Chapters [315-316]

Chapter 315. Unregistered Ship


At this moment, silence prevailed over the chaotic region of planet Gula.

In the air, Lin Ling stared at Lu Ze. She tried to open her mouth but couldn't say anything for a long time. She could only feel sorry for herself.

She just thought she was very strong for killing a beast at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures. She even concluded she would soon defeat Lu Ze.

Yet, this guy easily killed two beasts at the Aperture Opening State with 600 Apertures, using only a wave of his hand. She didn't even know how she should react for a while.

Lin Ling was caught off guard with the turn of events. This made her feel the difference between her and Lu Ze-it was a vast difference.

Suddenly, she felt a bit dissatisfied.

In the distance, Jian Wen and Chris stared at Lu Ze in a dazed manner.

He just killed those two beasts at the Aperture Opening State with 600 Apertures instantly?

The lips of Chris shivered as he said, "Where did this little monster come from? Is this really the power of a first-year student?"

Were the new students these days this absurd??

Jian Wen was also a little speechless.

He then pushed his glasses. "We'll go back and check out their information. There's no way such a prodigy didn't go through any major events."

Chris nodded in agreement.

At this moment, Lu Ze smiled at the dazed Lin Ling. "Okay, let's go back. One more beast and we can return to school."

After completing the mission, he would be able to enter the Dao Enlightenment Room for six hours.

His [Wind God Art] was progressing slowly, so if he wanted the [Green Jade Slash] to become stronger, the Dao Enlightenment Room would help him a lot.

At the same time, he needed to improve [Star Crippling Punch] too.

This mission reward came too easily.

Lu Ze felt happy.

Of course, this mission was only relatively easy for them. For other students, it would be difficult for them to even survive.

Unconsciously, Lu Ze's power had surpassed senior schoolmate Margaret's. In the beginning, senior schoolmate Margaret was extremely stronger than he was.

On the other hand, Lin Ling nodded.

Accordingly, the two flew back to where Jian Wen and the others were.

Everyone greeted Lu Ze and Lin Ling with a warm smile.

Jian Wen said, "Lu Ze, your power is really exceptional, and your talent is unprecedented. You have such a strong power when you're only a freshman student."

Lu Ze smiled at him. "You compliment me too much, Professor."

Suddenly, Lu Ze and the others heard this unanimous sound coming from the ground.

They looked down and saw that the Gula people were kneeling down with their hands on the grass, making a strange noise. After speaking for a while, they looked up with fervent eyes at Lu Ze and his group.

Lu Ze became puzzled at this scene. "What are they saying?"

Chris smiled. "They are thanking Lu Ze and Lin Ling for saving them and defeating the demon."

On the other hand, Jian Wen smiled as well. "They will carve what they saw today on stone walls and pass it down."

"A few thousand or tens of thousands of years later, the future generation of Gula people will read out a fairy tale from the painting on the walls. In a distant past, Lu Ze and Lin Ling looked completely different from them. They had a pair of hands with five fingers. The two round-headed War Gods annihilated the world-destroying demons for them."

"Hahaha, isn't it quite interesting to be the god of these natives?" Chris laughed and patted Lu Ze's shoulder.

This was the joy of studying a primitive species.

Lu Ze felt great as he looked upon the Gula people who worshipped him. He would be passed down as a legend—the War God that saved the world.

This was quite exciting. Too bad, he didn't know how to speak the Gula language, or he would say something similar to a god's decree. He could not help but sigh.

When it comes to pretending to be a god, learning other cultures seemed to be necessary. Otherwise, even if you pretended to be one, how would the civilization understand what you were trying to say?

This encouraged Lu Ze to put more effort into his classes.

Since he couldn't keep pretending to be a god, Lu Ze just asked, "By the way, where is the last void beast? Are we going to kill it now?"

Jian Wen smiled when he heard this question. "The surveillance room should be able to find the last one."

On the other hand, Chris smiled too. "Since the matter is finished here, then I'll let these Gula people go back. I'll join you guys afterward."

Right after, Chris flashed with a light and spoke in Gula language. "The demon has been annihilated, and we will go annihilate the last one. You can return safely."

Gula looked among themselves and then bowed down to Lu Ze and the others once again. "Thank you, invincible war god, for annihilating the darkness for us. We will be the servant of the gods. We hope the gods will protect us forever."

