula people widened their eyes because another two mounts of the gods appeared!

At a glance, one looked fierce and sturdy.

Their eyes flashed with fervor. Did the war god arrive?

Seeing the two flying ships, Chris felt relieved.

He looked at the time—59 seconds.

It wasn't one minute yet, and the Void Beast was only 200 kilometers away.

At the side, Li and Lucy smiled. They survived today!

The two ships stopped beside the ship of Chris.

Subsequently, the shuttle opened. Jian Wen and a few scientists got off from the first ship.

Meanwhile, Lu Ze and Lin Ling alighted from the other ship.

As soon as the passengers came out, Chris smiled and hugged Jian Wen.

"Old Jian, it's not even a minute yet. It seems you have times of not being punctual."

Jian Wen patted his shoulder. "I don't want you to die. What can I do? I could only rush here."

Chris laughed. "Hahaha, I knew it!"

Lu Ze and Lin Ling: "…"

At this moment, Chris looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling. When he noticed how young they were, he became dumbfounded.

Even Li and Lucy were stunned.

After a moment of silence, Chris asked, "Why are these two War Gods so young?"

These scientists devoted their entire time to research. Naturally, they would not have the luxury to pay any attention to the popular news from the outside. Even Lu Ze's reputation would be unknown to them.

After all, he only participated in the martial trial tower after the war on the 25th planet.

Furthermore, in the following months, Lu Ze seemed to have disappeared off the face of the universe. He had to keep a low profile.

Hence, it was natural for the scientists to not recognize him.

Still, both Lu Ze and Lin Ling felt dazed due to the question.

Lu Ze: "… what?"

Lin Ling: "…"

What did this professor call them?

Li and Lucy covered their faces in shame.

Even Jian Wen and the others became speechless.

Chris reacted at this moment.

He coughed and explained, "The Gula people are a primitive civilization. The best way to intervene is to be considered as a god…"

Subsequently, he explained to the two that he had introduced them to the Gula people as war gods.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up!

Oh shit!

I can be a god??


Let me think!

As a war god, what can I say to appear cool?

'Among the heavens and earth, I reign supreme?'

'I can grab the stars and moons with my hand. There are no such beings like me in this world?'


Lin Ling rubbed her head. She could already imagine what this guy was thinking.

She glared at Lu Ze and said nothing. Sensing this, Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling.

What was she doing?

Interrupting his soliloquy?

Lin Ling sighed. "Ze, let me have this void beast."

Lu Ze frowned at her request. "Will you be fine? This beast is rather strong."

Lin Ling's strength was not bad. Her power was around the aperture opening state with 400 Apertures. Due to using Lu Ze's orbs, her combat power should have improved but not more than 10 Apertures.

He was worried Lin Ling would not be a match.

Lin Ling remained firm. "I want to try. If it doesn't work, I will use the battle armor."

Lu Ze smiled at her. "Fine, go then. If you can't beat it, i'll help you beat it up."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "Who said I can't beat it?! I definitely can! Don't underestimate me!"

Lu Ze rubbed his head. "Okay, Ms. Lin Ling is very strong! How can a mere Void Beast be a match for you?"

Hearing that Lin Ling was going to face a void beast at the aperture opening state with 500 Apertures by herself, Jian Wen and the rest frowned.

Jian Wen asked worriedly, "Lu Ze and Lin Ling, shouldn't you be attacking together? This beast is strong. Don't be overconfident."

Lu Ze smiled. "I believe her, so it's fine. I'm here. Please don't worry. I won't bring you guys trouble."

Lin Ling: "..."

When Lin Ling heard Lu Ze's words, she felt a bit happy.

Lin Ling: "Then, I will leave the rest to you."

Lu Ze nodded at her and showed a smile. "Wait for the void beast to approach before you attack."

He alone was enough to protect the Gula people and scientists. If the two fought near Lu Ze, he could intervene if Lin Ling was in danger.

Lin Ling nodded.


Chapter 312. Is This Young Duke a Young Boy?



The sound of the roar could be heard once more, creating shock waves.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as an enormous wind barrier encircled the Gula people and the scientists.

Based on the aftermath, using the [Wind God Art] should be enough. Still, the Gula people became worried and anxious despite not feeling the powerful chi of the Void Beast.

On the other hand, Jian Wen and the scientists looked at Lin Ling with some concern.

After all, Lin Ling was just a freshman. She was a prodigy of Federal University. Perhaps, she might even be a prodigy at a young duke level, but the opponent was a beast at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures.

How many young duke level prodigies had such power at this age?

But seeing how Lu Ze easily stopped the powerful chi of the Void Beast and how calm he was, they chose to trust Lin Ling. The casual energy Lu Ze released made them shiver.

At the same time, they were quite shocked.

Did a powerful prodigy appear in the Federation?

After this matter was over, they would search for information about Lu Ze and Lin Ling.

The rise of every young duke was always accompanied by wars or major incidents. Every young duke was the idol of the youths of the Federation. It should not be difficult to gather information regarding them.