Chris then said, "The god will protect you and be with you."

Lu Ze and Lin Ling were confused and couldn't understand what was being said.

Chris smiled. "Okay, let's go. They will leave by themselves."

Lu Ze and the rest nodded when they heard this.

Jian Wen took out his phone and called one of his pig-like teammates. "Gutherie, where is the last one?"

Subsequently, the young man appeared in the holographic projection. "Professor Jian, wait a moment. I will send the location to your phone."

Then, he smiled. "Professor Jian, it has been sent to your phone… wait!"

At this moment, his eyes widened in disbelief. "Professor Jian, there are three unidentified ships coming over. They are only 1.64 light-years away from the Gula System. From the direction they're going at, their destination seems to be planet Gula."

Everyone who had heard the report became stunned. They turned to look at Gutherie.

Jian Wen frowned at this. "Can you identify what ship it is?"

After a moment of silence, Gutherie shook his head. "No, it's an unregistered ship…"

Consequently, Gutherie said worriedly, "Professor Jian, our ships have been found. They seem to be accelerating toward here. Their weapons seem to be charging. The energy level is near the Mortal Evolution State. They don't seem friendly."

Jian Wen said immediately, "You guys retreat first and hide yourselves. We'll take care of ourselves."

It was too late to return to the flying ship.

As such, it was better to let them retreat first. "Yes!"

Gutherie nodded. "Take care of yourselves."

Then, Gutherie cut off the communication.

Lu Ze frowned.

Why would someone come to a primitive planet?

Professor Jian only came here for research.

The resources on the planet were rather scarce from how weak the natives were.

Coming here was a waste of time, wasn't it?

And, the flying ship wasn't registered in the Federation. This might be because the security level was high, but there must be some reason.

Jian Wen then asked, "Lu Ze, what should we do?"

After all, Lu Ze was the strongest here. They had not met the passengers of the flying ship yet, but judging from the report earlier, the situation seemed to be bad. There might be a conflict between the two sides.

Naturally, they could only rely on Lu Ze and Lin Ling for protection.

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling. She used a healing serum, but she couldn't heal that fast. Her chi appeared to be weak at this time. If he was alone, he would fight immediately, but he needed to take care of Lin Ling right now.

Lin Ling bit her lips. She was dragging him down again. This was just like the situation back on planet 25.

After a while, Lu Ze smiled. "Professor Jian, can you check on those ships from here?"

Professor Jian frowned. "I can try."


Chapter 316. So Embarrassing, You Might As Well Leave


When Lu Ze received the reply, he nodded. "Thank you, Professor Jian."

At this time, Chris said, "Lu Ze, how about we move to a deserted place?"

With that said, he looked at the Gula people on the ground. "There are so many of them here. If those people are here for us, these innocent Gulas will be implicated."

Lu Ze then nodded. "The ship needs some time to arrive here, so let's move."

He didn't have any emotional connections to these Gula people, but he didn't mind moving a little since he was called their War God. Otherwise, he would not be able to take care of several people upon the arrival of powerful beings.

Chris smiled. Even the other people looked at Lu Ze with softer eyes.

As biologists, they cherished life.

Lu Ze's agreement gained their goodwill.

At the side, Jian Wen smiled. "In that case, the remaining Void Beast is one that is good at concealment. If we were not tracking it from the start, we might not even be able to find it. Its location is near barren woods. Should we go there? Maybe, it could even help us."

Lu Ze rejoiced.


No wonder those 3 Void Beasts didn't bring the last one. They were not the same breed.

With how chaotic the Void Beasts were, they would attack anyone who came past. If they were careful and didn't get caught, then perhaps the Void Beast would attack the three ships instead.

Even though their firepower was at the Mortal Evolution State, they could not eliminate the chance that an accident might occur. It would be a big responsibility if the ship was struck by a power at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures.

Of course, if those ships noticed the void beast first, the void beast would be fried.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze suddenly realized that he hadn't tasted the meat of a void beast yet.

Should he…

At this moment, Lu Ze recalled the image of the black blood in his mind, and his mouth twitched. It seemed poisonous. He probably shouldn't eat it.

Right then, Jian Wen and Chris went back to their ships while Lu Ze and Lin Ling headed to the rented ship.

Lu Ze looked at the silent Lin Ling and smiled. "What's wrong? Not in a good mood?"

Did he crush her mentally?

Thinking of this, Lu Ze tried to comfort her. "Your power has improved greatly already. I'm different from you. My god art is rather strong. I will give you more energy ball in the future. Your progress will be even greater. Don't be dejected."

Lin Ling rolled her eyes when she heard his words. "I'm not going to be dejected just because of that! Don't underestimate me!"

Lu Ze frowned at her answer. "Then, what is it?"

She bit her lips. "Although I don't know who is coming, they probably are not weak. It's just like on planet 25, in the beast caves. Am I dragging you down again?"

Lu Ze finally understood the reason for her gloomy mood. Ah, it turned out to be because of this.

He then smiled at her. "How can you say that? Your [God Art] in the caves helped out a lot. If it wasn't for you, I can't even kill the first Core Martial State level nine beast, not to mention the situation after that."

Lin Ling became stunned. "Really?"

Lu Ze rolled her eyes at her question. "When did I lie to you?"

*Cough* Well…

[Pocket Hunting Dimension] didn't count.

Lin Ling's eyes flickered a bit.

Subsequently, she raised a brow and said, "Then, if there's a powerful enemy, I can use [God Art] to help you."

Her [God Art] had always been her pride. It was the same [God Art] as her most respected great-grandpa.

Lu Ze nodded with a smile. "Mhm."

Just a while ago, he was afraid that this fella lost her confidence. Now, it seemed that she was already feeling better.

Eventually, Lin Ling smiled. "Then, I'll recover first."

Accordingly, she sat down and began healing. The three ships left and soon flew toward where the Void Beast was found.

At this moment, they received another call from Jian Wen.

"Lu Ze, we found the three ships. They have used warp travel a few times in a short distance. They are only 3000 kilometers away from planet Gula. The ships are small-sized. There aren't many people on board."

Then, he smiled helplessly. "But their firepower isn't weak."

After all, a weapon with a level near the Mortal Evolution State was quite expensive.

They were just a scientific research team, not the military. They weren't going to have this level of weapons. Such weapons were considered high-class, even in the military. Clearly, there was something wrong with them.

At this moment, Jian Wen said, "By the way, does your ship have a stealth mechanism? If not, you will be discovered."

Lu Ze nodded. "Computer, Open Stealth Systems."

A robotic voice could be heard just now. "Ready, Captain."

Then, the flying ship was enveloped in an invisible force field. With this, ordinary detection devices and organisms would have great difficulty finding this ship.

Of course, for those civilizations with high technology and powerful martial artists, this was nothing But the Void Beast's power was only so so, and they do not have a high perception.

Soon, they stopped by the forest and shut down their engines, only leaving on the stealth system and comms.

Ten minutes later, Jian Wen sent a message. "The three ships have arrived. They seem to be looking for something."

Afterward, he shared the surveillance screen.

Lu Ze looked at it curiously. It was a ship with a similar size to their mission ship.

They flew around together first and soon separated.

They seemed to be searching for something.

Lu Ze frowned at this. "What are they searching for?"

Jian Wen pushed his glasses before he replied, "I don't know."

At this moment, a projection of Chris had connected as well. "Let me show you something."

He then shared a surveillance screen.

Although the ship kept changing directions, it was flying toward the forest.

Everyone had their focus on the screen.

Soon, the ship came above the forest. Right away, a deafening roar occurred, and a ten-meter in diameter energy ball whirled toward the ship.

The attack came so fast that the pilot didn't even open the shield in time.


The ship just exploded like that…

Afterward, the Void Beast revealed itself.

It was only 20 meters long, and its skin looked smooth while reflecting the sunlight. Its head looked hideous. It roared in pride.

Lu Ze rubbed his head.

Wait!The ship with firepower near the Mortal Evolution State was destroyed just like that by a Void Beast at the Aperture Opening State with 500 Apertures?

Where are the people inside?

What about the powerful beings?

What about the barrier of the ship?

So why did he want to ambush them?

If he knew they were so noob, why would he be scared?

This was embarrassing-he should leave. Next time, if he sees the other two ships, he would just go and fight right away!