At this moment, the Void Beast neared. The remaining distance was only tens of kilometers away. These beasts lived in the Chaotic Void Space, and their looks were very random.

The Void Beast right now was over a thousand meters long. It had a hideous head covered with sharp white bone spikes. Its bloody eyes flashed with a murderous light while its mouth was full of sharp fangs.

There was a dense black scale around its body. Gray bone spikes also grew from its neck to its tail. It had three pairs of sharp claws.

It emitted a chaotic dark chi.

As Aperture Opening State individuals, Jian Wen and the scientists just frowned seriously, but those Gula people on the ground only saw such a terrifying beast for the first time. They shivered uncontrollably. Some timid ones didn't even dare to look into the sky.

Was this the demon that the god spoke of?

So huge!

It was terrifying indeed. They put their hopeful gaze toward Lu Ze and the others.

The god said only a war god could kill this demon.

Lin Ling raised a brow. "I'll be off then."

Her white storage ring flashed, and her personal armor flew toward her. It flashed with [Blue Runes]. Lin Ling's short hair fluttered in the wind as she held her long spear. Her force was domineering, and she really did look like a female war god.

Lin Ling charged toward the beast.

In comparison, her small body relatively appeared like an ant against the goliath appearance of the void beast. The Gula people stared at Lin Ling with worry.

Was this small female really a war god?

She didn't even look as strong as their females. The Void Beast stared murderously at Lin Ling. It could feel Lin Ling's power.


A murky gray energy ball formed in its mouth. It instantly expanded to ten meters in diameter and shot toward Lin Ling.


In each location where the energy ball passed by, the air became twisted and waves were formed.

A [Complex Rune] formed in Lin Ling's eyes as she frowned.

This was [Linxi Treasure Manual's Divine Art].

It could buff her [Spirit Eye God Art] and see weaknesses more clearly.

Subsequently, she used [Strength God Art] and aimed a sharp silver spear ray at the energy ball.


Thunderous sounds occurred after the collision. The surrounding tens of kilometers were covered with the gray energy, accompanied by a speck of silver that pierced the darkness. It wasn't very strong, but it was extremely condensed.

The waves expanded until it came in contact with Lu Ze's wind barrier, producing a sliver of ripple. The Gula people heard this horrifying sound.

When they saw the surroundings turn dark, they became paralyzed at the ground, unable to make a sound.

So terrifying!

In their original world view, this was a scene that would never appear. They couldn't even dream about this.

When the light dispersed, a huge ditch that was a few kilometers in radius appeared.

Outside the barrier, the lush green grass turned into a crumbling land. This scene made the Gula people feel even more terrified.

If it wasn't for this green barrier, would they be the same as the land before them?

When they looked up, that white female war god fought the demon once more. Immediately, their admiration intensified.

Too strong! She was indeed a War God!

Seeing that the War God was so powerful, their hearts felt appeased.

When Lin Ling blocked the attack so easily, Jian Wen and the scientists became shocked.

The level of this young girl was probably the same as those two prodigies who became the pride of the humans, right?

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha became young dukes when they were sophomores.

With this young girl's power, perhaps, she could become a young duke by then too?

Then they looked at the calm-faced Lu Ze.

That young girl asked Lu Ze if she could attack. This meant that this youth was stronger than her, wasn't it?

Was this youth a young duke already?

They didn't know that Lu Ze's power was indeed at the Mortal Evolution State, but he wasn't a young duke yet.

Lin Ling's performance made Jian Wen and the rest elevate Lu Ze's status to a new height.

Even such a prodigy asked for Lu Ze's approval. Clearly, Lu Ze was much stronger than her. Otherwise, such a prodigy wouldn't subordinate herself. Naturally, he did not know what the others were thinking about.

Lu Ze just kept on watching the battle. He sighed, the specialized battle armor was a huge improvement to combat power.

Lin Ling's combat power was originally only 400 Apertures, but with the armor, it reached beyond 500. This increase was quite absurd. But then, Lu Ze remembered that this armor cost a fortune to create.

Lu Ze hadn't even used his armor once. Now that he thought about it, it was a waste. But with his power, he didn't need to use it. It seemed he was too strong. People couldn't even force out his trump card. Life was really lonely.

Lu Ze looked up in the air, and this made Jian Wen and the rest more certain that this guy was probably really a young duke.

A first-year young duke… this was unprecedented in Federal history!

It seemed that they were too immersed in research that they missed out on something this big. They must go find Lu Ze's young duke appointment ceremony.

Lu Ze sensed their gaze and touched his face. "What's wrong, Doctor Jian?".

Did he accidentally become more handsome to the point that even technical geeks were attracted to him?

It was his sin to be this talented and handsome.

Lu Ze sighed.

Jian Wen and the others shook their heads in response. "No, nothing."

Young dukes needed to be respected. Strictly speaking, a young duke's status was higher than their status.
